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Heroic Space Missions extremely difficult with little rewards and outdated.


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I started Heroic missions for long while and I find them improbable to achieve without being very lucky. The guides are four years old .... Even the Dulfy guide is outdated at this point. People that were fortunate to play before the difficulty increases and I envy them. Even with full grade 7 ship these missions are more likely to make you frustrated after several attempts of failure. I almost had came 1% close to completing all the objections only to be blown to pieces at the last second.


I also noticed they removed all the purple rep rewards and greens. Except one? Why? Now all I can get is 1 green rep reward from really super easy one. But all the rest are gone. There used to be more mission rewards in the past.


Anyone else think BW should nerf this or at least bring the other missing green rep rewards? Or better yet merge the space mission rep with GSF. It would be more fun than playing this really flawed attempt at StarFox 64 control scheme.


At this moment all I can do is the one green rep a day. It's going to take me months before I even come close to completing the higher rep tiers.

Edited by DarkEcIipse
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I started Heroic missions for long while and I find them improbable to achieve without being very lucky. The guides are four years old .... Even the Dulfy guide is outdated at this point. People that were fortunate to play before the difficulty increases and I envy them. Even with full grade 7 ship these missions are more likely to make you frustrated after several attempts of failure. I almost had came 1% close to completing all the objections only to be blown to pieces at the last second.


I also noticed they removed all the purple rep rewards and greens. Except one? Why? Now all I can get is 1 green rep reward from really super easy one. But all the rest are gone. There used to be more mission rewards in the past.


Anyone else think BW should nerf this or at least bring the other missing green rep rewards? Or better yet merge the space mission rep with GSF. It would be more fun than playing this really flawed attempt at StarFox 64 control scheme.


At this moment all I can do is the one green rep a day. It's going to take me months before I even come close to completing the higher rep tiers.


Well, heck. I was hoping that when I did the highest difficulty missions, I'd be getting better rep items. The rep vendor has a couple things I'd like to have.


OTOH, if it's only the one mission that gives the single green rep item; well, that one's pretty fast to run, I can just unleash MY ARMY OF ALTS! (Not that I have an army of alts)


Also, the credit payouts are scaled to your level, and that's not nothing to me

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Ironic thing is my little Mako [hugs] shouts "We need Upgrades!!!" during the horrible experience. Listen to her!!! Nerf it!! Do it. Do it!!! Just Do it!!! :mad:


And to prove I am not insane and some silly unskilled noob that is just whining. I took a screenshot. After 50x of random chances of dying even when I dodged at the right times and died another 40 deaths. I won the mission by the skin of my teeth.... I literally wanted to gorge my eye sockets out of my head and become a Miraluka, that way I'd keep my sanity intact and wouldn't have to look or experience it ever again.




I barely managed to make it out alive even after completing all those crappy objectives... tiny 1mm of HP. Now that's just insane. I am not kidding when I say it's pure 0.0001% chance you manage to complete it without dying.


What I think of Heroic Space Missions -- "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. ... It's the only way to be sure." And just to be safe follow it up with Exterminatus at BW Austin HQ. But seriously someone needs to send Darth Vader up there "to find new ways to motivate them".

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And I also really can't understand why you have to wait 20-30 seconds for a timer to end in order to complete the mission. I had to smash my mouse all over the place just to avoid exploding even after I completed all the objectives. It's as if some dev thought it would be awesome to have final countdown at the end.... what were they thinking? The timer should end the moment you finish the main objectives automatically.


/end rant

Edited by DarkEcIipse
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Well, heck. I was hoping that when I did the highest difficulty missions, I'd be getting better rep items. The rep vendor has a couple things I'd like to have.


OTOH, if it's only the one mission that gives the single green rep item; well, that one's pretty fast to run, I can just unleash MY ARMY OF ALTS! (Not that I have an army of alts)


Also, the credit payouts are scaled to your level, and that's not nothing to me


The only mission that gives a green rep item is the one that was originally for level 50s prior to the introduction of the "heroic" space missions.

You get a purple for the weekly mission that has two heroics in it, iirc. The other ones give blues.


Honestly, they need to remove the restriction on the days the missions are offered. The content is gated already by 1) requiring the grade 7 upgrades, many of which require fleet commendations to acquire, and 2) by the normal weekly limit on reputation earned.

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The only mission that gives a green rep item is the one that was originally for level 50s prior to the introduction of the "heroic" space missions.

You get a purple for the weekly mission that has two heroics in it, iirc. The other ones give blues.


Honestly, they need to remove the restriction on the days the missions are offered. The content is gated already by 1) requiring the grade 7 upgrades, many of which require fleet commendations to acquire, and 2) by the normal weekly limit on reputation earned.


