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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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Why? Please explain.


If you want to level to 50 PvPing that is all well and good but don't complain is all I meant. I PvP’d a bit around 20 & 40, but went hardcore at like 48-50. A lot of people are on the final approach to 50, and some like me have been 50 for a week now. The game is designed to get you there in less than 100 hours of played time, much less than most MMOs which usually is double that. Once the servers have a good breath of levels they are going to have brackets. They said this system was a soft intro to PvP for the first month (approximately).


I honestly can’t wait until they put the brackets in. Half the time I leave Warzones when I go in and everyone on the team is like 10-25. I did premade-warzone group with 3 other 50s one morning, and it wasn’t a matter if we would win it is how fast.



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Level 50 should have it's own bracket due to the lack of expertise available at any other level. Bolster helps otherwise, but once the expertise gets thrown in it's basically a no win situation for those without it.


It's probably just a short term issue until there are more level 50's and a 50 only bracket can become more viable for queue times.

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I've been killing level 50's since I was level 25 (yeah, some levelled that much faster then me.)


Its not that hard. realize a level 50 isn't just a guy with more points then you, but a guy who's played more hours, and had longer to get good at his class. Also, who knows how much pvp gear he has, probably more then you. But I can still kill them 1 on 1, sometimes

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I have been pvp'ing in swtor since i was lvl 14 and so far i have not seen to much complications. Granted along the way i was put up against teams with like 3+ lvl 50's on their side and you really notice the difference. Now that i am 41 i can take on 50's that are normally geared and stand my ground but some have already some very good pvp gear and then things become a bit more complicated it not undoable but a fight takes quite some time and from a 1vs1 standpoint its really nice but the bottemline is he/she is taking all my time from helping my team.


But i do agree that a seperate bracket for the 45~50 maybe even the 40~50 should be introduced at some stage. Imagine once the majority reaches 50 and starts coming in with pvp gear and some poor level 20 decides he wants to go and pvp with his buddies only to come out against a team decked with 50's in pvp gear..... I don't think that such a good idea not to mention unfair. Sure they will be boosted but its simply not going to save them from people geared for pvp. Even if the 50's suck they simply will have the gear advantage and will takes ages to kill.

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Thats all they need for brackets is 1-49 and 50 but as it sits now there isn't enough 50s for them to put it in. the queues would be freaking insane. I am a 21 BH and my last WZ i was top damage with 49 kills and 7 deaths. People need to stop whining and learn to play your class.
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This is only my veiw. I understand that many other people will disagree and thats cool.


I don't enjoy gear driven games as much. When you have PVP Gear, and this gear and that gear, I find that skill, and character disign have much less impact on gameplay.


As far as segmented PVP goes, I don't mind the way it is now. I don't feel bad when a level 50 takes me down when I am level 24, but it feels great when I take a level 50 down.


I don't take level 50s down very often.. heh,,


Level 50s are just starting to emerge. They can off set the ballance of the matches for sure.


Personaly I would give it 1 more month or two and see how things are working.


Perhaps by that time there will be more level 50s all round and matches might

be more ballanced. And if they are not, then at that point perhaps change is needed.

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It's some what annoying to load in and see my group is full of level 25-35 and run into a group of level 45-50 players. While it happens more than I prefer, it's not the end of the world for me. I'll get there soon enough.
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MaximusNem - yet another one telling u to learn to play. What does it take to make u understand that killing someone with 6-8k less hp, hitting him 2k harder EVERY SINGLE HIT, isn't about skill?

Because that is how it is with a lvl 40 normal dude meets a lvl 50 pvp geared dude

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*i play on PvE server, so this is how i feel from that POV.. PvP servers may wish to ignore this post*


Level 50's are keeping it somewhat challenging for me. I am currently about to hit 36 and PvP is too easy with out the 50's. I actually have to work to kill them some times. I need to plan my positioning better and i cant be as trigger happy with my CC. Even with a a lot of 50's coming around now they mostly still suck. Im still coming out on top every scenario. Cant wait till i hit 50... But that's my opinion


On the other side of the fence. I do see the gear level 50's have access to as a huge disadvantage to us. Most of the ones i am fighting probably dont even have a full set of blue pvp gear. I saw one guy last night just chilling in town, i liked the way his armor looked so i inspected him. If he were to run into pvp he would be a god amongst men. He was 2 pieces shy of having his full armor set.


