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Here's what a truly BAD launch looks like


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agreed. I cannot wait to see actual numbers in a few months and lol again at all of these sheep bleating away on the forums. Every MMO I have played was shoddy at best for launch (I am 33 and have been a gamer since there was such a thing so I have experienced a few betas / launches) What Bioware has done is break the conventional mold for MMO cloning factories. No more of the same ole same ole anymore, the industry is now going to be held to a higher standard. I am a happy Jedi!
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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.


Did you even read the OPs post? It is clear you DID NOT. Epic fail on YOUR part.


As to the OP, couldn't agree more. We may not like how BW handled it, but it is in no way as painful as you described it could be.

Edited by sedicious
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How's that tinfoil hat fitting? What other zany conspiracies do you believe in? :rolleyes:

Poor dearie.


There's a difference between a conspiracy theory and events that are actually happening. I suggest you take your nose out of BioWare's collective **** and learn the difference between the two.


We are being denied access to a product we paid for by the company. Not by technological limitations or unforeseen circumstances, but by the actual purveyor of the product you spent your money on.


Would you accept this same treatment at a restaurant or anywhere else? I didn't think so.

Edited by BadgeredMushroom
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Panther get off your high horse. So the person didn't punctuate or spell to your high standards lol. This is a video game forum, not a typing, spelling, or grammer contest. Your a tool just for pointing that out instead of just taking in what the person was trying to say and replying to the message.....lol Some people need to get out more hah!


What are you even talking about knucklehead? He didnt read the post - I responded that he should read the post. You suck at reading comprehension as well tool. I didnt correct him on anything in his spelling....but...its You're not your, since you like being corrected on spelling.


The chimps on this forum should go back to their cages now.

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No, actually, he's right and you're wrong. "Today we are launching TOR"... that statement was made before they started launching. As soon as they started launching, the game became "launched". The game was launched. Oh, and the game can be both launched and launching.


Just like when I'm eating lunch. After I have finished my sandwich, I have eaten, but I still have my banana so I am also still eating.



Excellent Analogy !

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no matter how you say it this "is" the worst launch ever, people need to get in to take theyre names, alot of fun reordering to get names and then you get in coule of days after launch and then maybe all names are gone wich you were gonna use, then the whole idea of preordering for early access is nullified, i would much rather be able to login make my char and then wait in que or even just wait while servers are down since i already have the names, people have different reasons and this is just crap how they are doing things hands down,



really now, this the worst because you may not be able to get the name you want?



You have no clue. With your example above EVERYONE is on the same page. EVERYONE is experiencing the same hangups. EVERYONE has the same ability to progress.


You sound like a whiny child, who didn't get pick first. And your clear mad that you didn't get pick first to play TOR




But did you get to play? Okay then.


But did you read the post? didn't think so.

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Alyxa, out of curiosity, what battlegroup were you on. I was on Vindication and we got hit pretty hard on that release. I remember the BG getting a couple of days worth of free days compensation, on top of what everyone had. It was a bad server cluster for a long time.


I was on Azgalor, in the Ruin battlegroup, some of the first servers that came out. We had crappy servers too - I remember getting free game time, but I also remember it was like "here's free game time, shut up, but we're still not going to fix the problem." Eventually they DID do the hardware overhaul, but it sure took them long enough.

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There's a difference between a conspiracy theory and events that are actually happening. I suggest you take your nose out of BioWare's collective **** and learn the difference between the two.


We are being denied access to a product we paid for by the company. Not by technological limitations or unforeseen circumstances, but by the actual purveyor of the product you spent your money on.


Would you accept this same treatment at a restaurant or anywhere else? I didn't think so.


we were promised upto 5 days you still have 1 and a half days to go before we hit the 5 days mark. chill out budddddddddie

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Actually you paid for a product that wasn't never promised you could play on the 13th. It said early access WILL BEGIN STARTING 5 days prior with staggered access. So if you are going to try and sound like your a lawyer, make sure you look at all your facts first. The game wasn't even supposed to be live on the 13th, so how have they failed you. Your restaurant analogy is flawed. If you paid for a seat on the 20th (the restaurant opens the 21st), then that's what you paid for. if the owner decides to let a few people in for early tasting on the 19th, he hasn't rejected you services that you paid for.
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There's a difference between a conspiracy theory and events that are actually happening. I suggest you take your nose out of BioWare's collective **** and learn the difference between the two.


