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Sith Warrior/ Marauder - Oasis - "Reflection" Boss - How the #$%@& do you beat it?


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Huh, I didn't have any trouble with this fight AT ALL, and I did have trouble with some others. Got it first time! Solo.


Maybe the problem is because it scales? I think I was lower level when I did it than I should have been... but either way he is your level.


Dunno what to say, I think I used Quinn, probably used a health kit too, don't remember it being particularly hard.


Make sure you pop all your cooldowns. Hit saber ward when the fight starts, don't forget to hit your 20 minute ultimate about half-way through the fight, call on the force or whatever its called, that makes a HUGE difference. You should use that ability on pretty much all your main class quest boss fights.


Are you Mara or Juggernaut? Mara is pretty difficult to play properly, you can't ignore any of your abilities. Make sure you buy all of them and read what each ability and talent does very carefully. You have to use all the tools at your disposal to be at full power.

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Since this is a fight that scales with your level and gear it's a purely spec/rotation test to see if you know your class. If it's really taking 30 seconds, or 20 GCDs that seems like it is too long. We are a high DPS, low survivabilty class. It is kill or be killed. Most quest bosses should be dead in 10-15 GCDs and we have enough CDs to survive that long. Always use cloak of pain during the charge. Then use Saber ward when the battle begins. This gives you the first 8 GCDs where you will take very little dmg. Once this wears off pop obfuscate for another 4 GCDs of near immunity. Once that wears off the boss should either be dead or dying for pretty much anything in your class quests. At around lvl 40 you'll get another tool called Undying Rage which you can use when you are low on health for another 5 seconds of immunity. If you can't kill something in your class quest using all of these tools, then you're doing it wrong. Edited by elicious
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This is the battle that taught me the importance of using the skills properly.

You really need to keep that rage up and hit your cds early enough etc.

You need to hit hard and fast and interrupt her/him when they try to cast .

I just started to swap upgrades into my gear as I was using what I got as drops and rewards

and it really shows..I was having issues with single silvers lol till I started working on getting geared up.

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As a Jug, I barely got the sand demon on like the 10th try at level 26, but the Reflection seememd to go much easier. I ended up at just over 50% health with Quin set for Officers (oops). When the reflection was down close to 50%, I did force choke then knockback followed by leap then whatever the flurry is called ; that really beat him down. Im finding that combo to be very effective as a healing breather and gives a long interupt on the opponents abilities.
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Seems that people are getting the hang of this fight now, but I'll post since I found this thread to be interesting, mostly because I was wondering I recently cleared Tatooine and was wondering if anyone else thought that the Reflection fight was harder than most.


I beat it on my first try (yay for learning one's class!), but was surprised at how close the fight was. I think I was at around 20-25% health when it was over and I was Level 31. Didn't know the fight scaled, but, looking back, it makes sense.


As others have mentioned, this fight appears to test your knowledge of your class and its abilities. Whether you're a Juggernaut or a Marauder (both of which have their own bag of tricks to add to an effective rotation), the base abilities that will serve you well in this fight are Saber Ward, Cloak of Pain, Obfuscate, and Call on the Force for incoming damage reduction, and Disruption and Force Choke for interrupts.


Someone mentioned the Sand Demon fight. I pacified it (Vette asked me nicely :p), but could anyone tell me how that fight compared to the Reflection battle?

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The sand demon fell asleep and I chopped it's head off (really, depends on the dialog choices you make)


Had to fight the bloody thing, wasnt prepared for the fight and started at about 60% hp and still killed it....


As for the reflection, im a carnage specced marauder and didnt have a problem at all, just chaining cooldowns together using quinn....


All this as a lvl 27:p


The level of fail in this thread is great :D:D

Edited by Disturbpants
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This one is very easy. First, make sure you have "open" armor in every moddable slot with the highest Tatooine mods installed. Send your companion -preferably Quinn- to attack him and therefore tank him. However you will be attacking as well. When your companion is low on health use taunt and keep tanking him. He should die in no time and very easily.


I am a "Vengeance" Juggernaut (dps), by the way.

Edited by AmphysvenaCorp
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Couple ways of doing it:


I usually have Vette or Quinn pull the aggro first (Ctrl +1) give them a few hits. Then I pick up the DPS. Right before your companion dies: Call on the Force -> Cloak of Pain -> DPS DSP DSP -> Saber Ward -> DPS DPS DPS -> Med Pack -> DPS









Crippling Slash - Kite -> Quinn Heals.

Edited by billm
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Did this fight twice on two dif marauders, one as rage the other as annihilation. Used Vette both times. Cleared on both marauders first go when both chars were lvl28. All I can say is bring a medpac (highest healing one you can use for your level) and make sure your companion is geared up for your level. I like to let my companion pull off of me at the start for a few seconds then I jump in and start wailing on him. Pop defensive CDs early. It was a very close fight when I was rage spec. It was a bit easier as annihilation.

Oh, and you WILL be using every trick you have such as force choke, etc.


Almost forgot. Don't expect your companion to tank it for long though. I usually peel the mob off of my companion shortly after they pull aggro.

Edited by ayrxsolell
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Did it as carnage. I remember having some issues with it. I ended up killing the adds and promptly dying because I didn't realize how fast I was dropping and hadn't popped anything. Then I went back in, blew everything(including your 20m godmode cooldown), killed it just fine. I don't remember anything special, just blow your cooldowns and dps hard.


Had quinn out both times.

Edited by Sayc
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Saber Ward

unload some DPS

Call on the Force

Saber Ward

Obfuscate (when Saber Ward runs out)

Cloak of Pain

unload more DPS

Force Choke to stall for heals from Quinn

medpack if necessary

Disruption if possible (I don't remember if he has cast timers)


That should pretty much fry any difficult boss fight you have around that level. But really the ability to use Saber Ward twice with Call on the Force, plus the regeneration you get from it, in addition to Obfuscate (which you should always use on those kind of hard fights) should be able to get you through it with no problem.

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I used Anni spec, I think I was around lv30. It was tougher than normal (I guess because it scales to level) but I just fought it like I fight any Elite...


Charge, Deadly Saber in air, Saber Ward, Battering, Rupture, Ravage, Force Choke, Obfuscate, reapply DoTs/Assault/Slash, Cloak of Pain, DoTs/Assault/Slash until it's dead or I'm dead. Beserk used immediately before or after DoT refreshes, when available. Medpac used if necessary. Used Vette as Companion.

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I am Carnage spec, and my tactic for beating that guy, was to just whoop it's backside to where he couldn't find it anymore. If you kill a few mobs to build up some fury and get your rotation down correctly, it shouldnt be a problem. I wasted him with 40% hp left.


I used Vette to lay down more dps as Quinn never really contributes to fighting anything. And trust me, having Vette with good gear makes life a whole lot easier.

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