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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Here's what a truly BAD launch looks like


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You could have pre-load over a week ago, cry more



700's queue? That's pretty damn good.


Unrestricted MMO Launches =

Aion 4000+ queues, 6 hours to login

Starting Area, = 5 fps, take a number for your quest mob, and yes, you are grouped with a full party trying to tag it.


Rift Early Access

2000+ Queue, friends gave up, rolled a new server after the first day because the queues was not dying out. New server had 500 queues and was relatively faster.


Starting Area = 12 FPS, packed heavy




SWTOR Early Access looks fantastic in comparison. controlled launch, letting people level up and out of the starting zone so it is not over crowded. Less taxation on the server means less issues and downtime


Seriously, hush up. It's early access, your getting free up to 7 days in a controlled effort to have a stable launch. This is fine, this is handled properly. Deal with it.


And another who either decides to post on something he/she/it didnt fully read or has the comprehension skills of a gnat.

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totaly true.. and im very sorry about preordering this game because some of my friends start playing tonight and some of them gonna start tomorrow. we cant even lvl together or do quests togather. we just gonna meet at lvl 50. what a mmo


hope gw2 comes out fast


so its BW's fault that your friends dont care enough about u to wait 12 hours to play w u?




and ya, +1 BW for doing the pre-launch like this.... Rift's launch was a disgusting and so far i have heard very little probs bout this one!

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Unrestricted MMO Launches =

Aion 4000+ queues, 6 hours to login

Starting Area, = 5 fps, take a number for your quest mob, and yes, you are grouped with a full party trying to tag it.

Thats an understatement or just when servers went up after reboot, normal Aion que times where 11-13 hours during peak, max que I ever saw was 18h max I heard a friend had was 23h :/

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I think Bioware has done a great job.


No lag spikes that I saw, no ques when I logged in (granted I was a first waver I think).


The servers are a hell of a lot more stable than any other launch I've ever been on, including Rift's head start (which wasn't bad, but this is a lot better).


We will see how they handle the next few days

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.


You sir, are a moron.

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You're allowed to download the game client starting the day before launch. It takes you the better part of a day because everyone and their grandmother and their dog are all trying to get the game installed before launch.


You finally get the game installed and fired up. You log in. You're #785 in a queue. It takes 3 hours to get into the game.


You get into the game, but the server lag is freaking terrible. Like you can't even move. You get disconnected.


You have to log in again, but LUCKILY you don't have to wait in queue again. You get into the game, but then the server crashes.


2 hours later you get an update on the game launcher from an hour ago saying that they'll have an update in 30 minutes. Ho hum. Servers down. For forever. Wasted Pizza Hutt and Full Throttles. Never really know *** happened.


When the servers do finally come back up (the next morning), you get in and everything seems good. Except there are 20 people sitting on a quest giver, making him unclickable. And then you have to go fight over mob spawns against 20 other people. Then you get to the part of the quest where you kill "the big guy" and you're stuck waiting to get your quest kill of ONE MOB, while you're getting ganked, and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire.


You finally get your quest kill and you have to go digging through a stack of players AGAIN to turn in your quest.


And then you get a game announcement saying that they're doing a server rollback.


So an hour later after they finally get the servers back up when it should have taken 15 minutes, you have to deal with 20 people camping the same mob YOU ALREADY KILLED while you're getting ganked and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire, and then you have to go digging through a stack of players again AGAIN to turn in your quest AGAIN.




Am I a little frustrated that other people are playing the game that I'm DYING to play? Yes.


Am I frustrated that BW apparently decided to call it a day early and stop sending out waves for 16 and a half hours? Yes.


Could they have done this some other, better, way? Probably.


But "the worst launch ever"? I'm sorry, but no. BW made it known from DAY ONE that not everyone was getting into the game on day one of early access. And if it means that I don't have to sit for four hours in a queue so the servers can crash before I have to fight 50 people for the same respawns so they can rollback the servers and I have to do it all over again, then... Okay.


