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Light vs Dark side class stories (your opinions please)


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So I've played through all but 2 class stories (smuggler and trooper which are in progress) and I want to make some characters for the LvD event, but obviously want to alter the experience as much as possible by exploring the opposite side's choices from what I did previously.


I know they don't have much of an affect, but certainly some of them are cooler than others. I was hoping to get your opinions on your favorite side for each class, and maybe compare with what I have done to decide which story I should repeat and see the opposite alignment story.


My first LvD character is a DS JK since I have a LS JK and was curious about how those choices would play out.

I did have a LS Warrior I started before this event, but I really wanted to romance Jaesa which I forgot about is only DS, and unfortunately my DS Warrior was female so that wasn't an option.


What I've done is:

LS Consular

LS Trooper

LS Smuggler (In progress)

DS Warrior

DS and LS Inquisitor

LS Agent


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Looking at your list, only point of reference I can think of from what I've done that you haven't is DS smuggler. It's hard for me to judge how fun it was, comparatively, because it was the first one I did all the way through, so there's some "first time" love going on there. What I can say is there's certainly a kind of BA flavor to it that's admirable, especially considering that you're a puny, blaster-wielding underworld type, in a galaxy where people have magic.


And being awful to Corso was just too much fun.

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I know they don't have much of an affect, but certainly some of them are cooler than others. I was hoping to get your opinions on your favorite side for each class, and maybe compare with what I have done to decide which story I should repeat and see the opposite alignment story.

I honestly find that playing fully one side or the other just for the sake of it tends to be rather stupid. It often tends to be a case of DERP SMASH if you only pick DS with choices that are counter-productive to your mission and faction or "LOOKIT ME, I'M SO SELFLESS :D :D :D It doesn't matter that this hurts me and what we're doing, I gots to be a good boy!" with LS choices. If you tend to play reasonable/pragmatic you'll typically end up with rank 3 in one of the alignments. You still get to indulge in heroic or villainous behaviour without having to hug and heal every enemy or curbstomp every puppy.

Edited by Pscyon
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I honestly find that playing fully one side or the other just for the sake of it tends to be rather stupid. It often tends to be a case of DERP SMASH if you only pick DS with choices that are counter-productive to your mission and faction or "LOOKIT ME, I'M SO SELFLESS :D :D :D It doesn't matter that this hurts me and what we're doing, I gots to be a good boy!" with LS choices. If you tend to play reasonable/pragmatic you'll typically end up with rank 3 in one of the alignments. You still get to indulge in heroic or villainous behaviour without having to hug and heal every enemy or curbstomp every puppy.


For most of it, especially now since being full one side or the other is pointless I do a mixed, or easier route, but I know their are LvD achievements for getting L5 and D5. I am not really doing anything other than story quests though, and those choices tend to be more significant than your examples in my experience.

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I honestly find that playing fully one side or the other just for the sake of it tends to be rather stupid. It often tends to be a case of DERP SMASH if you only pick DS with choices that are counter-productive to your mission and faction or "LOOKIT ME, I'M SO SELFLESS :D :D :D It doesn't matter that this hurts me and what we're doing, I gots to be a good boy!" with LS choices. If you tend to play reasonable/pragmatic you'll typically end up with rank 3 in one of the alignments. You still get to indulge in heroic or villainous behaviour without having to hug and heal every enemy or curbstomp every puppy.

Personally, I find it hard not to gravitate to one or the other. I don't know why. I think it might be one of those OCPD things, like where people don't like paintings being tilted or whatever. I don't like the mixed feeling of it. It just feels weird.


I've done it that way on a few characters though, despite. But picking one seems to be what I enjoy most. Plus, it means less brainpower on decision-making. Instead of trying to figure out which decision is best for my character in that moment, I can just pick the orientation that fits my role.


That said, there's no denying how derp some of the choices are. After doing it once, I'm never again doing the:


the SW option, where you give that one dude your shards and then have to go gather them again.


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For most of it, especially now since being full one side or the other is pointless I do a mixed, or easier route, but I know their are LvD achievements for getting L5 and D5. I am not really doing anything other than story quests though, and those choices tend to be more significant than your examples in my experience.

Hmm. Well I didn't go full DS and I've only finished the "vanilla" content (class/planet stories pre-RotHC) on that character, but Smuggler was really good and fun with mainly DS choices. So I agree with Rolodome, that's definitely worth a try. Though I suppose maybe smuggler is fun either way, it seems to be the republican version of Bounty Hunter story-wise.

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My 1st and 2nd generation chars are 8 x LS and 8 x DS.


DS SW is like a wild animal with the intellect of a toast bread.

DS Inq is slightly interesting due to the ghost-thingy.

BH has no reason do be dark as he is gun for hire.

Agent... the relationship with Kaliyo makes more sense when playing DS, otherwise?


