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Non-human companion romance


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With the way they seem to want to put everyone into one storyline? No. I think they want to dwindle down the LI options to as few as possible and possibly ignore all original ones after they returned, with the possibility of never returning the ones we haven't gotten back yet.


Boohissssss. But part of me suspects you are hitting BW's motives on the nose. On the other hand, Jorgan and Kaliyo were both very popular on the "I wanna kill" lists. Not as high as Skadge or Quinn, but close.

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We all know this is just a façade and the OP really just wants to have a romance with Qyzen.


How dare you, sir! I wouldn't touch that disgusting lizard with a 10-foot pole. If I were to romance ANY big bulky masculine alien, it would CLEARLY be Khem Val.

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How dare you, sir! I wouldn't touch that disgusting lizard with a 10-foot pole. If I were to romance ANY big bulky masculine alien, it would CLEARLY be Khem Val.

Better than Doc at least...:p


But yeah I have always wished there were male alien love interests aside from Jorgan who is kind of unlikeable in personality and him being so catlike is a little too ********ity-esque for me unless your character is a Cathar (I did make one Cathar trooper to do his romance though). I always prefer playing and romancing non-humans when a game gives me the option :(

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Better than Doc at least...:p


But yeah I have always wished there were male alien love interests aside from Jorgan who is kind of unlikeable in personality and him being so catlike is a little too ********ity-esque for me unless your character is a Cathar (I did make one Cathar trooper to do his romance though). I always prefer playing and romancing non-humans when a game gives me the option :(


Huh. Doc was my favourite companion as a JK, but I was male so it felt more of like a bromance I guess. I always go body type 3 Cathar for my bounty hunter though, so I guess Mako is into the big ol' cat dong :p

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I think they want to dwindle down the LI options to as few as possible and possibly ignore all original ones after they returned, with the possibility of never returning the ones we haven't gotten back yet.


They've already limited the Theron/Lana romance interactions, after Chp 9 Lana pretty much got nothing LI related till 16 and in the entire 16 chapters of KOTFE Theron got a few small scenes in 9 and 16 and that was it. If the new romances (Lana/Theron) aren't even getting much anymore then what chance do original LI's have? It worries me. :(

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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LOL Khem make a good Lesbiana! :D:D


Yeah! Bring Khem baaaaaaaaaack ! So I can hear Zash lol


Wrong Khem, I want my Morose Monster. But either Khem should be a romance option. Or at least Original Khem should be.


And Qyzen to "worship" his Scorekeeper with Her Herald.

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They added them in, just like the said. They never said it would be with the original companions. That seems like a poor example of an empty promise (though, they of course have some...like how we were supposed to have more class stories since day 1).


they actually did...look around . I'm too tired to go dig it up . But it is here somewhere...

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Wrong Khem, I want my Morose Monster. But either Khem should be a romance option. Or at least Original Khem should be.


And Qyzen to "worship" his Scorekeeper with Her Herald.


I actually made sure to have both . One of my Sorc sided with khem and the other with Zash ., Was hoping to see more hence why I made one of each .


can't stand Qyzen .....it's like listening to a Gambler..talking no stop about the Priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiize ..:D

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can't stand Qyzen .....it's like listening to a Gambler..talking no stop about the Priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiize ..:D


I just can't stand Trandoshans in general. The language is quite abrasive on the ears, whereas the Deshade language (at least in Chapters 1-3) were quite pleasant on the ears - at least to me, anyway.

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The story of KotFE is written for a male human jedi knight with Lana as the "canon" romance. Just like for example ME2 (to an extrend) and ME3 are written for a female Shepard with Liara as "canon" romance.

So there went much less work in the other "romance storys" and i bet that for KotET it is the same.


For the "classic" chapter 1 ot 3 class storys... Well... Remember the *****torm Bioware got for the Liara romance in ME1? So they went the safe route and back then the game was aimed for 12 year olds...


Actually the cannon shepard is male, with liara. They pretty well said as much with the various statements in marketing surrounding me2 and 3 release. Male shepard, paragon, with liara (without cheating in me2) is the "canon". It is also why the marketing images were almost exclusively male shep. I can only remember a single marketing image with a fem shep...and even THAT one showed a male shep on it as well.


How do you know its written to be that way? I mean, i did it with a female human Inquisitor and a male chiss Imperial Agent so far, and it seemed just fine to me.


I havent done it with the Knight yet (hell, i havent even played the Knight 1-50 story yet), so i cant say for sure though. But i just ask bc i already saw this statement before, im curious if there's something in the story which clearly indicates it should be that way.


