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SWTOR is too easy now!!!


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3. You know, way back when Oricon was relevant, Nadia Grell could solo the Champs in the Heroic 2. That's right, back when you had to put gear on them to make them work, and she didn't have heals. She was my DPS comp on my tank Shadow. So I guess this point is moot? If you knew what you were doing, and were willing to invest the needed mats, you could have "OP" comps back then too. I know I did. If you didn't, I guess it was a L2P issue?


You mean while you tanked the mob? If not this, this isn't true. The champs on Oricon would easily kill a geared DPS companion before it could kill them, they have too many stunlock abilities that a companion cannot interrupt. Mathematically it just isn't possible in terms of the DPS a companion would have to do compared to the DTPS they would receive, a geared companion at that time could do around 1.7k DPS, the mobs had about 150k health (so approximately 90 seconds to kill), and the companions would have around 40-50k HP, meaning the mobs would have to do less than 500 DPS in order for your companion to survive long enough to kill them (they did more than that). And I had geared companions as well with nearly maxed presence through legacy.


EDIT: And I didn't even factor what all their stuns would do to their time to kill, so instead of 90 seconds you're actually looking at probably at least 2 minutes they would have to survive for. Not happening.


What patch number are you referring to? Maybe when we outleveled everything on Oricon at 60, before level sync? Because on tier, it just wasn't possible.


Anyways, I don't know why people still present strawmans like "so you want the game to be ops level difficult on the starter planets?", when they know that's not what anyone has ever asked for. Objectively, as a person who has ever played a video game in their life, the leveling experience in this game is so easy it is boring now, a 5-10 hour cinematic basically. In a game where you can already purchase instant 60's, why make the leveling that boring?


Although in terms of business sense, I guess its smart, incentivize more people to buy the instant 60's because leveling is so boring and nothing is really learned anymore, so more money in your pockets.


Really, as a fan of good video games, I'm just sitting here praying EA goes under somehow and someone else gets the rights to make new Star Wars games. Because Bioware and this game itself in its current form are compromised.

Edited by wadecounty
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You miss the point. Take whatever it is you do normally to level and look at how easy it is to do those same things now compared to the early days and how much xp you get. You get more exp now and it's easier to do for various reasons that have been mentioned.


To say that it's the same as before is inaccurate because it's not true.





Again it doesn't matter. The only thing you can compare is what is normal for yourself. I tend to mix questing with some heroics, pvp and the occasional flash point. All these things give more xp to me for various reasons, ranging from the basic quest rewards to a variety of boosts in consumables, legacy unlocks and now this pioneer armour set from the dvl. To say that it's the same as 5 years ago is a simply incorrect.


Also doing the same story quests gives a lot more xp so I spend less time on gaining that xp. It's a simple math equation. Heroics I could in part solo back then but they are much easier now with good rewards in xp and gear. The gear makes it easier also. Companions are stronger. Story bosses have been nerfed. I can now solo flash points or do tacticals. All of this make it easier and faster to level.


Doesn't mean it's all bad but I do think they've gone a bit overboard with it. Luckily some of it is optional but a lot is just how it is now.


Regarding the bolded: When I did that, you told me that you disagreed with my assessment. Now you're telling me that it has to be a, to roughly paraphrase, case by case thing? In that case, how can my assessment be anything like inaccurate, it is, after all, my own experience with the game.


I'll tell you something else that makes it easier to level: player knowledge of the content. I had a hard time with the Consular end fight the first time. The second time, I found myself wondering what I'd been fussing about, and this was pre KotFE, so it's not "but your comp solo'd it", I just knew what I was doing, and knew what to expect. How are game developers supposed to account for that? The fact that all 8 classes have the full presence bonus makes things easier too. You're taking a lot about things that I was already doing, along with a fair portion of the game's population. You can say "but now..." all you want, we had these threads back then too. We had people outleveling planets back then too. The only thing that's different now is that we don't have to run the Balmorra planet story on every alt, or any of them, for that matter, unless we decide we want to.


Other than that, the song remains the same.

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I bet.....


.....If some studio somewhere made a hardcore MMO (as in everything you do is uphill, both ways, in the snow, during a blizzard, while totally nekkid) in today's market... it would quickly wither and die. In other words, there is much chatter about making MMOs like the old days, but not much real commitment or sincerity within the player base to actually submit to such mechanics in this day and age.


