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So, HOW MANY of you guys will continue playing after the first free month has passed?


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Really? I thought the AH was amazing so far. There are so many nubs selling stuff for cheap that I buy and resell. I'm only level 21 and have over 60,000 credits due to the AH.


I'm making it rain with credits, with the AH!


P.S. - I'm in!


I plan on subbing, but I haven't been using the AH much because of the horrible UI for the AH.

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They have a lot of work to do to iron out some things in this game but overall great launch and worthy of a 6 month sub out of me. It's been a long time since I played a game that when I'm not at home playing it I want to be. I haven't had that feeling since Vanilla WoW and my old counter strike days. This game is going to be epic considering how much they already had in at launch.
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Best launch I have seen


Best game out of the gate I have seen (some features missing but honestly has more than any other mmo at launch)


Best quest and voiceovers in any MMO, and many single player games.


Yep... I plan on being here for a long time to come.

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I started gaming back before PCs were being used for gaming, the Atari console was cutting edge, BBS door games were the best you could do for MMO quality gaming. I've since rolled through the years graduating from text based gaming to extremely poor graphical gaming, to today's graphically superior games.. I've played just about every mainstream MMO out there and have basically come to the end of a long journey in my gaming. Out of all the games I've played over the years, truth be told, Star Wars Galaxies was the best of the best, it offered everything you could have possibly wanted in an MMO. Yeah, it had it's issues, but for a sandbox MMO of that caliber, it was well ahead of it's time, and was compromised of features that to this day, no other MMO has managed to combine and offer.


That being said, World of Warcraft was my gaming drug of choice for several years after the complete destruction of SWG, I tried other MMOs out there, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Vanguard, and quite a few others, but ultimately I went back to WoW because it had the most to offer and even if I wasn't one of those types who loved to run around mindlessly grinding out achievements or farming for gold and materials to put on the Auction House, I managed to stay busy and was able to socialize when I felt like it.


Truth is, I've been on this roller coaster ride for so long, that I've grown tired of the journey and have decided that I'm just going to settle in and deal with where I am now. SWTOR may not be at that level of MMO other titles are at right now, but in time it will be. So, I'll simply dig in, and should I find myself irritated or bored, I'll find a substitute for a month or two, come back and continue to play, but this is home now, and it's going to stay that way.. The only thing that could get me to pack my bags and move on would be if Star Wars Galaxies came out in it's original design with an improved graphical engine aka Star Wars Galaxies 2, but since that's probably never going to happen, this is it.

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Personally I'm only planning on playing until I hit max level on my character and complete all the quests. I'm not a big fan of subscription games and really don't want to lose years of my life like I did with COH, but in the meanwhile I do intend on playing as much as I can after the free trial period ends.
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I have not canceled my subscription of 6 months but I am very much leaning towards leaving. There are a multitude of reasons why and they will be outlined below.


Lightsabers are nerf bats: when a lightsaber is swung very hard movies, books and other media tell me is should cut through damn near anything. In this game it is just a glowing sword which really ruins the immersion into the world and the IP. I can get armor that is saber proof or shields but those prevent any saber use not making them less effective.


Do you feel heroic?: I thought companions would be cool but needing them for all gameplay unless you are with other people is really lame and further makes me feel playing my character less heroic. The whole concept of the main story is that your character is a hero.


PVP is Crap: Many other MMOs have already proven that if you take the ability away from someone to use their character in PVP they will not have fun. This is the case right now in PVP. You get stunned and use the ability then 4 more get tacked on and you are done till dead.


UI: enough of the comments about having time to develop. This game has in development for three years or more. They have copied WoW and other MMOs on many other aspects. Leaving this out is very bad. It is how I interact with the game that should be my choice not yours since you are not playing for me. The GTN UI is a joke and not worth the time to search.


Environments:/B] This is a really big one. The game is very limited when it comes to the space which you can explore. I understanding having limited areas but the Exhaustion Zones piss me off. They want to give the illusion of space but make sure you stay in your pen.


Combat This game did one thing cool with combat and took away auto attack. This gives a sense that you control the character. The problem is that there are too many abilities, no macros or UI customization. From my perspective in this model I need to be able to be effective with 9 keys not my whole damn keyboard.


Skill Trees These were invented by Blizzard as a new major MMO feature. They have now found these are bad and do not give enough choice and are being removed from the largest MMO in history. IF Blizzard could innovate like this at their launch why couldn't Bioware. They were too focused on making sure their fluff elements were amazing to make the game itself better. The story will only last so long then you only have a game. If the game is crap then it ruins the story for me.


This is not much of an MMO besides having it being played online with chat. I am very disappointed with this game. Please note I am not playing WoW or Rift either because of similiar failings in those MMOs as well.

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I've already canceled my subscription and won't renew. There's just a number of mindbogglingly bad decisions that have been made with this game that break the experience. It's like living in a house with no doors or windows. I didn't play the beta, but the resources that should have been available and BW's attitude post launch indicate that these issues won't be fixed because they are cultural rather than "bugs to be fixed asap".
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I'm having a hard time deciding, on one hand I've been looking forward to this game for years but on the other hand, the more I play it the more I notice the many many many big, medium and small mistakes they've made.


Character responsiveness, character customization, the force cloak bugs, the Warzone queue disconnect bug, the insanity of a class design that gives just about every ranged class more CC than a frost mage, more survivability than an SL/SL lock and the burst of a Destro lock. I mean Troopers seriously, is there anything that class does not have? The RNG for PvP gear, the teleporting in warzones, the idiotic idea to keep the PvP vendor with blue gear in Dromund Kaas but every other vendor on the imperial fleet.


Travel alone makes me want to choke somebody. Ok, so Dromund Kaas has a spaceport, yet I need to land at an orbital station and thus get another loading screen? Do mounts really need to be banned from the inside of spaceports when they are the size of football fields?


The fact that half the time I don't get the "reengineer" button in my inventory screen, the fact that I can't have more than two screens open at the same time, which means I can't have my bank, inventory and char window open when I want to put in a new mod to a weapon.


I would write a list, but it suffices to say that if given the chance, I would take whoever is responsible for class design and use him to beat the dev responsible for PvP to death with.

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Im actually thinking about re-uping my account for a year, I don't think I have ever fallen in love with a game so much. So what if it has a few bugs that really PISS me off. The gameplay is fun and I get to wreck havoc and kill people in cinnamatics with force lightning? R U KIDDING ME!
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I've already canceled my subscription and won't renew. There's just a number of mindbogglingly bad decisions that have been made with this game that break the experience. It's like living in a house with no doors or windows. I didn't play the beta, but the resources that should have been available and BW's attitude post launch indicate that these issues won't be fixed because they are cultural rather than "bugs to be fixed asap".


You mean releasing a new patch with bug fixes and such EVERY week isn't fixing bugs fast enough?

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Me and many of my friends won't be staying.


This is simply too last gen design and with no proper communication tools (there's not even speech bubbles).


I'll play the free month as a single player campaign as it was meant to be played and that's it.

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