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If commendations/crystals could be converted into something else...


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What would you want them converted into?


I know the common suggestion right now is CXP. Let's see what we can come up with beyond that. Rewards or items, for instance, that might appeal to you as an alternative. Or any other random idea you can think of. If there is nothing other than credits or CXP you'd be happy with, that's fine too. I just wanted to make sort of a catch-all for suggestions.


Keep in mind that this is, of course, hypothetical, as there is no guarantee of them changing how the conversion will work.

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CXP would be nice and I'd like it, but apparently it's been confirmed they're gonna be converted to credits instead.

I wonder if that also means mission rewards are going to be converted to credits (or credit lockboxes)? 'cause what we need more of in this game is inflation.

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CXP would be nice and I'd like it, but apparently it's been confirmed they're gonna be converted to credits instead.

I wonder if that also means mission rewards are going to be converted to credits (or credit lockboxes)? 'cause what we need more of in this game is inflation.


Everything you buy with them you will be using credits for int he future...which means we will have more credit sinks, being able to buy the boxes to hand to our alliance specialists for fast rep gain or faster alliance crate aquisition to try and finish off those sets? People will spend millions to fast track that.

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Everything you buy with them you will be using credits for int he future...which means we will have more credit sinks, being able to buy the boxes to hand to our alliance specialists for fast rep gain or faster alliance crate aquisition to try and finish off those sets? People will spend millions to fast track that.

Maybe it's just personal/anecdotal, but very few of those Commendation-sinks are things I would bother to buy except for the fact that I have Data Crystals that I can't use for anything but those purchases. So I fear we'll something similar and all the extra credits entering the economy will go into further player market price inflation.


That said, I do also expect that any credit costs at the vendors in question will probably be significantly higher than what their true "equivalent" cost in Data Crystals would have been, so perhaps we'll still see an effective sink from the players with credits to spare, and things will even out in the end.


I still think converting Commendations and Crystals into CXP would be more appropriate. I understand why they're not (the whole point of this system seems to be to eliminate the crowd that ends up with a full set of "Radiant" gear on day one because they were hording Crystals), but I still don't think Credits are a good conversion choice.

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How about this: let's not break a working system (pvp gearing, operations gearing) and leave it how it is. This is not progress, this is regression. This game is becoming so casual that anybody who actually tries to get good at an aspect of the game (e.g. pvp or operations) is completely demotivated by the changes that are coming.


A little tinfoil hat conspiracy theorizing, but how can you not see this as the first step towards removing warzones / operations, or at the very least justify not putting any effort into those parts of the game from a development standpoint? First, demotivate those players and get them to stop playing. Next, use extremely low activity metrics to justify what you wanted all along. You have to accept one of two things: 1) The devs and EA are so pants-on-head <insert derogatory term here> that they actually believe these changes will make people happy, or 2) This was the plan. I think the devs are pretty smart and EA cares only for the bottom line, hence option #2 fits.

Edited by teclado
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