Even older MMOs have largely removed the hardcore aspects of leveling. If they did not, they would suffer more attrition then normal for the particular MMO.

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Regarding the bolded: When I did that, you told me that you disagreed with my assessment. Now you're telling me that it has to be a, to roughly paraphrase, case by case thing? In that case, how can my assessment be anything like inaccurate, it is, after all, my own experience with the game.


I'll tell you something else that makes it easier to level: player knowledge of the content. I had a hard time with the Consular end fight the first time. The second time, I found myself wondering what I'd been fussing about, and this was pre KotFE, so it's not "but your comp solo'd it", I just knew what I was doing, and knew what to expect. How are game developers supposed to account for that? The fact that all 8 classes have the full presence bonus makes things easier too. You're taking a lot about things that I was already doing, along with a fair portion of the game's population. You can say "but now..." all you want, we had these threads back then too. We had people outleveling planets back then too. The only thing that's different now is that we don't have to run the Balmorra planet story on every alt, or any of them, for that matter, unless we decide we want to.


Other than that, the song remains the same.


Simple. Since I know that certain things happened across the game, such as increased xp, lowered difficulties and being overleveled becoming a given or the norm rather than the exception, it doesn't really matter what you normally do to level because all of it has become relatively easier, shorter to do in time and more rewarding in xp. So whatever you normally do, questing, pvp' ing, fp' ing, heroics, you name it...all of it is subject to these changes that happened particularly in the last couple of years.


So to me when you get more xp for such activities and they take less time to do, there is no way that it takes the same time to level, no matter what combination of such activities you use to level.

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So to me when you get more xp for such activities and they take less time to do, there is no way that it takes the same time to level, no matter what combination of such activities you use to level.


Very true.


Given the number of complaints in the forum about needing to level new characters and run specific content to reap rewards in the current DvL event.. I would expect to see more people embrace the steamlined leveling rather then condemning it. And it certainly allows newer players to come up to speed in the game faster, not to mention people who have transferred servers and are actively adding to their stable of characters.


Then again.. this is a gaming forum.. where even the percentage of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Air would be subject to circular debate sessions. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Very true.


Given the number of complaints in the forum about needing to level new characters and run specific content to reap rewards in the current DvL event.. I would expect to see more people embrace the steamlined leveling rather then condemning it. And it certainly allows newer players to come up to speed in the game faster, not to mention people who have transferred servers and are actively adding to their stable of characters.


Then again.. this is a gaming forum.. where even the percentage of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Air would be subject to circular debate sessions. :p


I suspect that the people who are fine with it are generally not here but are playing the game.


I certainly don't claim to represent any sort of majority for that matter.

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Then again.. this is a gaming forum.. where even the percentage of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Air would be subject to circular debate sessions. :p


Nothing to debate about here, it's 78,003% nitrogen and 21,008% oxygen...............:D

Edited by UmbralSpirit
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I bet.....


.....If some studio somewhere made a hardcore MMO (as in everything you do is uphill, both ways, in the snow, during a blizzard, while totally nekkid) in today's market... it would quickly wither and die. In other words, there is much chatter about making MMOs like the old days, but not much real commitment or sincerity within the player base to actually submit to such mechanics in this day and age.


Even older MMOs have largely removed the hardcore aspects of leveling. If they did not, they would suffer more attrition then normal for the particular MMO.


As a filthy, horrible, little solo-player* who likes to play games that her friends aren't currently playing, I'm glad some of the old MMO things aren't in this game - like locking the end of each class mission chain on very planet behind a group content type thing like a dungeon, or even just the end of each class story being locked and requiring mroe than one person in a group. (Oricon's chain being a slight exception to this, but since running the story does actually open up the daily zone, I don't mind that the end is locked behind a pair of Operations, though Macrobinocular and Seeker droids do bug me for ending in H4s that require groups or almost require groups)


But as a filthy, horrible, little solo-player*, however I miss having things to work for and to feel like I was doing. Leveling up was one of those time sink type things I enjoyed doing, and I miss that the leveling rate has been seriously altered to speed the process up from when I started during the 2.X cycle.