Yep. That's World of WarCrack for you. I've heard zero complaining about the actual TOR game being all crashy and stuff, and the Beta ended on a good note. FFXI didn't have those problems either, but they didn't get to pick the server-- That was chosen for them, so Square could keep the load balanced. EverQuest day one wasn't even that bad.

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totaly true.. and im very sorry about preordering this game because some of my friends start playing tonight and some of them gonna start tomorrow. we cant even lvl together or do quests togather. we just gonna meet at lvl 50. what a mmo


hope gw2 comes out fast


If they were your friends they would wait to play untill your whole group is on.

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That all seemed eerily familiar, from oh so many MMO launches. Good call Bioware for actually trying something different.


Anyway, we're getting very close to launch day, fellows. Just about a week to go....this is all getting terribly exciting, isn't it?

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.


Now here's a guy who never learned how to read. Sad for him, but fortunately TOR has voice acting for the quests so when he finally gets to play, his illiteracy won't spoil his game experience.

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You have no clue. With your example above EVERYONE is on the same page. EVERYONE is experiencing the same hangups. EVERYONE has the same ability to progress.


Wrong. With a free-for-all queueing system, people who have the time to sit by their computers for hours waiting to get in have the advantage over people who do not. And, unlike a staggered release, that advantage is structural; it's built in to the system, and so the people with the advantage keep the advantage until the queues abate. With a staggered release, as soon as your invite lands, you have the same access as everyone who got in before you.

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If they were your friends they would wait to play untill your whole group is on.


Exactly, what happens when you have to work late one night? Everyone just going to keep leveling without you? That sounds like you need better friends...

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The Last MMO Rift had a Perfect HeadStart Pre Launch they had at least 10k people all doing the same lowbie quests on deepstrike pvp server and the game didn't even crash once they reset it for like 2 minutes but that was about it...They dont even have half the money SWTOR had and it ran fine. If all you can let in is 2 weeks of preorders then your servers must be ****.


... Wow... An entire Ten Thousand all doing the same quest???


SWTOR has between 1 to 5 Million preorders.

Over 900k from North American retail. Retail does not include Amazon, Origin, or any other digital purchase, or online sale. Digital is usually between 50% to 60% of total sales. Europe is typically 40% to 60%. It cannot be less than 1.5 million, but I would be surprised if it was much over 5 million.



Now add in the people that are going to buy out the stocked copies on release day.


In other words... You're a moron. They are playing it conservative. But as there has already been at least one exploit that managed to slip past Beta, it's a wise decision.

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Anyone complaining about this launch must be new to the MMO world. After playing Anarchy Online at launch (amongst other notorious MMOs), I have nothing but compliments for recent MMO releases! :D


Rift was nothing like this. I sat in a queue for an hour and a half but I was not made to wait two to four days longer than other person who paid the fee to get in early.

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Servers might be up and running but they have alienated so much of the community, and I'm not refering to staggering early access (I won't get in for a few days but I still think staggering the early access was a good idea) I am refering to the whole redzone/greenzone nonsense, only selling the digital version on origin and then IP blocking other countries from buying it digitally, and then removing a grace period that was promised across every method of community communication (twitter/forum and customer service)


Can't argue with that.

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Preach on!!


What I find interesting is unless those whining pre-ordered last week, they had no expectation of getting any time until this coming Thursday. Now instead of being excited that EA/BW seem to be setting the stage where nearly all pre-orders will get 5 days, they whine about not getting 7.

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I agree with OP but they forgot to mention loot lag that would make you unable to loot or cast spells or anything for several minutes due to overwhelmed databases. That was horribly frustrating


AAaaaggghh... the horrible memories return... damn you, I had blocked all those out...

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You have no clue. With your example above EVERYONE is on the same page. EVERYONE is experiencing the same hangups. EVERYONE has the same ability to progress.


With the way BW is doing it, No one is on the same level. For a competitive player and guild, this crappy launch is a kick in the nuts. Nothing we can do as we watch our members slowly log in a few a day. Things like server firsts or guild vs guild competition is out the window for the foreseeable future.


