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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Use Data Crystals now, or wait for the expansion?


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So I´m a bit confused by the new reward system for the next expansion. So what happes to your green, blue and purple data crystals? they get removed? I have a 1000 green data crystals on my newly geared 65 and wont play her for a while. So would it be wise to blow em all on som 208 gear or just wait?


thanks in advance


Edited by FinalFortune
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Well u still got some time to wait till Dec 2 then they go away and they should announce it. But if u plan on wasting it rather trade for grade 6 gifts even if u haven't done the kotfe u can buy legacy travel for planet. (what i did on all my alts except mains) or buy some deco for it. to trade for gear its waste of comms(crystals).
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Wait for the conversion announcement, or at least until closer to the drop date for 5.0


This. when we know conversion rate you should still have time to use them up if you don't like the rate. Use them if you need to but otherwise wait a little longer.


Also need to know if F2P get the conversion rate as well if they cannot use GC. That is if the conversion is GC tokens/crates.

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Definitely wait for the conversion announcement.

There's no sense in needlessly spending them early.


Ultimately you'll probably lose out in the conversion but you'll at least have a few days to spend them all on decorations and companion gifts if you don't like what you see.

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Well u still got some time to wait till Dec 2 then they go away and they should announce it. But if u plan on wasting it rather trade for grade 6 gifts even if u haven't done the kotfe u can buy legacy travel for planet. (what i did on all my alts except mains) or buy some deco for it. to trade for gear its waste of comms(crystals).


There is also a vendor on fleet that sells the blue and purple grade 5 companion gifts that also at certain levels of influence, give better return for your crystals than the grade 6 purchases.

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Wait for the conversion announcement, or at least until closer to the drop date for 5.0


Conversion into what will be the big question.


We know there will not be any more commendations or crystals. The only thing there will be is these dark or light side tokens. I've been wondering if you'll be getting some of those instead, but the gear vendors will accept credits only in 5.0 and no more crystals or commendations as far as I understand it.

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Conversion into what will be the big question.


We know there will not be any more commendations or crystals. The only thing there will be is these dark or light side tokens. I've been wondering if you'll be getting some of those instead, but the gear vendors will accept credits only in 5.0 and no more crystals or commendations as far as I understand it.


The "Easy" route will be converting to credits. Which will be a shame. I've been agitating for conversion to GXP, as a mitigation for the pain of the new gear grind for veterans.


Neither one matters to me all that much, I'm an easy-come, easy-go type of spender, and dont' have a lot of crystals or comms anywhere. Especially since I just blew the cost of a 14-piece 204 PvP set because I wanted to use it today, not whatever I can buy with whatever the comms turn into in 5 weeks. Credits or GXP; I'll play the game and get more.

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The "Easy" route will be converting to credits. Which will be a shame. I've been agitating for conversion to GXP, as a mitigation for the pain of the new gear grind for veterans.


Neither one matters to me all that much, I'm an easy-come, easy-go type of spender, and dont' have a lot of crystals or comms anywhere. Especially since I just blew the cost of a 14-piece 204 PvP set because I wanted to use it today, not whatever I can buy with whatever the comms turn into in 5 weeks. Credits or GXP; I'll play the game and get more.


Easy perhaps but for the economy a disaster. I doubt they will want to go that way. I think part of the reason they are getting rid of crystals and replace it with credits is to drain more credits from the economy. We've already reached the 100 million mark on the GTN that might actually sell. The other day someone wanted to buy that defiant cross blade saber for 70 million. The cheapest on the GTN was 111 million. So I think it's good credits are drained in this economy. I doubt we will go back but we don't need it to progress either.

Edited by Tsillah
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So I´m a bit confused by the new reward system for the next expansion. So what happes to your green, blue and purple data crystals? they get removed? I have a 1000 green data crystals on my newly geared 65 and wont play her for a while. So would it be wise to blow em all on som 208 gear or just wait?


thanks in advance



Depends on conversion announcement they are working on.

Current Commendations will be going away, we will have more details in the coming weeks on their conversion.


Then decide if it's worth to spend or not before 5.0 hits the server.

Edited by KnightOfTython
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I've spent mine on companion gifts, I had quite a lot on multiple toons and with some of the gifts going for 80k+ I didn't feel the need to wait and hope that whatever we're going to get might be better! Which it probably wouldn't be.
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Easy perhaps but for the economy a disaster. I doubt they will want to go that way. I think part of the reason they are getting rid of crystals and replace it with credits is to drain more credits from the economy. We've already reached the 100 million mark on the GTN that might actually sell. The other day someone wanted to buy that defiant cross blade saber for 70 million. The cheapest on the GTN was 111 million. So I think it's good credits are drained in this economy. I doubt we will go back but we don't need it to progress either.


You won't hear me complaining about them needing to do something about the amount of loose credits in the game.

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Unassembled tokens from 3.0 got converted into BoP boxes which, when opened, granted glowing data crystals, if I recall correctly. For 5.0, they'll have to convert:

1) Warzone Commendations

2) Season 6 Tokens (which were supposed to convert to WZ comms when season 7 ended, which is when 5.0 starts)


4) Unassembled defiant, exarch, ultimate exarch pieces

and whatever else I'm forgetting.

I'm assuming Fleet commendations (which you earn from the on-rails space missions and from the GSF daily and weekly) and Ship and Fleet Requisition (also for GSF) will remain unchanged.

Of course, season 7 tokens will have to remain unchanged since you won't be able to buy the rewards until 5.0 goes live.

Those 4 things all represent the end game content that will now be determined by command xp. Hence, I suspect each of these four currencies will convert into boxes of various sizes. These boxes won't be able to be opened until you are 70, and when opened will grant some amount of command xp, allowing a veteran to gain a number of command ranks immediately upon dinging 70. I'm guessing, and this is completely a guess, WZ comms will convert 10-100:1, s6 tokens 1-5:1, CDC 10:1, GDC 5:1, RDC 2:1, and unassembled tokens 1:10-100. This is 100% a guess, just numbers I pulled out of the air.

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