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Long Odds and Dames


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Well hello boatload of answers that somehow did nothing to diminish my curiosity and instead just raised new questions. :D


I like this Sith.. he seemed, hot.. but, oh well I'm a sucker.


I'm half tempted to say poor Dek but then again also not because that was quite a show and I thought it was very respectable of him that he actually stopped watching despite his own body's responses.


And those weapon plans sound dangerous and that amulet, is that what's in this so called diary?


This was awesome I can't wait for more!


A bit of a sucker for purebloods myself, you are not alone. And Dek does have a certain code he lives by, he'd rather be in on the action and has never seen the point in observing someone else's intimate moments. He thinks of it as loading his gun but not being able to use it, he'd rather forego the frustration. And yes, more questions, more answers to follow, weapons, amulets and crazy people, oh my.


Great chapter Misha! I loved it. I love them all, but I do enjoy steamy ones with Sith :D I agree with Jenny, the Sith sounded hawt...I think we need to start a support group lol.


Anyways, it was great getting some answers, and there was a big part of me, that really wanted Dek to keep watching...cause I would be a voyeur lol. Totally. I also enjoyed the descriptions too, like how their skin contrasted. Very nice. ^^ As always, looking forward to the next part.


I'll be right there with you as charter member of that support group. You are so naughty, wanting Dek to continue watching, for shame. :p I thought the description of Tyrus's hand on Cori's skin just seemed to fit, glad you liked it. It actually came to me a couple of weeks ago and I just jotted it down to be used at the appropriate time, I do that a lot, I find it helps. :)


Things just get more and more juicy!



The twin is revealed, a hint of a powerful weapon ... and dare I say, is Tyrus possibly a light-sided Sith? Would he want to hang out with Tosin and pre-Holocron Lethe? =X



More please. :)



Yes, some things are answered which leads to more questions. And I would say that Ty probably leans more light, but he is sort of pragmatic like Marr or even your Tosin. He doesn't see the reasoning behind all the mayhem and slaughter just for evil's sake alone and does not believe it serves the empire well. He knows what ultimate power can do and the weapon does worry him.



Once again, a very enjoyable read. I like Dek more and more.

My SW can relate to Ty not wanting to share but still doing so. Even a sith can't always get what he wants. :)


I'll echo what's already been said, you left me with more questions to replace the ones you answered, and the strong desire to find out more. Well done!


Dek does have his moments. And Ty knows that Arrtis keeps Cori safe, for now, but sharing is not something that he will abide indefinitely, I think he made that clear with the hat comment. ;) A mystery is answers leading to questions to more answers, the problem is how to deliver them. It can be a problem at times, as I am finding out.

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Chapter Twenty Seven


-Should Have Zigged-


I stood still for about fifteen minutes before daring to move. I wanted to make sure the sith and Cori were well gone from this place. My mind replayed what I had heard, some answers, more questions. S.hit! The more I learned, the more I had to learn, one step forward, two back.


I downed the rest of the now cold stimcaf, screwed the lid back on the thermajug and prepared to leave. I walked across the street and entered the unit they had just vacated, on the floor lay Cori’s discarded panties. I picked them up and stuffed them into my pants pocket.


I’ve never been a panty sniffer unless they were still on a warm body, some guys get off on that s.hit, I never understood the compulsion. I figured Cori might want these back, and it was good evidence to shove at her in case I need to make a point in the future.


Exiting the building and staying in the shadows, I proceeded toward the parking area. I still had the binocs around my neck and the earbud in and fate favors the forgetful sometimes. I picked up the sound of two male voices coming from the direction of my speeder. I stepped further back into the shadows to wait.


“You check the ID number?” asked voice one.


“Yeah, belongs to some guy named Lom Sorrento. Heavy equipment operator, works at the spaceport, loading cargo. Wonder what it’s doing here?” answered voice two.


“Maybe broke down? Guess we should take a quick look around, Palder will have our asses if we aren’t thorough.”


“F*ck Palder, guys a pain in the a.ss.”


“Tell me about it. Let’s get going, it’s my kid’s birthday and the wife wants me home on time for a change.”


I heard the whine of gas cylinders being primed as the two men drew their blasters and started toward the buildings. I remained where I was to see which side of the street they headed toward first. Of course they were aimed toward the building where I was currently hidden, sometimes lady luck just likes to give a guy the finger.


I needed a diversion but didn’t see anything around and if I moved anywhere outside the shadow of the building, the moon would light me up so bright I might as well shoot myself and save them the trouble.


I found a door a little further down the wall and pushed it open enough to squeeze through, back door to Cori’s love nest, I hoped. I slid through the rooms ending up in a hallway leading off the living area, I have a plan.


I carefully unscrewed the top of the thermajug while listening to the footsteps of the approaching gumshoes, their heels tapped off duracrete and there was the faint sound of gravel crunch, they were still on the street. I took the small cup and hurled it as hard as I could at the window, turning to sprint out of the building as soon as I heard it hit and skitter across the floor. I heard their footsteps quicken as they went in the direction of the sound.


Easing my way along the outside wall, I broke and ran to a stack of girders placed in the dirt along the outside of the parking area. I almost tripped over the prone figure of the watchman on my way there, he appeared to be breathing but I had no time to stop and check for life signs.


Ducked down behind the girders, I listened to the two cops as they found the cup, pondering how it got there. Definitely not the sharpest knives in the drawer. I moved from stack to stack of building materials until I was across the area from my speeder, theirs was parked closely behind. Damn, it was gonna be a long run.


I dropped the thermajug and shot out from behind my hiding place, running as fast as I could toward my escape vehicle.


“Hey, there he is,” I heard one of them say as he spied me and started to give chase, but he had a long way to go too and I had a head start although a blaster can cover the distance faster than any of us.


“Stop! Stop, or I’ll shoot!” I heard the other one yell.


Well here’s where it will get interesting. ‘F*ck you!’, I thought as I kept on running. A plasma bolt whizzed by my head, warning shot or bad aim, I was hoping the latter.


“Is it Deklinn?” I heard one ask between panting breaths.


“Can’t tell from here. Take his legs! Damn it take his legs!”


Two green plasma bursts came my way, one missed, the other skimmed the back of my calf causing me to stumble as I felt it burn into the skin and muscle. I was close enough to the speeder that I made a dive, caught the side, and scrambled over the top then rolled into the driver’s seat. I pulled the keycard from my jacket pocket and jammed it into the port, then started the engine, turned and drove it over the edge of the parking area, taking just enough time to click the shoulder harness into place before I aimed the front straight down.


A nosedive is not a great thing to do on a speeder, the repulsorlifts underneath were whining, trying to find purchase against a gravity well that just wasn’t there at this angle. I had to keep fighting the controls so that they didn’t auto correct and watched the traffic and levels whip by as I maintained the near vertical descent. Thank the stars I had left my hat on the floorboard of the passenger side or it would be gone by now.


I heard the onboard computer beep as I passed the level of the safe house and still I headed downward. I glanced behind me from time to time, but didn’t see anyone following, either they hadn’t seen my trajectory or they didn’t have big enough balls to follow. Either worked for me.


I let the auto correct level me out once the only perceivable traffic was garbage scows and knew I was well into the under city now. I let up on the throttle and looked around for a place to pull into seeing a dark passageway that the Koreallis would fit into. I eased the speeder over to the dark opening, turned it around and backed in, putting the canopy up as soon as the speeder settled.


I won’t be able to stay here for long. Only the very stupid or the very desperate venture down this far, but sometimes desperation makes you do stupid s.hit. If I am discovered, the denizens that live here would have the Koreallis and me stripped down in nothing flat, and my corpse likely never found. Having my bones puked out in a calcium ball is not my idea of a good death, I’d much rather die in bed surrounded by warm, soft, pliant bodies.



Chapter Twenty Eight


-Just Pass Out Already-


My injured leg decided to kick me in the nuts to remind me it was still there, like when you slam your finger in a door and feel it all the way down to your t.esticles. Now that I had time for the adrenaline to shut down, my leg was screaming at me. It burned and ached and had started to tremble. Every heartbeat sent a flash of pain up my leg and into my groin. I could feel the squish of blood in my boot and even though it had probably just grazed me, it hurt like hell. I couldn’t stay here for long, I needed to call someone to bring me bandages and kolto, plus I heard movement in the area, I would give it a few more minutes and then I would leave.


The pain was not easing up one bit and I could hear sounds getting closer to where I was parked, scra.ping, bumping and chittering, maybe bugs, maybe not, whatever it was, it was time for me to go. I turned on the engine, felt the speeder lift off the floor and moved out of the total blackness and into the dark.


I let the speeder rise and join the flow of traffic. The computer beeped at me again, at level 4828, I went up four more and eased the speeder into the parking area of Uscru. I glanced around through the canopy, it seemed clear. I wiped the safe house location from the computer, retracted the canopy, got my hat off the floor, put the keycard under the seat and crawled out.


