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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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Must be a raider thing-I've never seen anyone brag about gear. Of course, I don't obsessively look at players accomplishments in a freaking video game as evidence of anything about them either.


Hahaha. You have never heard anyone brag about gear? I'm guessing its a raider thing too since I've never seen anyone brag about greens. It's up until 5.0 evidence of their skill as a raider

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Most serious pug raids require linking your achievements to invite. I always check achievements, too, especially since NiM gear is available in EV HM. (But why remove EV and KP NiM in the first place then?) Anyway, I've seen people bragging about full Oriconian gear (minus hilt ofc :D ) back in the days, so...
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Okay, I am just going to say it - a 100% NO on the RNG Gear in Command Crates.


With SWTOR 1.0, I could tank an Op only to end up with a piece of healing gear at the end. Nice. This was one of the big points of contention that caused A LOT of players to leave in the first six months after launch - or did you guys forget that now?


Then, you implemented a PVP RNG system. That went over like a lead balloon so fast that you guys implemented a quick fix - or did you guys forget that now?


I don't understand. Twice you have done this and both times it lead to the opposite of what you were trying to achieve. What was Einstein's definition of insanity again? This is going to be very bad for the game and, unless this is being done because you intend to shut the game down next year, you really, really need to rethink this fast as the result is going to be the same as the first two times you did it.


What should be done instead, is to have a token that drops that let's me purchase the gear I need - just like today. You can have several levels of gear. Today we have 208 for Basic Crystals, 216 for Glowing and SM Ops, 220 for Radiant and HM Ops and 224 for NM Ops. Perhaps, as we level the CxP we get better tokens to get higher and higher level gear. But RNG in any form (whether a totally random piece of gear or even a random just based on the class your on) is an utter and complete mistake. You know this based on past results of doing it so why would you do it again.


My question I want to see answered in the next live stream - both times RNG gear has been implemented in the game it had disastrous results on the player base, why will it be different this time around?

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Before the 5.0

The BiS gear Heaven was reserved for few that deserved.

so many casuals in gear Hell


With 5.0

The RNG Hessus will come with promise of BIS gear Heaven for everyone.

Just believe in BW and do your daily bonus GC content


Spread the Good News the New Era is coming


You can do the non-ops content in level 50 gear and be fine... I've done KotFE on both my 220/224 full set bonus tank and a tank in leveling gear with lvl 48 mods in it. Power mods, because I'd be damned if I wasted crystals on gearing DvL alts when running story.

There was a difference, yes. Not one as big as you'd think though... and certainly not something I'd want to use for story, heroics, etc. I only used it for kotfe because I was too lazy to change it. You get sync'd down and your most important stats reduced to level cap...

So the mobs die a little faster... I don't think you all realize that one death (which if you don't know what you're doing, better gear won't save you from) costs THOUSANDS of credits... instead of a few hundred for low end gear.


The clincher is though, YOU can do heroics, story, etc in basically any gear you want and you'll be fine (or people who know how to play will)... but raiders CANNOT.


This is like telling you you can't leave tython (or ord mantel) for weeks, maybe months depending on your RNG luck. Sure, there's a ton of planets you know and love out there, but unless you RNG 14 specific items to make your ship go, you're grounded. BUT YOU CAN ENJOY TYTHON! Rejoice!

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Okay, I am just going to say it - a 100% NO on the RNG Gear in Command Crates.


With SWTOR 1.0, I could tank an Op only to end up with a piece of healing gear at the end. Nice. This was one of the big points of contention that caused A LOT of players to leave in the first six months after launch - or did you guys forget that now?


Then, you implemented a PVP RNG system. That went over like a lead balloon so fast that you guys implemented a quick fix - or did you guys forget that now?


I don't understand. Twice you have done this and both times it lead to the opposite of what you were trying to achieve. What was Einstein's definition of insanity again? This is going to be very bad for the game and, unless this is being done because you intend to shut the game down next year, you really, really need to rethink this fast as the result is going to be the same as the first two times you did it.


