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So, HOW MANY of you guys will continue playing after the first free month has passed?


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Screw bioware for not fixing every bug in a game this size. I am going to fly to their home office and picket them until they take the servers off. I bet that everyone whining and complaining about every little bug in a game that took what 5-6 years to develop and is a HUGE enviroment(bigger then WoWs at launch I believe) and about 10x the content of wow at launch and they have a few bugs that erk you a bit. So what, & I'm not talking about the well put together post above this one. I am talking about the absolute whiners and complainers who think that this is the end of the world. Grow up & get a GF. & STOP ASKING FOR A REFUND, OMG it's 15 bucks.
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I will play at least til I get 1 of each class through each story line. Or until Guild Wars 2 eats up all my time. Whichever game I feel is more fun ill get the bulk of my time, but since GW2 is box price only without a sub and fully open world, I can play both :D
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I canceled today which is sad because I would have loved to replace wow as my mmo of choice but there are too many issues that make the game not enjoyable for me. The Auction House being a joke is the first reason I have no hopes that BW will do the right thing.


For crying out loud they are using a $200 license for the official forums of the largest Star Wars mmo out there...that should tell you about the capabilities of some of BW's teams. A vbulletin forum? really? no search on the forums or on the auction house because it strains the servers? really?


This to me screams of incompetence so until they pick up the slack I ll play something else.


Further more there is no free flight space combat...in a star wars mmo !!! /facepalm

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Just curious! Not trolling or anything.


But I am absolutely curious who will still subscribe and who will still not!


And try to be at least sincere :)



p.s. I am for sure!


So am I, I paid for the second month already and I got a 60 day GTC as a present.

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Ive already canceled the auto-renew feature. Reasons why are:


Companions: I must use one on my level 20 Jedi Sentinel to do just the normal quests. Basically forced to micro manage another character while in combat.


Ability Delay: PVE and PVP become hair pulling when it can take .5 to 2 seconds for an ability to start after you enacted it.


Story and Running: Most of my time in game is actually spent listening to story and then proceeding to run halfway across the map.


Elites: Giving me a normal quest then throwing a gold elite of the same level as me when only level 6. I literally logged out last night and said "blank" this game. Character simply doesnt have the abilities to solo such a scripted event.

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To be determined if the slicing debacle is any indication of how Bioware will manage the game in the future than no I won't remain subscribed I've seen what happens to an MMO when developers make changes based on forum posts.


However I hope they learn from the learn from the whole slicing debacle, unnerf the skill and avoid making mistakes like that in future.

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I canceled today which is sad because I would have loved to replace wow as my mmo of choice but there are too many issues that make the game not enjoyable for me. The Auction House being a joke is the first reason I have no hopes that BW will do the right thing.


For crying out loud they are using a $200 license for the official forums of the largest Star Wars mmo out there...that should tell you about the capabilities of some of BW's teams. A vbulletin forum? really? no search on the forums or on the auction house because it strains the servers? really?


This to me screams of incompetence so until they pick up the slack I ll play something else.


Further more there is no free flight space combat...in a star wars mmo !!! /facepalm

How many topics you gonna post the same (or almost same) thing to?


You don't like space flight, well at least we have space flight.

There was a forum search function, but its not activate now. If you can not understand simple things like wanting to reduce or eliminate lag/strain on the forums and game servers I can not help you.


Give it some time and stop wanting everything right now.

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I will continue to play for the foreseeable future.


The story is engaging and the voice acting and missions are excellent. I'm loving my Gunslinger and will soon start other toons to sample their storylines also. I am really impressed that I'm only level 14 after playing a lot since Christmas day. I think if I'd have started a toon in WoW, I would have been level 50 by now, and not felt any attachment to the character. I feel a real attachment to my Gunslinger chick and can't wait to see what will unfold next.



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I'm already happy with the game, so I don't see myself leaving any time soon. I'm DONE with WoW, so that is certainly not going to bring me back.


