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No, not later, merge serves NOW!


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The comparsion with KOTFE launch is NOT appropirate at all, what the hell are the devs thinking? Cheap server transfers were running for half a year post-KOTFE launch further killing already struggling servers.


Returning players for KOTET will NOT suddenly fill up dead servers because most who were still there at KOTFE launch already transferred. Returning players will come back to dead servers with KOTET, see how many people are gone and leave themselves due to long or even impossible queues, seriously :rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:


Not to even mention new players who will get duped into joining small/dead servers and how will that affect retaining them in the game, especially after Bioware removed popularity indicators from the game's UI lol...

Edited by Pietrastor
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The amount of characters I have deleted due to server merges because I lost my names saddens me, be aware you will likely lose yours plus your legacy name, but beyond that server merges are a good idea.


You will not lose your legacy name as they are not unique at all.

You can have a thousand "Solo" legacy names.


What with all the alt codes & spacing now, you won't lose your names near as much this time around either.

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The comparsion with KOTFE launch is NOT appropirate at all, what the hell are the devs thinking? Cheap server transfers were running for half a year post-KOTFE ...


Yet you were still to stupid to move your characters weren't you!


I paid to move mine to a low pop server because it suited me. I am now on the server I want to be on. If I can move character so could you.

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60+ toons across all American servers plus 3 or 4 EU servers... I can't imagine the amount of reconciliation I'd be faced with if even two servers got merged. 15 toons here, 11 toons there... I only have 16 slots per server! One server is all my evil guys, another all my evil girls, etc. etc. I have them all themed.
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I do not understand the issue James Olwin STaTED we have MILLIONS of players at the SWEC 2016.


During the interview with Wicket W. Warrick who as he was announcing swtor could not hold his laughter in as he spoke to James Olwin

( which by the way he only laughed at the swtor piece , none of the other star wars Disney games or anyone else on the panel..Wicket Warrick just couldn't hold it in you could see he thought of it as a joke)


James Olwin's look on his face was almost horror as he stated "Millions of players"

Now there is NO way to prove or disprove there is or is not except only a couple of servers have "some" people on them. They got rid of the low medium and high thing...I guess I would also it make the game look empty.



PROOF you say here ya go

Boy this might get me banned here people do not like the truth be it good or bad



War is coming, who will you side with?

2017 a year that everything changes.

Mandela effect check it out oh it will blow your mind.

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Cross server with my names intact would be fab.


Except guess what? You aren't getting cross server. BW already said that.


You sound just as much a toddler stomping his feet as you "claim the OP" does as you are just arguing with the OP. Two toddlers fighting over the toy, if you want to use analogies.


Although sadly the OP is more correct than you.

For all you "Don't merge, I'll lose my names!" "I like low pop so leave me alone on my server!" players, there are plenty more, that even post here on the forums, coming back to game or stuck on a server as they can't afford the cash it would take to transfer all their toons; that are doomed. So after a bit they quit because they don't want to have to pay to move, to hopefully find another server that's got people to do things with.


Argue all you want but there are dead servers. Those servers need shut down & merged with other servers. Not all servers need merged mind you, but the dead ones do.

And torstatus works fine, even though BW got rid of the pop status on their page.

Edited by CaptRogue
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They did that already, for 10 months. People refused to move. Or they say people weren't here to take advantage of the offer. I have no sympathy for them, but I do believe that they need to consolidate the smaller servers into one - not Harb, JC, SL or TRE.
Question #1: Who's job it is to create and maintain evenly-populated servers? The players? Or perhaps could it possible be one of Bioware's MAIN JOBS in an MMO game?
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Question #1: Who's job it is to create and maintain evenly-populated servers? The players? Or perhaps could it possible be one of Bioware's MAIN JOBS in an MMO game?


Well, Bioware's primary job is to make money. Simple as that.


So clearly they have determined that running 90CC CTS again is not a money maker, nor is Cross-server or server consolidation worth the investment it will require.


Chances are they have determined that there are not enough subscribers remaining on those dead servers to care whether you stay or go. Now, that is a cold hard truth, but one you should consider.

