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Which Gender/Class allows you to build non-implied familial ties with your companions


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When I say non-implied, I mean that it's actually stated in game like

when the female Sith warrior declares Vette her little sister during both Vette's personal quest

and not simply head cannoned through other interactions. Thx :)

There is no combination of character sex and class that allows this, not even the one you mentioned.


The statement you mention is *metaphorical* (like saying someone is your "brother in arms" doesn't mean he is actually your brother), not literal.

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There is no combination of character sex and class that allows this, not even the one you mentioned.


The statement you mention is *metaphorical* (like saying someone is your "brother in arms" doesn't mean he is actually your brother), not literal.


^ No, not even close.

One of the early conversations with Vette is an exploration on whether blood is important in which the fem sith can say "Blood isn't important, Family are the people we're closest to." At the end of Vette's first personal mission, she tells Vette's friends that "Vette is the little sister I never had" and Vette tells them that she's found her home with a new family. At the end of her second personal quest, if Vette doesn't kill the hutt, when vette ask if the fem sith sees her as family the fem sith can reject her as an 'alien freak' or accept her with "You're a little sister to me vette, I'll always protect you." None of that has anything to do with having a close companionship due to an overarching war.


Edited by Aeristash
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sometimes people go through war, watch each others backs and save each others lives, away from the frontline and retired, they are a family.


sometimes a group of people have worked with each other for so long that they are like a family unit anyway.


even a married couple unable to have a child naturally decide to adopt a child and later more, even if they are not familial lies in genetics, doesn't make them any less family.


family goes beyond that idea. it's the ones you love the most, the ones you will protect like they are your own, the ones you trust the most to look out for you.


so vette saying that your female SW is like a sister implies that she really thinks you are family to her as long as you return the feeling. who is to say she is wrong?

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It's not quite the same thing, but there is a conversation that you can have as a male BH where Torian asks if you're interested in Mako and iirc one of the choices on the wheel is something like "That's gross. She's like my little sister."


My BH is a big, gruff, middle-aged dude who was not interested in romancing a teenager, so I'm not sure if you get that conversation option if you are romancing Mako.

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sometimes people go through war, watch each others backs and save each others lives, away from the frontline and retired, they are a family.


sometimes a group of people have worked with each other for so long that they are like a family unit anyway.


even a married couple unable to have a child naturally decide to adopt a child and later more, even if they are not familial lies in genetics, doesn't make them any less family.


family goes beyond that idea. it's the ones you love the most, the ones you will protect like they are your own, the ones you trust the most to look out for you.


so vette saying that your female SW is like a sister implies that she really thinks you are family to her as long as you return the feeling. who is to say she is wrong?


^ Agreed. Family isn't born of genetics, it's created from the trust, love, sacrifice & devotion two people are willing to give to each other. Technically all romances can become family, but I find the platonic relations like those with Vette exceedingly more lovely.

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^ No, not even close.

One of the early conversations with Vette is an exploration on whether blood is important in which the fem sith can say "Blood isn't important, Family are the people we're closest to." At the end of Vette's first personal mission, she tells Vette's friends that "Vette is the little sister I never had" and Vette tells them that she's found her home with a new family. At the end of her second personal quest, if Vette doesn't kill the hutt, when vette ask if the fem sith sees her as family the fem sith can reject her as an 'alien freak' or accept her with "You're a little sister to me vette, I'll always protect you." None of that has anything to do with having a close companionship due to an overarching war.

Even there it's a kind of metaphor. The SW doesn't, in that original conversation, mean that the "family" is *literally* family, in the sense of blood ties, but *in spirit*, the feeling of togetherness that goes along with our idealised concept of "family". Sorry, I was, perhaps, interpreting your question too literally. Perhaps "family-like ties" is a better way to put it. But outside the Vette/F!SW situation, I don't think there are any. The various romances don't count, of course, but maybe if you don't romance certain of them, you get something like that.