Thanks for the more detailed information. I doubt I have time to make Champion before 5.0 drops, so I'm probably just going to wait. I'd hate to have them pull the vendors while I'm still grinding up to something useful. And I technically have most of the armor sets via the GSF preorder rewards (though there are minor differences).

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I started Heroic missions for long while and I find them improbable to achieve without being very lucky. The guides are four years old .... Even the Dulfy guide is outdated at this point. People that were fortunate to play before the difficulty increases and I envy them. Even with full grade 7 ship these missions are more likely to make you frustrated after several attempts of failure. I almost had came 1% close to completing all the objections only to be blown to pieces at the last second.


I also noticed they removed all the purple rep rewards and greens. Except one? Why? Now all I can get is 1 green rep reward from really super easy one. But all the rest are gone. There used to be more mission rewards in the past.


Anyone else think BW should nerf this or at least bring the other missing green rep rewards? Or better yet merge the space mission rep with GSF. It would be more fun than playing this really flawed attempt at StarFox 64 control scheme.


At this moment all I can do is the one green rep a day. It's going to take me months before I even come close to completing the higher rep tiers.


Please don't make them easier! They provide just enough challenge as it is, and that's with doing all the bonus missions as well. I'm not very good at "flying games" but this is just point and shoot while the game flies for you and you just spam spacebar and WASD. Once you have a power conversion module, pressing 1 and 2 to switch between guns and shields should be automatic


I almost never finish a mission under 50% health (usually not even close to that, and sometimes I don't take any damage on the easiest ones); except for on Cha Raaba Assault/Thanium Disruption where I still crash into the occasional asteroid, but even then I still finish.


I never did them before the original difficulty increase but I don't think it's been increased anytime recently.


If you need help with specific missions I could provide some tips.



What phalczen said about the rep rewards is correct and I also agree with him that they should remove the restriction of one specific mission every day. Just make it so you can do any mission on any day like other weeklies in the game.

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Please don't make them easier! They provide just enough challenge as it is, and that's with doing all the bonus missions as well.


You're the extreme rare exception then... I have two toons in all grade 7, I did one of them once, tried others many times over the years, they are stupid impossible... and I'm actually pretty good at such games...


If you need help with specific missions I could provide some tips.


You have no tips to offer, because you can't help with the broken missions, the timing is so tight, you're either the rare exception, or you're not. If not, "tips" won't help. There is simply no tolerance for error...

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I'd hate to have them pull the vendors while I'm still grinding up to something useful. [/Quote]


I'd laugh if it weren't so painfully sad and true. (And people wonder why old players are so wary of changes.)


And I technically have most of the armor sets via the GSF preorder rewards (though there are minor differences).


I think the design of the reputation armor is not part of the GSF rewards. But it's not particularly special, anyway, except for the helmet, so I never really bothered with it, either, for the exact reasons OP gives.

Edited by KyaniteD
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I started Heroic missions for long while and I find them improbable to achieve without being very lucky. The guides are four years old .... Even the Dulfy guide is outdated at this point. People that were fortunate to play before the difficulty increases and I envy them. (...)


What difficulty increase are you talking about?! I still do heroic missions once in a while and they haven't changed one bit since their release.

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I'd laugh if it weren't so painfully sad and true. (And people wonder why old players are so wary of changes.)




I think the design of the reputation armor is not part of the GSF rewards. But it's not particularly special, anyway, except for the helmet, so I never really bothered with it, either, for the exact reasons OP gives.


The GSF rewards armors are reskins of the shells available to purchase via space comms. You're right that the shells available via cash at the Champion level are not. This is currently the only source for the Deep Space Starfighter Helmet's model (per Tor Fashion - it used to be used for the battlemaster set, but those are not available any more). The Hyperspace Hotshot's armor model is used in other, more available, sets. Lotta work for one helmet that I only have a mild interest in.

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I noticed that one of the cartel sets before it came out was going to come with the Space Mission Champion helmet. But at the last minute it was patched out. Probably because they knew people would become angry that they just lifted a rep high tier reward and threw it into a cartel pack.


But I guess I'll just have to suck it up and wait until a year before I reach Champion tier. Then I'll probably give up after that. Still they should at least give the option for people that don't want to play this nightmare mode a grade 8/9 crafted gear set.


PS. Does anyone know how to get the purple rewards? Or did BW remove them?

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I noticed that one of the cartel sets before it came out was going to come with the Space Mission Champion helmet. But at the last minute it was patched out. Probably because they knew people would become angry that they just lifted a rep high tier reward and threw it into a cartel pack.


Thet would be {unprecedented}. It's simply {never} happened before. Especially since there are {so many people} playing PVE space battles.

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Honestly, they need to remove the restriction on the days the missions are offered. The content is gated already by 1) requiring the grade 7 upgrades, many of which require fleet commendations to acquire, and 2) by the normal weekly limit on reputation earned.

