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Ability to go to max level for preferred players


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My gut feeling is that KOTET will be treated as a paid expac, although subs might get it free of charge. I have no written or Bioware-based information to back that up though, just a feeling that may simply turn out to be indigestion or last night's chili repeating on me.

EIther way, if you go Preferred before the official release date of KOTET (or before the Early Access date* if there is one and you qualify for that), then I am 99% sure you will not get access to the content included therein or to the new max level, if there is one.


* I have not paid much attention to the blurb about KOTET, so I do not know if there will be any Early Access. But the usual model that Bioware adopt is to say that if you subscribe on or before some specified date before the release of the new content, then you qualify for Early Access. Subscribing after that date gets you access to the new content on its official release date, NOT the Early Access date (which is usually 2-3 days before the official release).

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Most likely it will be the same as KotFE, sub for 1 episode/month and you can get to max. level.

You will have to pay for the expansion or at least a month sub. under either model Bioware have used


but there is a very good chance we will still be clueless about what on going on in 9 days time :rolleyes:

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