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join the club. I have 34 slots. I have 78 on the 3 Uk servers. I already moved some from other servers to ToFN. BW would need to make it 150+ if servers were merged per new server. Then there's still two issues.


1. Would I have to buy more slots? at the moment I can play all 78 toons, would I drop to 34 and the rest just become inactive. Or would I lose 28 characters if the cap remains at 50, while still having to buy 16 more slots to use 50 of them.


2. I just don't enjoy high pop servers, which is why I play mainly on ToFN, and only on the others at night. Still players there even then.


Plus, THIS DID NOT NEED ANOTHER THREAD! Use one already start, there's enough f***** out there.


60+ toons across all American servers plus 3 or 4 EU servers... I can't imagine the amount of reconciliation I'd be faced with if even two servers got merged. 15 toons here, 11 toons there... I only have 16 slots per server! One server is all my evil guys, another all my evil girls, etc. etc. I have them all themed.


Judging solely on historical evidence, you would simply go over the "cap". When The Constant (where I had 8) and Shii Cho (where I had 8) were merged into Jedi Covenant I had 16 toons when 8 was the "cap".

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Except guess what? You aren't getting cross server. BW already said that.


You sound just as much a toddler stomping his feet as you "claim the OP" does as you are just arguing with the OP. Two toddlers fighting over the toy, if you want to use analogies.


Although sadly the OP is more correct than you.

For all you "Don't merge, I'll lose my names!" "I like low pop so leave me alone on my server!" players, there are plenty more, that even post here on the forums, coming back to game or stuck on a server as they can't afford the cash it would take to transfer all their toons; that are doomed. So after a bit they quit because they don't want to have to pay to move, to hopefully find another server that's got people to do things with.


Argue all you want but there are dead servers. Those servers need shut down & merged with other servers. Not all servers need merged mind you, but the dead ones do.

And torstatus works fine, even though BW got rid of the pop status on their page.


If they are returning or new, then they clearly are not invested in those characters and should have no qualms with starting over somewhere more populated. If they are not returning and they are not new, then they had ample opportunity to move when it was cheap. They chose not to do that for whatever reason. Bioware is not their mother, it is not their responsibility to fix the stupid mistakes players make when the right answer was in front of them the entire time.


That said, I fully agree that the servers deemed to be dead should be merged into a single server or split among the servers with good population levels. I honestly thought that would be the outcome of the 90 CC event.

Edited by ekwalizer
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Although sadly the OP is more correct than you.

For all you "Don't merge, I'll lose my names!" "I like low pop so leave me alone on my server!" players, there are plenty more, that even post here on the forums, coming back to game or stuck on a server as they can't afford the cash it would take to transfer all their toons; that are doomed.


Well done, Captain Obvious. Of course more people come here to complain. No-one comes here to say that they are happy. Go back and read through the titles of previous threads - almost every one of them asking for answers or change.


Argue all you want but there are dead servers. Those servers need shut down & merged with other servers. Not all servers need merged mind you, but the dead ones do.

And torstatus works fine, even though BW got rid of the pop status on their page.


I have characters on every server - how do you propose I deal with them if the servers are merged? Do I now get 75+ character slots per server (I've got 25 character slots per server), and 15 Legacy vault slots? Can't wait to try to figure out how I'm going to work my family tree with 75 characters. Will I lose my strongholds and any decorations? Have to rename all those characters (many of them have the same names as their counterparts on other servers)? Do I get a refund on all the server unlocks I paid for? Am I getting a guarantee that everything will transfer over, or will I be fighting an email battle to try to get my gear back? What happens to my DvL gear still in the stash? I'm not bringing it out till I can buy the part of the armour that completes the set, so will it just be lost or will I end up with 3 servers worth of DvL gear on one server? If I've completed DvL to Legendary status on one server, but currently working to get it on another server, will I still be able to continue on, or will it be locked away? What happens to guilds that are transferring over? Will they just be disbanded and lose the ship/strongholds/decorations, and have the leader have to run around trying to find all the other members (who have probably had to change name) and recruit them to the guild (that will probably have had to change name too)?


And as for BW getting rid of the population status, Server Status is still a link on the front page of the website (where do you think torstatus get the data for their site from?).

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