In case of SW and Inq, I was pleasantly surprised how playing LS turned out and I do believe that the LS stories actually have more of an impact (well, in theory, storywise).


DS trooper makes no sense.

DS knight made not much difference (except for something at the end), you would still do good things all the time.

DS smuggler is overkill and hurts the smuggling business. ;)

DS consular... well, this one is fun. My DS consular is cruel and heartless and it's unexpected to everyone. Again and again. Even Lana apparently doesn't get it yet after all these year. ;)


I deleted some of my 2nd gen chars and re-played them for the event (as LS, because I want the Chiss and not the Zabrak). I like those chars much more now.


TL;DR: DS consular is the only DS version I enjoyed playing.

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Apart from dialogue differences, there is no real impact whether you go LS or DS. My most disappointing moment was in JK story:


As a dark jedi knight, you still defeat the emperor, Satele rewards you and your team, but says your actions were not in accordance to Jedi Code (something like that, can't remember actual line) and she won't make you a master. Cutscene ends and you receive Master title. So pointless.


Also, going one way or another will result in losing influence point for your companions, so with them be more diplomatic, if you want them to be better. If there is a cruel option without DS points and your companion disapproves, to me, that is a pure waste and reward of different reaction is weak. We have YouTube videos for that.

Edited by Vercundus
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Apart from dialogue differences, there is no real impact whether you go LS or DS. My most disappointing moment was in JK story:


As a dark jedi knight, you still defeat the emperor, Satele rewards you and your team, but says your actions were not in accordance to Jedi Code (something like that, can't remember actual line) and she won't make you a master. Cutscene ends and you receive Master title. So pointless.


Also, going one way or another will result in losing influence point for your companions, so with them be more diplomatic, if you want them to be better. If there is a cruel option without DS points and your companion disapproves, to me, that is a pure waste and reward of different reaction is weak. We have YouTube videos for that.

My understanding for that is the same reasons SW gets the title Darth - Beta People whined and begged for it, so the Jedi General title was removed and so was Emperor's Wrath/Wrath of the Emperor.



Agent... the relationship with Kaliyo makes more sense when playing DS, otherwise?



Agent and Kaliyo have either a romance relationship, or a pragmatist relationship, IMO.

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I deleted some of my 2nd gen chars and re-played them for the event (as LS, because I want the Chiss and not the Zabrak). I like those chars much more now.



Can you elaborate? What are you referring to? It sounds like rewards? species rewards?


What chars did you do?


Im considering the DS consular.

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Please help clarify how to fully benefit from the event.


I just realized by starting a LvD Event DS Consular (although it is a new story alignment for me) I already have a DS LvD event character started... which is not what I wanted, haha.

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To fully benefit from this event you would have to play both a DS and LS character (any class) and get through all 3 chapters and KOTFE?


Does that earn everything? Do you have to do SoR, Makeb, or anything else like that?


Diplomacy counts for getting LS/DS V, but won't count towards the tallying of LS/DS choices to determine which character everyone gets.


You don't have to do all three acts of the base game story, just level on Imperial and one Republic character to 65, and for legendary level one of each class to 50. SoR is a requirement for one of the tiers, and it has flashpoints required for other tiers built into it. Ziost is another one for the last tier IIRC. KotFE Chapters I-XVI are required for two tiers. You also have to do almost every single flashpoint in the game in either solo or tactical modes (or a mix), then HM for the last tier.


I've been keeping track by using the Achievement Tracker system in the game and then looking specifically into which ones I haven't done yet. I then also consult with Dulfys SWTOR DvL Event Checklist, but for most of DvL, you only need to level one imp and one pub to 65, run one character through SoR, run a character through KotFE chapters XVI, almost all of the flashpoints in a mix of tactical/solo (or just all solo or all tactical) modes, stronghold quests, recruit a companion in KotFE five times (or five companions in KotFE) in alerts, reach Valor 5 in PvP (six matches or so at most), reach Round Five of Eternal Championship (which requires KotFE through Chapter IX being completed at least).


That's the minimum for getting the Event Companion.


Could you clarify "fully benefit" if that wasn't what you were meaning?

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Diplomacy counts for getting LS/DS V, but won't count towards the tallying of LS/DS choices to determine which character everyone gets.


You don't have to do all three acts of the base game story, just level on Imperial and one Republic character to 65, and for legendary level one of each class to 50. SoR is a requirement for one of the tiers, and it has flashpoints required for other tiers built into it. Ziost is another one for the last tier IIRC. KotFE Chapters I-XVI are required for two tiers. You also have to do almost every single flashpoint in the game in either solo or tactical modes (or a mix), then HM for the last tier.


