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Nerf Blood Hunt HM so people can complete it for DvL!


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You guys really need to adjust how hard Blood Hunt HM is so that people can complete it for DvL.

It is a joke when people see what FP it is and leaves. People just laugh when someone looks for a group for it. You are going to have a lot of people who can't complete DvL cause of this and then they are going to be pissed and quit the game cause they wasted time doing everything else to get that far and not finish cause of one HM Flash oint that people can't find a group for or get past first boss on. I've been in so many groups as a healer or dps and the boss enrages with 30-50% health left. Not to mention the over powered AOE damage. Or is that your plan from the beginning make it so most of the people who do the whole DvL event can't complete it cause of 1 HM FP?


This one surprisingly gave little problem at all. My group seemed fairly experienced but ever since I started playing again, it feels like some of the HMs are oddly tuned up. Either too much health on enemies from the feel of it or the whole synching not taking other factors into count (like semi-optimal tank stats and lack of passives). I'm honestly not a fan of how the bolster is applied and it's a mess to get things done these days compared to previous eras of the game. And I used to run HMs for pure fun. I love hard small group content.

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While I agree that the kolto stations on tactical are not in a good place, the FP itself is most definitely doable in tactical and in hard mode as well.


Just some general tips:

- If you have aggro on the mandos(face it, someone WILL HAVE AGGRO), than face them towards the center of the platform and have the other 3 handle the kolto stations.

- You have taunt and full on HP? Taunt them to have a breathing room for the one who keeps the bosses.

- You have healing skills? Use them, not just on yourself but for those who in need of healing.

- Need a breather? Aggro drop.

- Have hydraulics? Use it when you run to kolto stations.

- Use def CDs in general. I mean those skills are there to use them, so use them. Every spec have a skill to come out from huge spikes in a good shape.

- Use medpacks. Biochem comes handy here.


First boss:

- CC adds

- Interrupt adds

- Use group buffs

- Use def CDs

And pretty much everything I mentioned above and what didn't popped to my mind. This FP is not that hard, it has been nerfed couple of times now. It doesn't needs nerfing furthermore. If someone has a problem clearing this FP, than sorry it is a player skill. Either not using the selected spec to it's fullest(or just using it sub-optimally) or have no idea in general and basic game mechanics.

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Seriously, good job satirizing those kinds of posters. :)


I was quite proffesional at the start, but this is like the 6th forum post about the same thing! I mean before i post something like this i should go over the forums and look up if people arent complaining about it too. Read what they have to say and when i find that there are people who also cant do it but there are people who say its easy and it can be done without gear then i would realize that im doing something wrong and wouldnt make another post about the same thing.

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...there are people who say its easy and it can be done without gear then i would realize that im doing something wrong...


I'm sure there are people who say they can fly if you just believe in yourself hard enough, but not everyone who falls off the roof the first time is dense enough to think it's their fault.


I've tanked nearly every HM FP in 208 pvp gear including Deapths of Manaan (WITH bonus boss!) and even that was way easier than Blood Hunt on tactical mode with the same character. Heck, when my guild ran an op recently, with zero deaths, the one thing we all agreed on while chatting was that Blood Hunt sucks.


This is not a L2P issue. That FP is just a frustrating mess that nobody wants to freakin' deal with right now.

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Or just move the kolto stations closer to the middle :rolleyes:

Granted, that's only going to help in Tactical mode.

My issue with Blood Hunt begins and ends with my graphics card - lags like crazy and for over 90% of the Jos & Valk battle and the Shae Vizla battle, I'm practically running blind. It is the worst. All the other TFPs and HFPs, I can usually see what I'm doing.

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I'm sure there are people who say they can fly if you just believe in yourself hard enough, but not everyone who falls off the roof the first time is dense enough to think it's their fault.


I've tanked nearly every HM FP in 208 pvp gear including Deapths of Manaan (WITH bonus boss!) and even that was way easier than Blood Hunt on tactical mode with the same character. Heck, when my guild ran an op recently, with zero deaths, the one thing we all agreed on while chatting was that Blood Hunt sucks.


This is not a L2P issue. That FP is just a frustrating mess that nobody wants to freakin' deal with right now.