What should be done instead, is to have a token that drops that let's me purchase the gear I need - just like today. You can have several levels of gear. Today we have 208 for Basic Crystals, 216 for Glowing and SM Ops, 220 for Radiant and HM Ops and 224 for NM Ops. Perhaps, as we level the CxP we get better tokens to get higher and higher level gear. But RNG in any form (whether a totally random piece of gear or even a random just based on the class your on) is an utter and complete mistake. You know this based on past results of doing it so why would you do it again.


My question I want to see answered in the next live stream - both times RNG gear has been implemented in the game it had disastrous results on the player base, why will it be different this time around?


That is what I don't get, they already tried this and they had to change it because people hated it so much. I can agree on slowing the gearing process, of granting the gear for everything, but not randomizing it. That's just nonsense.

Also I don't mind the crafting, the potential to gear up new person for a raid with precrafted top gear is wonderful instead of running through several boring operations :)


But random packs are bad. It was here before and it wasn't successful. Eric and others, what changed that NOW it will be successful?! What changed?

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This may be technically true, and in fact it may be necessary at higher command ranks to supplement your raiding with flashpoints, pvp, GSF, heroics, "Uprisings," whatever. Nevertheless I am inferring based on comments Musco has already made that you cannot gain signifcant CXP unless you do ops, pvp, or uprisings.


lol how can u say tat ,while we r in DvL " grindvent " ?

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This may be technically true, and in fact it may be necessary at higher command ranks to supplement your raiding with flashpoints, pvp, GSF, heroics, "Uprisings," whatever. Nevertheless I am inferring based on comments Musco has already made that you cannot gain signifcant CXP unless you do ops, pvp, or uprisings.
lol how can u say tat ,while we r in DvL " grindvent " ?


I don't need to say it, Musco did:


Fair point, but that isn't too dissimilar to how it works now. If you are someone who loves Operations, as an example. You may start in Story Operations to get your Command Rank up and gear up until your character is ready to move into Master (Nightmare).


In general the rule for CXP is that the more players that participate in content, and the harder that content is, the faster you earn it. Although it isn't as fast a Master Operation, doing a Story Operation is still worth more CXP then doing Heroics would be.



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The problem is that we need tons of CXP as high level so why the heck should I run a nightmare OP if I don't really get a reward because one run is not enough for next crate CXP ...


Eric said there is a Command Level Cap but we still get exp for crates and this reminds me on legacy XP and how long it can take to gain higher levels.


On top of it it's old content, so please give me one reason why we would bother with gear?

So whats the innovation for MMO market I really don't get it.

Edited by KnightOfTython
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Okay, I am just going to say it - a 100% NO on the RNG Gear in Command Crates.


With SWTOR 1.0, I could tank an Op only to end up with a piece of healing gear at the end. Nice. This was one of the big points of contention that caused A LOT of players to leave in the first six months after launch - or did you guys forget that now?


Then, you implemented a PVP RNG system. That went over like a lead balloon so fast that you guys implemented a quick fix - or did you guys forget that now?


I don't understand. Twice you have done this and both times it lead to the opposite of what you were trying to achieve. What was Einstein's definition of insanity again? This is going to be very bad for the game and, unless this is being done because you intend to shut the game down next year, you really, really need to rethink this fast as the result is going to be the same as the first two times you did it.


What should be done instead, is to have a token that drops that let's me purchase the gear I need - just like today. You can have several levels of gear. Today we have 208 for Basic Crystals, 216 for Glowing and SM Ops, 220 for Radiant and HM Ops and 224 for NM Ops. Perhaps, as we level the CxP we get better tokens to get higher and higher level gear. But RNG in any form (whether a totally random piece of gear or even a random just based on the class your on) is an utter and complete mistake. You know this based on past results of doing it so why would you do it again.


My question I want to see answered in the next live stream - both times RNG gear has been implemented in the game it had disastrous results on the player base, why will it be different this time around?


THIS, so much this! These are the same thoughts i and i guess many others have.


