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Here's what a truly BAD launch looks like


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You could have pre-load over a week ago, cry more



700's queue? That's pretty damn good.


Unrestricted MMO Launches =

Aion 4000+ queues, 6 hours to login

Starting Area, = 5 fps, take a number for your quest mob, and yes, you are grouped with a full party trying to tag it.


Rift Early Access

2000+ Queue, friends gave up, rolled a new server after the first day because the queues was not dying out. New server had 500 queues and was relatively faster.


Starting Area = 12 FPS, packed heavy




SWTOR Early Access looks fantastic in comparison. controlled launch, letting people level up and out of the starting zone so it is not over crowded. Less taxation on the server means less issues and downtime


Seriously, hush up. It's early access, your getting free up to 7 days in a controlled effort to have a stable launch. This is fine, this is handled properly. Deal with it.


Yet another person that didn't actually read/understand the original post. They weren't talking about SWTOR!

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Stephen Reid mentioned that the first waves released 'ahead of schedule', so whilst it is dynamic, it wasn't lacking forethought or planning. Something is better than nothing, even a orugh outline.


Not that it overly matters I suppose, it was pretty damn nice of them to release 2 days earlier.


Yeah. I've been in withdrawal ever since the stress test weekend.


Ultimately, I don't think we disagree much. I'd have liked a rough outline, but I don't think it's unreasonable that we didn't get one.

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I purchased the CE and it wasn't cheap. One reason was to get early access. So much for that idea. I wasted a lot of money to get disappointed. EA better pay attention or this will flop like the CU did for SWG.


Given that early access was a feature of all preorders, purchasing the CE for that reason was a pretty bad move.

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Spot on.


Anyone saying this is a terrible launch or the worst ever blah blah , is clueless. Sure they have made some silly decisions but overall the launch is decent.


It depends on what is important to you as an individual.


Personally server crashes and queues do not bother me at all. I would personally not use those things to judge a launch successful or not. For me the launch is very poor because of the lack of communication over the last 3 years and the way they have alienated so much of the community through issues like the redzone, origin and grace period.

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I purchased the CE and it wasn't cheap. One reason was to get early access. So much for that idea. I wasted a lot of money to get disappointed. EA better pay attention or this will flop like the CU did for SWG.


Did you order your CE edition on July 21-22 like many other people who also order it? if you did, then commence with the anger, i understand your frustration. However, if you did not, stop whining. They told us everything ahead of time, if you cannot read, that is your fault. And besides, CE comes with extra cosmetic **** that makes you feel awesome, well that comes with a price, and yes you did pay for that.

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The OP is presenting a fake strawman argument... saying its either SWTOR method of launch OR it is a crappy unplanned, underresourced launch.


Additionally, trying to justify a bad launch by referring to an even worse launch does not make the bad launch 'good'.


A much better launch is one which is properly resourced, and provides certainty and guarantee to its customers. SWTOR is instanced, so JUST ADD SOME MORE DAMN SERVERS TO THE FARM, hire them for the initial launch, and return them a few months after once things settle down.


This way... You have a smooth launch, minimum queues, everyone is in, AND noone has to be frustrated at their experience of a launch, thus removing any demotivation to go back to MMO hopping. This means that the only ones who cancel their subscription after trying it are the ones who genuinely dont like the game.


This means that for an extra investment at launch, you retain more subscriptions + profit in the long term.


All of this is what happens when you let the marketing department override the common sense provided by Project Managers.

Edited by Traiel
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So, question for those who are complaining that people getting in before them have an unfair advantage. Do you also think it's unfair that those who preordered get the advantage of several days head start over those who didn't?


Would you prefer the scenario of the original poster? Bioware did this for a REASON. Many MMOs had a launch similar or even worse to that described by the OP. Bioware has done an awesome job in my opinion (Also not in game yet).

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Yeah, you wait 3 hours in a queue, as opposed to 24-48.


While some people run wild with leveling exploits, getting to 50 a day after the game is launched, farming mats for crafting and totally dominating the market, and ruining the economy.


I'll take it over this any day. This is a horrible launch. I'll stand by that opinion years down the road.

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I just can't believe all the super duper hate and nerd rage over not getting a damn name.


I am truely at a loss................:confused:




Oh it's better than that. Consider that that all this nerd rage is about THE POTENTIAL LOSS OF THE NAME YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I could sort of sympathize with someone who for certain didn't get the name that they wanted, but they are whining over merely the potential.


These people remind me of the Queen song "I want it all"

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I just can't believe all the super duper hate and nerd rage over not getting a damn name.


I am truely at a loss................:confused:


I got on first thing this morning and spent my time camping all of the good names on all the servers. I might be willing to let them go for a price. Mwahahaha! :p

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You're allowed to download the game client starting the day before launch. It takes you the better part of a day because everyone and their grandmother and their dog are all trying to get the game installed before launch.


We did that, except we were able to download since the beginning of December and many of us have had the client since November 25th.


You finally get the game installed and fired up. You log in. You're #785 in a queue. It takes 3 hours to get into the game.


Oh, if only! Right now myself and the majority of paying customers are in a queue with no estimated wait time and with no knowing how many people are in front of us. Just because the queue isn't on your computer screen doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


You get into the game, but the server lag is freaking terrible. Like you can't even move. You get disconnected.


You have to log in again, but LUCKILY you don't have to wait in queue again. You get into the game, but then the server crashes.


2 hours later you get an update on the game launcher from an hour ago saying that they'll have an update in 30 minutes. Ho hum. Servers down. For forever. Wasted Pizza Hutt and Full Throttles. Never really know *** happened.


When the servers do finally come back up (the next morning), you get in and everything seems good. Except there are 20 people sitting on a quest giver, making him unclickable. And then you have to go fight over mob spawns against 20 other people. Then you get to the part of the quest where you kill "the big guy" and you're stuck waiting to get your quest kill of ONE MOB, while you're getting ganked, and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire.


You finally get your quest kill and you have to go digging through a stack of players AGAIN to turn in your quest.


And then you get a game announcement saying that they're doing a server rollback.


So an hour later after they finally get the servers back up when it should have taken 15 minutes, you have to deal with 20 people camping the same mob YOU ALREADY KILLED while you're getting ganked and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire, and then you have to go digging through a stack of players again AGAIN to turn in your quest AGAIN.


This is 2011. A launch like that would be unacceptable. A launch such as we're experiencing is also unacceptable. Two wrongs don't make a right.




Am I a little frustrated that other people are playing the game that I'm DYING to play? Yes.


Am I frustrated that BW apparently decided to call it a day early and stop sending out waves for 16 and a half hours? Yes.


Could they have done this some other, better, way? Probably.


But "the worst launch ever"? I'm sorry, but no. BW made it known from DAY ONE that not everyone was getting into the game on day one of early access. And if it means that I don't have to sit for four hours in a queue so the servers can crash before I have to fight 50 people for the same respawns so they can rollback the servers and I have to do it all over again, then... Okay.


At least we could play the game. Frankly, I was there for Rift's launch and it wasn't nearly as bad as you describe. Trion was actually prepared, but it's a shame that their game was lackluster.


We are all stuck in an extremely long queue. You find this a better alternative?

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