Are you talking about SM again? Mate, for you i would make a video of 4 lvl 16 sentinels how they would pass that fps on tactical mode. Its not frustrating, it only takes a bit more common sence and brain power!

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Are you talking about SM again? Mate, for you i would make a video of 4 lvl 16 sentinels how they would pass that fps on tactical mode. Its not frustrating, it only takes a bit more common sence and brain power!


It's amazing how many people don't bother reading what they respond to.


Once again, it's not an issue of it being possible, it's about one FP being stupidly more difficult than the others. If you think that's good game design then I don't know what else to say except that it's a good thing you're not a designer or your work would be a feature on Jim Sterling's Steam Greenlight trailers to laugh at.


If they just reduced the absurdly long, and cheap, knockbacks on the married mid-bosses that by-itself would go a long way toward fixing the entire FP, but I guess constructive suggestions don't do as much for some peoples' low self-esteem as looking for excuses to put down other players. :rolleyes:

Edited by ZanyaCross
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It's amazing how many people don't bother reading what they respond to.


Once again, it's not an issue of it being possible, it's about one FP being stupidly more difficult than the others. If you think that's good game design then I don't know what else to say except that it's a good thing you're not a designer or your work would be a feature on Jim Sterling's Steam Greenlight trailers to laugh at.


If they just reduced the absurdly long, and cheap, knockbacks on the married mid-bosses that by-itself would go a long way toward fixing the entire FP, but I guess constructive suggestions don't do as much for some peoples' low self-esteem as looking for excuses to put down other players. :rolleyes:


Maybe its just me, but i didnt notice this fps being any more difficult than any other fps. What i did notice is that some adds/trash in the flashpoints are much harder to kill than most bosses in the tactical flashpoints. Anyway, if you are concerned about Blood Hunt SM, then you can just do the solo version, let the droid do all the work, that counts for LvsD event too, but the OP is concerned with HM version anyway.


Like I said, i played this fps a lot of times since im working on my 100% flashpoints achievment and didnt have any issues with it, but it did do most of the SM runs solo since its much faster.

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in the tactical version the only killer thing is the "maul" attack in the mandos fight, unless you have medpacks, good healer, a team mate on the koltos or nice defensive cooldowns.


in the hardmode version the first boss enrage timer is a dps check, time of enrage is about 3:20 mins so you can use 2 adrenals for opening and burn phase, but also its difficult to do a high sustained dps with all the aoes around.

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Blood hunt is fine where it is in terms of difficulty, if u can't complete a single hm flash point without bioware holding your hand. This flashpoints is important to have decent gear 216 augmented i would say, and if u done all other hm flashpoints that shouldn't be an issue.


Tank - near door and wiggles to avoid stand in stupid

Dps - Quickly kill adds and don't stand in stupid [group near healer at certain points for aoe heal

Healer - Don't stand in stupid


You win

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Well it looks as if people can't read which is common is SWTOR. Too much talk about Tactical when the original post has nothing to do about Tactical. Too many video games not enough learning to read I guess . Try Leapfrog, ABC mouse, or anyone of those Pre-K - 5th grade learning programs. I am talking about HM HARD MODE. So lets just stop talking about Kolto tanks, Tactical and Solo. I have had way more people quit group when they see what FP it is. I would say 1 out of every 10 groups will give it a shot. Wipe once or twice on 1st boss and they quit. I've yet to find a group that can get past the first boss. I've seen few people who say first boss is the hardest in the FP. Ask for group for it in Gen chat. People laugh. There is obviously something wrong with this FP. I know several people including self who have cleared many HM OPS and NiM ops and find this FP harder than those. Not to mention how many are saying this is the only thing they got left to do for DvL or last HM FP they have to do. If I could go and delete this stupid responses that have nothing to do with the Original Post I would cause they don't even belong here. Edited by ImNotFatImObese
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I wanted to do blood hunt some time ago but people kept dropping group before even zoning in. then finally i got 2 dps who stayed and we got a new tank in less than 5 minutes. i didn't look at their gear but they all had 60-70k hp so it probably wasn't the greatest, and none of them had done it before. we one shot every boss. it's really not that hard, people just need to stop being such cowards.
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You're all a bunch of idiots. Talk like a bunch of elitists cause you don't want to admit the truth. I know people turn of gen chat cause of spammers and such but people should really pay attention to conversations in game about this FP. You'll hear how many people hate it and have problems getting groups and when they do people bail cause it's Blood Hunt HM. But you people go on talking like you're an elitist and all to make your egos feel bigger cause you have small Johnsons.
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You're all a bunch of idiots. Talk like a bunch of elitists cause you don't want to admit the truth. I know people turn of gen chat cause of spammers and such but people should really pay attention to conversations in game about this FP. You'll hear how many people hate it and have problems getting groups and when they do people bail cause it's Blood Hunt HM. But you people go on talking like you're an elitist and all to make your egos feel bigger cause you have small Johnsons.


