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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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I wonder if they consider killing trash up to an OPS boss, getting CXP and then leaving and resetting to kill the trash again "suspicious behavior" or an exploit.


It never seems to bother them in the past like when killing the hands right before Brontus.


Or farming the adds right before Op Ix in TFB (the ones that keep respawing if you don't kill the cores).

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Or farming the adds right before Op Ix in TFB (the ones that keep respawing if you don't kill the cores).


Considering they already nerfed these, because people were farming them for credits, they should have thought about this, but who knows?

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Or farming the adds right before Op Ix in TFB (the ones that keep respawing if you don't kill the cores).


That area is also on our list of things to check come the expansion for the fastest CXP gains possible for our play time.


All the warden bots in EV leading up to Gharj. Leave, reset and do it again and there easy to kill on either difficulty level so time to clear and reset would be very short. CXP gains have the chance to be huge and waste little to no time.

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That area is also on our list of things to check come the expansion for the fastest CXP gains possible for our play time.


All the warden bots in EV leading up to Gharj. Leave, reset and do it again and there easy to kill on either difficulty level so time to clear and reset would be very short. CXP gains have the chance to be huge and waste little to no time.


The big spawn before Brontes and the one after Draxus also seem good.

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What truly baffles me, that people wants something that they are not suppose to have.


The same way i can demand Wings of Architect "becouse im running Heroics! Why Special snowflakes cannot understand that casuals are also deserve it??!!1111111".


Seriously. That's EXACTLY how you sound right.


High-end top-tier gear should NEVER get into the hands of people, who doesn't even run Operations. Period.


This is a LAW of ALL MMORPG'S in a world.


You are running high-end content - you get best gear.


If you will try to prove that i'm wrong - look at all those "successfull" MMO.

And you will notice that TOP-TIER gear require RAIDING.

Non of them will give you top-tier gear for doing daily quests.


If person A have a large house and awsome sportcar - you can't just whine that you deserve it to and demand to share it with you, despite the fact that you are simple janitor.


Get it through you head:



Want some cheese to go with that whine buddy?

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I do not really know how many posts you have seen on this but quantity may make you think about it again...

First of all I really enjoyed this game 2.x, and since then it went down in quality, do not repeat the mistakes of the past to get new subscribers, keep the long-established dudes...


1. The RNG:

Why RNG, is everything else too difficult? - No. No. No.

How about Token barely how we now it... My suggestion would be:

You get a "Tier 1/2/3/4/5... Token" for every Command Rank you level up, and as vendors are too hard to find you could include a "Token Exchange Section" into the Command Rank interface, automatically the chosen options are your class and your discipline or even just if you are DPS/Tank or Heal. And then you can change from Marauder/Juggernaut/Assassin/Sorcerer/Powertech/Mercenary/Sniper/Operative

and then from DPS/ank/Heal or the different disiplines...

A token would be able to be exchanged for everthing, so a Token could buy you: Head, Breastplate, Hands, Belt, Greaves, Boots, Offhand, Mainhand, Relics, Bracer; Implants, Earpiece.

No RNG and easy to find, maybe even a gold shining section in the GC window so it EASIER to find!

Please! Your heard us on the suggestion to make it discipline bound, but this would eliminate the RNG...


2. Expertise

I get the point of removing it....making everything accessable for every Filthy casual [ no offense :) ] and every Pro.

But the solution cannot be to remove it completely - you made it too easy for yourselves...

How about keeping the warzone comms just like the fleet comms, and upon clicking the warzone section in GC you get the option to chose from queue reg/queue ranked/spend warzone commendation.

Just like above easy to find...

Moving on, say you win 141 comms every win, make the low gear cost 141 per piece of gear - easy to obtain for casuals and pros and PvErs and basically everyone...and then make the ranked gear better...and what I mean with better is not 4 ranks more so you barely see a difference, at minimum 8 so from 224 to 232 and make it fairly expensive...give the Pro-PvPers you scared away content or something they have over the casuals!

I'm currently thinking of 50k total cost for the ranked gear, and get rid of the "you need the 224 shells to get the better gear". 50k would be much...see it as content and motivation as it has way better stats.


3. PvE Rewards/Content/Gear:

Just like PvP you finally have to face the casuals with the truth of not getting the best gear by farming heroics...

NiM should be the highest rank of gear and UNIQUE, just like the mounts...as I hope you do not want to make a heroic mob drop the wings of the architect...

Highest Command Rank Gear +6 for nightmare gear, nightmare gear can be exchanged maybe in the GC window but I mean if you run nightmare you have to know this vendor, or you ask your group...that's no shame!!!