HOWEVER - in the interest of full disclosure - a game like Guild Wars 2 could certainly sink its teeth in and rip me from my most beloved franchise (this one).

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Ive already canceled the auto-renew feature. Reasons why are:


Companions: I must use one on my level 20 Jedi Sentinel to do just the normal quests. Basically forced to micro manage another character while in combat.


Ability Delay: PVE and PVP become hair pulling when it can take .5 to 2 seconds for an ability to start after you enacted it.


Story and Running: Most of my time in game is actually spent listening to story and then proceeding to run halfway across the map.


Elites: Giving me a normal quest then throwing a gold elite of the same level as me when only level 6. I literally logged out last night and said "blank" this game. Character simply doesnt have the abilities to solo such a scripted event.


I had the same problem on my trooper at level 28, you want to know what the problem was?

Me, it was my fault. I honestly needed to learn how to play my class and spend points in the skill tree.

Its often hardest to look in the mirror and take the blame, but I wonder how many people say class X sucks when it really is the players fault.


You are complaining about the story? Excuse me? Did you know nothing of this game when you bought it? The story is the main feature, and every other mmo has you running around as well.


Are you sure that was not a heroic quest? Did you know this is a MMO and you can group up?

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You mean releasing a new patch with bug fixes and such EVERY week isn't fixing bugs fast enough?


No, the worst decisions have been cultural and intellectual, not "things they accidentally got wrong but are going to fix asap". This is a hundred times as aggravating as companion skill choices resetting.


All of this has been mentioned ad infinitum, but include:


1. Not making the most important parts of their infrastructure scalable. This is _basic_ when it comes to an MMO. There is always a great deal of uncertainty when it comes to subscriber numbers, and huge cost overruns for overdoing it, but this was A) supposed to be a "big bet", a tripe-A title, and B) it's not like they didn't have a strong indication from preorder volumes and initial game reactions.


It's not like they had to order servers for 5m subscribers - there's a difference between _building capacity_ and _making it possible to build capacity very rapidly if needed_. That should include hosting this in part or full on cloud servers if need be, suck up the cost for 3 months until you can build your own infrastructure. A customer-service, fact-sharing oriented forum at this stage of the release without a search function is mindbogglingly bad.


2. PvP is so broken that you could write a book on it:


2.1. PvP item rewards are enormous compared to PvE item rewards. This badly denigrates PvE rewards. Everything I receive as PvE mission rewards or loot are by default, always, junk, because 30 minutes of missions by default, always, give me 10x better items. Anyone who comes to this table for the PvE experience, but just casually slips into PvP (as in my case) will have their feelings for the game blown to bits.


"Why do it when nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to"? Sorry, that is not how it works. There is a reason most games don't stick a giant "Cheat button, push here for infinite lives but you don't have to" on their main menu. The reason is too complex to explain here, but there is one.


2.2 PvP leveling is incredibly fast compared to PvE leveling. This partly leads to the problem in 2.1, but also that people who consistently play PvP level up incredibly much faster than those who play PvE. This has led to at the moment the huge PvP imbalance in favour of Empire, because:


2.3 The 'Stat Boosting' doesn't work. Conceptually it's problematic to even have, because people who invest in their characters want to make use of that investment in PvP as well (and a perfect equalizer function would take that away). When you _do_ have it there are other problems that result from it _not_ being perfect, such as a lv12 with 11000hp and 2 talent points being no match for a Sith Sorcerer at lv50 with 40 talent points, bubbles and PvP gear. And it's only problematic "whether it works perfectly or not" because:


2.4 They decided not to include PvP brackets, an incredibly stupid decision. Perhaps the strongest reason this is idiotic is that as time passes the lv50s currently with 14000hp will eventually get 16000hp, fully stimmed and full crew skill perks, whilst lv10s who join will progressively fall behind. There's more problems with PvP but let's not keep on drumming on a jar of bone dust from the skeletal remains of a prehistoric horse.