With Expertise stats (though have heard it doesn't work yet) in play... This game will go the same route as WAR (toughness) did... Gear > skill. I hope we can avoid that this time through.


In the end do we need a level 50 only bracket... probably. But not now. PvP is very much doable and i think people just need to rework your tactics to more then button smashing.

Edited by Kryzen
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MaximusNem - yet another one telling u to learn to play. What does it take to make u understand that killing someone with 6-8k less hp, hitting him 2k harder EVERY SINGLE HIT, isn't about skill?

Because that is how it is with a lvl 40 normal dude meets a lvl 50 pvp geared dude



You clearly aren't referring to warzones then.

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Why? I don't need incentive to level, I am enjoying the game. Better yet, 50s should be set to level 1 stats that should give them incentive to slow down.


If you want the rewards of getting stronger Level. till then your weak. but its your own choice. If you want handouts go get welfare gear from wow. Star wars wants you to earn your **** again.


In every MMO you have to pay your dues some more then others.


WoW has spoiled these players rotten. With there welfare handouts. These players are so spoiled an lazy they now think they are entitled the same advantage as someone who spent more time on there character. If everyone was 100% the same it wouldn't be a RPG stupid.


Think about it. If you want a game where every single person does same damage and has the same health you should be play FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS. Not a RPG.


Seems like MMO community is beginning to get stupid from warcraft.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Have to say I don't minde a challenge but the snotty nature of people in PvP is getting on my nerves now... yesterday I joined a WZ only to get a comment about "Great, more lower levels" and that level 45 whined ALL the way through and appeared to be doing nothing but complaining while the rest of us struggled on...


I have had this happen to me numerous times; the community seems absolute crap so far. Today a lovely player said, "you're XXXXXXXXX crap and useless." Things like that have made the game really unappealing, as the ONLY reason I subscribed to the game was to be able to PvP as I level.


Since non 50s are allowed in WZs, hate on Bioware, not the sub-50s maybe?


Not all of us live inside a damn MMO, so getting to 50 quickly isn't going to happen at least for many of us.

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Thats all they need for brackets is 1-49 and 50 but as it sits now there isn't enough 50s for them to put it in. the queues would be freaking insane. I am a 21 BH and my last WZ i was top damage with 49 kills and 7 deaths. People need to stop whining and learn to play your class.




To say you got 49 kills means nothing. Its normal for every to get that many kills, if you damage someone you get credit. Plus how many 50's did you have on your team. People are not saying that they can not kill anyone, they are saying that they have failed in creating a system that will bring you on par with a level 50.

Its not so bad right now while you still have a good chance to only have 1 or 2 50s on a team. But in a month when a level 25 person is thrown in a game aginst a whole group of 50s thats going to suck. This will lead to your team blaming it on the low levels and trashing them for joining the match.

And understand its not about being just 50, it about armor you can obtain then. It only gets worse with time. We(or I) want a heathy pracitced pvp system. Not one that says stay out till 50.

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To say you got 49 kills means nothing. Its normal for every to get that many kills, if you damage someone you get credit. Plus how many 50's did you have on your team. People are not saying that they can not kill anyone, they are saying that they have failed in creating a system that will bring you on par with a level 50.

Its not so bad right now while you still have a good chance to only have 1 or 2 50s on a team. But in a month when a level 25 person is thrown in a game aginst a whole group of 50s thats going to suck. This will lead to your team blaming it on the low levels and trashing them for joining the match.

And understand its not about being just 50, it about armor you can obtain then. It only gets worse with time. We(or I) want a heathy pracitced pvp system. Not one that says stay out till 50.


Exactly. Doesn't freaking matter how long it takes you to get to 50. You EARN it. If you don't like it hit the road. Warcraft caters to babies.

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To say you got 49 kills means nothing. Its normal for every to get that many kills, if you damage someone you get credit. Plus how many 50's did you have on your team. People are not saying that they can not kill anyone, they are saying that they have failed in creating a system that will bring you on par with a level 50.

Its not so bad right now while you still have a good chance to only have 1 or 2 50s on a team. But in a month when a level 25 person is thrown in a game aginst a whole group of 50s thats going to suck. This will lead to your team blaming it on the low levels and trashing them for joining the match.

And understand its not about being just 50, it about armor you can obtain then. It only gets worse with time. We(or I) want a heathy pracitced pvp system. Not one that says stay out till 50.


Woah, who the **** said you would EVER EVER be on par with a level 50?

That same player would gank the crap out of you walking around questing in a PVP server.