Every Boss drops a Token just like now, you can stay at the current type where every boss drops a specific piece and i think everyone would appreciate that as slaying nefra 14 times isn't worth full nightmare gear.

So it basically stays the same...and highlighted ops...screw them...no more EV hardmode to farm max gear...highlighted drops 1 allrounder token from the last boss (+ the normal token, let's say Mainhand for Dread Council) the allround token can purchase every type of gear then...

In my opinion a good way to let casualsget the gear FOR nightmare from anything but the gear IN nightmare is restricted to the Elite...don't get greedy and let them fall only because there are more newbies you can leech your money from....please!!

Content...yeah...you know the problem...

I do not care about how much you copy from WoW....but give the PvErs their content.


Sidenote: *not as VERY important as the stuff above*

PvP Ranked Rewards:

Releasing uhh "bad" or "lame" (to say the least) rewards is not the way to go against wintrader.

Don't let us PvPers fall again, you took some cool things from the calsses that made them unique, but I deal with that but give us rewards, VERY unique ones (just like Wings) . Show the newbies that they cannot get everything!!!!!!111!eleven pLeAsE!

8v8 Ranked to show up again would be cool, cross server is always a good thing too.


Please Musco, Ben, Charles, Bioware Austin....whatever I should call you, I'd call you GOD if you would listen to me!

Edited by lolplayerLP
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Allegedly the cap can only be reached by "exploits." Whether that's true or not, we shall see. I will admit that the current design team seems to be less appreciative of the inventiveness of their player base.


OTOH, if you take a week off and can make it up the next week; someone will be doing that even without taking a week off. If you take a week off, you're going to lose the advantages of playing that week. Crafting is the designed "catch-up" mechanism, not being able to crank up your rate of CXP acquisition.




If they find ways to hit the cap, then that's the "weekly baseline" for the hardest of players - and they won't be able to catch up the lost week anyway.


Ah, but does CXP have "rest experience" like normal levelling does? I've seen nothing mentioned in regards to this.

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As of late, all I see is a trend to push F2P's to subscribers, and as a result, a customer would need to be subscribed for a relatively long time to level command experience through all characters while hoping to acquire the armor they want through crates. Basically, BW wants to intentionally drag out subscriptions by implementing both RNG and character (non-Legacy) grinding. What I don't know is how many will actually unsubscribe due to this platform ? Will it ultimately be a long term loss in revenue?
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Basically, BW wants to intentionally drag out subscriptions by implementing both RNG and character (non-Legacy) grinding. What I don't know is how many will actually unsubscribe due to this platform ? Will it ultimately be a long term loss in revenue?


Who knows. I know I'm not paying for an RNG gear grind, I can play other games for that should I choose to do so.

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If you are in an Operation you will get CXP for the following things:

  • Killing any enemy which is "Gold" or higher (this includes any bosses).
  • Killing the boss will grant each person in the Operation a BoP consumable which grants a burst of CXP.
  • If you queued through group finder, you will receive bonus CXP for completing the Op.


Eric; since you kind of give an idea of CXP getting awarded in operations with this post; any chance of getting something on the thoughts of how it will be awarded via PvP? IE Do you get CXP for completing a Warzone? More or less based on win vs loss? Any bonuses for an enemy kill?

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Wow is expertise removed? Then lets put it this way the gear have will got back to strength, wisdom and other things like that you basically force me to lost all my freaking gear I already have because instead of expertise is replaced by whatever that does not work with my Marrauder?
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As of late, all I see is a trend to push F2P's to subscribers, and as a result, a customer would need to be subscribed for a relatively long time to level command experience through all characters while hoping to acquire the armor they want through crates. Basically, BW wants to intentionally drag out subscriptions by implementing both RNG and character (non-Legacy) grinding. What I don't know is how many will actually unsubscribe due to this platform ? Will it ultimately be a long term loss in revenue?


They will get some new subs out of it... and lose others...


The bigger question is... "Will this cause long time subs to leave and be replaced by short term subs who come and go?"


Replacing people who have been here since new ops were new, with new people who drop in, do a month or two of content, and leave, is not a good business plan.

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What is the plan for Earpieces, Implants, and Relics that you receive from the Command Crates? Given that for example a DPS could use Accuracy, Alacrity, or Critical depending on what they still need for stats.... it'd be rather cumbersome to not get the right one all the time (likewise with there being so many Relics in game, DPS also tend to only go with Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault).


A solution I've thought of is since the PvE and PvP vendors will no longer have a purpose due to the removal of Data Crystals and Commodations. Keep in place at least one vendor, and when you would get an Earpiece/Implant/Relic from a Command Crate, have it be a Token that could be exchanged with the vendor for the desired type.