*The filthy, horrible little solo-player bit is just me poking fun at the general distaste the Forums and some people who are heavy on the grouping content have towards casual/solo-players, not anything you personally said, Andryah

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Combat is too easy, yes, but lot of people thought combat sucked before. This is their non-perfect solution. I really think they should just improve combat system - don`t know how, but lot of people think action bar system of TOR was antiquated already when TOR launched.


In case subs think combat was good before, well it might mean nothing - if you liked combat before, changes are you were sub. And only subs are allowed to post here. So impossible to get accurate statistics on what most people think form these forums, we only get stats from those who like game enough to sub and consider sub to be worth it and million other things.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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Someone pointed out a very good thought. The game gets easier with repeated play. I even have timed myself getting faster with each new toon just because I know the game mechanics of the fights. My first time was considerably slower. I know when to switch to healing companion or tank/damage for many fights. I now feel confident enough to usually keep my companion on damage and not die even in boss fights. Last night I accidentally had HK on damage for the fight against Arcann on Asylum. I'd have normally done heals but I surprised myself. Only had to use kolto once to keep HK near the end of the fight. This made the fight go considerably faster.


Strangely enough, I still find some fights difficult. I breezed through the Foundry on my Mara. Got crushed by the silly locking device against HK-47 on my jugg yesterday then proceeded to get my butt handed to me 2 more times after that. Could not figure out why. Switched Pierce to damage and the battle was over in a decent time, no dramas except for the slight cry of 20k repair costs :eek: . So there is some difficulty out there if you aren't fully aware of game mechanics. But how can you expect something that you may have done 7 times to suddenly be difficult? Nah, it'll be easier because you know what works and what doesn't.


The only exception to the above rule for me seems to be certain fights like Gemini Deception/EC seem to differ based on class. There is little that my sentinel and mara can't handle except for those fights with constant knockbacks where you cannot get close.


My operative struggles. I have her rotation right. I have learned her class just fine with forum help. Loads of wise people here to offer advice. :D But still she struggles and when she doesn't, I'll get shocked because my mara will actually *gasp* die. *cough* gemini captain *cough* My operative breezed through. With a little adjustment to my gameplay, my mara did too the second time.


As for levels 1-50, yes, they are easier with exception to the Jedi Knight killing the Emperor. That one is tough. I remember having to call for a friend to help, but I also remember doing class quests below level too. That doesn't happen any more. I don't like the planet story arcs all the time. I do some, but I *love* the fact I level quickly enough to avoid Quesh, Taris, etc. :p Now, if only I could add Ilum and Makeb to that list.

Edited by americanaussie
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I bet.....


.....If some studio somewhere made a hardcore MMO (as in everything you do is uphill, both ways, in the snow, during a blizzard, while totally nekkid) in today's market... it would quickly wither and die. In other words, there is much chatter about making MMOs like the old days, but not much real commitment or sincerity within the player base to actually submit to such mechanics in this day and age.


Even older MMOs have largely removed the hardcore aspects of leveling. If they did not, they would suffer more attrition then normal for the particular MMO.


Actually, there is one currently being made. It is in pre-alpha now. So we will have wait and see...

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Every single thing you are suggesting to opt out is part of the core game play and game design.


All in all you are just saying: just don't play the game at all.



Now in regards to the OP thread I don't see leveling faster of an issue. Although there's quite a huge flaw in the actual game play design: killing mobs is so easy that it makes content boring. On top of that, companions are truly overpowered making the player feel like his/her character is in fact the companion's companion.


So the players feels way less heroic than what they would have (it was already bad) and both progression and gearing are wrong. Way to shoot oneself in the foot.


^QFT....pretty much nailed it deewe. Right now at least I can enjoy some challenge, of course not in THIS game, but in Deus Ex. This game has been pretty much made for toddlers now adays, and if you try to address the issue, you get lambasted by forum warriors that just want some TellTale game, with little to no gameplay, no challenge, just a 1 button win button.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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Companions at low levels definitely aren't overpowered. I'd rather not dish out 1.5mil in order for my companion to be "decent". I don't have a single companion over level 25 to be honest so I don't have the problem where they could fight my battles for me, unless I'm at a low level planet or something.
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Companions at low levels definitely aren't overpowered. I'd rather not dish out 1.5mil in order for my companion to be "decent". I don't have a single companion over level 25 to be honest so I don't have the problem where they could fight my battles for me, unless I'm at a low level planet or something.


