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SWTOR $1 million decrease in subscription


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Do you see things looking better? If so, why?


Yes things are looking better now than when this thread was started.


Why? Because Ben Irving is no longer Lead Producer.


Just based on that fact I came back (I left the moment Ben Irving said on that Livestream "We think RNG is exciting so put up with it") and I subbed for 60 days.


All The Best

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Wonders what others subscription they have as it could mean SWTOR lost way more than $1 M if the other IP increased their revenues.


Then it does not tells how less (if ever) they earn from CM and CC purchases.



Anyway only important things is Keith gets enough $$$ and a strong direction to move this game to the next level, bringing proof it has potential to bring insane amount of cash to EA.

Edited by Deewe
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EA is putting all of their banking money on the stupid Sports games and Battlefield 1 and now upcoming Battlefront 2 game that has 3 Studios working on it including Bioware working on other games and other Star Wars material.


I hope to God that Disney will break this stupid Contract when the time comes, as LucasFilm does not get along with EA most of the time. LucasFil/Arts did ok and Greenlight a very good Darth Maul game with a very good Animation Engine and i have seen the game in play. It looked and acted very promising. But when "Darth Maul" the game was entering a beta phase, that is when EA went to LucasFilm and told them about the Billions EA has on the Star Wars IP. Then of course Battlefront 3 which is a lot better than Battlfront EA cancelled that from Radical and another company byEA saying they can take LucasFilm/Arts and Disney to court.


EA has, from what i know of 4 what could have been very good Star Wars games and trashed them. If Bioware was headed by Disney and LucasFilm, then this game may be a lot better with proper funding.

Edited by MandFlurry
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Who's being "denied" access to content? If you don't want to grind, buy gear on the GTN. Once you have one set, pass it around to alts via legacy. Why the drama? If your "beloved" character got a full set of the best new gear in <2 weeks how much more would you really play it between now and the next xpac?


But you are just replacing one grind with another: grinding for credits. yes they are easy to get. But with gear going for 20mil+ a piece that becomes a grind. A huge grind.


Where is it written players have to "work" like a dog to get gaming gear? There are better ways to keep players playing AND paying then a damn gear grind.


By the way, I'm curious to see the next couple of earnings report. MEA having collapsed (and EA stopping development on MEA except for bug fixes) and this game losing subs. I wonder if EA will actually get off it's fat butt and listen to its players.

Edited by cagthehack
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From EA's Quarterly Report: "$1 million or 1 percent decrease in subscription net revenue primarily due to Star Wars: The Old Republic."


So now we have proof of what lots of people have been saying is actually true... "I'm unsubbing because of 5.0 RNG".. "I'm unsubbing because of pvp gear gap".. "I'm unsubbing due to low population servers".. "I'm unsubbing because they won't listen to reason"...


We see lots of people say they are unsubbing after playing for many years and others saying it's all talk. Well I guess we now know those people were telling the truth.

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1% decrease is probably a very good figure for a 6 year old MMO. If the game was 'dying' as claimed, it'd be a lot higher than 1% decrease.


EDIT: should have said "was" and "5 year old", just noticed the age of the post you quoted

Edited by CrazyCT
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1% decrease is probably a very good figure for a 6 year old MMO. If the game was 'dying' as claimed, it'd be a lot higher than 1% decrease.


EDIT: should have said "was" and "5 year old", just noticed the age of the post you quoted

And I think this was made right before the RNG fiasco. We've now had to deal with GC RNG crap for 6 months now so I wouldn't be surprised if that figure has went up since.


Keith, please #RemoveRNG or at least drastically increase UC rewards, make them legacy-bound and make Tier 2 the new Tier 1.

Edited by Talon_strikes
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This thread is a bit dated and the information (as of May 9, 2017) does not mention SWTOR. Furthermore, revenue figures are aggregates of the products and services EA offers. Battlefront and FIFA17 are mostly mention.


Unless you get the specific contribution of SWTOR to the financial statement figures, you cannot make any conclusive statements about the financial viability fo SWTOR.

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So now we have proof of what lots of people have been saying is actually true... "I'm unsubbing because of 5.0 RNG".. "I'm unsubbing because of pvp gear gap".. "I'm unsubbing due to low population servers".. "I'm unsubbing because they won't listen to reason"...


We see lots of people say they are unsubbing after playing for many years and others saying it's all talk. Well I guess we now know those people were telling the truth.

Except this is a necro'd thread talking about Q2:FY17, i.e. July-September 2016, the fiscal quarter from before "5.0 RNG" came out.

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