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Class Changes in KOTET


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So, Eric, can you tell me what will happen if I create a new Inquisitor right now and level it to level 65 after KotET hits? I always wanted to create some troll Characters(level 65 trooper comes to my mind mostly) but now I don't know if this is any longer possible. I just don't want to buy server slots for something that will fade away.


An interesting question but I suspect that you will be forced to pick one the moment you log in after 5.0 hits...but who knows?

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An interesting question but I suspect that you will be forced to pick one the moment you log in after 5.0 hits...but who knows?

I can live with not being able to do it, no hurt feelings, I just would love to know for sure, they were supposed to be just fun characters, so no big deal for not having them :D

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My only question is, if these are a sample of the changes, what are ALL of the changes?


Agreed, especially since the info I have seen goes against what they way in the sample

Sith Inquisitor


Coming from Knights of the Fallen Empire, we felt the that the Sorcerer was in a really good place and so they aren’t receiving a whole lot of changes this Update.


But what about the 2-10% nerds on nearly every ability coming that's quite wholesale changes not what you are talking about here.

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Agreed, especially since the info I have seen goes against what they way in the sample



But what about the 2-10% nerds on nearly every ability coming that's quite wholesale changes not what you are talking about here.


I suspect that these rumoured nerfs are not necessarily true or shall we say final. It would be unfortunate for them to report on changes they haven't decided on making (yet).

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I suspect that these rumoured nerfs are not necessarily true or shall we say final. It would be unfortunate for them to report on changes they haven't decided on making (yet).


I would say that the problem comes from both pve/pvp using the same gear now. The problem with sorcs in pvp was their abilities like phase walk, bubble, egress and so on. Since those aren't being changed they're probably going to balance out sorcs by reducing their damage.

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I would say that the problem comes from both pve/pvp using the same gear now. The problem with sorcs in pvp was their abilities like phase walk, bubble, egress and so on. Since those aren't being changed they're probably going to balance out sorcs by reducing their damage.


I don't see what the gear situation has to do with that. All classes were nerfed in 4.0 to slow down the number creep. If the rumours are true that most classes are being nerfed in output for dps and healing, it just seems a similar move to do that as well as increase overall difficulty. One of the big complaints here after all is that the game has become too easy. Nerfing classes across the board for a certain percentage would make the game objectively less easy.

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I don't see what the gear situation has to do with that. All classes were nerfed in 4.0 to slow down the number creep. If the rumours are true that most classes are being nerfed in output for dps and healing, it just seems a similar move to do that as well as increase overall difficulty. One of the big complaints here after all is that the game has become too easy. Nerfing classes across the board for a certain percentage would make the game objectively less easy.


I have no problem with the game being easy, the problem is there are no restrictions and no training grounds to prepare for group content.


There is nothing stopping someone with there entire left side of gear shells being empty into entering a hard mode flashpoint, and no proper way to prepare without being pounded in one yourself. There technically is the EC, but it's buried way to far in the back of the game to be properly utilized and focuses heavily into investing into strong companions rather than refinement of your own skills. It doesn't teach dps checks, and some of the bosses can be cheesed to a point where you don't need to do it in the way designed. Not to mention while there are a few knock off bosses from hard mode flashpoints, IE the rancor on round 8, a lot of these are unique one time bosses which you will never encounter anything like it in a actual hard mode flashpoint. If the game is going to be easy for story mode, there needs to be a proper training regiment to go through to prepare yourself for different content.


Not to mention that nerfing classes =/= difficulty, just tediousness. Unless there tying a DPS check somewhere into the bosses, lowering my damage output isn't going to do anything other than making the fight itself longer.


Anyway I play a merc/commando so my dps will be fine :rak_01:.

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I suspect that these rumoured nerfs are not necessarily true or shall we say final. It would be unfortunate for them to report on changes they haven't decided on making (yet).


And yet even these sample changes have the disclosure that they are not quite final. But quite frankly the expansion is due in just a few weeks time so if these types of changes are not 90-95% locked in then the expansion should not have a release date of late November.