Yesterday I made an F2P account to test some things out. So far I'm level 20. So I've completed the starter planet including the 2 Heroics (Korriban) and for most of it you are solo since you get the sorc companion all the way at the end of the story line there. Then I went to the fleet did the little quest for the crew skill vendors and did one pvp match for that starter quest that gives you the trinkets and enough xp to gain at least 2 levels. I then proceeded to solo black talon with my companion. I was level 17 and came out level 19. Of course you get this combat droid to do it. I didn't have to cast a single heal on my companion. I then proceeded to do the first quest on DK for Zash and made level 20. Funny enough the mobs I was killing gave me no xp because the level sync sets you down to level 18 and mobs that are level 10 and 11 don't even give xp then. But the quest reward xp got me to 20.


So what I am saying here is that up to level 20 I haven't really used my companion and there was no way of telling whether he was overpowered or not. Mind you this was a new F2P account without any legacy bonuses and unguilded. This is also when I learned that F2P don't get xp penalties till level 20 but that's a sidenote.


So now I am level 20, my companion has better stats than I have it seems and already during the first quest on DK (I set Khem to DPS and I am a healer Sorc) I didn't have to cast a single heal on him. You see the mechanic that incoming damage is reduced seems to work still or something and we were 6-8 levels higher than the mobs so they couldn't really do much to us at all I guess. And my companion has a lot more HP than I do as it is.


Is that not overpowered?


You tell me. I'm not sure what you call lower level but up to level 20 you don't really need to test your companion in any shape or form...even as F2P.

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So now I am level 20, my companion has better stats than I have


That is because companion stats now work like any other NPC's their stats are always optimal for their current level (+whatever presence bonus) while on the other hand your char probably wears green/blue junk.


Is that not overpowered?


No it's outdated story content, if you want "a challange" at every step iam afraid you will have to look for a game that has no PVE at all, one that is pure PVP.....and i can guarantee you that you will scream OP this OP that even more in such a game.

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Yesterday I made an F2P account to test some things out. So far I'm level 20. So I've completed the starter planet including the 2 Heroics (Korriban) and for most of it you are solo since you get the sorc companion all the way at the end of the story line there. Then I went to the fleet did the little quest for the crew skill vendors and did one pvp match for that starter quest that gives you the trinkets and enough xp to gain at least 2 levels. I then proceeded to solo black talon with my companion. I was level 17 and came out level 19. Of course you get this combat droid to do it. I didn't have to cast a single heal on my companion. I then proceeded to do the first quest on DK for Zash and made level 20. Funny enough the mobs I was killing gave me no xp because the level sync sets you down to level 18 and mobs that are level 10 and 11 don't even give xp then. But the quest reward xp got me to 20.


So what I am saying here is that up to level 20 I haven't really used my companion and there was no way of telling whether he was overpowered or not. Mind you this was a new F2P account without any legacy bonuses and unguilded. This is also when I learned that F2P don't get xp penalties till level 20 but that's a sidenote.


So now I am level 20, my companion has better stats than I have it seems and already during the first quest on DK (I set Khem to DPS and I am a healer Sorc) I didn't have to cast a single heal on him. You see the mechanic that incoming damage is reduced seems to work still or something and we were 6-8 levels higher than the mobs so they couldn't really do much to us at all I guess. And my companion has a lot more HP than I do as it is.


Is that not overpowered?


You tell me. I'm not sure what you call lower level but up to level 20 you don't really need to test your companion in any shape or form...even as F2P.


No, I don't call that lower level. Sorry, I meant lower affection level. Take Senya lower than level 5 affection to fight the gemini constructor... = ouchies. I agree that toon levels 1-50 are fairly easy now. I think this is intentional to speed leveling to the newest chapter. They're promoting KOTFE and KOTET, so they don't want players spending weeks grinding levels 1-50.

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It seems you do not understand what I was explaining. So let me see if I can make it clear for you.


That is because companion stats now work like any other NPC's their stats are always optimal for their current level (+whatever presence bonus) while on the other hand your char probably wears green/blue junk.


I wasn't asking why that is. I know why, but I was indicating simply that it was the case. When companions have better stats than the player characters, however, I see that as an indication that they are overpowered.



