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Possibilty for SWTOR to Go Full Pay-to-Win


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I try to avoid the "I Quit" threats but I will make an exception in this case....


If they were to introduce CXP boosters on the CM I would unsubscribe for good. I do not condone selling anything that provides an advantage in game to gearing or speed of acquisition of gear for real money.


That is the one thing the Star Wars IP could not stop me from leaving over.


I would also likely stop purchasing anything to do with EA/Bioware in the future.......Heck I wont buy any Sony products to this day because of what SOE did to SWG......

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Technically it wouldn't be "Pay to Win"' it would be "Pay for RNG Chance to Win"


Doesn't really sound any different from an XP boost which has been sold on the market since time began.

More frequent RNG rolls does not equal a better chance of a good RNG roll.

Based on what they've said, I imagine people will be begging for a CXP boost by the time they get into the higher tiers.


This, and they said that command crates would Not be buyable from the Cm

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For pvp given there's no pvp gear any more it would most definitely be p2w, and in what is going to be essentially a sub game.


It's no more pay to win than any of the other boosters already on the CM. Don't buy them if you don't like them. I guess we've run out of things to rant and rave about where we're now raging about things that haven't even been announced yet.

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It's no more pay to win than any of the other boosters already on the CM. Don't buy them if you don't like them. I guess we've run out of things to rant and rave about where we're now raging about things that haven't even been announced yet.


It's totally different. Current xp boost allow you to earn xp faster, nothing more. Earning xp faster in the current state of the game doesn't allow you to get stuff easier than others, you just level up faster, nothing more.


The new boosts op is talking, if they are planned, are different because the gearing system will be different. With the new system for gearing, these boosts really make this game pay to win. The new xp system is what allow players to gear up, it's a huge difference, if you don't see it you're blind or didn't take notice of the changes in 5.0 .


You keep saying it's the same thing, but it's not. You obviously dismiss the fact that the gearing system will change, so the impact of these boost is changing too.

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They never sold a boost for better Ops rolls, or double loot drops from Ops in the past, or double PvP comms...a CXP boost would be the same as any of those things and it would absolutely be unacceptable.


Unacceptable but what would you do about it? If everyone is concerned and disappointed but still continues to sub and others still buy the boosts ... what do BWA care if anyone finds it unacceptable?

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It's totally different. Current xp boost allow you to earn xp faster, nothing more. Earning xp faster in the current state of the game doesn't allow you to get stuff easier than others, you just level up faster, nothing more.


The new boosts op is talking, if they are planned, are different because the gearing system will be different. With the new system for gearing, these boosts really make this game pay to win. The new xp system is what allow players to gear up, it's a huge difference, if you don't see it you're blind or didn't take notice of the changes in 5.0 .


You keep saying it's the same thing, but it's not. You obviously dismiss the fact that the gearing system will change, so the impact of these boost is changing too.


Still not pay to win.

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For BioWare, it's a simple calculation: "How many players' subscriptions will we lose by going P2W vs. how much additional revenue could we generate from P2W items on the Cartel Market?"


Until now, it always seemed that the former was bad enough that they'd stay away from P2W but who knows. 4.0 had too many Cartel Market overhauls in a short time period, so sales must be lacking, and the monthly chapter content did not attract as many players as they planned. I was hopeful that the focus on group content in 2017 would signify a change in BioWare's direction, but maybe they're getting desperate and considering going P2W.


I imagine they'll be banking on not too many people viewing it as P2W and more a "convenience item" - this whole system is fairly ill thought out imo.

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This entire thread is based on someone reporting 2nd hand speculation. Perhaps wait for some evidence first?


It's completely different - this boost lets you get end game gear faster than other players by paying money to the company. Thus you can get better gear for PVP and be better equipped at PVP by paying money ... sounds like pay to win to me.

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Considering how many people waste their money to buy tons of packs from CM currently, I believe it will most probably happen, simply because it seems more lucrative for BW to do this than to lose half their subs, but I don't blame them for pursuing profit, because any company would do this in their place if they had such players. In my humble opinion, as long as some people continue to buy tons of CCs, this game is destined to become pay-to-win, and even worse. I fear we may get CM content only in the future if things continue to go like this.
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Still not pay to win.


Ever heard about the use of arguments to make your point? You're just saying: "lalalala I can't hear you, you're wrong".


I explain to you why it would be different, the gearing system is changing and is relied to the new xp. Since xp is what you'll need to gear up, an xp boost becomes a pay to win thing.