I think they would need to remove the credit reward and the resale price for the rep tokens - hard as they are to legitimately play through, the missions are completely scripted so a successful macro could complete them 100% of the time. Pretty sure that's why the missions were throttled like that to begin with.

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All these missions require is a little structure of what to do and when.


First off a tip about avoiding taking damage: The key is that the enemy shoots directly at your current position, but the delay from when they fire to when it hits you makes it possible to avoid most of the damage by keeping your ship moving in a simple circle around the edge of the screen by pressing WASD in a constant rotation. It will be difficult and clunky at first. but keep doing it and it will become second nature. Pressing spacebar to dodge enemy fire is a poor substitute for when you can't do the above.


You can move your ship by pressing the appropriate directional key or by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen. You can move your ship much faster by doing both at the same time; although this will hinder your ability to target things, it can be very beneficial when recharging your shields or trying to avoid asteroids or lots of enemy fire.



Today's mission is Duma Strike/Baros Ambush, it's one of the easiest ones because there is few places to crash, and if you don't care about the bonus missions you can spend most of the time with your shield on full power.


  • First off use your Electromagnetic Pulse Immediately when the mission starts. This is critical as doing it right away will do significantly more damage and make it possible to destroy all three ships at the beginning.
  • You want to use 1 missile plus some gunfire (easily accomplished by just firing while your targeting the missiles) on each remaining target of the ships; with the exception of the bridge, which will take a little more but can be ignored for now. (this efficiency will insure you have plenty of missiles for the entire mission)
  • Start with the frigate on the bottom left, (again, quickly drag and launch 4 missiles while hitting anything you can with your guns) then the one on top until each is off screen.
  • Then you will have about 20 seconds with just you and the last frigate to finish it off.
  • At 4m10s and 3m54s there is a chance to finish the first 2 frigates with guns and missiles. (If you don't get them here, you will see them plenty of other times, but you can forget about the bonuses--If you haven't already. The last 2 frigates don't show till near the end, so you should make every attempt to destroy any frigates you see until you have destroyed 3)
  • At 3m51s the first sith or jedi fighter appears in the distance, ignore any other targets and pound it with everything you've got!
  • These ships do heavy damage, so dodge what you can, but don't make it a priority because for this one a strong offense is the best defense, so just absorb whatever damage that you take.
  • You should be able to destroy it before or just after you pass between the narrow gap of those two asteroids.
  • Once you come around that corner there will be 2 bombers in front of you. They also do plenty of damage so if you have finished off the sith ship, it might be in your best interest to hit them with 2 missiles each and gunfire to get them out of your way. If not just turn up your shield and dodge.
  • The capital ship appears at the bottom of the screen around 3m30s and will be in range of your proton torpedoes a few seconds after that. Put your mouse over the bridge right away and there will be plenty of time to get a lock.
  • From when you launch your torpedo to when the second sith ship arrives at 1m58s there is nothing to do but shoot fighters for the bonus or ignore them and keep your shields up. Except of course finish off the first sith ship and 3 frigates if you haven't already.
  • Ignore the capital ship when you make a quick pass around 2m5s, there is not enough time to do anything.
  • Pretty simple to see, but at 2m0s when you swing up and around, away from the capital ship, keep your ship as far left as possible to avoid the big asteroid.
  • After that use your Electronic Warfare Pod to avoid as much damage as you can from the group of bombers surrounding the second sith ship.
  • Concentrate as much firepower as you can on the sith ship. (unless your still going for the bonus, then hit the bombers as well by drag targeting with your missiles)
  • The best line of sight on the sith ship comes at 1m55s to 1m50s and at 1m41s onward; but don't stop shooting until it's destroyed!
  • Last chance to shoot fighters/recharge shields until about 1m5s when the last frigates come into range.
  • Once again ignore the quick look you get at the capital ship.
  • You will get a longer look at the second/farther away frigate, so concentrate fire on that one. Needless to say, use all the missiles at your disposal as this is the last objective (except the bridge with your torpedo)
  • Activate your Electromagnetic Pulse at 0m54s just after you pass over the first frigate.
  • The bridge of the capital ship comes into range at about 0m45s. It's actually possible to fire two torpedoes here, so there is plenty of time to get off your last shot. (just don't forget! :D)
  • You have until 0m28s to finish of the frigate(s). Then you ride off into the suns̶e̶t. :D


It may seem like a lot, but I went into a lot of detail. Most of what was said will be evident on screen and only a couple parts are important to remember exactly.


Just remember:

capital ship turrets: no priority

fighters/bombers: low priority

frigates: high priority

sith/jedi ships: higher priority

capital ship bridge: highest priority

Edited by ChadSkywalkur
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