No it's outdated story content, if you want "a challange" at every step iam afraid you will have to look for a game that has no PVE at all, one that is pure PVP.....and i can guarantee you that you will scream OP this OP that even more in such a game.


This is pure nonesense. Aside from the fact that I have played PvP focused games for years, PvP is completely not the topic here.


For me it's simple math, it's not about emotion. If anything the only emotion involved is annoyance by boredom. First of all I never said I wanted a massive challenge from leveling. I just don't want it to be so easy that it becomes mind numbingly boring and it has reached that low level for me by now. Also the fact that some story bosses have been nerfed over time is direct proof that they were a challenge for a fair number of people. This is why I've repeatedly said that I wish there were difficulty levels for story instances at least. Because I do understand not everybody wants a challenge.


Also the description of outdated story content is something I do not agree with. It's still one of the best parts of the game and BW have indicated wanting to keep the level 1-50 experience relevant. Why else add level sync at all? I mean we can discuss how poorly we think it was done or not, but the fact remains it was brought in. I also wasn't against streamlining some thing and increasing xp gain from the main story quests. In fact that's something where I think they could done more. Some people just want to play the main stories. There should be a setting or an unlock you can use for your character that gives you enough xp to level with the quest levels of the main story so you can in fact ignore everything else and without that unlock or setting you would have a more normal xp gain which requires more to be done to stay on level. This gives people the choice they want I feel. For those who feel it's outdated and want to skip it I will simply refer you to the level 60 tokens.


As for the topic of companions being overpowered, I think they are. Mathematically the evidence is there. Is that a problem? That's another question that might have different answers from different people.


But overall the combination of powerful companions, nerfed enemies, a level sync system that let's you be overpowered for the lower level content but still gives you xp as if you were doing high level content make the game so easy that the leveling is uninspiring to me.


I wonder if in sports they would reward you equally well if you played against an opponent who was 5 years old playing tennis for example. The kid can barely hit the ball, let alone over the net and when you hit the ball back it's so fast the kid can't even get near it with its short legs. That's what combat feels like to me at lower levels.


Now I am still not advocating that everything needs to be really hard while leveling. I am ok with a casual level but to have virtually zero challenge in combat, well, why have all those skills to begin with? Send in your companion and go grab something to drink and when you come back the enemies are dead. I mean seriously? This is what people want?

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Combat is too easy, yes, but lot of people thought combat sucked before. This is their non-perfect solution. I really think they should just improve combat system - don`t know how, but lot of people think action bar system of TOR was antiquated already when TOR launched.


In case subs think combat was good before, well it might mean nothing - if you liked combat before, changes are you were sub. And only subs are allowed to post here. So impossible to get accurate statistics on what most people think form these forums, we only get stats from those who like game enough to sub and consider sub to be worth it and million other things.


I really hate the stupid action bar system as I feel it lacks skill, I was hoping tab targeting combat games are done now a days, however it is far worse due to bad design decisions. Having boss immunity imo is the worst thing ever as it completely gets rid of a gap in skill, no more timing of stuns or knockbacks which can go a long way in adding more skillful maneuvers as you have to time these well. It gets even worse if they have interrupt immunity, as now its just a literal tank and spank fight. I'm not asking for flashpoint level boss mechs from solo mobs such as elites or champs, but I would much prefer them to not be only tank and spank.

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I really hate the stupid action bar system as I feel it lacks skill, I was hoping tab targeting combat games are done now a days, however it is far worse due to bad design decisions. Having boss immunity imo is the worst thing ever as it completely gets rid of a gap in skill, no more timing of stuns or knockbacks which can go a long way in adding more skillful maneuvers as you have to time these well. It gets even worse if they have interrupt immunity, as now its just a literal tank and spank fight. I'm not asking for flashpoint level boss mechs from solo mobs such as elites or champs, but I would much prefer them to not be only tank and spank.


Well as a healer I really prefer tab targetting but I agree with what you say about boss immunities. I saw this new game that dulfy is talking about. Not everybody's cup of tea and I am not here to advertise any games but an interesting point is that you get the choice between three possibilities so you can choose which style you prefer.


SWTOR is made with a more classic concept and you may find it outdated but others might find it more relaxing. In the end this game is more casual in many ways than others, but I do wish there was the choice to have a higher difficulty and I still would like more depth in the different activities in the game to give them more replay value or a longer term appeal in other words.