We are being denied access to a product we paid for by the company. Not by technological limitations or unforeseen circumstances, but by the actual purveyor of the product you spent your money on.


Would you accept this same treatment at a restaurant or anywhere else? I didn't think so.


You paid for a game that's officially launch on the 20th, your preorder only guaranteed you the color crystal, if you bothered to read what you bought you would have noticed "you MAY play UP TO 5 days early" which was later revised to "you MAY play UP TO 7 days early"


Make sense now? Sorry you couldn't be an informed consumer.


*sigh* I suppose it still doesn't make sense to you, such is the entitled generation. :rolleyes:

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I think Bioware has done a great job.


No lag spikes that I saw, no ques when I logged in (granted I was a first waver I think).


The servers are a hell of a lot more stable than any other launch I've ever been on, including Rift's head start (which wasn't bad, but this is a lot better).


We will see how they handle the next few days


lmao +1 for the sig it made me LOL IRL

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No, actually, he's right and you're wrong. "Today we are launching TOR"... that statement was made before they started launching. As soon as they started launching, the game became "launched". The game was launched. Oh, and the game can be both launched and launching.


Just like when I'm eating lunch. After I have finished my sandwich, I have eaten, but I still have my banana so I am also still eating.


You can't be both doing something and have already done it, that breaks the space-time continuum!


Also, you've eaten your sandwich, but you're still eating your lunch.

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We are being denied access to a product we paid for by the company. Not by technological limitations or unforeseen circumstances, but by the actual purveyor of the product you spent your money on.


Partly yes, but actually - no. You are being denied access to a service, that is governed by things like EULAs and whatever the owner can think of. The owner set some rules to which you agreed by purchasing. I see no unfair play here whatsoever, they are abiding by their rules, they haven't broken any promise, you got exactly what you paid for.


Would you accept this same treatment at a restaurant or anywhere else? I didn't think so.


Well, in high-quality restaurants there are queues, you have to order your seat in advance and thus enter into an agreement with the restaurant. Should you fail to show up, the restaurant won't reserve a seat for you later. Should the restaurant fail to reserve a seat for you, you can sue them. It's all really simple - there are rules, the rules are not the same everywhere. And they are set by owners of the property.


Another example (I used it many times before, but why not again):


You bought a ticket to a really popular museum exhibit on day one. You bought it 5 minutes before trying to enter the place. Wait... what's that line? How come I must stand for 3 hours in some line when other people are already inside? I paid the same price as them, they must let me in, I AM DENIED ACCESS TO THE PRODUCT I PAID FOR.


See the similarities?

Edited by DrAidennwitz
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Ok, here's what I don't understand. All these people crying and sulking about the early access, I mean you guys bought early access knowing that it was going to be a staggered launch. Maybe I'm not making sense here, but frankly it doesn't make any sense to me so I'm having a hard time articulating it.


Why do you buy something, knowing the terms, and then make an unbearable nuisance of yourself because you don't like the terms, and predict the failure of the company, the end of life as we know it, & cast aspersions on the probable ancestry of anyone who doesn't agree with you.


All the twisted logic, whether true or not, is irrelevent. Those were the terms. You bought it. Now live with it for crying out loud. :confused:


And for those who can't read above 7th grade level: THE OP WAS NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT SWTOR! HE WAS SAYING THAT THIS IS NOT A BAD LAUNCH.


(Oh, and who cares if it's launch or not launch. Semantics. Has nothing to do with anything.) (Oh, and it's early access, not launch. lol. Sorry, couldn't resist.)


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You're allowed to download the game client starting the day before launch. It takes you the better part of a day because everyone and their grandmother and their dog are all trying to get the game installed before launch.


You finally get the game installed and fired up. You log in. You're #785 in a queue. It takes 3 hours to get into the game.


You get into the game, but the server lag is freaking terrible. Like you can't even move. You get disconnected.


You have to log in again, but LUCKILY you don't have to wait in queue again. You get into the game, but then the server crashes.


2 hours later you get an update on the game launcher from an hour ago saying that they'll have an update in 30 minutes. Ho hum. Servers down. For forever. Wasted Pizza Hutt and Full Throttles. Never really know *** happened.