I almost fell when my injured leg hit the ground, but caught myself on the side of the speeder. I put my hat on, pulling it low and started toward the nearest stairway or lift going down. I hobbled and limped down the street trying not to draw attention, injuries and worse are pretty common place here so no one noticed or if they did, they didn’t let on. No one offered help, not that I expected any and not that I would have accepted anyway.


By the time I got to the safe house, up the turbolift and through the door, all that I could think of or feel was the pain. I collapsed onto the couch, coughing as the dust enveloped my body and face. I pulled my comm from my pocket and punched in Minx’s number, after a few rings, she picked up.


“F*cking hell, Dek, do you know what time it is?”


“Yeah, Minx. Time for you to get your fine a.ss over here and patch me up.”


“What the hell happened?”


“Leg wound, Minx, I’ll explain later, just bring some clean water, bandages and kolto. I may be passed out when you get here, so let yourself in. Bring Tongo with you, he may need to help.”


“Hang in there, Dek, we’re on our way.”


After I hung up with Minx, I called Tandy. It took a few rings for her to pick up to.


“F*cking hell, Dek, do you know what time it is?”


“Why do people keep asking me that? Yes, Tandy, I know. Listen to me, Lom wakes up at 6:30, right?”


“Yeah, but what does that have….”


“Tandy, just listen. Have him call the CPD after he gets up and report his speeder stolen, understand? It’s important. It’s parked in Uscru where he left it yesterday, but he can’t tell them that, just let them look for it. Promise me, Tandy, you’ll have him do this.”


“Sure, Dek, whatever you say. You don’t sound good, hun, anything wrong.”


“Nope, I’m fine, doll, but gotta go now.”


I had done all I could to protect Lom and Tandy from all this, I should never have gotten Lom involved. I lay my head back against the sofa, feeling the sweat break out on my forehead and the pain striking me over and over again until I sank into that wonderful place of feeling nothing.


When I came to, I was laying face down, sideways across the foot of the bed. My boots, pants and shirt were off and Tongo and Minx were sitting on the floor watching me.


“Looks like he’ll live.” said Tongo.


“Afraid so,” answered Minx.


I watched as Minx crawled over to the bed and sat down on the floor beside me. She reached up and smoothed my hair out of my eyes. “So how you feeling, tough guy?”


“Thirsty and a bit dizzy.”


Minx turned to Tongo, “Get him some water, sweety.”


“So how bad is it, Minx? Am I gonna have to take bottom for the rest of my life?”


Minx laughed. “Only you would worry about sex at a time like this. The skin got flayed back some, a lot of burning, and the muscle got really chewed up. Burned down to the tibial artery too, you bled quite a bit. Glad you were already out cause I really had to dig deep to cauterize it. Also some minor splash burns, but other than a scar, you’ll be back in shape in no time. Just stay off your feet for a day or two and let the kolto do it’s work. I’d say you got off pretty easy.”


Tongo returned with the water and helped roll me over and up to a sitting position. I gulped down half the bottle and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.


“So, you going to tell us how this happened?”


I went over the encounter with Palder’s men and my escape but didn’t go into detail about the stakeout of Coreena, or should I say Coriandra, and her sith. I also let her know about the speeder and Lom and for Tongo to stay away from it all.


She stood up, left for a couple of minutes and walked back into the room with an arm full of clothes and a cane, she laid the clothes on the bed.


“A pair of pants, some socks and a couple of Tongo’s shirts. They’ll be way too big for you but will do until you heal. The cane is leftover from when Tongo was learning to walk with his new legs, it will help you get around for a couple of days. I’ll send Tongo out to buy you some stuff tomorrow, 32 longs right? And medium or large shirts? He’ll get some socks and underclothes too and be back tomorrow evening.”


“That’s 33 long, Minx, and get a medium and a large, some mediums don’t fit the shoulders. Thanks guys, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”


“Pfft, don’t thank us yet, Tongo has terrible fashion sense. I doubt you could attract a half blind h.ooker in a sandstorm with what he is liable to bring back.”


“It ain’t in the sight, it’s in the feel, darling.” Tongo retorted as he reached over and pinched her butt.


I took the cane and tried to stand up, moaning a bit as my leg muscle tightened up, but other than being a little wobbly, it wasn’t too bad. Tongo helped me get a pair of pants on and brought my belt to keep them from falling off my hips, and Minx helped me into a shirt and socks.


I hobbled into the kitchen area and sat down, stretching the injured leg out under the table. I thought back to the night I met Linny, and smiled.


“I know that smile, thinking of a woman, huh? See, you’re already on the mend. Look, there’s some soup and caf in these thermal containers, should keep stuff warm for a good long while. And, here’s your datapad and comm.


“We gotta go, Dek. It’s near dawn and both of us have to be at work. We’ll come back tomorrow evening to change the bandages and bring more food, you should be back to your old self soon. There’s a couple of blankets on the couch, in case you need them.”


She came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking to the door with Tongo. “I mean it, Dek. Stay here and off that leg for at least a day. If you leave and get into trouble, you won’t be able to move fast enough to get out of your own way, let alone anyone else's.”


“Yes, ma’am,” I said and blew her a kiss as they walked out the door.


(To be Continued)

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Two more wonderful chapters! :D Dek really is a clever thing, and I do appreciate how he and his friends look out for each other. I also appreciated the tech speak, like 'repulsor shaft' it's always a challenge to find good words like this that seem to fit. Also the anatomy nerd in me appreciated the appearance of the tibial artery. :D As always, well thought out, well planned and well written. :) Edited by Lunafox
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I have to echo Luna, I really enjoy the friendship and chemistry Dek has with Minx and the others.


Those were some pretty exciting chapters and I'm inclined to think this won't be the last injury Dek will suffer as he continued to uncover more secrets and plots.


Nice work Misha as always!

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Two more wonderful chapters! :D Dek really is a clever thing, and I do appreciate how he and his friends look out for each other. I also appreciated the tech speak, like 'repulsor shaft' it's always a challenge to find good words like this that seem to fit. Also the anatomy nerd in me appreciated the appearance of the tibial artery. :D As always, well thought out, well planned and well written. :)


I try to do a little research and bring some realism into what I write whether that be mechanical or anatomical. Google is such a great help, what the hell did people do before the interwebs? I shudder to think. Dek does not have a huge circle of close friends but what he does have are loyal to him and vice versa.


That chase was quite exciting! The pacing and moment-to-moment feeling worked really well. I'm envious!


Looking forward to what's next. :)


Oh, I think you did just fine with your latest chapter of Empire, it had a pretty nifty chase scene. :D Action scenes are not my strong suite but I kind of like how this one came out nonetheless.


I have to echo Luna, I really enjoy the friendship and chemistry Dek has with Minx and the others.


Those were some pretty exciting chapters and I'm inclined to think this won't be the last injury Dek will suffer as he continued to uncover more secrets and plots.


Nice work Misha as always!


Dek may be in for a few more nasty bumps before this is all over, goes with the territory I guess.



Chapter Twenty Nine


-Reflections and Old Lovers-


I got some soup out of the container and found a spoon at the bottom of the thermal bag and decided to eat a bit. It was hot and good and I felt more of my strength return with each mouthful. Gotta love Minx, she thinks of everything.


The kolto was doing its job and my leg was a dull throbbing ache now instead of a searing, shooting pain and my mind was finally free to ponder what I had seen and heard earlier. I pulled my datapad closer and opened the passworded and encrypted file I had started on the Del’Moors. I had more entries to make and a hell of a lot more to think about than I did just two days ago. I set the datapad to record audio and proceeded.


‘Begin Recording.


Where to start, hmm. Coreena and Coriandra, twins, and from the ‘returning home’ statement, empire as well. No wonder I sensed something in Coreena’s inflections when we first talked on the day she hired me. Drommund Kaas accent, well disguised, she must have practiced a long time.


To forego any confusion, I’m just going to start tagging them as Cori and Reeny in future entries.


The ‘diary’ is not a book but a containment unit for some amulet. An amulet that drove Reeny crazy and Cori says calls to her. That had to be why Cori replaced Reeny, Coreena had become too unstable to continue with whatever she was supposed to do. But a four year old on a mission? That makes no sense at all, at least none that I can see.


Cori doesn’t believe the stuff about Conrad fathering a child with her, although the sith, Tyrus, is not so sure. Was Conrad the one to arrange the adoption in the first place and if so, why? I need more background information on Conrad’s family. When did they first come to Coruscant? Likely old money, but from where?


The sith, Tyrus. Lord or Darth? More pragmatic than most sith I’ve heard of, still loves his power but not sure he is willing to sacrifice everything for it. An anomaly I need to investigate more. Definitely can’t control himself around Cori, not that I blame him. They seem to be longtime friends, lovers? Ties between families perhaps since he is hiding her mother and sister, but hiding them where, and where is the father? Who is the father?


Last, but not least, is the weapon. One that scares the s.hit out of a sith, go figure. The Hutts went after it, or something in the lab, Tritan wants it, the empire wants it, and ten to one, the republic wants it too. Where is the lab? Here on Coruscant or somewhere off planet? Linny never clarified.


