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Nobody plays objectives in pvp


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There is always going to be someone (but usually not most). Part of fighting in WZs is working around the weaknesses of your teammates.


And often it is due to ignorance...either willful or circumstantial. Fortunately, almost every WZ can be explained in two or three sentences. People should try that during the start of every WZ instead of waiting for folks to do something you don't like and saying stuff like "OMG u so stupid! Delete ur char noob!"

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No its the way bioware wants it. Look at the archivements for Warzones, you get then by playing wrong or just not for playing objectives.

Odessen: 55 Kills! but nothing for buffs.

Them mo WZ with archivemnets for medals, mvp, or just objetive points,... so my conclusen: BW wanna as to play that way ( the wrong way) ... welcome to the dark side ;)

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I ONLY play for objectives. I could care less about my damage numbers, kills, or healing done. If I solo queue, I sort by objectives to vote for MVP. In fact, my guild name used to be <Sort by Objectives>

I try to explain to those wandering off nodes looking for kills that those same kills WILL come to them if they stay and guard, but they go running off anyway.

I'd rather be bored playing objectives and win, than chasing numbers and lose.

When I say bored, I'm talking about guarding a node when it's not under attack, for example.

You get a lot more XP, comms, credits, and valor for a win than you do for a loss. Not to mention it helps with the dailies/weekly!

And why is it that teams want to leave a solo guard at a node, and yet have 5-6 at another? I just don't get this! There should be a minimum of 2 guards at a node, period!

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By all means play for objective. I encourage that.


But recognise that killing people (or healing them) IS frequently an objective. Clearing attackers from a node makes capturing it much MUCH easier. Likewise for defense.


Take huttball for example. Killing people attacking a ball carrier in huttball makes that ball carrier MUCH more likely to score. Killing a healer who was healing their ball carrier makes a turnover much more likely. Neither of those two activities awards even a single objective point.


Edit: It's been my experience that those who complain loudest about 'dps farmers' are those screaming 'GET ORBS' when mid is overrun in AH, or who repeatedly click on the nodes in Civil War, VS and Novare while 'damage farmers' laugh and kill them.

Edited by Jherad
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I play on the Red Eclipse and I just wanted to start a thread like this. There's hardly any objective PvP anymore. Bad players just don't have a clue, good players just form a premade... to farm numbers in. You can't count on either to help you with objectives. 80% of the games I queue for solo end up with me and usually another guy doing objectives, rest of the team... farming, I guess, because I only get to see them on the lower half of the scoreboard.
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By all means play for objective. I encourage that.


But recognise that killing people (or healing them) IS frequently an objective. Clearing attackers from a node makes capturing it much MUCH easier. Likewise for defense.


Take huttball for example. Killing people attacking a ball carrier in huttball makes that ball carrier MUCH more likely to score. Killing a healer who was healing their ball carrier makes a turnover much more likely. Neither of those two activities awards even a single objective point.


Edit: It's been my experience that those who complain loudest about 'dps farmers' are those screaming 'GET ORBS' when mid is overrun in AH, or who repeatedly click on the nodes in Civil War, VS and Novare while 'damage farmers' laugh and kill them.

I agree with you mostly, but as for the enemy ball carrier in both Stunballs, if your entire team focuses that ball carrier, he/she will drop faster than a dress on prom night. It takes multiple healers to out-heal burst dmg.

But GL trying to get people to focus the ball! Most of the time they want to "defend" on our goal line, thus letting players leap to them, making it much easier for the enemy team to score.

And as for Zergstar, Of course you need to clear the enemy before you try planting. I wasn't implying otherwise. But how many times do you see 4-5 people trying to plant, instead of just one while the others CC? Way too often!

And Novare Coast: How often do you see players fighting behind or far off the node, while a single enemy stealth corner caps? Way too often!

When I say I play objectives, it's to win, period.

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Some people just play for fun, and sometimes the most fun thing is to simply ignore objectives and go dps at mid. Especially right now, what is the point of winning a warzone? You get more comms...which are soon to disappear. So what motivation is there to actually try and win? More credits, valor, and pride I guess. But sometimes that just isn't enough to make people actually want to node guard, run orbs, carry the huttball, etc. I've certainly had some games recently where I honestly do not care if we win or lose. It feels like the only reward is a green VICTORY at the end. If you are max valor, have more than 2m credits worth of warzone comms, and have tons of credits...there is really no point of winning. Edited by teclado
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So should one just do as the romans do and farm numbers? or should one just carry on with his/her objective playstyle in order to win the match? Because sometimes i just feel that none really care anyways and its just team deatmatch and games just seem pointless.
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The scoreboard is more important apparently and nobody plays objectives. :confused:


Do you play Imp?