I've been keeping track by using the Achievement Tracker system in the game and then looking specifically into which ones I haven't done yet. I then also consult with Dulfys SWTOR DvL Event Checklist, but for most of DvL, you only need to level one imp and one pub to 65, run one character through SoR, run a character through KotFE chapters XVI, almost all of the flashpoints in a mix of tactical/solo (or just all solo or all tactical) modes, stronghold quests, recruit a companion in KotFE five times (or five companions in KotFE) in alerts, reach Valor 5 in PvP (six matches or so at most), reach Round Five of Eternal Championship (which requires KotFE through Chapter IX being completed at least).


That's the minimum for getting the Event Companion.


Could you clarify "fully benefit" if that wasn't what you were meaning?


I guess i meant in terms of the worthwhile awards, which I think you covered pretty well, and obviously the event companion is the biggest, is there a deadline for doing so?


My main other question was do I need both a L5 and a D5 character, it sounds like i only need a Pub and Imp.. and I can always counter my story alignment with diplomacy?


Sounds like I'll have to reroll my sith warrior then since he was going to be LS instead of this DS consular I started.

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I guess i meant in terms of the worthwhile awards, which I think you covered pretty well, and obviously the event companion is the biggest, is there a deadline for doing so?


My main other question was do I need both a L5 and a D5 character, it sounds like i only need a Pub and Imp.. and I can always counter my story alignment with diplomacy?


Sounds like I'll have to reroll my sith warrior then since he was going to be LS instead of this DS consular I started.


What I described would get you to the Eternal Tier being finished, which is the penultimate tier of the event and you'd have gotten (or will get when the event is finished) most of the rewards that way.


You can make LS choices for the Chiss if you want and work towards DS5 with Diplomacy yes. You can make DS choices for the Zabrak and work towards LS5 with Diplomacy.


No deadline announced yet, suspicions around the Forums, GenChat, and Reddit are sometime in October/November, so you can easily work through the Eternal Tier of the event in the time left, and a lot of the Legendary Tier stuff in that time as well.

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What I described would get you to the Eternal Tier being finished, which is the penultimate tier of the event and you'd have gotten (or will get when the event is finished) most of the rewards that way.


You can make LS choices for the Chiss if you want and work towards DS5 with Diplomacy yes. You can make DS choices for the Zabrak and work towards LS5 with Diplomacy.


No deadline announced yet, suspicions around the Forums, GenChat, and Reddit are sometime in October/November, so you can easily work through the Eternal Tier of the event in the time left, and a lot of the Legendary Tier stuff in that time as well.


I thought the scale was tipped so much so that Chiss is basically the garunteed choice .

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Nope. Not to my viewing anyway, if you go look at the Dark Versus Light Event page, 52.something% to 47.something% is still pretty even.


Hmm, Well I would personally prefer a Zabrak. Do ALL points add to the total, or is it only conversation based points? and like if I had a character get 1500 LS, and 5000 DS would both be counted or would it only count 3500 for DS?

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Hmm, Well I would personally prefer a Zabrak. Do ALL points add to the total, or is it only conversation based points? and like if I had a character get 1500 LS, and 5000 DS would both be counted or would it only count 3500 for DS?


If it comes in a cutscene, it counts. Diplomacy-earned LS or DS points do not count.


So if you have 300 LS points from cutscenes, and 500 DS points from cutscenes, and 400 Diplomacy LS points and 700 Diplomacy DS points, only the ones from cutscenes would count (so the 300 and 500 would count)

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If it comes in a cutscene, it counts. Diplomacy-earned LS or DS points do not count.


So if you have 300 LS points from cutscenes, and 500 DS points from cutscenes, and 400 Diplomacy LS points and 700 Diplomacy DS points, only the ones from cutscenes would count (so the 300 and 500 would count)


Ok, I just realized how unlikely it is I will be able to get the final Legendary award given the other criteria so the L5 and D5 is less important.


Can you get them in any order or do you have to earn one before the rest?


Edit: P.S. Thank you so much for your posts!

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Ok, I just realized how unlikely it is I will be able to get the final Legendary award given the other criteria so the L5 and D5 is less important.


Can you get them in any order or do you have to earn one before the rest?


Edit: P.S. Thank you so much for your posts!


No problem.


You can complete the achievements in any order, but you won't get the rewards for them until you finish the tier before it.


So I could finish the achievements for Legendary, but if I don't have a Republic character at level 65, I wouldn't get credit for it because I wouldn't have the Eternal tier finished. Or if I have all of the tiers finished except for the exchievements to have one character go through the Strongholds mission, I wouldn't get any of the Champion, Eternal or Legendary Tiers until I finish.


If you open your legacy tab (default button y, the icon on the menu bar looks like a family tree thing) and go to "Achievements" then "Events" then "Dark vs. Light" you would see that to get the reward for a tier, you had to complete the tier before it.

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