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What is the plan for Earpieces, Implants, and Relics that you receive from the Command Crates? Given that for example a DPS could use Accuracy, Alacrity, or Critical depending on what they still need for stats.... it'd be rather cumbersome to not get the right one all the time (likewise with there being so many Relics in game, DPS also tend to only go with Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault).


A solution I've thought of is since the PvE and PvP vendors will no longer have a purpose due to the removal of Data Crystals and Commodations. Keep in place at least one vendor, and when you would get an Earpiece/Implant/Relic from a Command Crate, have it be a Token that could be exchanged with the vendor for the desired type.


The stat delta between crafted and dropped Left-Hand-Side items will be minimal; so you can build around your drops with crafted items.

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I'm sorry, but your new loot system is terrible. I just re-subbed, leveled my Bounty Hunter to 70, and then started working on obtaining Command Crates. I have obtained 6 Command Crates. Four of them in a row provided me with an ear piece. WTH am I supposed to do with 4 ear devices? So of course I kept the best one, but then I had to disintegrate 3 of them and barely received any Command Points in return. Guess what.... I looted two lightsaber schematics! Of course I can't use them nor sell them because they are bind to legacy. This is so stupid!


It will take over a year to get a decent complete set. I'm sorry, but if this was your idea on how to make people subscribe, your are in for a big surprise. It is going to have the direct opposite effect. I am not spending $15 per month to grind out Command Points, just so I can keep on getting the same crap over and over. Who came up with this loot system? The individuals involved should be fired immediately. You are going to lose a lot of your subscribers if you do not fix this crap! Also, why would anyone run any of the "End-Game" content? Why bother going through the trouble?

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I'm sorry, but your new loot system is terrible. I just re-subbed, leveled my Bounty Hunter to 70, and then started working on obtaining Command Crates. I have obtained 6 Command Crates. Four of them in a row provided me with an ear piece. WTH am I supposed to do with 4 ear devices? So of course I kept the best one, but then I had to disintegrate 3 of them and barely received any Command Points in return. Guess what.... I looted two lightsaber schematics! Of course I can't use them nor sell them because they are bind to legacy. This is so stupid!


It will take over a year to get a decent complete set. I'm sorry, but if this was your idea on how to make people subscribe, your are in for a big surprise. It is going to have the direct opposite effect. I am not spending $15 per month to grind out Command Points, just so I can keep on getting the same crap over and over. Who came up with this loot system? The individuals involved should be fired immediately. You are going to lose a lot of your subscribers if you do not fix this crap! Also, why would anyone run any of the "End-Game" content? Why bother going through the trouble?


So much this.

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I'm sorry, but your new loot system is terrible. I just re-subbed, leveled my Bounty Hunter to 70, and then started working on obtaining Command Crates. I have obtained 6 Command Crates. Four of them in a row provided me with an ear piece. WTH am I supposed to do with 4 ear devices? So of course I kept the best one, but then I had to disintegrate 3 of them and barely received any Command Points in return. Guess what.... I looted two lightsaber schematics! Of course I can't use them nor sell them because they are bind to legacy. This is so stupid!


It will take over a year to get a decent complete set. I'm sorry, but if this was your idea on how to make people subscribe, your are in for a big surprise. It is going to have the direct opposite effect. I am not spending $15 per month to grind out Command Points, just so I can keep on getting the same crap over and over. Who came up with this loot system? The individuals involved should be fired immediately. You are going to lose a lot of your subscribers if you do not fix this crap! Also, why would anyone run any of the "End-Game" content? Why bother going through the trouble?


Amen, brother.

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I'm sorry, but your new loot system is terrible. I just re-subbed, leveled my Bounty Hunter to 70, and then started working on obtaining Command Crates. I have obtained 6 Command Crates. Four of them in a row provided me with an ear piece. WTH am I supposed to do with 4 ear devices? So of course I kept the best one, but then I had to disintegrate 3 of them and barely received any Command Points in return. Guess what.... I looted two lightsaber schematics! Of course I can't use them nor sell them because they are bind to legacy. This is so stupid!


It will take over a year to get a decent complete set. I'm sorry, but if this was your idea on how to make people subscribe, your are in for a big surprise. It is going to have the direct opposite effect. I am not spending $15 per month to grind out Command Points, just so I can keep on getting the same crap over and over. Who came up with this loot system? The individuals involved should be fired immediately. You are going to lose a lot of your subscribers if you do not fix this crap! Also, why would anyone run any of the "End-Game" content? Why bother going through the trouble?


Yup, lots of not bothering and keeping our subscription money out of BWA's hands is the result of this rng non gearing system.

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