Because they are the worst at objectives. Both sides can suck, but imps out shine the reps as far as sucking at objectives.


People don't understand that you can play objectives and top the scoreboard in DPS, heals, medals or what ever rings your bell.

But most of those who don't play objectives are off death matching in the middle of no where.

What is sad is that only the really bad players need to play that way. Most need to run in. 4-8 man death squad taking on 1-3 people. They always need a numbers advantage or they die. This is why they are bad.


Good pvp players can do both. Any fool can run all over the map to death match and get the highest DPS, but not many can get the highest DPS while playing objectives. If I were to abondon the objectives and just death match, I would top the DPS absolutely every match. But I play the game the way it was supposed to be played and still top the DPS most matches (depending on my class role)


If you want to play objective pvp, roll a rep toon. Talk to each other at the beginning and get a feel for what sort of team you have. If they are simple minded death match people, just requeue.

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So should one just do as the romans do and farm numbers? or should one just carry on with his/her objective playstyle in order to win the match? Because sometimes i just feel that none really care anyways and its just team deatmatch and games just seem pointless.


Don't give up on objectives. If you play both, then you will be a better player. I lead by example. Once people see me doing both and smashing them, they start to listen to direction.

Like I said in my previous post, any half witt can farm numbers, it takes a skill to do both.

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I just want to say, kudos to all those good folks who are willing to sit on defense at a node for most of a match, getting few medals and little thanks.


Cause I find it mind-numbingly boring when I end up on defense duty. Unless I'm playing stealth. Then it can be fun to **** with people.

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I agree with you mostly, but as for the enemy ball carrier in both Stunballs, if your entire team focuses that ball carrier, he/she will drop faster than a dress on prom night. It takes multiple healers to out-heal burst dmg.


That depends on who is carrying. Also good luck getting your entire team to focus them heheh. At the very most you'll have 4 competent DPS (if you are very VERY lucky). Even they are going to struggle to down a hardcore tank with heals, without some MAJOR cc and separation before the tank gets to where he wants to go.


And as Trixxie said, those competent DPS are probably going to max out the scoreboard as well.


I'm not saying that DPS farming while ignoring objectives doesn't happen - it clearly does. But there is a LOT of wolf crying from those who think 2k dps (which is a bare *minimum* for a competent DPS* in an average match) is number farming.


(* who is not guarding a node, or ninjaing etc, obviously)

Edited by Jherad
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Some people just play for fun, and sometimes the most fun thing is to simply ignore objectives and go dps at mid. Especially right now, what is the point of winning a warzone? You get more comms...which are soon to disappear. So what motivation is there to actually try and win? More credits, valor, and pride I guess. But sometimes that just isn't enough to make people actually want to node guard, run orbs, carry the huttball, etc. I've certainly had some games recently where I honestly do not care if we win or lose. It feels like the only reward is a green VICTORY at the end. If you are max valor, have more than 2m credits worth of warzone comms, and have tons of credits...there is really no point of winning.


You don't get it. We play for that green VICTORY at the end. Not comms, not valor, not money, not anything else.

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This game doesn't reward playing objectives. As said above, most achievements are kills, damage, healings. Also the warzone reward is so pityful that I hardly notice the difference when I win or lose.

After years of damage farming, now I play objectives, but mostly when I queue alone. When I queue in a premade we are generally going for juicy kills and coordinated hard swaps.


You don't get it. We play for that green VICTORY at the end. Not comms, not valor, not money, not anything else.


What's the reason of doing this? When I win by objectives but other team completely tops the scoreboard with 0 deaths, I don't feel like a winner. And vice versa.

Edited by DerSchneider
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What's the reason of doing this? When I win by objectives but other team completely tops the scoreboard with 0 deaths, I don't feel like a winner. And vice versa.


What's the reason for doing that? Topping the scoreboard and getting farmed 6-0 makes me feel like a total s*tter. Also because most warzones are for objectives. There's a format for juicy kills and hardswaps - it's called team ranked. Unless you're against a very good team, farming pugs in a premade, especially when the matchmaking RNG Gods have decided against them, is kinda lame.

