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Any chance of a HM FP tune before DvL ends?


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Yea Yea...Get Gud! I did it on my lvl 50 naked and all that. I've heard it all before.


Blood Hunt

1. The Knock back on the brother and sister are ridicules. unless you are in the center...Buh Bye! If you are in the center, it targets everyone with the red circles and you have to move out...and boom, kicked off platform!

2. Guildies don't even want to attempt it anymore.

3. Pugs break up at start


Korriban Incursion

1. R-9XR/I5-T1 extermination mode. wholly jeez the damage, I haven't had a group (Guild or Pug) who has had it at less then 10% HP. Adjust the timer a bit

2. 6300 HPS with 5100 effective and its not enough

3. Every time I pug, it's at this boss


Lost Island

1. Can't find anyone (Tank) to even attempt it. every group falls apart at the starting dropship

2. I don't even know what the issue is. Never seen it


Now I've finished these but with wipe after wipe 50k repair bill after 50K


Depths of Manaan

1. Lightning dude needs to reduce damage when tank is in grey stuff and takes a hit, or remove the stun. You can only use your "get out of jail free card" every so often.


Battle of Rishi

1. Shield Squadron Unit 1 - The hit zones are off. I can clearly be out of the blue circle or the blue lines and still get hit. Becomes more of an issue for melee


Some of the other issues are non 65's in these...Bolstered or not, you don't have all your skills.

Sub optimum gear. I do believe in Skill > Gear but c'mon 178 - 190 gear. for the majority, that is bad and selfish


I don't know... I have 4 HM FP's left to do. I'll just bang my head on the wall and see what happens. Just hoping for a bit of help

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The knockback is real, tbh...


6300 HPS isn't that much. Go for Goku levels : )


Cowards... LI has a bad rep because it was hard af when it was released. Players are probably just averse to even attempt to give it a go these days. I don't think it's that bad, compared to others on the list.


Rescue (or similar) your tank from Ortuno. Manaan is a beast on HM, but totally doable.


Those effing hitzones are and always have been ridiculously out of sync. That does need to be fixed tbh. But I agree with second poster, even if BW is inclined to update FPs, they're not going to do it before 5.0 drops. It wouldn't surprise me if they've already entered a code freeze and won't do any major updates at all until 5.0.


Meantime, just keep at it. If your guildies won't help you, try some allied guilds' members, see if you have luck there. If you're moneyed, offer a million credits per successful FP or something (t's how I got my Dreadtooth helmet : p). Don't join in with non-65s at all - you're right, they flat out do not belong in HM FPs.


Also, git gud xD

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The HMs are all doable if you actually get people who want to learn the fights and beat the fp legit rather than somehow be carried to the end. You don't have to be amazing, you just need to be competent and willing to work together and wipe a few times until you get things down. One good player is not going to save the day on those fights if they're dragged down by three crap players. This is where luck of the draw (PUG) usually loses to known factors (guildies).


The following is just what works for me when I run these on toons in moderate gear and with decent players or awesome gear and meh players.




The droid on Korriban incursion: stop DPSing him with anything other than ranged instant abilities when he does his 360 aoe and starts spamming random smaller aoes that drop where you're standing. Just run around the edges of the fight area until the aoes stop. Don't let whoever has aggro stand in line with anyone else or the beam attack will wreck too many people for the healer to keep up.



Blood Hunt


Fighting the blood hunt pair isn't that tough as long as they don't bug out and reset. Always be moving. Always keep them facing towards the center of the arena and burn one down fast. Do not stack up or the aoes they drop will wreck you. They don't enrage when one is killed like most paired bosses, so there's no need to try and burn them down simultaneously. Facing just one after that is cake.





Ortuno is a giant a-hole. He's harder than the final boss of the fp. The tank shouldn't be dragging him all over the room. Treat him like calphayus from dread council fight. Move him just to the edge of his latest pool in a small circle on one side of the room. The moment he starts his channel, interrupt whatever you are doing and run away. Stack up for aoe heals through the lightning Storm and then have the tank pick him up again when ortuno loses invulnerability. Both dps should split and kill the adds immediately or they'll gank the healer. Rinse, repeat.





The walker is the hardest fight in any flashpoint for already discussed reasons. I'd rather fight (and beat) hm torch three times in a row than pug the Rishi walker again. It forgives exactly zero mistakes. Don't have the boss pattern down and get caught in the open during the Lightning Storm or stop moving during the bombardment? Someone is going to die. Lose a dps? Enrage then wipe. Lose heals? Insta wipe. Lose the tank? Wipe. Ignore the adds? Lose the healer and wipe. Get a lousy random order for the adds (one gold after another), probably lose a Dps then wipe. If you have the pattern down you should already have a dps (preferably ranged) standing up against the opposite side of the previously agreed upon shield console, so they don't get grappled into center and can trigger the shield when the Lightning starts. Everyone has to be actively not sucking to beat this boss on hm.



Ord Mantell


Lost island has three gut checks: first is the moment you port in and realize it's lost island. Most groups disintigrate right here. The second is when you find out if your team mates have ever run the fp before when they end up aggroing mobs on the way to the first boss and aren't following the well-worn "avoid all mobs" path you've had burned into your memory from way back when. The third is the droid boss. Winging it isn't going to work, but most won't even wait to hear the strat. Then you need everyone who is not the tank to not drop the static Lightning aoes in crap spots that force the healer or dps to los their targets or force the tank to have to eat one to get in another good position. The tank has to be aware of good positions, where not to stand, and have situational awareness to realize when he's about to eat a poorly dropped aoe. Kill the adds if you aggro them or they kill the healer, as usual.