3. The "bring me 15 womprat tails" grind quests aren't gone. In fact, they have rather been implemented as "bonus missions" to EVERY MISSION. There are FAR MORE of them than in WoW and you can't avoid being presented with them. Except that it's frequently first 15 and then 30 womprat tails.


"But why do them when nobody holds a gun to your head and forces you to do them?" - Indeed, why did anyone complain about WoW's womprat tail quests when nobdoy held a gun to anyone's head and everyone could just skip those? There is a reason but it's beyond your level of understanding.


4. What I have seen of Bioware's attitude to "conceptual" problems is piss poor. Take the slicing nerf as an example. No, I am not saying that "they should not have nerfed slicing". Let me in fact quote my entire post:




I think Bioware's attitude is extremely bad.


There's a number of outstanding design issues (apart from this) that have been raised repeatedly and are major annoyances. There has been NO feedback on these AT ALL (I could provide a list, but they have all been mentioned 100s or 1000s of times).


Now Slicing is nerfed. I took up slicing as an in-game skill, because it was reported to make a lot of money - and it did. I did make a lot of money using it.


I haven't tried using it very much so far post patch, but the reports here, even if exaggerated, still makes it a very poor skill compared to others. The only meaningful things you can get from it are credits (bad) and augments. So basically you have a skill that does nothing but provide augments and a minor amount of credits that's less than what battlefields or any regular play provide. You used to make 100 credits playing regularly? Well, in return for sacrificing a skill slot you now make 130. Congratulations.


That is what it _looks like_ to me at this point. You know what? I am not sure that is _really_ the case. Maybe the top levels are different. Maybe affection really pushes up credit rates. Maybe Bioware thinks that you are supposed to suffer low returns in the beginning, just like many skills have low returns (except for starship components which, oh, for lv2 costs 4000 credits on the GTN) and then only have good returns later on. Maybe actually what is supposed to be the case is that most credits should come from high level lockboxes.


Bioware has however provided NO INSIGHT OR EXPLANATION AT ALL ABOUT THEIR DECISION. There's a staggering amount of myopic arrogance in place. And now other threads are closed and they redirect the discussion here - for what? Why? Do they really find this kind of discussion productive? They supply no meaningful information, they waste a huge number of people's time leveling up slicing, and now they want to observe the discussion like some kind of experiment?


That has been the attitude to pretty much every design issue. No communication. No "here is what we thought, this is why, this is the plan, here is how it will work" dev posts.


This is always an issue that comes down to _people_ and _culture_. There are people in Bioware that are in positions they shouldn't be in, and are driving this culture. They need to be replaced with people who behave like what I describe.


I've just cancelled my rebilling which should give enough time to see if BW mends their ways. Maybe the people with a clue and those who know how to communicate with a so-called "Player Base" are on holiday and will get back in ten days time. Somehow I doubt it.



When someone says 'please discuss this issue in this thread', when they themselves could have made the entire discussion 100x more rewarding and insightful and made most of the posts redundant with 10 minutes of effort from a developer, but choose not to, doesn't smack of "please discuss, we are so interested in your feedback", it smacks of an arrogant way to move criticism out of the way. Hence my initial conclusion that the problems are cultural and intellectual rather than "bugs to be fixed".

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The fact that half the time I don't get the "reengineer" button in my inventory screen, the fact that I can't have more than two screens open at the same time, which means I can't have my bank, inventory and char window open when I want to put in a new mod to a weapon.


Are you playing BETA? Because I can have 2 screens open at once, and you don't even need both of the character and inventory screens open to equip an item.

I actually found this very useful, a HUGE difference from other MMO's.



And being only about 5 days in, 10 levels in, I've decided (for now) I'm going to renew if I don't get bored in the mean time. The only problem(s) I have with the game is the demanding rate of RAM it requires. And the in-game problem is the massive lag in indoor areas and specifically in rest zones.

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