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Not to mention that nerfing classes =/= difficulty, just tediousness. Unless there tying a DPS check somewhere into the bosses, lowering my damage output isn't going to do anything other than making the fight itself longer.


I think this is a good point, reducing damage does not make content more difficult just tedious and longer, i really hope that the Devs realise this and are not using the principle of reduce damage = harder content in 5.0. Difficult content comes from clever mechanics etc in the gameplay itself.

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I have no problem with the game being easy, the problem is there are no restrictions and no training grounds to prepare for group content.


There is nothing stopping someone with there entire left side of gear shells being empty into entering a hard mode flashpoint, and no proper way to prepare without being pounded in one yourself. There technically is the EC, but it's buried way to far in the back of the game to be properly utilized and focuses heavily into investing into strong companions rather than refinement of your own skills. It doesn't teach dps checks, and some of the bosses can be cheesed to a point where you don't need to do it in the way designed. Not to mention while there are a few knock off bosses from hard mode flashpoints, IE the rancor on round 8, a lot of these are unique one time bosses which you will never encounter anything like it in a actual hard mode flashpoint. If the game is going to be easy for story mode, there needs to be a proper training regiment to go through to prepare yourself for different content.


Not to mention that nerfing classes =/= difficulty, just tediousness. Unless there tying a DPS check somewhere into the bosses, lowering my damage output isn't going to do anything other than making the fight itself longer.


Anyway I play a merc/commando so my dps will be fine :rak_01:.


I was more referring to the game in general like leveling and stories when it comes to difficulty. As for boss fights that's where my comment about nerfing classes was intended as a way to lower the overall numbers a bit so that new gear levels don't push the numbers into even more ridiculous levels.


In the end the gear will make us have a bigger output and this way they don't have to do much to upscale the boss fights. I really even wonder if SM ops will be upscaled at all in 5.0. They'll be level 70 and bolstered but they might have decided to lower the general output a bit and not actually change anything in the SM ops except putting 70 on the level indicator instead of 65.

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Take Cover, Crouch, Snipe: These abilities have been removed from the base class and are now Sniper exclusive.


First they say operativ is a melee class and remove snipe, then they give them two 30 m knockback every 10 sec is that logical at all?


Devs said that assasins has to much mobility? DO YOU EVEN PLAY THIS GAME!

Assasins has force speed on 30 m cooldown and bugged phatom stride thats not a mobility move.


WHO has to much mobility from a person who plays the game: SORCS, OPERATIV



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Seriously Bioware ? these class changes are a Joke. Phase walk was a highly useful component for assassins to tank in hm revan. Thanks for murdering that element. Mobility on sin's has been bad. Steatlh broken in fallen empire. DPS constantly nerfed and again further nerfed. None of these class changes make any sense. Your taking classes which were strong in 4.0 and beefed them up. This isn't how you balance combat.


The changes listed by the various dev trackers clearly show what many have felt for a long time. The Developers of this mmo are so out of touch and dissconnected from the community it's hysterical. That large explosion your all hearing in the back ground is the minds of your vet player base exploding.


Please explain why Phase walk is too powerful for assassins yet needed for sorcs which a range class does not need it. Awesome Job on Epic Fail with the class changes. Disapointed subscriber reconsidering continuing to support this train wreck. I struggled to justify my subscription renewal with the slap in the face vets got with the DvL event. ohh hey lets have everyone old and new replay 5 years of content for the nth time. Yea no thanks.

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This keeps getting worse and worse. Powertech is losing 'Death From Above' and Merc 'Flame Thrower'?:mad:

WTH?! Is BW thinking.... oh wait forgot they don't. Assassin/Shadow is losing 'Phasewalk' and 'Force Lightning and Throw Rocks' swell ... Sage and Sorc are losing thrash... what's the point in us even having a lightsaber anymore. Please stop removing iconic skills.


And please remove the useless transport skill that powertech has for something more useful. It's absolute garbage.

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