Beating the droid boss means your group is competent enough to kill the rhino boss (tank and spank or just skip him) and the leaping savrip boss (which is a pretty basic 1 2 3 boss): stay in the center of the arena and stack inside the boss' hit box right beneath his taint when he charges his smash, split to predetermined pylons to channel click the buttons while heals stays in center to keep everyone in range and alive, burn boss when he comes back down. Rinse repeat.


The final boss is the toughest. Be constantly on the move to avoid the debuff sticking aoes he constantly tosses out. When he starts saying he has a few tricks up his sleeve, the tank has to walk through him so his cleave won't attach all the sticky bombs he's about to toss on one target. And if he's facing away from the group like a proper boss should be as much as possible, no one will get a bomb stuck on them. He activates the cryotubes counter clockwise starting with the one nearest the back window. The moment he leaps off screen, everyone should burn the cryotube and burst it before the add wakes up. Rinse and repeat until he gets burned down to like 25% or so and phase 2 starts.


Now he heals to full and then leaps around to random targets, pins them in place and savages them, meanwhile new flaming adds appear that light people near them on fire (not good). Don't engage the adds, just knock them back when they get in range.


When phase three triggers around 25% health again, he heals to full one last time and becomes a gore machine that hits everyone with a stacking debuff. Plant the tank in a convenient corner, stack on him and burn since this phase is a dps race that the healer will eventually lose. In fact, I'd recommend the first three or so stacks that the healer be DPSing the boss and not wasting time on keeping everyone healed to full (people should be using their defensive cooldowns and off-heals if necessary here), then the healer should focus on keeping the dps alive as long as possible, even sacrificing the tank and themselves if they have to. Losing either dps during phase three is usually a wipe.



Pro tip: Don't waste your time on bonus bosses in hm pugs for DVL, even if you're doing well up till that point. Odds are you'll get stomped by their pain in the *** mechanics and someone will ragequit over the diversion from finishing the run. If you can even convince the others to make the attempt in the first place.


Good luck!

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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Hey, thanks for the tips guys.


Unfortunately I came back for the DvL event after a long time and I don't have a lot of credits. maybe 2-3 mill across all of them. So I can't afford a good group. :)


I'm go to keep at it. I know I'll get it. Just frustrating and not very fun.

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I'm not saying get good, or I did it naked. However I did do HM Blood Hunt, Manaan, and Korriban with pugs. In Blood Hunt we only wiped on the first boss, the others we didn't at all. We were all in 208s, the tank had some 212 and 216s mixed in, but it was 2 sins, me hatred, one deception, jug tank, op heals.


We randomly met through the GF on blood hunt and did the rest together. Was fun, challenging, and awesome. Would really hate to see them nerfed. Lost Island is AMAZING. However, that one we did wipe on the last boss like 10 times and give up.

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Please don't take this as "git good" or what not- even if you are good a bad group can be the cause. But, SM is there for those that want to see the content, HMs are there for the challenge.

I know a lot want to do DvL and get legendary but that is why they made it part of the top tier of rewards. Save the most difficult of things for the top level of the event. Nerfing HM b/c of that challenge doesn't make sense IMO.

(I do get it is a nerf this so I can get the event reward type of post and you're thinking in those terms)

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I get it. I like the challenge too. I know this is a "People" issue and these can be completed. I've done them in the past when there was incentive to do them. It just seems that these few are just a bit too much for the majority.


I don't mind wiping 10 time as long as I see progression. That is kinda the fun part. But when you have so many groups that fail before they start or don't even want to attempt them, that's bad. It is only these few that it happens in. And if the only way to truly get them accomplished is to get really lucky (after sitting in GF for 30min) or incentivize a group to go, that is not good either.


Also, this event is only here for a short period of time. It's my feeling that the only reason people are running HM FP's are for the DvL. I can run OP's and get better gear than HM FP's and its easier. As time goes by, there will be a diminished pool of people wanting to queue for HM FP.


I'm just a numbers guy and I know I only have a very small sample of data, but man there has to be a low percentage of HM FP starts vs. finishes on these.


Again, i'll keep plugging along. Maybe convinces any of the 30 guildies on to give it a shot.

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Please don't take this as "git good" or what not- even if you are good a bad group can be the cause. But, SM is there for those that want to see the content, HMs are there for the challenge.

I know a lot want to do DvL and get legendary but that is why they made it part of the top tier of rewards. Save the most difficult of things for the top level of the event. Nerfing HM b/c of that challenge doesn't make sense IMO.

(I do get it is a nerf this so I can get the event reward type of post and you're thinking in those terms)


It does speak to the flaw in DvL though, that you have this huge list of things to qualify for Legendary and if you miss even one all you get is a couple of pointless achievements. I'm not saying they should do these nerfs (HM exists to be a challenge and changing that would be a disservice), but I can understand the frustration of someone who has completed all this other time consuming objectives and have their progress blocked by just a few items on the list. It would have been so much better if the tier system had operated on a percentage completed system so that if you complete 95% of the events you still have something to show for it, while still leaving the best prizes for those that push over the top to get 100%.

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