End recording, enable security.’

I need to go see Songa as soon as my leg is mended enough, maybe tomorrow or the day after, depending on how I feel. Neera is still working for the SIS, she might be able to get some intel on the sith. I will call her later today. Being wounded is damned inconvenient, cramps my style.


I stretched back in the chair and glanced over at the sofa. The day’s events were starting to take their toll and I was more tired than I thought, maybe some shuteye was in order. I pushed myself up from the table, getting my one good leg under me, then grabbed the cane off the back of the chair and my blaster out of it’s holster. Alternating my weight between my good leg and the cane, I managed to hobble to the couch and fall backward onto the cushion, holding my breath until the inevitable dust cloud settled.


I pulled the blanket over my body, placed the blaster beside me and closed my eyes. My mind drifted between all the events of the past two days and the last thing I saw was Linny’s face smiling at me before sleep took me away.


The muscle cramp from hell woke me up and I struggled to get to my feet even with the help of the cane. I toddled around the small apartment until the cramp finally eased and then sat down at the table keeping the sore leg as straight as I could. I poured some caf into a metal cup, it was still hot enough that steam rose, and took several sips before turning once again to my datapad.


The on screen chrono read 11:27 a.m. so I should be good to make the call to Neera, if she was even still speaking to me. It has been at least eight months since I last saw her and really she should be grateful I had essentially walked out of her life. I heard she had received a promotion from file clerk to analyst and was even engaged. More than she would have ever had if she was still shagging me.


Huh, everything is good while it lasts, it’s just that nothing ever lasts for long with me. I like to leave before the good turns bad, which it always does in one way or another.


Well, hell, here goes nothing. I searched through contacts on my comm and finally found Neera’s and punched the connect button. I was almost ready to hang up when her voice came through.






“What the hell do you want, Dek? You have a lot of nerve but I suppose I should thank you for walking out on me.”


“You sound good, Neera, glad things are going well for you.” S.hit, I hate small talk.


“Cut to the chase, Dek. And you do know there’s a reward out on your stupid a.ss, don’t you? Twenty large would help me and my future husband out quite a bit. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t send the CPD to pick you up.”


“Will the fact that you can’t trace this call count? But, really, Neera, I need a favor, a big one and please tell me you don’t believe I did this thing.”


“You are a piece of s.hit, Markus Deklinn, but a murderer you are not. Be thankful I have a forgiving heart, now what do you want?”


“I need information on a sith, all I have is the name Tyrus. Lord or Darth I don’t know, but he is pureblood.”


“My, aren’t you keeping odd company of late, just why would you be interested in a sith? Oh, and if I do this, you will owe me one hell of a favor.”


“Yeah, sure, whatever you need, short of me killing myself, that is. The name came up in a case I’m working, not sure if it’s important or not but I need to check it out. Hey, congrats on the engagement.”


“Stuff it, Dek. I’ll be in touch.”


Well, that went better than expected. Then again, it wasn’t like Neera didn’t see my walking out in the cards, I was always upfront with her. Bah, best not to dwell. A guy like me can't afford to indulge in regrets because at the end, regrets is all there would be. Who the hell wants to go out like that?


I will get my info about the sith, and that’s all that matters.



Chapter Thirty


-While the Gettin’s Good-


I am usually real bad at following orders, but Minx was right about letting the leg heal. I wouldn’t be any good to anyone if I got caught, but like a bored kid, I fidgeted most of the day. I checked the news, yep, 20 large offered as reward for information leading to my arrest. Great!


I never wanted to be this popular, I do my best work from the shadows and gleaning information from anyone with an inclination to tell. I f*cking well hope that all this notoriety doesn’t ruin my business, although I’m sure that not all the fallout will be positive. Time will tell.


I was going over the file on my datapad for about the fifteenth time when I heard footsteps in the hall and the lock on my door disengage. I aimed the blaster and waited for whoever it was to come through the door.


Minx entered first with Tongo close behind. “Put that thing away before you hurt someone.”


“I’ve been told that before, but never about my blaster.”


Minx rolled her eyes. “Got some stuff for you, Mr. One Track.”


She walked over to the table and set a couple of bags down while Tongo took the larger ones into the bedroom. I smelled food and reached for the bag nearest to me.


Minx slapped my hand away, “Into the bedroom now, and take off your pants.”


“Oooo, Minxy, I’ve never seen you like this before. So forceful, so hot.”


“I am going to have Tongo knock your a.ss out if you don’t stop this s.hit. I need to change that bandage and apply fresh kolto, you nitwit. Now, move it!”


I got up and moved toward the bedroom where Tongo stood silently chuckling. I said over my shoulder, “Sorry, Minx, just stir crazy I guess.”


Minx followed me and started pulling stuff out of a satchel. “Drop your pants and lay face down on the bed and don’t start with me again, Dek. I mean it.”


Tongo burst out laughing and so did I which only served to make the bed jiggle. “Ow, Minx, that hurt.”


“Good, hold still or it’s going to hurt more.”


Minx finished her work on my leg then slapped my backside, “Alright, wise a.ss, all done. You can get up now, and no more jokes, erectile or otherwise.”


Tongo helped me up off the bed and helped pull my pants up from around my ankles, we were both still laughing as we made our way back into the kitchen.


I sat back down at the table and pulled the food out of the bag, just another sandwich and those crispy fried things I like, but it tasted like something from the finest restaurant on Coruscant.


I sighed with appreciation and looked at Minx. “Thanks for the food and the laughs, doll, I really needed both about now. You guys heard about the reward?”


“Yeah, caught it on the news. You’re living on borrowed time, Dek, and not all your friends are really friends. You can’t stay holed up here forever and you know you’re gonna get caught eventually. Bail will likely be high and neither Tongo or I are in any position to help and you know damned well the Hutts won’t. You don’t have anything worthwhile to trade. Sorry, hun, but that’s the truth of it.”


“Truth is a cold hard b.itch sometimes, Minx. I know where it stands and where I stand.”


“That sith you wanted me to look for, came up empty with what you told me. I will have the plans for you in two more days, I’m almost done now, just looking into older building blueprints that might provide info we don’t have yet.”


“Speaking of that, hand me my jacket, will ya, Tongo?”


I took the credit chit out of a hidden inner pocket and slid it toward Minx. “I know the job’s not done yet, but I want you to have this now, just in case I get hauled in. I wouldn’t want it to fall into unworthy hands.”


“Thanks, Dek. You know I’ll finish the job.”


“Never thought otherwise. Just one more thing, can you dig up anything you can about Conrad Del’Moor? Look for any anomalies, time discrepancies, just anything that doesn’t sit right. It would mean a lot to me. As for the sith, don’t worry about it, I have other avenues of information, plus the name I gave you was wrong.”


Minx stared hard into my face trying to read secrets I wasn’t ready to give up yet. “Dek, a word of advice, not that you’ll take it, but, finish this job and get out before you get yourself killed. Del’Moor, Palder, a sith and stars knows what else. Get out, leave Coruscant, disappear and don’t leave a trail.”


“I wish it was that simple, Minx, I really wish it was. But, thanks for caring.”


(To be Continued)

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These chapters set up the next bits of information I'm eager to chew on - Tyrus' background and Conrad's shenanigans. I appreciated the summary of the key information we have so far, but I'm eager to unravel more of the mystery. Good to see Dek's still cracking wise while in recovery; I always enjoy his antics. :D



Excellent reads as usual. :)

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I sure am curious about that Sith :D Like Dek, I'd like to know more. I sense that things are about to get pretty hot for Dek soon, fair bit of foreshadowing there. I enjoyed the line from Minx about 'not all his friends are friends.' Great descriptions and writing, and the building up. I'm really looking forward to the next, oh, and before I forget, I meant to tell you last time, what a great term star noire is for this piece. I think Chidori coined it, and it really works for this. ^^
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I continue to be amazed by Dek. He seems to have quite a few reliable people in his little network who're willing to help him out, like now Neera who's his ex and obviously not too pleased with how he treated her or ended things and yet she's willing to help out too. I think it speaks volumes to his character, in a really good way. I also had a good laugh at Minx's way of handling Dek when she came to redress his injury.


Really enjoyed these two additions to the story Misha! :)

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These chapters set up the next bits of information I'm eager to chew on - Tyrus' background and Conrad's shenanigans. I appreciated the summary of the key information we have so far, but I'm eager to unravel more of the mystery. Good to see Dek's still cracking wise while in recovery; I always enjoy his antics. :D



Excellent reads as usual. :)


I pondered whether or not to put the summary in, and this being my first mystery, I am definitely not sure what is proper. To be honest, I didn't know if it was needed, but it was already there, so I just ran with it. More answers are coming. :) As for Dek, I am sure he will be cracking jokes on his death bed.