Wayshuba's Post should be quoted till we have a reaction from the Devs via Musco or stream tonight. This RNGLootcrate-System should never go live! 99,9% of the Peoples who still play this game don't want this system. I can predict, it will affect your metrics in regards of player-/subscribernumber in a negative way.


Just for once; BW/EA please listen to us!!! (Yes, i know, i am desperate)

Edited by mydocs
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Thats the point you don't have to do the same thing , everything counts towards yur gear progression


The new is the Uprising, the chapters and everything that you skipped because it didn't give you BIS gear


Thats the thing all that game have to offer i have already done, been there and am tired of. Am achievement hunter current score 45785, its not top score but if game got something i have been there and i am not bored enough to grind some of them that would take months at the time. I have finish most of those before 4.0 hit, at 4.0 i was forced to do most of the stuffs again, and now with 5.0 will be same stuff only new gift wrap So new for me will be Uprising and new story which i also don't see the point of doing pass achievements. Am also collector got most of the stuffs that game have offer, plenty cash left and very few things to buy. So what peak of the game should be waiting on new pack and for prices to hit the market and to group with my guild for ops at night that everyone are already tired of. y i have done that too.

Edited by micmitja
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At least leave there a partial RNG - e.g. give me every 5th crate an option to select what I need! Just give me a list of all gear options and I will select that shield I need. Lower the RNG element, BW! This way us, unlucky players, have the option to select the most needed gear parts we need every now and then :)
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Iam not surprised at all ;)


If you think it cannot get any worse... Biofail strikes again :D


Now maybe some people know now what it means when Biofail take something what you like away from you - like my beloved 8vs8 in the past ;)


looking forward to 5.0 :rolleyes:

Edited by Tharianus
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Iam not surprised at all ;)


If you think it cannot get any worse... Biofail strikes again :D


Now maybe some people know now what it means when Biofail take something what you like away from you - like my beloved 8vs8 in the past ;)


looking forward to 5.0 :rolleyes:


I've never understood why developers remove things instead of leaving the old "wrong" think there with a choice to turn off the thing. Looking at the Start menu and MS mostly now :D


Edit> being a programmer myself I kknow it's not a choice of developer :D

Edited by Deaconik
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Iam not surprised at all ;)


If you think it cannot get any worse... Biofail strikes again :D


Now maybe some people know now what it means when Biofail take something what you like away from you - like my beloved 8vs8 in the past ;)


looking forward to 5.0 :rolleyes:


No ... it could get worse.


1 in100 GC crates could be an old-school Tionese set, unmoddable!, for a role that your class cannot even assume. A sage healer chest for a guardian!


They could bill it as the 5th Year Soa at 1.0 Anniversary Award.

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I've never understood why developers remove things instead of leaving the old "wrong" think there with a choice to turn off the thing. Looking at the Start menu and MS mostly now :D


Edit> being a programmer myself I kknow it's not a choice of developer :D


because new is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS better why you do not understand this? :rolleyes:

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No ... it could get worse.


1 in100 GC crates could be an old-school Tionese set, unmoddable!, for a role that your class cannot even assume. A sage healer chest for a guardian!



haha this will be the next "Feature" in 6.0 :D:D

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Also something else came to my mind:


There will be people who will like to get gear quickly, so in advertising SM ops to get GCX quickly, they will ask for achievements. Which negates what BW says they want: to make the game accessible to everyone. And personally, I will go to those groups because it will be faster for me to get my gear, if I ever manage to get even one full set, even if it's from 3 different tiers, because the RNG gods are not with me (and judging by the DvL crap I got, I might never get a full bonus set).

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No ... it could get worse.


1 in100 GC crates could be an old-school Tionese set, unmoddable!, for a role that your class cannot even assume. A sage healer chest for a guardian!


They could bill it as the 5th Year Soa at 1.0 Anniversary Award.


No... it makes perfect sense! Since several people are complaining that it will be difficult to gear alts, this will be their solution to fix that problem. :t_tongue:

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THIS, so much this! These are the same thoughts i and i guess many others have.