In the same way the "little sister" part is missing a word or two, possibly "Vette is like the little sister I never had", but of course we often don't say that, even in real life, even though that's what we mean. I've seen this idea crop up elsewhere in fiction, sometimes in a "un-father/un-daughter" link, e.g. the former agent Jack(son) Lime and the young waitress Lucy Harper in Joe Clifford Faust's The Company Man.

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It's not quite the same thing, but there is a conversation that you can have as a male BH where Torian asks if you're interested in Mako and iirc one of the choices on the wheel is something like "That's gross. She's like my little sister."


My BH is a big, gruff, middle-aged dude who was not interested in romancing a teenager, so I'm not sure if you get that conversation option if you are romancing Mako.


^ Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. :D I know Kira, Kaliyo, Ashara and Nadia don't go beyond BFF and devoted disciple in the non-romanced paths but with Mako's devotion to Braden, I had an inclination that there would be room for Family bonds with the hunter. Tho I'm going to do it with a female hunter.

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^ Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. :D I know Kira, Kaliyo, Ashara and Nadia don't go beyond BFF and devoted disciple in the non-romanced paths but with Mako's devotion to Braden, I had an inclination that there would be room for Family bonds with the hunter. Tho I'm going to do it with a female hunter.

I think in the particular BH case, you're both reading more into it than is there. I would have said that the BH doesn't mean that "like my little sister" in the way that the SW talks about Vette. Rather, I think he means "it would be like committing incest with my little sister", meaning that she *is* quite young (around 19 as the story opens on Hutta, I believe) and *seems* younger at times.

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Even there it's a kind of metaphor. The SW doesn't, in that original conversation, mean that the "family" is *literally* family, in the sense of blood ties, but *in spirit*, the feeling of togetherness that goes along with our idealised concept of "family". Sorry, I was, perhaps, interpreting your question too literally. Perhaps "family-like ties" is a better way to put it. But outside the Vette/F!SW situation, I don't think there are any. The various romances don't count, of course, but maybe if you don't romance certain of them, you get something like that.


In the same way the "little sister" part is missing a word or two, possibly "Vette is like the little sister I never had", but of course we often don't say that, even in real life, even though that's what we mean. I've seen this idea crop up elsewhere in fiction, sometimes in a "un-father/un-daughter" link, e.g. the former agent Jack(son) Lime and the young waitress Lucy Harper in Joe Clifford Faust's The Company Man.


Family-like? Idealized concept? Are you saying that just because they don't share a genetic lineage, the most they could ever hope to achieve is a pseudo imitation of real family bonds?

There is a part of the Fem knights quest on Tython where she can perform a Twi'lek family bonding ritual to become Sisters with the new Matriarch. Assuming said Ritual is performed, when the Knight is about to be killed by the other Twi'lek villagers and the Matriarch yells out "You can't kill her, she's my family" would you say they weren't actually family because they didn't share a lineage? During the JK quest on Tattooine when the Human researcher proclaims the Jawa tribe are her family, would you say they weren't family due to being different species? In SoR would you say the Rodian, Gorro, isn't the brother of the Whiphid Grumm because they have no blood ties even tho they claim one another as family?


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I think in the particular BH case, you're both reading more into it than is there. I would have said that the BH doesn't mean that "like my little sister" in the way that the SW talks about Vette. Rather, I think he means "it would be like committing incest with my little sister", meaning that she *is* quite young (around 19 as the story opens on Hutta, I believe) and *seems* younger at times.


I think that's a bit of a stretch in interpretation. <_< They obviously can never be blood related so I don't think blood relations would have any relevance there, hypothesized or no. More so a protective older sibling thinking it would be weird to date someone he has a sister like relationship with.

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I think in the particular BH case, you're both reading more into it than is there. I would have said that the BH doesn't mean that "like my little sister" in the way that the SW talks about Vette. Rather, I think he means "it would be like committing incest with my little sister", meaning that she *is* quite young (around 19 as the story opens on Hutta, I believe) and *seems* younger at times.