I sure am curious about that Sith :D Like Dek, I'd like to know more. I sense that things are about to get pretty hot for Dek soon, fair bit of foreshadowing there. I enjoyed the line from Minx about 'not all his friends are friends.' Great descriptions and writing, and the building up. I'm really looking forward to the next, oh, and before I forget, I meant to tell you last time, what a great term star noire is for this piece. I think Chidori coined it, and it really works for this. ^^


Yes, Star Noir is the perfect moniker for this format, my eternal gratitude to Chidori for thinking of it. The answers will start coming soon, I can't drag this out forever, and Dek is not out of the woods yet.


I continue to be amazed by Dek. He seems to have quite a few reliable people in his little network who're willing to help him out, like now Neera who's his ex and obviously not too pleased with how he treated her or ended things and yet she's willing to help out too. I think it speaks volumes to his character, in a really good way. I also had a good laugh at Minx's way of handling Dek when she came to redress his injury.


Really enjoyed these two additions to the story Misha! :)


Dek doesn't play the forever faithful game, he is honest about who and what he is. He is basically a nice guy with a couple of major flaws. I think Neera would have told him to go screw himself if he wasn't so honest with her in the first place. Minx is like Tandy, neither takes crap from Dek, or anyone for that matter.


I agree with Jenny. Dek's network of friends say a lot about him. I enjoyed the banter.

As always looking forward to the next parts.


Thanks Frauzet, and thanks for giving me a bit more of Thorns too.



Chapter Thirty One


-Rags and Dirty Water-


After Minx and Tongo left, I spent time cleaning the blood out of and off my boot. I had ripped my ruined khaki’s into usable rags and they served the purpose. My foot was still too swollen to put the boot on, something about blood pooling in extremities from the nicked artery. It should be fine by tomorrow, the bruising had already changed from black and blue to green and yellow.


I walked into the refresher to check out the sonic, but couldn’t get it to turn on, no surprise there, then raised my arm and sniffed. Ugh, this was definitely the rank side of manly musk. Personal hygiene was one of the first casualties of being on the run, but I had rags and nasty water and I would clean up as best I could, given the circumstances. I even used the depil cream to remove the two day growth, being sure to keep my mouth tightly shut and the water away from my nose and eyes when I washed the cream and whiskers down the drain. I looked in the mirror, huh, a little gaunt but not bad at all considering, I ran the comb through my hair and felt nearly human again.


Trying to entertain myself until tomorrow evening, when I planned to go see Songa, was going to be the real challenge. I turned my datapad onto view mode and channel surfed, the reception was still lousy but I finally stopped on one of the music video channels. A stunning songbird with a voice like velvet was singing one of the old love tunes.


The words didn’t matter so much, but I did like the melody, and the broad was pure sex appeal in a red sequin gown that barely hid her assets. She could sing into my microphone any time.


I spent the night on the couch again, and woke up to the chiming of my comm. I got to my feet, without having to use the cane, walked to the table and picked up.


“Dek, it’s Neera.”


I kept the comm on audio only and responded. “Figured that, thanks for the call back.”


“You still owe me, you want me to send the file?”


“Nope, not opening up that avenue, you understand why, just tell me what you have.”


“Still don’t trust me, but I get it. Anyway, the sith was Lord Tyrus Pallus, now Darth Tantalus, previous apprentice to Darth Vidar, now deceased. Darth Tantalus, a minor sith, newish Darth, pretty far down on the ladder, hardly noteworthy except he was the interrogator and executioner for Vidar before his demise. Evidently, Vidar gave him the Darth title. How he avoided being killed along with his master is a mystery, rumor is he killed Vidar himself.


"After Vidar’s death, it seems Tantalus preferred to stay away from the political wrangling on Drommund and Korriban and not be underfoot of the more established sith hierarchy. A bit of an oddity where sith are concerned and risky. However, vague reports of him doing covert work for the Dark Council have surfaced from time to time. He is good at interrogation and uncovering secrets and not being prominent on the sith rolls helps him with this work.


“The Pallus family has small holdings on Drommund Kaas, Ziost and Athiss. Not much of a power base and evidently not a threat to the status quo, thus far. The father, Lord Sylor Pallus, never made it to darth, reason, unknown, speculation is, he tended to the more scholarly endeavors.


“The mother, deceased as far as we can tell. She was half pureblood, half human, so Tantalus has some human taint in his blood, maybe why he never garnered much attention once his master died. Still, if suspicious or greedy eyes shift his way at all, he, and his father, might as well kiss their asses goodbye, covert operative or not.


“That’s all I have for you, Dek. I’d really appreciate you not setting foot in my life again and this was not a favor. Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”


She hung up before I could respond, fair enough. I opened up the file on my datapad and transcribed the new information Neera had given to me while it was still fresh in my memory. I know who the sith is, but still don’t know his full purpose, not yet anyway. His mother, half human, maybe ties with Cori’s family? That remains to be seen, just something else to ponder.


I spent the rest of the day futzing about in the apartment, listening to music and the news, the reward was the same. It was almost time to leave to have a little meet and greet with Songa. I stripped off the shirt and pants and took another splash bath, then looked at my reflection, screw the shadow on my face that had already started to grow since last night. I sure as hell wasn’t trying to date the slug.


I placed my foot on the lid of the reclamation unit to get access to the bandage still covering my calf and gritted my teeth as the adhesive pulled at the hair when I stripped the bandage away. There was a jagged semi-circular scar, still pink where the skin was knitting together, but that would fade eventually.


It was time to try on the new clothes, should have had Tongo get the 32 longs, seems I have lost a pound or two, still, not bad with a belt. I donned a dark blue shirt and I could get my boots on too, now I just needed to wait another hour or so. I walked around the apartment to make sure my leg didn’t freeze up on me, still sore, but other than that, I was golden.


Gathering up my normal accoutrements I left the safe house, safe being the operative word. Once the door was closed, and I walked out into the night, safe became the non sequitur of fools.



Chapter Thirty Two


-Had to Happen Sometime-


There are few Hutts on Coruscant since most prefer to stay in Hutt space, but Songa ran his businesses from here; minor shipping, a couple of cantinas, bookies and h.ookerss. He was not the most wealthy of the rotund species, but he got by and for some reason he liked me, probably because I had never tried to stab him in the back. My problem now was how to get to him without being seen.


Songa’s compound was located on the same level of the Uscru district where I had ditched the speeder, four levels up from where I currently stood. Seems I would be hoofing it, which tested the endurance of my leg. I took several looks around and headed toward the nearest stairwell leading up.


Seemed like I would never get here, but when I stepped off the final step, I felt some relief that other than a slight tremble, the leg had held up quite well. Hat pulled low and in no rush I meandered through the crowd to my destination.


I stepped into an alley that hid the side entrance of the Ante Up Cantina and wrapped on the door. The sliding peephole opened and a set of eyes peered out at me. “What you want?” the gravely voice asked.


“Tell Songa that Dek is here to see him, he knows who I am.”


The peephole closed and I waited, watching my surroundings for any sign of Palder’s men. After a few minutes I could hear locks disengage and the door opened on groaning hinges. I walked through.


Hutts aren’t real big on hygiene and Songa is no exception. Trash littered the hallways and smells I couldn’t even begin to guess the origins of assailed my nostrils. The thought of a Hutt sized reclamation unit made me shudder and I put that image out of my mind pronto.


The main chamber opened up as we exited the corridor. Songa languished on his raised dais like some king, before him knelt five females of varying races and one of his chubby hands idly fondled the breast of a young Mirialan held firm against his girth. The Hutt fascination with bipedal females always baffled me, what the hell could they possibly do with them? On second thought, I’m not sure I want to know.


The air in here was not quite so noxious, I could actually sort of breathe again without wanting to lose my lunch. Songa’s eyes narrowed as they settled on me and he motioned me forward with his free hand.


As I approached he whispered something to one of his guards who then walked behind the kneeling women and nudged each one to stand, then marched them all toward one of the exiting hallways. I could tell that the Mirialan he held in his crude grasp was frightened but she dared not move and I could not help her. I was not here on a rescue mission, and I could not save her no matter how much I may have wanted to. Fate is a motherless b.itch sometimes.


Unlike most Hutts, Songa actually spoke primarily in basic rather than Huttese, which served him better than his native language considering where he conducted his business.


“Dek, good to see you. Sorry for delay but I had to inspect my new acquisitions, fine stock, make me much credits, I think. Perhaps you like to sample before you leave, yes?” He gave the pale green woman a squeeze that made her yelp, eliciting low laughter from his guards.


“Kind of you to offer, Songa, but that is not why I am here.”


“Ah well, your loss, she would have put a big smile on that serious face.”


He planted his hand at her back and gave her a shove off the dais where she landed on the floor on her hands and knees.


Songa turned to one of the guards. “Get her cleaned up, she has credits to make and quota to meet.”


Damn! I hate Hutts. Slaving, heartless bastards. I watched the guard grab the Mirialan roughly by the arm and drag her toward an exit, she turned her head to look my way, pleading with her violet eyes, and all I could do was watch. If she had spirit, they would break her and if she didn’t they would simply use her up, either way her final destination would be the mines. Songa would wring every last drop of profit from her flesh before it finally succumbed.