The better your gear, the easier you win, if it's easier to gear up for people who buy boosts, yes, this game becomes pay to win.


But keep saying "NO NO NO" if you want, with no arguments you'll hardly convince anyone. ;)

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If it's something that comes to happen, it's no different from any other boost you can buy currently from the market. The levels of hyperbole around here are sky rocketing by the day.


People have just said the difference between XCP and normal boosts in the thread, but nice try.


Major boosts didn't give you faster or better gear drops, just merely a level which is only a starting entry into getting good gear, there was a cap on how useful boosts were, and usually limited, XCP instead gives only gear at a faster rate enlarging the p2w factor.

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And people are just realizing this now...?


OF COURSE they're going to turn this into a full blown P2W game. It's more $$ so it's the logical choice. Even if they don't do it at 5.0 release, they'll add it in later patches.


It'll hopefully drive off the small pockets of raiders left. The poor people that cling to the hope of another raid sometime in the next couple of years.

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I haven't seen any indication that they'd be selling crates on the CM. In fact they've stated the only way to acquire them is through the GC system. I wouldn't worry about that. As far as boosts, this is the first time I've heard that even mentioned


I mean... really guys? There isn't enough happening today in SWTOR land to get upset about, that you gotta get bent out of shape about speculation and rumors?

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Firstly can someone provide firsthand proof that it has been reported or said that there would be CXP boosts, and if it's information of the yet to be released (a.k.a. datamined), message me. I'm not going to go on the attack unless there's more than conjecture.


On my second note on a theoretical, this would absolutely be a pay-to-win feature. XP boosts are just candy you use to get to max level faster, once you're there- you are on the same level until you've done some work and gained gear- and the new GC system is an RNG nightmare fuel fest but the same principal applies where time and effort trump all else. CXP boosts stack the deck for players who open their wallets by giving them an advantage over people who put in 25% more work for that endgame gear.


PvP especially.

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And people are just realizing this now...?


OF COURSE they're going to turn this into a full blown P2W game. It's more $$ so it's the logical choice. Even if they don't do it at 5.0 release, they'll add it in later patches.


It'll hopefully drive off the small pockets of raiders left. The poor people that cling to the hope of another raid sometime in the next couple of years.


If some raiders are still hoping for operations, they're the most optimistic people of this game. :D


No new operations in years, bioware asked people to wait after KOTFE, then asked to wait after KOTET, if they don't get it already... I hope I'm wrong for them, but i don't believe that the january anoucement for "group content" will be anything else than 4 players stuff as usual. The fact that bioware just refuse to say the word operation tells so much. Grab as much money they can from players before they leave seems to be the goal for bioware now.

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I haven't seen any indication that they'd be selling crates on the CM. In fact they've stated the only way to acquire them is through the GC system. I wouldn't worry about that. As far as boosts, this is the first time I've heard that even mentioned


I mean... really guys? There isn't enough happening today in SWTOR land to get upset about, that you gotta get bent out of shape about speculation and rumors?


I agree that we don't really know if it's real, but it's not a bad thing to discuss the possibility, if this is just a rumor, good news, at least bioware can check this thread if they ever consider the idea to do so in the future. I don't take this boost thing for granted, but I don't doubt that a new way to make money is something bioware will always consider, so even if it's all speculation, prevention is better than cure. :D

We're just talking on a thread, the title says possibility, nothing more. ;)

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If you want to be technical, no it doesn't improve the drop chance of individual armor pieces but it will shorten the average time until a player gets such an armor piece.

How is that any different from XP boosters that shorten the average time until a player gets to endgame or valor & social boosts that shorten the time it takes to rank up in their respective areas?


Gotta have social rank to get access to unique social equipment and the achievements that come along with it.

I'm sure valor gives you something, but it's PvP and I don't care about it.


Leveling up gives you access to better gear that you still have to buy, craft, or loot.

Leveling up your Command Rank gives you more random chances to get a piece of gear you may or may not need.


It sounds like this whole argument comes back to a whine about "oh noes, someone else will have gear like mine and I won't be special anymore" or something.

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I haven't seen any indication that they'd be selling crates on the CM. In fact they've stated the only way to acquire them is through the GC system. I wouldn't worry about that. As far as boosts, this is the first time I've heard that even mentioned


I mean... really guys? There isn't enough happening today in SWTOR land to get upset about, that you gotta get bent out of shape about speculation and rumors?


Come on Erik... you been here for awhile, you should know by now all those CM jokes are all sarcasm.. mostly :).

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