As I said, give me your details, we can help you!

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Between Friday after work and now. I have had a total of 14 queue pops for Bloodhunt HM. Out of those 14 groups. 9 of those had people quit right away when they seen which one it was. Every time we got in to GF chat people voiced their hate for this FP. Those other 5 groups. I either in queue on as healer or dps and none of them came close to beating first boss.


But to a more serious matter. What about the real topic of this post?

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Well it looks as if people can't read which is common is SWTOR. Too much talk about Tactical when the original post has nothing to do about Tactical. Too many video games not enough learning to read I guess . Try Leapfrog, ABC mouse, or anyone of those Pre-K - 5th grade learning programs. I am talking about HM HARD MODE. So lets just stop talking about Kolto tanks, Tactical and Solo. I have had way more people quit group when they see what FP it is. I would say 1 out of every 10 groups will give it a shot. Wipe once or twice on 1st boss and they quit. I've yet to find a group that can get past the first boss. I've seen few people who say first boss is the hardest in the FP. Ask for group for it in Gen chat. People laugh. There is obviously something wrong with this FP. I know several people including self who have cleared many HM OPS and NiM ops and find this FP harder than those. Not to mention how many are saying this is the only thing they got left to do for DvL or last HM FP they have to do. If I could go and delete this stupid responses that have nothing to do with the Original Post I would cause they don't even belong here.


You make references to learning, and yet you seem to have an issue learning how to adjust within a group role to beat the first boss. Guide your group on the tactics, it's what I did when I had to clear the flashpoint on HM for DvL. We even adjusted the normal tactics so one DPS could focus completely on the boss, while I covered the adds as well as the boss.


Considering the highest geared player was in 216 Crystal gear? It isn't as hard as people make it out to be, the only real issue comes from players wandering into that flashpoint undergeared, which is easily fixed with a little crafting or buying some parts off the GTN (or heck, even PvP gear.... which is what I used).


If many are saying that they only have this flashpoint left, then perhaps group up with them. Something to think about.

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I completed DvL months ago. Blood Hunt HM is NOT impossible. That being said, it requires a completely competent group with decent enough armor. I tanked it in mostly 208s with augments. I have no idea what your gear setup is, but your largest problem is you are expecting to complete Blood Hunt HM with group finder. That's not going to work.


I did group finder for every other HM FP and they are doable (even Lost Island and Manaan). You just need players who know the mechanics and they are really simple. You can't tell me from doing all the other flashpoints (I'm assuming you've done everything else) that you haven't met some decent players along the way.


This is an MMO. You communicate and make friends with quality players. I did DvL on a server that was not my main. I did not have a guild. I did not have any friends. I made connections and I networked because I'm really good at tanking and it was easy to group with good healers and good DPS as a result.


I put a group together and we were able to get through Blood Hunt HM with only a few issues (mostly the last boss). Personally, I like that at least one of the HM FPs is actually challenging. Most of them are a joke and you can even do them with lowbies who aren't 65. It's actually refreshing to have something that requires coordination, effort, and skill that you can't just mindlessly plow through. This is how HM Ops and FPs used to be when the game first came out!


I know that's frustrating for some, especially those who don't necessarily want a challenge and just want the goodies from DvL. However, by lowering the difficulty of Blood Hunt HM just to open the flood gates to those who can't do it, BioWare essentially tells everyone who already did it "too bad for you." It's a bad precedent to set, especially since Legendary Level isn't supposed to be easy to obtain or common.