I turned my attention back to Songa who had reached for one of the pipes connected to the hookah that an attendant had brought out. I saw the smoke swirl around in the glass container as the Hutt sucked on the mouthpiece and inhaled deeply then exhaled a cloud of bluish smoke.


He turned his eyes back toward me, squinting slightly as they met mine. “Dek, my friend, you not here for female company and I have no need for freight captain at the moment, so why are you here?”


“A small question to ask, that is all.”


“Huh-huh-huh, huh-huh-huh,” Songa uttered that deeply irritating sound that passed for laughter. “I do not owe you answers, Dek, or information. Just why would you expect something for nothing in return?”


“Just let me ask the question, Songa, then you choose whether or not to answer, and who says I don’t have anything to trade. You never know what you might need in the future that I might have access to.”


“Perhaps you have something to trade now, Dek, my friend. That reward sounds very nice.”


F*ck me running!


I kept my voice calm and steady. “Come on, you hate Palder as much as I do. You certainly have me at a disadvantage, Songa, but I don’t see you caving in to him for any price. If I thought that, I wouldn’t be here.”


“Huh-huh-huh, you are right about that, Dek. Some hatreds go deeper than the balance of a spreadsheet. His men harass my girls, cost me business and Hutts don’t pay protection like those other stoopa in this sector. Go ahead and ask your question, I can always change my mind later.”


I was about as safe as a ronto in a slaughterhouse, but I had to ask.


“From what I understand, the Hutts have attempted, twice, to break into Del’Moor’s weapons division, I need to know why.”


“Everybody out but the droid,” Songa yelled at his entourage.


He looked around when the guards hesitated, “NOW!”


As soon as the room was cleared, Songa motioned me to move closer and I walked up to the edge of the dais.


Songa answered in a low voice. “You have heard of Isotope-5?”


“Something that you guys were mining on Makeb, right?”


“Yes. Both the empire and republic think that idiot Toborro used most of it to make those accursed droids of his, the fact is, several shipments went off planet to Hutt space. One of those shipments disappeared and Del’Moor has it. The Hutts want it back.”


“The Hutts planning to make war on the rest of the universe, Songa?”


“That would be telling, Dek, and that is two questions, you were only allowed one. But because I like you, the answer is, no, the Hutts want it for power generation, defense, exploration and ship enhancement. The Hutts do not have the stomach for war, it is too expensive.”


His silence indicated that the audience was over. “That’s all I needed, Songa, and I thank you.”


Songa took another pull off the hookah and blew the spice tainted smoke in my face. “Go to the cantina, have a drink, gamble, hire a woman but do not come here again uninvited, Dek. I like you plenty and I would not like to see you harmed, do not push your luck. I will call you if I need you.”


As if by magic a guard appeared to escort me back the way I had come and banged the door shut behind me as I left. I turned my head to look out into the street, it was clear, then I looked behind me.


The fist came out of the darkness like a jackhammer on a mission. I felt my face dent inward with the force of the impact and the taste of copper filled my mouth. My head snapped sideways and cracked into the wall, knocking my hat to the ground as I tried to see my assailant through my blurred vision. Before I could get my arms or fists up, I was hit in the solar plexus with such intensity the air was knocked out of my lungs and I went down to one knee, bent over and trying to breathe. Blood splattered to the pavement out of my gaping mouth.


Something hard bashed against my skull driving me the rest of the way to the ground and a booted foot kicked me hard in the ribs, I grunted as something broke. The last thing I saw was the rifle butt aimed at my head as the lights swirled in a dizzying pattern and then dispersed into nothing.


(To be Continued)

Edited by MishaCantu
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Tyrus definitely sounds like an unusual Sith, not overly ambitious in the traditional sense at least and I have the same questions as Dek where the Sith's mother is concerned.


I thought your description of Songa, his way of speaking and the environment he sits in was so.. spot on perfect for Hutts, really nicely done. And figures, isotope 5 because who isn't getting themselves into trouble over that shhit?


Dek though.. you've got me all worried about him now and real anxious for the next addition. What a way to end the chapter.

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Killer cliffhanger ...



New revelations keep bringing up even more questions - just like all great mysteries. Does Isotope 5 have something to do with what's in coriandra's diary? What is Tyrus' involvement? And who got to Dek? Ack! I must know!



I love the little references u have to the actual game. Not that the story needs them - it could stand alone and still be a great read, but the callbacks really immerse it in the swtor setting.


As always, looking forward to more. :)

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I love the way you describe things, I could give examples, but there are so many instances of it. I had a chuckled about what Dek said about the singer and singing into his microphone anytime. He has such great lines.


Also loved Songa's and the way you wrote him. But best of all, I loved getting the down low on the Sith lord. I also like that you made his Sith name Tantalus...I'm guessing a variation of 'tantalizing'? Cause he is? :D Looking forward to more. :)

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Tyrus definitely sounds like an unusual Sith, not overly ambitious in the traditional sense at least and I have the same questions as Dek where the Sith's mother is concerned.


I thought your description of Songa, his way of speaking and the environment he sits in was so.. spot on perfect for Hutts, really nicely done. And figures, isotope 5 because who isn't getting themselves into trouble over that shhit?


Dek though.. you've got me all worried about him now and real anxious for the next addition. What a way to end the chapter.


I didn't want Tyrus to be the ordinary, kick the puppy type of sith. I wanted him to think outside the edicts of what would be considered normal sith society. I think he would have preferred to remain just a lord except he had a gift for interrogation and assassination which Darth Vitar wanted to use. We all know how that goes.


And I really do not like Hutts, I never have. When Jabba dressed Leah up in that metal bra, chained her neck and then tried to lick her face it just creeped me out. So, yeh, that's how I see all Hutts, too twisted for color TV. I threw in the Isotope 5 as a slight reference to SWTOR, because indeed it has caused no end of problems.


I do like an occasional cliffhanger, fo sho.


Killer cliffhanger ...



New revelations keep bringing up even more questions - just like all great mysteries. Does Isotope 5 have something to do with what's in coriandra's diary? What is Tyrus' involvement? And who got to Dek? Ack! I must know!



I love the little references u have to the actual game. Not that the story needs them - it could stand alone and still be a great read, but the callbacks really immerse it in the swtor setting.


As always, looking forward to more. :)


Like I said, the occasional cliffhanger is nice, glad you approve. Your questions will all be answered, eventually. And, yes, a little homage to SWTOR was in order here, ergo, Isotope 5.


I love the way you describe things, I could give examples, but there are so many instances of it. I had a chuckled about what Dek said about the singer and singing into his microphone anytime. He has such great lines.


Also loved Songa's and the way you wrote him. But best of all, I loved getting the down low on the Sith lord. I also like that you made his Sith name Tantalus...I'm guessing a variation of 'tantalizing'? Cause he is? :D Looking forward to more. :)


Thanks Luna, you give me encouragement. I think my writing style is very simplistic next to most, but I do try to give a certain bent to how I describe things. Dek is indeed the master of one liners, it's just the way his mind works. Actually, Tantalus was from Greek mythology as a god who took the secrets of the gods and shared them with mortals, among other things. But, the fact that he is rather tantalizing doesn't hurt either. :D



Chapter Thirty Three


-You Call That Medicine?-


I didn’t know where I was and who the hell was slapping my face? Had I insulted some dame? Come on too strong? Not usually my style, but I had been slapped before.


Why are my eyes closed? I try to open them just a slit and the glare stabs into my brain like a cutting torch. Why is it so bright in here? Where is the music and the voices? Why the hell is my head and jaw throbbing?


I try to reach up to inspect my face but I can’t move my arms, they are bound behind me and I realize I am sitting, the seat and back hard against my body. I try to open my eyes again, blinking against the glare which blanks out from time to time as someone’s head blocks the light.


“Wakey, wakey,” I hear the male voice say as another slap hits my face, not so gently this time.


The throbbing in my jaw increases but I am able to open my eyes wider and struggle to focus on the face just a foot or so from mine. The fog gradually lifts and the blurry edges coalesce into my least favorite guy in the universe, Palder.


“Nowhere to run now, Deklinn.” Palder smirks down at me. “What? No snappy comeback?”


I remain silent, not wanting to feed whatever sick pleasure he was getting from my capture while at the same time allowing my vision and thought processes to clear up a bit more.


He grabs my chin between his thumb and forefinger and squeezes enough to make my jaw clench in renewed agony. I still don’t make a sound.


He turns away then whirls around and backhands me with all his strength causing me to lurch sideways in the chair, I groan involuntarily as I hear bones grate in my side, I had forgotten how painful a broken rib can be and I probably had more than one. I can feel blood start to trickle down my chin. My jaw along with my head is a perfect duet of pain, but I still don’t speak.


Palder starts to pace and finally stops, putting his face just inches from mine. “Tell me why you did it, Deklinn.”


“Did what, Palder?”


He stands up straight again, “At last, it speaks. I was beginning to wonder if the bounty hunter had taken your tongue. You f*cking know what I mean, why did you kill Bremer? I thought he was one of yours.”


