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To everyone who has cancelled their subscription


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Um, this game is easier than WoW.


Thats your opinion, and thats ok.


But fact is that you can almost never play the same story twice in swtor due to the story line based aspect of the game, where wow gets dull and borring because its the same either way you play it every time and with what ever character you play it.


Only way to play the same game twice over in swtor is to type down every choise you made to every mission lines, and who in a right mind would ever do that?



... to my earlier statement, i got a nephew, he turns 12 this year ...



To compare wow with swtor is noncens, the closest game to compare swtor story based game engine with is Elderscrolls, but thats a singleplayer game.

First Elderscrolls game was launched in the same period of the 1990 as the Warcraft stratey games was launched. And thoes warcraft games was based on the strategy game engine from Dune 2, and Command and Conquer was also based on dune 2.


When WoW was launched it was more or less strategy based in the 40 man raid dungeons, you had to find the right aproach to get the bosses down, if you didnt it would end in a wipe.

That strattegy aproach has ben watered out over time from what i hear about wow today, is that its just hack and slach, if you got the gear and equipment there is no need of strategy.




SWTOR social points is only gained from team playing, and team questing, and there is some nice outfits to gain from social level X (spoiler) both in drop and from vendor lvl 50,

and most lvl 50 missions is impossible to do solo, or damn costly to your repair bill if you try to do it solo.



(a thought)

But that might be the reason to the complaining and whining from most, they want to do everything solo, and they think mmo games are bugged when they die trying.

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it's funny how i keep reading the "i cancelled my subscription X days ago" quote.


The thing is you can't post on this forum without a current subscription to the game..


So much trolling in this place.


People keep comparing this game to wow, and complaining about how many things need to be added.... i love it the way it is now; sure, many improvments can be done, but wow can also be improved. And i'm sure tOR will get better by the time.


Just have fun and stop analyzing the game so much!



I'm sure you've already been told this but...



Your subscription is current until it runs out. It doesn't matter if you canceled it, you can keep posting as long as you can keep playing.



Blew your mind there.

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But if you guys post here with a cancelled subscription, i think you should be doing something else rather than posting here, just sayn.


And if you are going to post here maybe you should post something that adds something to the discussion, to the community. Just sayin'

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