You don't get it do you? You must be new to MMO's.


Bolster is to give you a fighting chance so you don't stand there and do 1 damage or less to a 50. It gives you damage and health of a level 50. That's all you get. If you want the rewards of character progression and growth and getting stronger I suggest you go earn it like everyone else. They will never ever ever let you become a level 50 get the same endgame perks and same rewards at level 10. So stop expecting it that's not the way any MMO works.

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Basically, what these kids want. Is everyone to have the same gear, same talents. When you level. It buffs your stats auto. You dont get to pick them. You have no character options other then "what you look like".


Also each time you level. You notice no difference. That would give some incentive to really grind out those extra pointless 40 levels. Mmmm nothing like spending a week grinding out some levels to be equal to a level 10 that just spent 3 hours getting through Korriban. Role playing game: From day one = spending countless hours slowing building your toon stronger an stronger till when you finally reach your max potential.

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Exactly. Doesn't freaking matter how long it takes you to get to 50. You EARN it. If you don't like it hit the road. Warcraft caters to babies.




Furyofwar you do understand if you have so called earned it and made it to 50 you will also be as affected as thoes low level undergeared people right? You do understaned that you also will be handicaped when you are put on a team with 2 or 3 level 20 somethings. So not only will you have earned it but your going to have to earn it for them to, from now till when new people stop joining the game.

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When I hit 50 I don't want to go into a Warfront where all that's in the Warfront is level 10-20 players. Bracketing the Warfronts into atleast a 45-50 bracket would be way better for the level 50's who actually want to challenge themselves with classes that have more skills and more talents, then the level 10 version of them that has what? a handful of skills and 1 talent point? The 50's who don't want atleast a 50 only bracket are the people who just enjoying killing low level players and don't want a challenge for themselves.


You got to look at it this way, most of those level 10 players are in these Warfronts for two things 1. Exp to help them level up to 50 and have fun doing somewhat of a team based PvP 2. Grind their Warzone Commendations for their PvP gear later on. When 50 pre-mades come in, that not only discourages them for ever wanting to Q up again but it might even make them quit the game. So the simple fact is we need something to stick the 50's or 45-50's into their own bracket to save what ever is left of the Warfront PvP.

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It doesn't matter who you que with.


You don't see forum posts about all the level 50s tired of carrying these baddies doing 10kills 50 deaths and like 30k damage done. Good players don't QQ plain and simple.

Only reason I am even bothering to say this. Cause maybe there is at least 1 person on this entire forum who will get a light bulb in there head after reading this.






Live by that. Hopefully it saves one person reading this.

Playing extremely well when the odds are stacked against you will just make you SO MUCH better when the playing field finally evens out.


You want to know who the best person is in your server? Look at the team that got owned. See that guy who ***** the entire other team scored 2x when all of you failed. An still lost cause it was 6-2 in Hutt ball. That player even though he lost...


Is the best.


An when he/she hits level 50. An grabs 3 good friends that play well together. Is going to stomp you into the ground every single warzone he enters always.


If you want level 50vs50 pvp you have Ilum its just like wintergrasp and BH from WoW.

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When I hit 50 I don't want to go into a Warfront where all that's in the Warfront is level 10-20 players. Bracketing the Warfronts into atleast a 45-50 bracket would be way better for the level 50's who actually want to challenge themselves with classes that have more skills and more talents, then the level 10 version of them that has what? a handful of skills and 1 talent point? The 50's who don't want atleast a 50 only bracket are the people who just enjoying killing low level players and don't want a challenge for themselves.


You got to look at it this way, most of those level 10 players are in these Warfronts for two things 1. Exp to help them level up to 50 and have fun doing somewhat of a team based PvP 2. Grind their Warzone Commendations for their PvP gear later on. When 50 pre-mades come in, that not only discourages them for ever wanting to Q up again but it might even make them quit the game. So the simple fact is we need something to stick the 50's or 45-50's into their own bracket to save what ever is left of the Warfront PvP.


If they quit the game when they lose then maybe they just need to quit and learn the hard way. Seriously. You don't get laid if you get rejected once and never try to get laid again. You keep at it. They need to learn this lesson.

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If you honestly think lvl 20s fighting lvl 50s is an acceptable game mechanic then you need to go jump in a fire. I guess people can't seem to comprehend the simple concept of bolestering =/= the abilities, talents, and expertise stat that you're missing.


Just stop and think what you're arguing for! Fricken a people.

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