The knight gets far better lines with valkorian than any other class...even the wrath doesn't get the attention to detail the way the knight does. Though it amuses me to no end how valkorian greets the knight in the dream mentioning how many times you have killed him (which is 3...class story, killed/bested him while he possessed the female jedi commander fully, and of course at the begining of ET).

Oddly Marr even talks a bit more during the weapon forge chapter if you are a knight.

The knight's interactions with people seem to last longer and have more detail. I mean, Lana remembers you were made the weapon master of the order...yet forgets anyone else's achievements (though she mentions the BH being champion of the great hunt and theran calls the consular barsen'thor...both of which are just act 1 achievements). Heck no one mentions the fact that technically the Sorc could step up and become leader of the empire being one of the few council members still alive! It is things like that that rather line up with the story being far too Jedi Knight focused (I mean seriously... the smugler does NOT belong in charge of the alliance no matter how you played them they never once showed any true command capabilities beyond a small crew ever, same with the BH).

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The knight gets far better lines with valkorian than any other class...even the wrath doesn't get the attention to detail the way the knight does. Though it amuses me to no end how valkorian greets the knight in the dream mentioning how many times you have killed him (which is 3...class story, killed/bested him while he possessed the female jedi commander fully, and of course at the begining of ET).

Oddly Marr even talks a bit more during the weapon forge chapter if you are a knight.

The knight's interactions with people seem to last longer and have more detail. I mean, Lana remembers you were made the weapon master of the order...yet forgets anyone else's achievements (though she mentions the BH being champion of the great hunt and theran calls the consular barsen'thor...both of which are just act 1 achievements). Heck no one mentions the fact that technically the Sorc could step up and become leader of the empire being one of the few council members still alive! It is things like that that rather line up with the story being far too Jedi Knight focused (I mean seriously... the smugler does NOT belong in charge of the alliance no matter how you played them they never once showed any true command capabilities beyond a small crew ever, same with the BH).


God that really pisses me off. I don't like playing Knight (Jedi at all, actually) because the voice is so mono-tone and devoid of any sort of personality at all. Having to sit through the Jedi romances were honestly the most uncomfortable, cringe-inducing experiences possible. You have what are essentially mono-toned robots devoid of any personality or passion, enact out passionate (well, as passionate as BW writing can get) romance scenes where they declare their affection for their companion. I understand that Jedi are meant to suppress emotion, but to have no passion at all in their voice, when they take the initiative and kiss the companion - which in itself is an act of passion - is super awkward. The best part is how the animation team screws up and sometimes the companion's face will awkwardly be beside the character's head with lips puckered out, ala duckface.


Literally I will be happy playing ANY other class in the game, bar Jedi Knight/Jedi Consular, so it bugs me that BW slacked off on the effort to write story dialogue for non-Jedi Knight classes.

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God that really pisses me off. I don't like playing Knight (Jedi at all, actually) because the voice is so mono-tone and devoid of any sort of personality at all. Having to sit through the Jedi romances were honestly the most uncomfortable, cringe-inducing experiences possible.


At least the male JK gets to romance Kira, female JK's get Doc as their only 1-50 romance...

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At least the male JK gets to romance Kira, female JK's get Doc as their only 1-50 romance...


What's wrong with Doc? I thought he was a great character. I wanted to strand Kira on Tython/Nar Shaddaa after 2 or 3 planets with her. She gets a bit obnoxious, I find, and it's hard to listen to Laura Bailey's voice acting after watching Critical Role, because she sounds the same in every role (same as Steve Blum, for that matter, who voices Andronikos Revel and like 70% of the male NPCs in the game).

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What's wrong with Doc? I thought he was a great character. I wanted to strand Kira on Tython/Nar Shaddaa after 2 or 3 planets with her. She gets a bit obnoxious, I find, and it's hard to listen to Laura Bailey's voice acting after watching Critical Role, because she sounds the same in every role (same as Steve Blum, for that matter, who voices Andronikos Revel and like 70% of the male NPCs in the game).


Have you played a female JK before? Let's just say Doc is a total sleaze who constantly comes on to you, I get a cool bromance thing with the male JK and Doc but with a female JK he just turns into a sleaze bag who hits on you constantly. Nothing against those who like the Doc romance but he is not my cup of tea at all.


Also +1 for Khem Val romance. ;)

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Have you played a female JK before? Let's just say Doc is a total sleaze who constantly comes on to you, I get a cool bromance thing with the male JK and Doc but with a female JK he just turns into a sleaze bag who hits on you constantly. Nothing against those who like the Doc romance but he is not my cup of tea at all.


