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That would be grossly unfair to anyone who had level sync on while you were around. No.


Well that is the point of such purchases, it gives you something others dont have, an advantage!! Ok so you couldnt access PVP instance for example.

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So you want a pass to have between 12 and 53 levels over the planet cap?


I want a pass which will make me stay lvl 65!! That means when i go to Voss i will be lvl 65 and the planet will be level 45 or what ever that planets level is. When i fight the World Boss on Alderran he will be lvl 38 again!!


Thats what i want.

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The days of one on one worldbosses was fun at first then turned to be boring, not to talk about forming a group of new players in level to take down one and see a ******** come in engage and start a pathetic 10 min dummy parse like thing, then have to wait two hours for the boss to respawn (except for trapjaw that has an enrage oneshoot 6 min).


And for the pilgrim yeah we 2 maned it no big deal when all damage is absorbed or deflected.


We used to run "tactical ops" in groups of 2 or 4 just for fun, but also it turns out to be boring with time.

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Not signed, anyone who is looking to turn off level sync are just after achievements or rewards without putting any effort into doing so. Without level sync everything you do should yield zero reward as if you want something you should have to work for it.


Besides with the way level sync works you are still much more powerful anyway and with the way companions are everything you are supposed to be able to do solo you still can do with little effort, everything else such as world bosses are supposed to be done in a group and not by yourself.

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Yes, because it is SO hard to understand the idea of a third instance...






You know, because picking your instance is a thing now...


Either way makes no sense, without bolster everything above 4 levels will dodge resist or absorb damage (go fight snowblind at lvl 39 you will see no damage taken from you and big letters saying absorbed), on the other side for everything below 4 levels their damage will be parried, dodged, absorbed or resisted by your char.


The only thing left is mechanics and for some bosses instashoot enrages. Not to mention that every world boss has a Terrifying buff that prevents using your companion to fight it. So even at max level you will need 2 people for certain world bosses.


If you want solo challenges do the eternal championship, if you want to parse your rotation use a training dummy.

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Either way makes no sense, without bolster everything above 4 levels will dodge resist or absorb damage (go fight snowblind at lvl 39 you will see no damage taken from you and big letters saying absorbed), on the other side for everything below 4 levels their damage will be parried, dodged, absorbed or resisted by your char.


The only thing left is mechanics and for some bosses instashoot enrages. Not to mention that every world boss has a Terrifying buff that prevents using your companion to fight it. So even at max level you will need 2 people for certain world bosses.


If you want solo challenges do the eternal championship, if you want to parse your rotation use a training dummy.


And to imagine Yavin Walker would be soloable in 5.0 :D

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Not signed, anyone who is looking to turn off level sync are just after achievements or rewards without putting any effort into doing so. Without level sync everything you do should yield zero reward as if you want something you should have to work for it.


Besides with the way level sync works you are still much more powerful anyway and with the way companions are everything you are supposed to be able to do solo you still can do with little effort, everything else such as world bosses are supposed to be done in a group and not by yourself.


No, you are wrong with your assumption. I want to turn off level sync mainly because since 4.0 the aggro of my chars is pathetic. No matter what class I play, my chars aggro mobs from quite a distance. It is simply annoying and nothing else. At least give a max. level char the option to not getting attacked by some random crazy acolytes or something. They should attack players with chars who are actually in their level range and not a level-synced 65 with 224 gear.


And about achievements: It's not about having to do more work. It's that it is simply impossible to get achievements which require groups. Because there are no groups. No one wants to e. g. join me for a fight against the Nightmare Pilgrim. My guild is abandoned. In group finder, there are no e. g. world bosses. I don't get pops for FP HM. I even wrote an ad in this forum searching for a group on my server to do group activities. Result: zero responses.


If a level sync off-instance gives me the chance to get achievements which I am otherwise simply not able to get because I cannot do them alone and no one wants to do them with me, then I would happily pay some Euros for that (not thousands though ;) ).


And yes, I am serious about this. You know that group play is pretty dead in this game. Maybe the few remaining top servers have a better situation, but mine has not and that although it's not a dead server.


TL;DR: A third instance without level sync? Yes, please! I'd pay some extra Euros for that.

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Yes, because it is SO hard to understand the idea of a third instance...






You know, because picking your instance is a thing now...


A No Sync instance would be great. It isn't something we should have to pay for though, the devs who created Level Sync should have catered to all playstyles, not removed some by creating it. Wouldn't care if they only allowed Heroics to be run in PvE / PvP instances, that's the only reason they included Level Sync in the first place as far as I can tell (the other points are just marketing rubbish)

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Not signed, anyone who is looking to turn off level sync are just after achievements or rewards without putting any effort into doing so.


Normaly yes, I wouldnt want to get some achievements easier than people before me, but in this case many of the people who got these achievements DID get them before 4.0 when we were all overlevel for everything! People went to kill world bosses, did all heroics and many other things that required a group or were just annoying to do at "current level".


That is why I would like to have this option again. At least Bioware would see the statistics, they would see how many people preffer the NONSYNC instance. They introduced lvl sync without our approval or asking for it.

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Normaly yes, I wouldnt want to get some achievements easier than people before me, but in this case many of the people who got these achievements DID get them before 4.0 when we were all overlevel for everything! People went to kill world bosses, did all heroics and many other things that required a group or were just annoying to do at "current level".


We weren't overleveled always, and I don't mind if they take away my silly overleveled achievments like NiM KP done with only 4 players, was fun but irreal (btw we intended to 2man it but then 2 bored guildies joined us)

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