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I think restrictions up to level 50 should be removed, and a sub/cc for expansions...


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I think SWTOR should do what ESO did. Remove all restrictions and then ask you to pay up front for the expansions/additional content, or get a sub to access the entire game.


I think it'll allow more people to enjoy the game and stories without any horrible restrictions, and will bring a lot of new players to the game. I know a few people who would happily play the game knowing there aren't any of those restrictions.


Obviously there could be some restrictions such as a 10 minute timer to talk in general chat to combat the gold sellers or subscriber only having access to character perks, but I personally think it would be beneficial to the game if more people have access to it.


Anyone want to explain to me why my idea is bad? Will Bioware lose money over it? Or is this game doing just fine as it is?

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I think SWTOR should do what ESO did. Remove all restrictions and then ask you to pay up front for the expansions/additional content, or get a sub to access the entire game.


I think it'll allow more people to enjoy the game and stories without any horrible restrictions, and will bring a lot of new players to the game. I know a few people who would happily play the game knowing there aren't any of those restrictions.


Obviously there could be some restrictions such as a 10 minute timer to talk in general chat to combat the gold sellers or subscriber only having access to character perks, but I personally think it would be beneficial to the game if more people have access to it.


Anyone want to explain to me why my idea is bad? Will Bioware lose money over it? Or is this game doing just fine as it is?


i personally think its too late, SWTOR seems to be on CPR mode. and unless EA actually listens and gets over the corporate mongering crap. it just wont happen. here is an example, once they announced a new expac (KotET) there was a small influx of new people.... but where did they all go? after three days of seeing new people on starting worlds, it was like POOF gone.

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I think SWTOR should do what ESO did. Remove all restrictions and then ask you to pay up front for the expansions/additional content, or get a sub to access the entire game.


I think it'll allow more people to enjoy the game and stories without any horrible restrictions, and will bring a lot of new players to the game. I know a few people who would happily play the game knowing there aren't any of those restrictions.

But apparently, those people won't *pay* to play the game.


And you know what? The game *was* subscription-only at launch. It didn't work out the way they wanted, so they added the free-to-play option more or less(1) as we see it today.


(1) There have been a few instances of restrictions relaxing somewhat, notably when they removed ability training costs, because they also removed the costs associated with speeder training, which were ... punitive ... for non-subscribers. (Just under 300 credits for rank 1 for subscribers, 35K for non-subscribers.)

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As far as I know ESO is buy to play, then if you pay for sub, you get the dlc-s but as soon as you don't, you lose all access to them.


In SW:ToR if you sub once, you get ALL expansions permanently. And you don't have to buy the game.


So I think ToR is much more f2p friendly.


Correct me if I'm wrong.

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As far as I know ESO is buy to play, then if you pay for sub, you get the dlc-s but as soon as you don't, you lose all access to them.


In SW:ToR if you sub once, you get ALL expansions permanently. And you don't have to buy the game.


So I think ToR is much more f2p friendly.


Correct me if I'm wrong.


I've said my own piece about it being too late. The Old Republic should honestly re-introduce charging for expansions, ESO lets you rent them for free whereas buying them goes towards future development and stops people subbing for a month or a suitable period and then getting everything, without putting money towards future expansion packs.


It's not a F2P friendly policy, it's shooting themselves in the foot when people would stay subbed to benefit gameplay wise on each month's chapter release while cutting off expansion pack revenue.

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I think SWTOR should do what ESO did. Remove all restrictions and then ask you to pay up front for the expansions/additional content, or get a sub to access the entire game.


I think it'll allow more people to enjoy the game and stories without any horrible restrictions, and will bring a lot of new players to the game. I know a few people who would happily play the game knowing there aren't any of those restrictions.


Obviously there could be some restrictions such as a 10 minute timer to talk in general chat to combat the gold sellers or subscriber only having access to character perks, but I personally think it would be beneficial to the game if more people have access to it.


Anyone want to explain to me why my idea is bad? Will Bioware lose money over it? Or is this game doing just fine as it is?


Firstly, ESO never had any restrictions aside from buying the game and paying a sub fee. When they removed the sub fee and made the game buy to play only, nothing changed from the previous sub and the now non sub players. The game is still exactly the same. The only thing you don't have access to is the crafting bag and the expansions. To play the expansions you need to purchase them if you are a non sub. If you sub, then they are included in the price.


If SWTOR were to do this model of play, the would lose lots of cash. The only money people would ever have to front would be the initial purchase of the game. For many of us that do not care for the newer KOTFE and KOTET expansion, we would not bother subbing nor buying them. They would lose money. By them keeping their restrictions as is, people tend to get frustrated and buy the sub or spends hundreds on cartel coins to get all the unlocks necessary. Lets face it, EA and Bioware at the moment do not care about it's player base the way Bethesda and Zenimax do. Not to say they are perfect, by all means, they have their flaws too. But which would you rather have, the people who eradicated gold sellers and told you that the base game is untouched from the previous model and subbing the game gets you bonuses, or the people who made the free to play completely restricted to the point where their game is a glorified DEMO and don't bother giving out information to it's player base?


I do truly hope though that they do follow in ESO's footsteps and make the game this way. Buy to Play instead of Free to Play. I personally think people would be more inclined to spend money on them. I know that I happily buy Crown Points from the Crown Store in ESO. No issues there. "Oh look, a new pet. Let me just grab some more crown points and get it." vs "Oh look, another pack. No, no thanks."

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So I think ToR is much more f2p friendly.

For anybody interested in the levelling content (story) sure. Unfortunately that population is notoriously transient. KotFE's chapter-a-month tactic is unlikely to work nearly as well for KotET.


For group content it's widely considered a laughingstock. F2P models "work" because it attracts a large population that fills the queues and guilds. Bigger populations foster stronger social networks and strong social networks are key to successful retention.


TOR's implementation puts so many barriers in place that there's no point. Yeah sure, a few people here and there will sub but far fewer than they need and the social networks are disintegrating.


I like the idea behind B2P. It incentivizes the developer to create content that has broad appeal. Don't like the content, don't buy it.


TOR's story model is now essentially B2P at $15/yr. May as well have the rest of the game follow. $30-60/yr is better than $0. Even better would be if the expansion would be sold as tokens that could be placed on the GTN.

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