Also +1 for Khem Val romance. ;)


I really like Doc. I find him to be sweet and flirty, not skeevy. I have friends that call everyone beautiful or gorgeous, so that doesn't seem over the top to me at all.

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I really like Doc. I find him to be sweet and flirty, not skeevy. I have friends that call everyone beautiful or gorgeous, so that doesn't seem over the top to me at all.


Like I said he's just not my cup of tea, personally I didn't find him a good match for my JK. My JK's waiting for a male force user at the moment though that might be a long wait.


Back on topic of non-human romance I know Doc at the end of the romance mentions something about children and my Cathar mentioned something along the lines of it might not being possible because of her species (I don't remember the exact quote it was so long ago now). I looked back at my SW romance with Quinn, she's also a Cathar, (I have way to many Cathar's at the moment :D) he mentioned possible future children and I didn't get any line about not being possible because of my species.

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Back on topic of non-human romance I know Doc at the end of the romance mentions something about children and my Cathar mentioned something along the lines of it might not being possible because of her species (I don't remember the exact quote it was so long ago now). I looked back at my SW romance with Quinn, she's also a Cathar, (I have way to many Cathar's at the moment :D) he mentioned possible future children and I didn't get any line about not being possible because of my species.


Thats because when the game launched, only Humans and Sith Purebloods could be Sith Warriors. Both of which can interbreed with the human Quinn. BW doesnt give two craps about changing it in regards to non interbreedable races so in it stays.

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Thats because when the game launched, only Humans and Sith Purebloods could be Sith Warriors. Both of which can interbreed with the human Quinn. BW doesnt give two craps about changing it in regards to non interbreedable races so in it stays.


I had forgotten about that, I wasn't here when the game initially launched and forget about how only certain species were available to certain classes. I admit when I first joined and subbed I unlocked a few species early on from the CM because I didn't want to be human.

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Thats because when the game launched, only Humans and Sith Purebloods could be Sith Warriors. Both of which can interbreed with the human Quinn. BW doesnt give two craps about changing it in regards to non interbreedable races so in it stays.


To be fair, on launch (to coin a WoW term, "Vanilla", if you will), Cathar weren't a playable race at all - they were added in at a later date, the same as Togruta were. It's why Aric Jorgan looks so different comparative to Cathar player characters, and when you play the Bounty Hunter storyline the Cathar on Balmorra (Murghir) also looks different, and rather low-res, compared to the higher definition options available on character creation for female Cathar.


As such, it seems rather lazy on behalf of Bioware (and just reinforces the fact that Jedi Knight is their favourite class) that they didn't add in the same racial response for other classes who were Cathar.

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To be fair, on launch (to coin a WoW term, "Vanilla", if you will), Cathar weren't a playable race at all - they were added in at a later date, the same as Togruta were. It's why Aric Jorgan looks so different comparative to Cathar player characters, and when you play the Bounty Hunter storyline the Cathar on Balmorra (Murghir) also looks different, and rather low-res, compared to the higher definition options available on character creation for female Cathar.


As such, it seems rather lazy on behalf of Bioware (and just reinforces the fact that Jedi Knight is their favourite class) that they didn't add in the same racial response for other classes who were Cathar.


They didn't make any changes based on cathar to JK. JK could originally be non humans at launch, miraluka for example cannot breed with humans. Their genetic structure is so different it is impossible (never mind the amazing number of fan made characters to the contrary). I mean if you really want to wonder, why are the non jedi/sith miraluka not given conversation options about the force as even untrained miraluka can wield the force (that is how they SEE for crying out loud).

Basically all options were keyed for the original racial options and were NEVER updated.


More or less, the canon class characters (the characters that match up for every single conversation option) are as follows. Humans have the JK, SW, and Trooper. Mirialan are meant for the Smugler. Miraluka are meant for the consular (which is why both voices are so devoid of emotion, that is a miralukan trait and why a DS miraluka is so hard to have, as to be darkside you have to wield emotion). Cyborg is the BH (you actually miss 2 conversations options entirely with mako if you aren't a cyborg). Agent is Chiss (not just on Hoth, but several planets have drastic generic conversation changes if you are not Chiss, the only class where humans and non humans get the same altered conversation options). Zabrak is the Sorc. As ana side, the pureblood SW gets the exact same dialogue on the SW...and in many stories you will notice the pureblood option is treated as human, at least on Imp side while being given the alien dialogue lines for Rep. The pureblood even gets the "our races can't have kids" line from Kira despite purebloods and humans being able to produce offspring.

You notice these things if you make enough characters and test the conversations, you slowly find which race seems to be designed specifically with a race in mind based on how altered the conversations are for specific races.

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