Oh I freely admit that the head canon I have for Tyrnes supports a particular interpretation of that conversation. He does see Mako as family by that point in the story, so in addition to the extreme and obvious age difference* there is some protective, paternal feeling on his end which made that conversation choice perfect. I also realise that the game was just giving me options, one of which I happened to interpret as confirmation of my head canon, and that was almost certainly not the writers' intention.


And while it's not anywhere close to the series of conversations one can have with Vette, the choice is worded in such a way that it can be interpreted as the BH viewing Mako like a sister. From a certain point of view, as Obi Wan might say. ;)


*I've always thought that Mako looks and sounds younger than her actual age and I wasn't about to make Tyrnes into a space Humbert Humbert

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*I've always thought that Mako looks and sounds younger than her actual age and I wasn't about to make Tyrnes into a space Humbert Humbert


OMG! BH has the voices that sound the oldest (to me) of all the classes. They're all obviously young by the story lay out, regardless of people wanting to RP them as much older, but the Hunter comes out feeling the oldest of all the classes and it made my romance with Torian have me saying my hunter was like a recent college graduate just getting into the business was now dating a recent high school grad :p

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OMG! BH has the voices that sound the oldest (to me) of all the classes. They're all obviously young by the story lay out, regardless of people wanting to RP them as much older, but the Hunter comes out feeling the oldest of all the classes

Curiously, I would place them more like this:

* The Smuggler is probably the oldest - he already has a ship and a reputation as an effective smuggler (or why would Rogun have hired him)

* The Trooper is old enough to have been through the Academy, but not much older than that.

* The Agent has been through agent training, so is in a similar situation to the Trooper, and might in fact be slightly older.

* The Bounty Hunter (male) has an older-sounding voice (not so much for the female), but is, in lore terms, still just starting out. He is experienced enough to attract Braden's attention, but not old enough to have much of a name.

* The Sith and Jedi classes are all young - mid-to-late padawan / acolyte, but of, I would say, similar age to each other.

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OMG! BH has the voices that sound the oldest (to me) of all the classes. They're all obviously young by the story lay out, regardless of people wanting to RP them as much older, but the Hunter comes out feeling the oldest of all the classes and it made my romance with Torian have me saying my hunter was like a recent college graduate just getting into the business was now dating a recent high school grad :p


I don't RP in this game because I'm way too much of a Star Wars fangirl to trust myself to not get stupidly carried away <_< I just run around with head canons for my characters


I like your solution to the Torian situation though :D


Curiously, I would place them more like this:

* The Smuggler is probably the oldest - he already has a ship and a reputation as an effective smuggler (or why would Rogun have hired him)

* The Trooper is old enough to have been through the Academy, but not much older than that.

* The Agent has been through agent training, so is in a similar situation to the Trooper, and might in fact be slightly older.

* The Bounty Hunter (male) has an older-sounding voice (not so much for the female), but is, in lore terms, still just starting out. He is experienced enough to attract Braden's attention, but not old enough to have much of a name.

* The Sith and Jedi classes are all young - mid-to-late padawan / acolyte, but of, I would say, similar age to each other.


Mmm, I figured Smuggler was canonically probably the oldest for those reasons and I agree with your assessment for the most part. The thing with BH though, at least as I see it, is that the character doesn't have to be young to just be starting out as a bounty hunter.

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Mmm, I figured Smuggler was canonically probably the oldest for those reasons and I agree with your assessment for the most part. The thing with BH though, at least as I see it, is that the character doesn't have to be young to just be starting out as a bounty hunter.

Very good point, *and* even better, it's compatible with my theory (as you'll notice, I didn't really say anything about the BH's age).

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Took a long pause with my BH... he was my first to go through KOTFE to figure story choices and such... and I took a long pause to pursue my alts...


Finished up all the chapters and during Mandalore's Revenge when Torian's reintroduced he referred to my BH as Brother. For me it was a "Ahhh, how sweet" moment.

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