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What's the reason for doing that? Topping the scoreboard and getting farmed 6-0 makes me feel like a total s*tter. Also because most warzones are for objectives. There's a format for juicy kills and hardswaps - it's called team ranked. Unless you're against a very good team, farming pugs in a premade, especially when the matchmaking RNG Gods have decided against them, is kinda lame.


Its called reg stars farming pugs. No skill involved. It's like beating up little kids. Not much different to trolling them. It's a good way to make people stop queuing.

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I never really understood why people would to just farm for numbers instead of playing the objective and trying to win. My most enjoyable Warzone experiences are never when I do the most damage. It's always when the BOTH teams are playing objectively and trying to win.


-Capping an enemy plyon with 1 second remaining

-AOE stunning a group in order for someone to decap a bomb, and other team combos to achieve something

-Multiple strong burst classes (such as a Marauder) all focusing one target, and killing them quickly

-Winning a 2 vs 1, and getting a node.


Those are a few examples of enjoyable experiences I've had. I get board when players ignore other players in need in order to get better numbers. I honestly think players who only play for numbers have an ego issue...


It's not hard to do lots of damage while playing objectively. And more importantly, it doesn't take skill to make big numbers.


I play pvp in another MMO. At the end of the match, there isn't a score sheet that displayed everybody's DPS. Only you can see your dps at the end of the match. If you got the highest, the system will let only you know. Everybody plays objectively in this MMO! The games are usually competitive and fun.


I wish players would play more objectively. In my experiences, it's always led me to have a more enjoyable experience.

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This game doesn't reward playing objectives. As said above, most achievements are kills, damage, healings. Also the warzone reward is so pityful that I hardly notice the difference when I win or lose.

After years of damage farming, now I play objectives, but mostly when I queue alone. When I queue in a premade we are generally going for juicy kills and coordinated hard swaps.




What's the reason of doing this? When I win by objectives but other team completely tops the scoreboard with 0 deaths, I don't feel like a winner. And vice versa.

I'm not gonna tell other people how to play the game, but I'll admit, looking at it in this way is sort of... well, it's a little surprising. If I were to compare it to, say, playing Basketball... would you care more about getting slam dunks than scoring more points than the other team?


I just find it a little weird, I guess. For me, the instinct is that you win by winning via the win objective of the game, set by what the game is. There are other ways to feel like you had fun or did a good job, but my instinct is still for the "official" win itself.


If my team dominated the other team in every way aside from the win objective and we officially lost, I would not feel like I won at all.

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I'm not gonna tell other people how to play the game, but I'll admit, looking at it in this way is sort of... well, it's a little surprising. If I were to compare it to, say, playing Basketball... would you care more about getting slam dunks than scoring more points than the other team?


I just find it a little weird, I guess. For me, the instinct is that you win by winning via the win objective of the game, set by what the game is. There are other ways to feel like you had fun or did a good job, but my instinct is still for the "official" win itself.


If my team dominated the other team in every way aside from the win objective and we officially lost, I would not feel like I won at all.


Agreed, it's like if you nuked them first, but they won the war.

I'd prefer to win the war than get the first shot off in a battle.

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By all means play for objective. I encourage that.


But recognise that killing people (or healing them) IS frequently an objective. Clearing attackers from a node makes capturing it much MUCH easier. Likewise for defense.


Take huttball for example. Killing people attacking a ball carrier in huttball makes that ball carrier MUCH more likely to score. Killing a healer who was healing their ball carrier makes a turnover much more likely. Neither of those two activities awards even a single objective point.


Edit: It's been my experience that those who complain loudest about 'dps farmers' are those screaming 'GET ORBS' when mid is overrun in AH, or who repeatedly click on the nodes in Civil War, VS and Novare while 'damage farmers' laugh and kill them.


I think that Bioware has really messed up PvP with class abilities and mechanics specifically in both Huttballs. For example regular Huttball and Operatives. Roll, 2 sec, roll, 2 sec, evasion, and repeat. by the time the second set of rolls is over evasion is back up from the skill tree. When teams see this they just quit trying to play objectives.

Now Quesh Huttball as a melee Dps I can not gap close on sniper, sorcs, or mercs that stand up top and free cast all match or gap close on a ball carrier thats about to score. However they left sorcs with the ability to pull players to the endzone. Second thing is the ability to pass from the bottom tier all the way to the top to a stealth, this is an easy two scores with a Jugg, healer, healer, stealth premade group which to me defeats the purpose of the maps design.

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