This doesn't take into account the being on a PvP server and what it means to log in 5 days after anyone else. It also doesn't take into account the added stress on some people to try and catch up in levels to be able to participate with friends or guildmates.


Ive been playing MMO's for 15 years and in my OP this is the absolute WORST way to release a game. I can tell you in all honesty that this launch has all but killed any enthusiasm I had for TOR because I am so competitive.


Bioware, if I was not a member of a very good guild, I would be canceling my pre order right now. Thats a fact.


LoL, if I cant play noone can attitude is hillarious.


If you were are as uber competitive as you claim, you would have pre-ordered as soon as was available.


As far as pvp servers, if they roll on that server ganking happens, it just gets to happen sooner for others so big whoop.


As far as "firsts" are concerned that is individual opinion. Cant please everyone and bioware went the route of stability and controlled access instead of opening the floodgates.


I for one applaud this approach and I will most likely not get to play till the 19th. To those that are in already have fun, to those waiting get a cold beer and relax.

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Yeah the worst launch is one where you buy a hardcopy of a game, load it on game day, go to play and it doesn't work. You then check the website and find nothing there, google the problem and find that most ppl are having the same trouble. 2 days later you find a solution through a friend who works in IT, still no information about the fault or a possible solution on the website. Load into the game write a letter of complaint, get no response. Totally ignored, problem completely unaddressed, have never bought from EA again, until this point in time and I think they aref doing a good job!
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You're allowed to download the game client starting the day before launch. It takes you the better part of a day because everyone and their grandmother and their dog are all trying to get the game installed before launch.


You finally get the game installed and fired up. You log in. You're #785 in a queue. It takes 3 hours to get into the game.


You get into the game, but the server lag is freaking terrible. Like you can't even move. You get disconnected.


You have to log in again, but LUCKILY you don't have to wait in queue again. You get into the game, but then the server crashes.


2 hours later you get an update on the game launcher from an hour ago saying that they'll have an update in 30 minutes. Ho hum. Servers down. For forever. Wasted Pizza Hutt and Full Throttles. Never really know *** happened.


When the servers do finally come back up (the next morning), you get in and everything seems good. Except there are 20 people sitting on a quest giver, making him unclickable. And then you have to go fight over mob spawns against 20 other people. Then you get to the part of the quest where you kill "the big guy" and you're stuck waiting to get your quest kill of ONE MOB, while you're getting ganked, and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire.


You finally get your quest kill and you have to go digging through a stack of players AGAIN to turn in your quest.


And then you get a game announcement saying that they're doing a server rollback.


So an hour later after they finally get the servers back up when it should have taken 15 minutes, you have to deal with 20 people camping the same mob YOU ALREADY KILLED while you're getting ganked and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire, and then you have to go digging through a stack of players again AGAIN to turn in your quest AGAIN.




Am I a little frustrated that other people are playing the game that I'm DYING to play? Yes.


Am I frustrated that BW apparently decided to call it a day early and stop sending out waves for 16 and a half hours? Yes.


Could they have done this some other, better, way? Probably.


But "the worst launch ever"? I'm sorry, but no. BW made it known from DAY ONE that not everyone was getting into the game on day one of early access. And if it means that I don't have to sit for four hours in a queue so the servers can crash before I have to fight 50 people for the same respawns so they can rollback the servers and I have to do it all over again, then... Okay.


Long but awesome.

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Its truly amazing how people don't understand that the launch is on December 20th. They anticipated these types of issues which is one of the reasons they are even doing this. I hope every person QQing about not getting free play time cancels their game and goes back to WOW. sure there are issues but maybe also consider they are doing us all a favor in an attempt to minimize these problems by phasing us in. and If you say or think that Rift, WOW and all the rest did not have these issues on their actual Launch days your lieing I played them all on the first day.


It's amazing how many people don't know the difference between a launch date and an official release date, nor take the time to read the first sentence of the Welcome Message sticky.


"Welcome Message from Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk | Today , 07:16 AM


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you."

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