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Please Don't Convert Our WZ Comms to Credits!


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Credits are worthless by comparison. Unless they're converting at some enormous rate, like 100K/WZ comm, there is pretty much no likely conversion that is compensating. In the past, you could grind and stack comms in advance of a new release - which incentivized playing prior to the release (this, btw does the opposite).


I understand you are removing PvP gear and that you don't want people to get "insta-max" toons after the GC launch. As a PvPer, I can stomach that. But to just wipe away our currency and give us 24 hours to figure out what to do with them just seems pointlessly harsh (dare I say a "slap in the face"? :p)


So PLEASE allow us to convert comms to something else "useful": rare 5.0 crafting mats, jawa junk, CM certs, rare companion gifts, decorations, etc. Maybe set up a temporary WZ COMM vendor that allows us to exchange comms for some vanity/cosmetic items - for example the way CM certs work?


Can you please throw existing subscribers and players a bone here? PRETTY PLEASE??? :o

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They are not interested in money sink which is imo another mistake when you release breaking changes in an MMO.

However all commendations including crystals are being converted into Credits and the old crystal vendors will take credits as well since beside CXP there is no other type of currency or reward left in 5.0.


And of course they will not give us CXP bags to open with 70 for obsolete commendations because they know that we would PL Command Levels as soon 5.0 hits the server.

Edited by KnightOfTython
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I advocate the same thing with crystals. Give us a vanity vendor (can be temporary) where we can exchange crystals/WZ comms for vanity/cosmetic items, new mats, etc.. To be clear, this isn't asking for a lot given what's being removed. Just a small token of appreciation for existing players and doesn't break the game in any way.
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The rate is pretty poor, isn't it like 30 for 1?


Worse than that, 40 to 1. But really the other options are basically the stuff from the vendor (warzone adrenals/medpacs, a mount, a couple orange weapons, or a scrap peddler lockbox), or rely on BW to give you a good deal on the credit to WZ comm conversion.


I won't be doing it right now, but I certainly don't plan on taking the credit conversion unless it's really good, as that seems like a waste, even with bad conversion rate.

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So PLEASE allow us to convert comms to something else "useful": rare 5.0 crafting mats, jawa junk, CM certs, rare companion gifts, decorations, etc. Maybe set up a temporary WZ COMM vendor that allows us to exchange comms for some vanity/cosmetic items - for example the way CM certs work?


They should introduce temporary vendor, similar to materials vendor, which would allow us to buy CXP Grants for WZ Comms or Data Crystals.

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They should introduce temporary vendor, similar to materials vendor, which would allow us to buy CXP Grants for WZ Comms or Data Crystals.


While I would LOVE this, it's clear they don't want to go this route. They want everyone to start level. I'm fine with that too.


Since we really can't be "compensated" for the comms/crystals, it would be a very GRACIOUS (Eric, are you reading this?) gesture to give us a temporary conversion of these to some rare 5.0 items: cosmetic, vanity, decoration, mats, 5.0 gifts, etc.

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Anything 5.0 relevant.... except credits please.


I believe on average, PvPers care much less about cred then those who focus on other aspects of SWTOR.


So much this. We don't have to repair our gear so credits are worthless pretty much.

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Worse than that, 40 to 1. But really the other options are basically the stuff from the vendor (warzone adrenals/medpacs, a mount, a couple orange weapons, or a scrap peddler lockbox), or rely on BW to give you a good deal on the credit to WZ comm conversion.


I won't be doing it right now, but I certainly don't plan on taking the credit conversion unless it's really good, as that seems like a waste, even with bad conversion rate.


The rate is not that bad since it's way, way faster to get WZ comms than Crystals, I did, what maybe 5 or whatever matches to get my DvL rank and have 3100+ comms, so the rate is fine. You could kit out your stronghold with repub/imp troopers though, I have quite a few in my strongholds now, since that's the major thing I've bought over time. Frankly, until we know the conversion rate to credits and what things will cost in credits, feels like we are panicking a bit.

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Honestly? If I could, I'd have them all convert in two ways: Credits and Galactic Command XP.


The latter would be interesting, giving people an initial boost, a few powerful crates, a taste of things to come, and the former around because... well, low-level folks would have more use of the credits.


If not both, at least give us the option.

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Gg bioware, looks like this expansion is the perfect way to find more time to work on Mass Effect!


Seriously though, you couldn't have done worse unless you sold the game to Jagex.


Thanks for *********** us... again.



Someone who waited 3 years for development with baited breath, played beta, and subbed from launch until now.

Edited by buzbuz
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I think we all know why they can't just convert the comms into CXP. They clearly want a longer gearing grind. That would do the opposite of what is intended. So that pretty much leaves credits or some other items.