Wayshuba's Post should be quoted till we have a reaction from the Devs via Musco or stream tonight. This RNGLootcrate-System should never go live! 99,9% of the Peoples who still play this game don't want this system. I can predict, it will affect your metrics in regards of player-/subscribernumber in a negative way.


Just for once; BW/EA please listen to us!!! (Yes, i know, i am desperate)


It doesn't need to be a prediction, it IS going to happen if they implement it this way - guaranteed. One has only look at what the last two times did for them and follow the massive amount of vitriol online since they announced this to know, without a doubt, if they move forward with implementing RNG gear in Command Crates it might also be a good idea to tune up the resumes as well.


This was an unmitigated disaster both times they did it (first for PvE, then for PVP - and now they are combining both) before, it will be an unmitigated, and potentially unrecoverable, disaster this time.


I will reiterate, they are better keeping the gear vendors on fleet, dropping tokens that get progressively better gear (like a new tier every 20 levels) and go from there.


This will, very potentially, have such an adverse effect it could kill the game. It may sound like and exaggeration but this game lost like 50%-75% of the player base with this system within six months of launch. Can SWTOR survive another exodus like that?


I just do not understand how they 1.) Haven't learned how disastrous this will be based on previous history of doing it and 2.) Are going to throw away everything they did to fix it to get it here.

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I've never understood why developers remove things instead of leaving the old "wrong" think there with a choice to turn off the thing. Looking at the Start menu and MS mostly now :D


Edit> being a programmer myself I kknow it's not a choice of developer :D


It doesn't matter if we understand decisions made by executives.

Finance and number people don't care about technology or if something is fun to play.


As long the revenue is better than the plan they have reasons enough to believe everything is alright.

So they are happy with any change and innovation ...

Edited by KnightOfTython
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No... it makes perfect sense! Since several people are complaining that it will be difficult to gear alts, this will be their solution to fix that problem. :t_tongue:


What i understood from the live stream is that everything is intended to be random loot, with higher chances of getting higher tier gear at higher levels of GC. If you want to complete a gear set and you'll need let's say an earpiece, the chance of it dropping is astronomical small if the loot is random! Not to mention that the higher the level the more GC exp you need to level again :confused:

The good thing about the commendations is that you choose where you want to spend it on (same with loot from ops)


The DEV's are supposed to talk about this subject today in the next live stream, so I'm looking forward to their explanation. Fingers crossed they don't screw us over...

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Okay, I am just going to say it - a 100% NO on the RNG Gear in Command Crates.


With SWTOR 1.0, I could tank an Op only to end up with a piece of healing gear at the end. Nice. This was one of the big points of contention that caused A LOT of players to leave in the first six months after launch - or did you guys forget that now?


Then, you implemented a PVP RNG system. That went over like a lead balloon so fast that you guys implemented a quick fix - or did you guys forget that now?


I don't understand. Twice you have done this and both times it lead to the opposite of what you were trying to achieve. What was Einstein's definition of insanity again? This is going to be very bad for the game and, unless this is being done because you intend to shut the game down next year, you really, really need to rethink this fast as the result is going to be the same as the first two times you did it.


What should be done instead, is to have a token that drops that let's me purchase the gear I need - just like today. You can have several levels of gear. Today we have 208 for Basic Crystals, 216 for Glowing and SM Ops, 220 for Radiant and HM Ops and 224 for NM Ops. Perhaps, as we level the CxP we get better tokens to get higher and higher level gear. But RNG in any form (whether a totally random piece of gear or even a random just based on the class your on) is an utter and complete mistake. You know this based on past results of doing it so why would you do it again.


My question I want to see answered in the next live stream - both times RNG gear has been implemented in the game it had disastrous results on the player base, why will it be different this time around?



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I will be interested to hear more on the system as we don't know much....RNG is total garbage any way you shake it but I still want to hear their reasoning for it and why they think the 3rd time is a charm?


If broken down items giving you some command experience back is their end all fix then its not enough.

Edited by Soljin
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