My advice to you, assuming you are good, is to make friends with the right people and form a group that way. If you are good at what you do, players will come to you. Having a competent tank for positioning and a competent healer for managing health bars is always imperative. High-end DPS makes Blood Hunt HM really easy, so I'd recommend gunslingers/snipers or commandos/mercenaries.


If you put in the work you'll be able to do it. Don't expect BioWare to change an event that has been going on for months when quite a few people have already completed it.

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I put a group together and we were able to get through Blood Hunt HM with only a few issues (mostly the last boss). Personally, I like that at least one of the HM FPs is actually challenging. Most of them are a joke and you can even do them with lowbies who aren't 65. It's actually refreshing to have something that requires coordination, effort, and skill that you can't just mindlessly plow through. This is how HM Ops and FPs used to be when the game first came out!


HM FPs in the past still weren't as hard as HM BH. People didn't complain or drop group as soon as they entered the FP because they knew it'd be a fail with group compisition/gearing/etc...

HM Ops, perfectly fine to have it a struggle. HM FPs, should be harder than normal mode, but still not a huge struggle. Basically a stepping stone to SM OPs, then HM Ops. But instead HM BH is like an HM Ops.


However, by lowering the difficulty of Blood Hunt HM just to open the flood gates to those who can't do it, BioWare essentially tells everyone who already did it "too bad for you." It's a bad precedent to set, especially since Legendary Level isn't supposed to be easy to obtain or common.


Except that they [bW] doesn't care about precedents as they've nerfed so many things over the past of this game. So that really doesn't even come to play here.

As for Legendary Level being hard to obtain, that's amusing too. The hardest thing in Legendary Level is the HM Ops. All the rest is fairly simple to complete by just playing your DvL toons.


High-end DPS makes Blood Hunt HM really easy, so I'd recommend gunslingers/snipers or commandos/mercenaries.


Um high-end dps and you list GS & Mandos? Really?! The highest parsing DPS in game right now are Sents. Mandos/GS are further down the line with Sages now.


If you put in the work you'll be able to do it. Don't expect BioWare to change an event that has been going on for months when quite a few people have already completed it.


Except that people have been complaining & calling for a nerf on this FP long before the DvL event came into play. The OP just happened to use that as an example for how he was struggling with it.

HM BH has been a struggle since it was launched.

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Except that people have been complaining & calling for a nerf on this FP long before the DvL event came into play. The OP just happened to use that as an example for how he was struggling with it.

HM BH has been a struggle since it was launched.


It has been a struggle for some. Plenty of folks have completed HM BH and have received the Legendary Level. This thread might have an ounce of credibility if no one could complete it, but that's not the case. Just because the OP and "others" claim it's too hard doesn't mean BioWare has to get the nerf bat. Difficulty is subjective. People will whine and complain about anything just because they believe they are entitled to certain rewards. It's time for folks to stop whining and actually earn something that is more than capable of being finished.

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HM FPs in the past still weren't as hard as HM BH. People didn't complain or drop group as soon as they entered the FP because they knew it'd be a fail with group compisition/gearing/etc...


I take it you never touched HM Lost Island when it was launched? LR-5 Sentinel Droid gave plenty of people trouble, Project Sav-Rak gave plenty of people trouble and if you got past both of those, Doctor Lorrick gave more than enough people trouble.


By comparison, HM Bloodhunt is a walk in the park.


Hard Mode should mean that, it should be hard. If players can't do the harder version, then they should run the tactical flashpoints. If it means they can't complete Legendary for DvL? At least they tried, maybe they'll manage it at another time (if it returns).


If anything, the other Hard Mode flashpoints should be tuned upwards to be on par with HM Blood Hunt. Tactical Flashpoints should be adjusted by lowering the health pool of enemies and accounting for lack of trinity, while retaining the mechanics of the Hard Modes so players can learn about burn phases and enrage timers etc. That's the real problem, players walking into a Hard Mode thinking it'll be the same as a Tactical, not realising that having defined roles with trinity groups will lower the overall DPS output of the group. It means DPS players have to be able to pull their own weight, and know rotations and how to gear properly at this stage.

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