“I didn’t do it, Palder, and you know f*cking well I didn’t. I want a lawyer before I say another word.”


He leaned forward and laughed. “You get a lawyer when I say you do. We have old scores to settle.”


I look around the room. Small interrogation chamber, probably isolated, only a spotlight and the chair I was sitting in, likely bolted to the floor since it didn’t tip when he struck me.


“That was a long time ago, Palder. Let it go already.”


“Let it go? Do you know what else I got besides a bum leg?”


“A limp dick?”


He leaned in so close I could smell what he’d had for dinner. His hand encircled my throat and squeezed so tight I couldn’t swallow and tried to gasp for air. His face turned red and I started to think I might get that aneurism after all, but he released his grip and stepped back.


I coughed and gagged while he continued with his diatribe. “I got constant pain, Deklinn, burning up and down my spine every minute of every day. The kolto fixed a lot, healed most of the nerves, but it’s the phantom ones that’ll drive you nuts. Nerve endings that died or were removed, but I feel them every second I’m awake. I have to drug myself into a stupor just to get a couple hours of sleep. I lost my wife and daughter because I couldn’t learn to control the anger and depression until months after it happened. So, let it go? Never!”


The fist came out of nowhere, hitting my nose. I heard cartilage crunch as my head snapped back and felt my eyes start to swell almost instantly. A new river of blood flowed over my lips, and he hit me again, I watched tiny red droplets spray outward in slow motion, almost beautiful.


I glanced down at my shirt, it would be covered in crimson if it were white, and then briefly, I wondered why it wasn’t purple. Blue and red make purple, but instead the wet blotches had changed the dark blue fabric to black. What a peculiar thought to have at a time like this. The fist rocketed toward me once more.


Then Palder punched me in the already broken ribs and I coughed another fresh reservoir of blood into my mouth which I spat out onto the floor. I expected another pummeling, but he just stopped.


“The courts will have a field day with you over this, Palder.” I mumbled through my split and swollen lips.


He laughed between panting breaths from the exertion of rearranging my face. “A murderer who sustained significant injury while trying to run and resisting arrest? I don’t think so. I have control here, Deklinn, don’t ever forget that.”


“Why not just kill me then and be done with it?”


Again he laughed, the sound grated against my ears. “Oh no, I want you to live. I will see you sent to an all male penal planet and some mouk named BoBo will make you his b.itch. You will beg for death before he and his buddies are done with you, pretty boy.”


Maybe he really couldn’t get it up any more. That would be righteous, but I wasn’t going to say that to him. Instead I asked, “So, who snitched my location? Was it Songa?”


“The Hutt? He hates me more than you do. Not that it matters, but a certain Ithorian bartender called the bounty hunter the minute he heard you were visiting Songa. Seems your network of friends isn’t as solid as you thought. The hunter already collected the reward but it is doubtful the bartender will live long enough to see his half. If the hunter doesn’t kill him, Songa will, he will consider it a breach of trust. Poetic justice don’t you think? Just like you sitting here now.”


“All I wanted was the who, Palder, not a damned dissertation. You talk too much.”


He pulled his arm back and slammed his fist into my face. I thought I heard a bone crack and the world was going all hazy again.


I heard him walk to the door and order two of his men inside. “Take this trash to a cell, I will fill out the paperwork tomorrow, a judge will be here to set bond this afternoon and then he can see his lawyer the day after. Have the doc give him a kolto injection, I don’t want the sonofab.itch to die. Leave the cuffs on and remind him what they can do before you close the door.”


The cuffs were undone then clamped back together in front of me as the two men pulled me out of the chair and half walked, half dragged me to a cell. They threw me inside and I groaned again as my ribs and head hit the floor. Then waves of burning, biting current traveled up my arms and I could feel my body twitch before everything went away. I never heard the door close.


I don’t know how long I was out, but I wish I hadn’t ever regained consciousness. I rolled over slowly and tried to look around through the slits that were now my eyes. Pain thundered through my skull and my side as I forced myself onto my hands and knees and hobble-crawled to the cot, barely finding the strength to drag myself up onto the crude bed. I couldn’t lay on my back or the side with the broken ribs so I pushed and pulled with my arms and legs to roll over to the less damaged part and again faded into the blessed darkness.


When I awoke again a bald man in a dirty medtech coat was standing over me doing a medical scan. He pulled a kolto injector out of his pocket and was just about to jab it into my neck when I caught his hand, feeling the drag of the cuffs as I did.


“Don’t put that s.hit in me,” I croaked.


“It is just kolto. You have three broken ribs, cracked jaw and orbital, a broken nose and a concussion, not to mention a bruised larynx. One of the ribs has punctured a lung and it is already filling up. If I don’t do this, you will be dead by morning. It is jail policy that I administer medical aid and considering the stun cuffs, you are in no position to argue.”


I released his hand and felt the sting of the injection. It didn’t feel quite the same as other kolto I had received, it didn’t deliver the immediate relief. I chuckled to myself, causing a fit of coughing that sprayed the medtech’s coat with droplets of saliva and blood.


The kolto was diluted somehow, it would make me feel better but not by much. F*cking bureaucrats, saving a credit wherever they could on the people who mattered the least. Somehow I couldn’t feel very grateful for these tender mercies.



Chapter Thirty Four


-The Loneliest Number-


I hate not being able to breathe through my nose but it was so swollen and clogged with gore, all I could do was catch air between my puffy lips resulting in a dry mouth and no spit and there was no water in sight. The CPD jail needs to rethink its idea of amenities.


I lay still waiting for the quasi-kolto to do whatever little good it was going to but I wasn’t in any mood to hope for miracles and I doubted Palder was done with me yet. He could always claim an accident or an inmate fight.


I tried to sigh but it hurt too damned much, no one would or could come for me, Minxy was right in that assessment. I was alone. So be it.


My body wanted to heal itself and pushed me into a deep sleep, the kind where you don’t dream and you don’t move, a blessing in disguise. I didn’t wake up until the guards arrived, the grind and clank of the metal bars sliding open woke me enough to pry my eyes as wide as they would go. Strong arms yanked me out of the cot before my mind had time to engage, I stumbled like a drunk for a few moments before my feet found balance and I was prodded along by batons poking into my back.


A short ride up a turbolift and a short walk down a hallway put me into a small room with an enclosed partition where a man in judicial robes sat behind protective glass. I was third in line to have charges read and bail set, if any, and who knew when the actual arraignment would be.


I was shoved forward each time one of the prisoners in front of me finished with the magistrate, the cuffs hung heavy around my wrists and were starting to chafe, a minor irritant compared to my head and ribs. I heard the door open and glanced over my shoulder to see Palder enter the room and walk up behind me. I rolled my eyes behind the still swollen eyelids but said nothing.


Finally it was my turn. Palder put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me forward, his touch made my skin crawl, but I didn’t resist. The judge looked up at me with dispassionate eyes and began his legal spiel.


“The Galactic Republic versus Markus Deklinn. You are charged with murder, obstruction of justice, striking an officer of the law and resisting arrest. Captain Palder considers you a flight risk and considering the severity of the charge, your bail is set at one million credits, hard currency bond, arraignment is set for two weeks from today. Do you have any questions, Mr. Deklinn?”


“Yes, your honor, did anyone think to pick up my hat?”


The judge merely frowned and said, “you will remain in the custody of the CPD until your arraignment at which time your bail may be reduced or rescinded. I suggest an attitude adjustment, Mr. Deklinn, from the looks of you, it is well warranted.”


The judge glanced up at Palder, “Captain Palder, I assume this man has a lawyer?”


“He will be assigned one tomorrow, your honor.”


“Very well. Next?” the judge dismissed us as he called out for the next lucky fellow.


Palder tightened his grip and steered me back out the door, then followed the guards as they escorted me back to my cell. He punched me in the lower back directly over my right kidney as I entered the cell, then activated the stun cuffs which drove me to my knees. I heard him chuckle as he walked away.


“He’ll be back later for another visit,” smirked one of the guards as he removed the cuffs and exited the cell. It was going to be a very long two weeks.


Every afternoon and evening, Palder exercised his visitation rights, beating me to a pulp and letting the half assed kolto do just enough healing so that he could start all over again. At least I had water now and some nasty grey gruel that I refused to eat, but I also refused to break. I wouldn’t snivel or grovel and that only infuriated him more. I just took the beating and let the kolto heal me back up as best as it could in the short time between assaults.


The kick in the a.ss was that he was still blaming me for all his woes. It wasn’t my fault he let some punk sneak up behind him and shoot him in the back, and it damned sure wasn’t my fault he had been such a sonofab.itch to his wife that she left him. The man was a coward and a bully, two irredeemable traits in any man as far as I was concerned.


On the third morning I was laying on the cot fiddling with a loose tooth with my tongue when two guards walked up and opened the cell. One of them motioned for me to get up, which I struggled to do. Palder had been pretty brutal the night before and I was still a mass of bruises and contusions not to mention the broken hand where one of the guards had stomped on it with his boot. It wasn’t healed yet.


