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Guys playing girl characters.


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These posts are always amusing.


The question is not about playing a lightsaber wielding twi'lek with lekku or a ***** Zabrak, but about playing a human female? If people can play a fictional alien without the question arising, why does playing a female character raise it?


Because there's this utterly stupid underlying idea that for a man to take the role of a woman is a step down, somehow degrading his masculine identity. That he's somehow less of a person if he isn't constantly reinforcing his masculinity through everything he does, which comes hand-in-hand with the very ugly idea that women are lesser people.

This also ties with how being a gay male is viewed as being more like a woman than a man, thus not a human of equal value.


Welcome to sexism, it damages everyone.

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The question is not about playing a lightsaber wielding twi'lek with lekku or a ***** Zabrak, but about playing a human female? If people can play a fictional alien without the question arising, why does playing a female character raise it?


Because for most of the people posting on these forums, women are far more scary than huts.

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i tend to play both male and female, all depends on the name i choose, and i dont see an issue with a guy playing female characters, if some one finds it disturbing that a guy/female plays the oppisite sex role in a game then they have issues to deal with :D
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Well.. My characters are all men.. I am a man.. My wife's characters are all women.. She of course is a woman.. I follow her around.. Not to mention grope her, kiss her, sneak off with her into a secluded room, hang out with her in the cantinas..


Oh.. I can't forget.. Bring her onto my ship.. Spend a little alone time among the stars..


As for you men running around as women?? Bummer deal.. No romancing Kira or Vette or Mako.. All the missed opportunities.. :cool:

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Why do these threads almost always inquire into guys playing girls and not girls playing guys?


OP: My answer is easy, in atomic or digital form, women look better. I tried rolling a guy in this game and for the life of me I cannot look at some dude's face through all the dialogue.


Still, wanna know something ULTRA lame/creepy. I can make a toon look EXACTLY like my wife... it's wild:


Human, Female (of course), Bounty Hunter. Create the Char with these numbers:

3, 10, 1, 22, 6, 1, 4, 6, 15 Name it Christina and BAM there you have it!


Dr. Zimbardo it up for me now!

Edited by Shortwave
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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I am a guy playing female characters almost exclusively in these games. So I guess these lines are addressed to me.


I have just read your post. Isn't it great that in the realms of fantasy we can become whoever we sometimes want to become in our dreams? Now, to the point...


I understand why you play the characters you play. I can imagine you must have lots of fun with it and I like it. If my approval is beneficial for you in any way (as the quoted text somewhat suggests together with the title of the thread) consider it granted. You are most welcome. Enjoy. :)

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


there are 2 kinds of play :


- the style you project yourself to your character

- the style you play your character as it has a character of its own


those who play female chars as guys generally do the 2nd one. for example, all the characters i empathize/identify with are republic and male. the two characters i have on sith side are both female.


granted, this game fosters much more character for the toons you create, and the toons i have created on republic side to project my own identity by now already have become characters of their own in my eyes. but, thats something very, very good.


whomever wrote the script/story for this game, and designed the character/dialogue/story stuff, has done a paranormal job.

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It's funny, when in game, when you roll female, people will always refer to you as "she this" or "she that" when discussing something you did. And opposite for male. Weither you are a male or female irl. I guess there is a little rp in all of us. Anyway, my brother in law will always roll the same character type no matter the class.



Body type 1

Red short hair


Because she's "hot"

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Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


Says a lot about you really, that you think a woman can't be bad ***.


But anyway, I'm happy playing both genders. I have a female smuggler and a male jedi. Main reason for having female characters is because I'm going to be spending 90% of my time looking at their back, and I'd much rather be looking at shapely female pixels than male pixels. With SW:TOR though it gets even better because we have all these cut-scenes so I also get to see her face, rather than some metrosexual male with perfectly trimmed hair, or some hulking hardman.

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My female sith sorcerer is the most bad *** dark side character I've ever seen. She despises everyone below her (which means, 99% of the characters she meets in game), takes pleasure in making people suffer and kills without a second thought.


You can't get any more bad *** than that :)

Edited by Gauvi
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