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Well as a healer I really prefer tab targetting but I agree with what you say about boss immunities. I saw this new game that dulfy is talking about. Not everybody's cup of tea and I am not here to advertise any games but an interesting point is that you get the choice between three possibilities so you can choose which style you prefer.


SWTOR is made with a more classic concept and you may find it outdated but others might find it more relaxing. In the end this game is more casual in many ways than others, but I do wish there was the choice to have a higher difficulty and I still would like more depth in the different activities in the game to give them more replay value or a longer term appeal in other words.


Being a healer is probably the only thing I actually like with the combat of this game, as when I played DCUO it was far easier and arguably out of place. However as a DPS I LOVED playing with the superpowers having to manually run out of a telegraphed AOE attack rather than a circle, or manually doing a combo and timing them together rather than a simple button press. Time that in with a blocking/parry system and each fight is slightly different with each opponent, whether PVE or PVP. Not the biggest MMO fan here as you can tell as im only here for the IP, but I may check out the new MMO regardless...

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I wasn't asking why that is. I know why, but I was indicating simply that it was the case. When companions have better stats than the player characters, however, I see that as an indication that they are overpowered.


Wether you ask for it or not does not matter you expect your character to have higher stats than an optimised companion despite your character wearing "pickup" gear, i just checked with my juggernaut who's only equipped in 212 gear in other words not the optimum for level 65 by a long shot and the only stats that the rank 30 companion excels in are a tiny bit alacrity and health and that is with 500 presence bonus from legacy mind you and it makes sense since...

a) the char does not wear alacrity gear at all

b) companions are dumb like a rock they literally stand inside every AoE/"Big" attack, they also have zero utility skills like CC breaks, it makes sense for them to have more health.


Sorry but i believe all this talk is a bad joke, before 4.0 people where complaining how weak companions are.....but most just gave them leftover/random drop gear, now peeps complain about companions being "OP"......while equipping their characters with leftover/random drop gear.


Ah, the usual badmouthing of older content by content locusts ... Well done.


I am not badmouthing older content, in fact i prefer the older content over any given expansion, but it is common practice in mmo's today to make older content more accessible/easier after a while to give potential new players the chance to catch up, the problem with SWTOR? It is a twinkaholic game thats why you get all of these buhuuuu topics from "veteran" players.

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Wether you ask for it or not does not matter you expect your character to have higher stats than an optimised companion despite your character wearing "pickup" gear, i just checked with my juggernaut who's only equipped in 212 gear in other words not the optimum for level 65 by a long shot and the only stats that the rank 30 companion excels in are a tiny bit alacrity and health and that is with 500 presence bonus from legacy mind you and it makes sense since...

a) the char does not wear alacrity gear at all

b) companions are dumb like a rock they literally stand inside every AoE/"Big" attack, they also have zero utility skills like CC breaks, it makes sense for them to have more health.


Sorry but i believe all this talk is a bad joke, before 4.0 people where complaining how weak companions are.....but most just gave them leftover/random drop gear, now peeps complain about companions being "OP"......while equipping their characters with leftover/random drop gear.

Wow... even at level 30 their have more stats than crafted 65 pre ops gear... that is.... sad honestly... and even worse that people defend it. Comps are OP, their is no denying it, when they can solo almost every solo enemy in the game, then something is wrong.

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The current design seems to be set to allow people to "rush through" to KotFE even if they don't want to spent much time in the original story, while at the same time allowing people who do want to stop and lightsaber the roses to death an opportunity to do so. When doing my DvL run, my Pub character made 65 by Nar Shadaa, and my Imp character is 27 and has just stepped off the taxi in Kaas City and started the Imperial Intelligence tailchaser exploration mission.


This necessarily requires compromise. And at the low end of the levelling curve, Level Sync breaks down. It's better than without level sync across the majority of low-level content, but I do wish they had time and tools to "hand-tune" and override the stat limits for certain NPCs on low-level planets.


On the other hand, I wonder why they didn't continue the mechanism they had for the 12x XP event last summer, with that XP gain stopper? My usual argument against that kind of thing (QA load) would seem not to apply. Unless it breaks something else or is broken by something else that we're not aware of, I suppose.

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