No cuffs this time, wonder if they were going to fake an escape and just shoot me after all. We rode up the turbolift and out through the locked doors to the booking desk, there stood Nadel in a trim blue suit.


She walked over to me and I didn’t understand what she was doing here. “Nadel?”


“Mistress Linny has posted your bond, Mr. Deklinn. You are released into her custody and she is on her way back to Coruscant as we speak. Please gather your things and follow me, Fenel is waiting outside and will take us back to her place, I believe you have been there before.”


Palder came striding toward us, his face white, huh, I thought it would have been it’s usual pre-stroke scarlet. He stopped and glared at me, “Seems you have friends in high places, Deklinn, not that it will do you any good. There will still be a trial and we have a witness, you might want to start welding that durasteel over your a.ss now. This isn’t over.”


“Better put some kolto on those knuckles, Palder, they are looking a little worse for wear. How’s the back? Hope beating the s.hit out of me every day didn’t strain it. Oh, and give Del’Moor my regards.” I raised my middle finger and waved it at him.


My belongings were pushed through the barred opening and I held them with my good hand while I followed Nadel out of the precinct building. I let my eyes scan her backside as she walked, she still has a damned fine a.ss.


(To be Continued)

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I love that Dek's snark never leaves him no matter how dire his straits are. He was firing shots all over the place this chapter, even bound and taking a beating.



Maybe one of his patrons will come save his behind ... hrmm ...


Edit: Wow, I somehow missed that Linny had already come to save the day. This is why I shouldn't read late at night :(



Favorite exchange:


“That was a long time ago, Palder. Let it go already.”


“Let it go? Do you know what else I got besides a bum leg?”


“A limp dick?”



Another fun and amazing read - went by entirely too quickly. Looking forward to what's next.

Edited by wangxiuming
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I was pretty sure Dek could depend on Linny, still took her long enough ;)

Thorns got some good connections to Coruscant's underworld. Some accident for Palder could probably be arranged...


Have I already told you how much I admire your style? I do, overall, and in this story especially.

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The limp d.ick comment had me coughing up my juice as I read it but it was worth it! Gotta love the mouth on Dek no matter what he's facing. Now who could possibly be a witness to a murder he didn't commit? :rolleyes: Probably some paid off low life, pah. Curious to see how the trial will progress. And yay for Linny saving the day and getting him away from Palder's fists for now.. pah what a piece of scum that man. Edited by JennyFlynn
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I concur, the limp dick snark was hilarious :D


And Palder...grr, I really despise that guy. He's beyond awful. I am so thankful that Linny came to the rescue. I would have hated the idea of Dek being trapped in there with Palder.


I enjoy the dialogue in this so much. Funny thing I was reminded of something I say jokingly to my son, when he's late waking up. "Wakey, wakey...(let go of snakey). That line made me think of that. I had several good chuckles, thanks Dek. Down, but not out. :)


Edit: As for what you said in your comment about you considering your style more simplistic than most, let me assure you there is nothing wrong with that. It's good actually. Keeping it simple and interesting is a gift. If people have to put their reading aside to scour a dictionary for definitions, it takes them out of the story (which you don't want), so simple is good.

Edited by Lunafox
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Chapter 8 reached! I'm enjoying it! ^^ Throughout chapter 7 and 8 I was listening to a

and then at the very and of chapter 8 with the awesome Line:


It all had to be connected, the diary, the sith, Tritan and the weapons plans. I just needed to figure out where the strings met and cut them one at a time. I just hoped the knife didn’t slip and slit my throat while I was at it.


I was like ...huehue! And the orignal perry theme buzzed in my head XD well the later version of the original...


A perfect line that match Dek haha all in all an ending and cliffhanger to make the ready smirk and nod at what comes next. :)

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I love that Dek's snark never leaves him no matter how dire his straits are. He was firing shots all over the place this chapter, even bound and taking a beating.



Maybe one of his patrons will come save his behind ... hrmm ...


Edit: Wow, I somehow missed that Linny had already come to save the day. This is why I shouldn't read late at night :(



Favorite exchange:


“That was a long time ago, Palder. Let it go already.”


“Let it go? Do you know what else I got besides a bum leg?”


“A limp dick?”



Another fun and amazing read - went by entirely too quickly. Looking forward to what's next.


Dek's snark can never leave him, it is an integral part of who he is. Thank god, he would be boring as hell without it. Yeah, I wondered why you missed that part, I even went and reread what I had written to make sure it wasn't too vague. Sleepy eyes can miss a lot, glad you finally caught it, whew, thought I had messed up. And it seems that his little comeback to Palder was a hit. It is surely something Dek would say. :)


I was pretty sure Dek could depend on Linny, still took her long enough ;)

Thorns got some good connections to Coruscant's underworld. Some accident for Palder could probably be arranged...


Have I already told you how much I admire your style? I do, overall, and in this story especially.


Linny is one of the very few people he can really count on and I think he is finally seeing that. A nice accident is surely warranted for Palder, he is such a bastard, I'll have Dek's people call Thorn's people, they can probably work something out. ;) I guess we all have a style of sorts, but I will take your compliment, I surely had to change mine a bit for this story but it has been fun and a learning experience for sure.


The limp d.ick comment had me coughing up my juice as I read it but it was worth it! Gotta love the mouth on Dek no matter what he's facing. Now who could possibly be a witness to a murder he didn't commit? :rolleyes: Probably some paid off low life, pah. Curious to see how the trial will progress. And yay for Linny saving the day and getting him away from Palder's fists for now.. pah what a piece of scum that man.


Glad you liked the comment, Dek just can't help rubbing salt in the wound, especially with Palder, but at least we all know why Palder leans so hard on him. He blames Dek for crap that isn't even his fault. Yeah, Palder is a piece of work alright, scum fits nicely. You're not far off the mark with the witness. Not sure how much time I want to spend on the trial, but I do have to touch on it at some point. :)


I concur, the limp dick snark was hilarious :D


And Palder...grr, I really despise that guy. He's beyond awful. I am so thankful that Linny came to the rescue. I would have hated the idea of Dek being trapped in there with Palder.


I enjoy the dialogue in this so much. Funny thing I was reminded of something I say jokingly to my son, when he's late waking up. "Wakey, wakey...(let go of snakey). That line made me think of that. I had several good chuckles, thanks Dek. Down, but not out. :)


Edit: As for what you said in your comment about you considering your style more simplistic than most, let me assure you there is nothing wrong with that. It's good actually. Keeping it simple and interesting is a gift. If people have to put their reading aside to scour a dictionary for definitions, it takes them out of the story (which you don't want), so simple is good.


Linny is Dek's white knight, not that they've known each other long, but sometimes the glove just fits and it doesn't take long to try it on. I had to laugh at your remembrance of the "wakey, wakey" line and glad the limp d.ick comeback went across so well. Palder sucks, plain and simple, horrible weak man.


I guess what I was referring to is that my writing does not have the grand scope of so many others. I just take day to day life and try to add a little twist, which I guess is not a bad thing. My guys s.hit, shower and shave, get haircuts, do laundry, clean their guns, etc, I guess I like to keep them real while solving a mystery or having a shootout. I like to get their voices right, which I actually do, most times. Anyway, I always appreciate your words of encouragement, thank you.


Chapter 8 reached! I'm enjoying it! ^^ Throughout chapter 7 and 8 I was listening to a
and then at the very and of chapter 8 with the awesome Line:


I was like ...huehue! And the orignal perry theme buzzed in my head XD well the later version of the original...


A perfect line that match Dek haha all in all an ending and cliffhanger to make the ready smirk and nod at what comes next. :)


Oh my gosh, I remember hearing that original rendition of the Perry Mason theme song, my Mom watched that show religiously. You are right, it does fit Dek and the genre of my story perfectly. Thank you for sharing and bringing back a fond memory. :D

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Chapter Thirty Five


-An Unwanted Apology-


I slid into the back seat of the limo and suggested that Nadel sit up front with Fenel, I smelled pretty ripe. My cell had a reclamation unit but I hadn’t had a shower in days, Nadel declined and slid into the back seat with me.


“You will require a kolto tank for a day or two, Mr. Deklinn.” Nadel said.


“Naw, just a shower and some rest will do,” I replied.


“A shower and then the tank, if you resist, Fenel will make sure you comply with Mistress Linny’s instructions that you get proper care. Do not judge Fenel by his age or stature, he is ex-military and can have you disarmed in two seconds, on the ground in three, unconscious or dead in four. If you should get past him, you will have me to deal with. You will lose if you fight, I suggest you don’t”


“Point taken.”


I had almost forgotten how good a shower could feel as I stood under the stream of water and watched the dried blood, dirt and sweat break loose and flow down the drain. I was standing there with my eyes closed when the door opened and looked up to see Nadel enter. She was clothed in just a bra and panties.


“I am here to assist with your bath, not for your pleasure, Mr. Deklinn. Please turn around so I can scrub your back and any other part you might have trouble reaching. Do not test me.”