Completely ignoring the economic inflation aspect, I'm actually cool with getting credits. I've never had a lot of those because I casually run warzones and operations for fun, which never have been huge credit sources. I slowly gear up and augment all of my alts, so all my credits vanish. I've never had more than 5-6 million liquid. Crafting bores me, to be honest. Running dailes / heroics: I'd just as soon take a nap. Most of my 65s don't have any crafting skills. So for little 'ol me, I'll take some credits because that will give me some new augments.


Regarding conversion rate, let's assume that your average pvper runs 4 warzones per day and wins 2/4. That would be enough to complete the daily, and the weekly by the end of the week. So that would amount to roughly 3400 comms per week, with roughly 1.33 hours per day = 9.33 hours per week (assuming 20 minutes per WZ)?Let's round that up to 10 hours per week since I was ignoring queue times. That would make about 3400 comms / 10 hours = 340 comms per hour. How many credits per hour can one make doing anything else in the game, on average? I honestly don't know, because I don't really do those things. Furthermore, I suppose we have to factor in the credit gains from completing the warzone and daily / weekly, and perhaps account for the lack of repair bills in pvp. Anybody want to take a crack at what you think would be fair compensation, given the above considerations and others that I'm probably not including?


My guess is that the figure is going to be much less than you think.

Edited by teclado
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100k per wz commendation?


You think 1 billion credits is about right for 10k commendations?


Are you insane or bad at math?

I was thinking the same thing. 200k warzone comms would become 20 BILLION credits hahahahaahahha!!!!


EDIT: Oh and 10k x 10k would be 100 million actually.

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100k per wz commendation?


You think 1 billion credits is about right for 10k commendations?


Are you insane or bad at math?


Ever heard of hyperbole? I wasn't actually suggesting a real-world conversion. I was saying that there IS NO conversion that is compensating besides something insane (and that we all know would never happen). :rolleyes:

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Ever heard of hyperbole? I wasn't actually suggesting a real-world conversion. I was saying that there IS NO conversion that is compensating besides something insane (and that we all know would never happen). :rolleyes:


Assuming I believe it was meant as such, your statement that something insane would qualify as "compensating" is equally ridiculous or are you using hyperbole again?


Perhaps you should just clearly state what you want because something insane wouldn't be a proper compensation for a bunch of comms that were actually quite easy to obtain.

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Assuming I believe it was meant as such, your statement that something insane would qualify as "compensating" is equally ridiculous or are you using hyperbole again?


Perhaps you should just clearly state what you want because something insane wouldn't be a proper compensation for a bunch of comms that were actually quite easy to obtain.


Are you trolling me? Because otherwise, I'm not sure why you're hung up on this meaningless detail, rather than the main point of "please NO CREDITS". What I'm saying here is that those of us who grinded out hundreds of thousands of WZ comms didn't do so for credits (we did so for comms for PvP gear), and so credits cannot possibly work as compensation unless its at some insane (READ: THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AND THAT I'M NOT ASKING FOR) rate.


Did you even read the OP? Here's what I said:


Credits are worthless by comparison. Unless they're converting at some enormous rate, like 100K/WZ comm, there is pretty much no LIKELY conversion that is compensating....


Other than emphasis, that's verbatim. I DO NOT WANT credits, and haven't asked for credits here. But I also do understand that I will not be able to buy the 5.0 gear or get CXP for comms. Also cool with that. What I'm asking for, reasonably, is something else BESIDES CREDITS that allows us to purchase some other rare 5.0 vanity items, gifts, or mats - e.g. a 5.0 vanity conversion vendor (you know, for those 'easily obtained' comms :rolleyes:). Of course, if you want credits, you should be able to get those too (at whatever rate they offer).


Now if you were just trolling me, I fell for it. And in that event, well done...

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Hundreds of millions in credits and almost 150K comms stashed - been away from toons (but subbed) for several months only to find out that when I come back after 5.0 my comms will be wiped (and bound since I won't be able to log in in time to swap to alts). And what will I get? Some rinky dink credits!


Come on EA/BW, do the right thing and pls give us a 5.0 special exchange vendor instead of, or as an alternative to, credits!

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HOLD OFF!!! Eric said he'd announce in a week what all the conversions would be. He is waiting on confirmation. Once he announces then decide what to do.


Well that happened already and the confirmation is credits. The conversion rate will be announced during the next days.

Edited by KnightOfTython
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HOLD OFF!!! Eric said he'd announce in a week what all the conversions would be. He is waiting on confirmation. Once he announces then decide what to do.


I'm pretty sure current plan is credits. See below:


It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Throne’s launch. We are still working out the conversion rates and I am hopeful that I will have that information for you later next week. To reiterate, in preparation for Knights of the Eternal Throne all Warzone Commendation Grants will become bind on pickup as of Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday.


Thanks everyone!




Was there a follow up to this? I didn't see one but am HOPEFUL!

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