When the servers do finally come back up (the next morning), you get in and everything seems good. Except there are 20 people sitting on a quest giver, making him unclickable. And then you have to go fight over mob spawns against 20 other people. Then you get to the part of the quest where you kill "the big guy" and you're stuck waiting to get your quest kill of ONE MOB, while you're getting ganked, and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire.


You finally get your quest kill and you have to go digging through a stack of players AGAIN to turn in your quest.


And then you get a game announcement saying that they're doing a server rollback.


So an hour later after they finally get the servers back up when it should have taken 15 minutes, you have to deal with 20 people camping the same mob YOU ALREADY KILLED while you're getting ganked and that stupid warrior's charge tagged the mob before you could get off a moonfire, and then you have to go digging through a stack of players again AGAIN to turn in your quest AGAIN.




Am I a little frustrated that other people are playing the game that I'm DYING to play? Yes.


Am I frustrated that BW apparently decided to call it a day early and stop sending out waves for 16 and a half hours? Yes.


Could they have done this some other, better, way? Probably.


But "the worst launch ever"? I'm sorry, but no. BW made it known from DAY ONE that not everyone was getting into the game on day one of early access. And if it means that I don't have to sit for four hours in a queue so the servers can crash before I have to fight 50 people for the same respawns so they can rollback the servers and I have to do it all over again, then... Okay.



The stress test BETA went better than BW's predictions if they were to open to flood gates. I'm not angry because I didn't get in, I'm angry because of the complete lack of information regarding the status of ANYTHING going on with ANYTHING over there. If they were to actually share some information like how many people was let in each wave, or which dates were targeted each wave, or how many waves they *HOPE* they manage to put in each day, or how much time they *HOPE* will be between each wave, or even how many cups of coffee the 2nd floor janitor drank today. Just as long as we have some confirmation that they are actually giving a **** and trying to do their jobs even close to a decent degree, and I would be in ecstacy! Just give us something besides "We're starting at XX AM tomorrow!" and then go trolololbaibai.

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Amen Hunter...Amen lol. Some of these whiners are mad because THEY didn't read facts fully. Seriously, who cares that much about a video game that they have to be the first of the first in and cry that someone may level faster...WHO CARES?! lol Some people are filling their diapers today. Time for everyone to put their bigbog pants on (or big girlspant lol) and go outside and do something else. I promise you, come the next few days the sun will continue to rise and you will be ok. The email will come, and you will be able to play just like the others. Now if the 20th rolls around and you didn't get to play and you preordered, then you can whine a little lol
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I truly love the people quoting the "you may play up to five days early", who apparently never have seen a company get into hot water (legal or otherwise) when they change the statement, (In this case it's they added two days), which invalidates their previous declaration.


If I tell you that I may come pick you up at 2pm, and I show up at 5, the unspoken implication is that I will arrive at 2pm, or at least by 2:30pm, not at 5pm.


Also the people who say that once someone gets in they'll be happy, yes they will but they will also RECALL this when they get bored, or an expansion comes out, or anything that makes them pause and think for a few minutes. First impressions are the bread and butter of industry, (as well as social interactions), and once you make that first impression it STICKS no matter how much you try to change it later.

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That's not a wall of text, it's paragraphed and has punctuation. A wall of text has neither.


Agreed. It's a societal problem that people can't pay attention to anything for more than 4 seconds or read more than 2 sentences. Good post.





I can't play yet either, but somehow I'm still alive. :cool:

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That sounds just like the mess with WOW launch. That was the WORST MMORPG I every saw for its launch. And it took them months to get the servers stable.


And after many years, there you have it: The most popular and polished MMO of all times! World of Warcraft! 10 millions+ subscribers, or maybe less, or maybe more ... who knows!


See you on a f2p basis in TOR!


I'll give this game max 1 year! Why? Because of the lore. 90 % of the players here don't know 1% of Star Wars Lore but they call us idiots, wankers, morons, stupid etc.


Damn hypos!

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What do you mean lack of information going on OVER THERE lol. They told you staggered access will be given starting the 15th. They decided to go with the 13th and they will stagger you in at some point. They told you to watch your email. Thats all you need to. Seems pretty clear to me. Oh wait, they didn't give you a play by play.... sir you need to get out more if your nail biting my the keyboard like that lol. Just because theyt didn't give exact numbers out there for you doesn't mean they don't give a **** lol.
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