Well, this was better than a five star hotel, and they thought they offered services. It was really difficult to concentrate on other things besides the lathered and smooth hands drifting across my skin but somehow I managed. Thank the stars she was quick because avoiding temptation is not exactly in my wheelhouse and I was running out of distractions.


Nadel helped dry my back and legs, then motioned to the undergarment on the bed and left the room. Dressed in only my underwear I opened the door and walked into the living room where I was met by Fenel. He guided me to the utility room which had a kolto tank installed in the corner, I wondered if it had always been there. Fenel helped me into the harness and breather and I felt the sting of the tranq then the feeling of weightlessness as I was lifted from the floor and lowered into the tank. Hearing the bubbles, feeling warm and peaceful I let the tranq take me away.


I woke up, naked, in Linny’s bed, I guess the scans gave me a clean bill of health but nobody had bothered to wake me up. I looked around the room and hanging from a clothes hook on the outside of the closet door was a dark gray suit and linen shirt. Fresh underwear and socks were on the bed and new boots sat on the floor. Damn, Linny, you do think of everything.


Clean teeth, hair combed and new duds, could a guy feel more special? I walked into the living room and looked out the window, Nadel and one of the house droids came in a short time later and set up the portable table and a chair. After a while food was served and I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I sat down to eat. Some sort of baked fowl, bread and butter, baked potato and a salad. I would have preferred steak, but it might have been too much for my shrunken stomach, I dug in, just thankful for what I got.


“Where’s the limo?” I asked Nadel who was standing by the fireplace.


“Fenel has gone to the spaceport to pick up Mistress Linny. They should be returning soon.”


That was the best news I had heard in a long time or at least since two days ago when my bail was paid. Finished with the meal, I went to the bar and poured a brandy then went to again stand by the window.


“Where’s my comm, Nadel? I need to contact a couple of people.”


She disappeared for a few minutes and returned with my datapad and comm in hand along with my shoulder holster and blaster. The jacket had been sent out for cleaning along with my other clothes.


I walked back to the sofa, sat down and called Tandy. I didn’t let her talk much, I just wanted to let her know that I was ok and to make sure she and Lom were the same. Then she hit me with the bombshell, yesterday a young Mirialan woman had shown up at the office, said she was there as a gift from Songa to apologize to me for Theth’s betrayal and that I owned her now. Tandy says she refuses to leave until her master returns. Why the hell couldn’t Songa have just sent credits or opened a big a.ss bar tab? I told Tandy I would take care of it tomorrow and just to make sure the woman was safe and fed. Why can’t things ever be easy?


I heard the speeder pull up outside and stood to watch Linny exit without waiting for Fenel to open the door. She ran to the apartment door and flung it open and then straight into my waiting arms. The kiss was long and sweet and I realized how much I had missed her.


She stood back for a moment inspecting me. “The suit looks good on you.”


“And I'd look good on you.”


She laughed, “You never change, Markus.”


“Would you want me to?”


Sometimes body language translates into the best hellos and thank yous.



Chapter Thirty Six


-Strange Idea of Fun-


I awoke to someone's fingers tracing down the middle of my nose. I glanced over at Linny lying beside me, propped on one elbow and studying my profile.


“Fenel told me on the way from the spaceport, what shape you were in when they brought you home. Palder is a mad dog who needs to have his leash shortened. Although, that bump on the bridge of your nose does give you a rather aristocratic demeanor, I think I like it, just not the way you got it.”


I rolled over to kiss the frown that furrowed her brows and pulled her closer. “We need to talk, Linny.”


“Right now?”, she whispered as her hand disappeared beneath the sheet.


I caught her wrist before she started something that I would have no choice but to finish. “Yes, now.”


“Sounds ominous, you breaking up with me?” she teased as she rolled out of bed and reached for her robe.


“Hardly, I already told you I am in this with you until the end,” my voice caught a bit in my throat as the finality of that statement came full circle. “There are things I need to know that only you can help me with.”


“I see, the case, yes?”


“I think this is bigger than just the case, Linny, much bigger,” I replied as I exited the bed and donned my robe as well.


Together we walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. She tucked her legs under her robe and leaned against my shoulder. “Ask away, Markus, I will help as much as I am able.”


I kissed the top of her head and began. “First, I want to thank you for getting me out of that hell hole. Palder was having way too much fun at my expense and my thanks to Fenel and Nadel also for their part in making sure I got healed up.”


“I would have gotten you out sooner if I could have but some things take time. I hardly have a million credits, hard currency, just lying around. I regret every second you spent with that despicable man. Please continue.”


“You know that you just painted a big target on yourself by helping me, don’t you? What with Palder’s pull and Conrad’s money and influence, you might be better served by separating yourself from me.”


“Nonsense, darling. Conrad is not the only one with influence and if I have my way, Palder will have internal affairs up his a.ss so far he won’t be able to swallow without tasting s.hit.”


I chuckled, “I do love your turn of a phrase, couldn’t have said it better myself.”


“I’m serious, Markus. My family is old in the republic. Military goes way back, and the freight lines were one of the first. I even have a couple of distant cousins who are Jedi. I have very old contacts in the senate, judicial system, finance ministry, military, hell even the SIS.”


“Then why on earth would your father sell almost fifty percent of his company shares to Del’Moor? And why would you ever consent to be part of that cesspool of a family?”


Linny sighed and looped her arm through mine. “Even the biggest beast will succumb to the constant nipping of sharp teeth. Conrad had harassed and blocked my father at every turn, a circle of friends can diminish over time and only the oldest ones kept my father afloat when times got really bad.


“I agreed to the marriage because I loved my father and Conrad agreed simply to get inroads to my company and my contacts. They all hated him and still do. Plus I thought I could find some information on Del’Moor’s less than savory business deals.


“The fact that I got dumped for the inability to have children, did not set well with many of our more established friends, the ones really high in the republic echelon. I leveraged that, plus what little dirt I did find on Conrad to cement my position. Idle party chatter can change many things. I am not just another pretty face, Markus, I also know how to play the game.


“Now, please, enough about my safety, let’s get on with your questions.”


I placed my free hand over hers where it rested on my arm and idly rubbed the pad of my thumb across her fingers. “When I asked you about Coreena, you neglected to tell me that she had been away at boarding school for four years. The twelve year old girl that left is not the same one who returned at sixteen.”


She pushed herself upright and stared into my eyes. “It wasn’t a boarding school, Markus, it was a private institution. Coreena had become uncontrollable and after her second attempt at suicide, Del’Moor suggested she be sent away for extensive treatment. The girl who returned was very much different than the one who left.”


“That’s not what I meant, Linny. The girl who returned was Coreena’s twin sister, Coriandra.”


Linny’s eyes widened. “But who would know such a thing and who could have pulled such a swap under everyone’s noses? Are you sure, Markus?”


I explained about the photo’s and comparisons I had done. “Anything odd about that institution?”


“Other than Conrad suggesting it, yes actually. Just before Coreena’s return, there was a fire. Quite huge, as I recall, several staff and patients lost their lives. The Deevis’s considered it a miracle that they got their daughter back at all. Do you think Conrad was involved somehow using the fire as a coverup? And if so, why?”


“I think Conrad’s suggestion was for some selfish reason, but the fire? It doesn’t track. I have more to tell you.”


I opened up to her about everything; the diary and amulet, the sith, Cori’s mother and sister, the weapon and the sith’s concern, even my suspicions about Conrad’s twisted goals with Cori. I needed new perspective, someone with knowledge that might help me unravel it all and Linny was the confidant I required.


I raised my arm and put it around Linny’s shoulder, pulling her closer. “You may be sorry you ever got involved with me.”


She let her hand drift inside my robe as what she sought rose into her waiting fingers. “You’re the most fun I’ve had in a long time, Markus Deklinn.”


(To be Continued)

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Loved the latest! :D The way you phrase things always makes for a very smooth read; very enjoyable. I look forward to seeing what Dek and Linny can piece together about things, now that they're reunited. She really does know how to take care of her man. A delight as always! Can't wait for more. :)
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Luna beat me to first responder! :p


Arghhh ... again the chapter ends right as I'm really eager for answers. Can't wait for the next.



I'm really liking Nadel. Seems like the undervalued/underrated no-nonsense kind of staff that anyone would want backing them.


It's a relief to see Dek safely away from Palder's scummy hands. It's also nice to know he's got someone influential in his corner. Though my default state of suspicion makes me think Linny is still someone to be watched closely. Hrmm ...



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I'm so relieved to see Dek out of that prison and back at Linny's where clearly they're taking very good care of him. I had to laugh at her comment about internal affairs being up Palder's as.s, would love that if she can make it happen! Here's hoping that with her help Dek will be able to get some more answers and continue his investigations though I also second Wang. A small part of me is suspicious of Linny as well and I really hope that's misplaced because I enjoy her character. I just also tend to have a natural habit of being suspicious of basically everyone who isn't Dek lol.


Really great chapters Misha!

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