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Don't Call Me Outlander or Commander


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The -only- person of the eight I could see being called commander is Cipher Nine from when s/he is given the rank at Intelligence being absorbed into the Empire's Army. Maybe the Major as a general "You're my CO in this alliance that I supposedly take orders from while I do my own thing", but Major is her/his rank, so....


Would it really take that much longer to replace Commander with Wrath/Cipher/Agent/Sith/Jedi/Darth Imperious/Darth Occulous/Darth Nox/Battlemaster/Hero/Barsen'thor/Master/Voidhound/Major/Champion/Hunter at various points? Okay, maybe not all of those options all in one line, but pick one to be that character's "favorite" to use.


Like military comps would be more inclined to use Major/Commander(For Agent)/My Lord/Battlemaster/Master Jedi/Hunter/Voidhound/Wrath


Force Users/Politicians would be more inclined towards lofty titles- Major/Cipher Nine/Hero/Barsen'thor/Darth Imperious/Darth Occulous/Darth Nox/Champion/Voidhound/Wrath


Criminal Underworld types the less formal but impressive/infamous titles- Major/Cipher Nine/Battlemaster/Master Jedi/Darth Imperious/Darth Occulous/Darth Nox/Wrath/Champion/Voidhound


SCORPIO should just use the old titles because she sees all or something.


And then the class' recovered comps would use the old titles Agent/My Lord/Sith/Jedi/Master/Boss/Sir/Ma'am/Captain for their people.


As you said, it's a little jarring to hear Commander (for nonAgents) and outlander being used on us by non-Zakuul comps. Well, I could let Lana slide since she named us the Commander of the Alliance and says she enjoys giving people titles. I also suspect my characters would generally protest and then she'd use Commander more often just to annoy them.


I could also see Trooper answering to Commander because FemTrooper is FemShep, so...


Problem is in the recording. 'Commander' being used as a catch all term is a one-shot recording. To do all that would need multiple sessions with the actor which is going to take money, money I'd personally prefer be pumped into game development.

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Problem is in the recording. 'Commander' being used as a catch all term is a one-shot recording. To do all that would need multiple sessions with the actor which is going to take money, money I'd personally prefer be pumped into game development.


That is game development- and it didn't pay dividends with divergent paths as they advertised choosing your destiny with KOTFE and what we've seen wasn't an improvement. They had the same doing ROTHC and SOR, they were smart and used what they needed to sparingly and managed to do it while giving everybody what they wanted, while avoiding any 'Outlander' tag. Sometimes, the best thing is just to get spoken to personally without using any name.


It's using things like the opening scrawl and in-game emails to add that class stuff that requires no VAs but as a story/RPG player who dabbles, I'm having a hard time not listening to complaints and adding my own. If focusing on group content for a bit brings back the caliber where I had my own little class story in SOR and the final showdown aftermath addressed me personally- bring it on. Because the exclusive focus is doing more harm than good, like trying is making it worse.

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Major wouldn't work because you don't actually serve in the Republic anymore, as they still think you're dead.

You were also promoted to Colonel after you went missing, so anyone who knew you from Havoc wouldn't call you Major anyway.


Tanno Vik calls the Trooper "Major," in at least one conversation option.


As for the OP, /shrug. The NPCs have to call you something, and it's a bit of a waste of effort to customize it to 8 classes. Even back in the original story, they go through some odd language choices to limit the number of class-specific references they have to make, and I think there's more gender-affected language in KLotFE than in previous installments. It is what it is.


In-game, of course, to the Zakullans, you are The Outlander, the one who killed the Emperor, the one who riled up Arcaan and Vaylin, etc, etc, and so on. For the (former) Imperial and Republic people, other than your own class companions (who do refer to you as they did in the class stories), it's a rather pragmatic move to refer to you in your role as Alliance Commander. That way they can put aside what you did "before" either as an enemy or as an ally, and not aggravate old arguments.

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I agree with op. I'm sick of hearing the Outlander title and seeing it on gear.


The titles Darth and Master Jedi should have been recorded for the alliance base conversations. My Sith and Jedi have earned these titles that are still in use by the Empire and Republic.

And I have seen the rank commander used by a few republic forces during the planetary quests and they seem to be of a middle rank.


I play all of my characters for their uniqueness, I really don't want to lose this.

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So please, no more Outlander, no more Commander unless it is 'The Empire/Emperor's Wrath (insert your title and history) commands the Alliance against us'.




I don't mind being called Commander (or Outlander until you become Alliance leader), but not exclusively, especially by close companions. KotFE looks at your moral alignment and Force sensitivy, but there is no (or barely any) class-specific dialogue or content. I miss being called Master Jedi or Wrath or Hunter. BioWare should throw in some class-specific stuff too.

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I don't mind being called Commander (or Outlander until you become Alliance leader), but not exclusively, especially by close companions. KotFE looks at your moral alignment and Force sensitivy, but there is no (or barely any) class-specific dialogue or content. I miss being called Master Jedi or Wrath or Hunter. BioWare should throw in some class-specific stuff too.


I would have liked to have seen a little more class- (or at least faction-) specific content in KotFE. I would cheerfully have forgone Chapter 10 to have had them add 10 minutes or so of such to other chapters.

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I don't mind being called Outlander by the Zakuulans and Commander by my Alliance. I have ran into original companions who call me by what I was, or call me their wife if we were/are married.


Like Rusk called my Jedi Knight, Master Jedi. He knew who I was and missed me even if he didn't shed tears. Even Skadge recognized my Bounty Hunter even if he wasn't jumping for joy.


Hell, I'm glad anyone recognizes me and it keeps me immersed as whatever class I'm playing at that moment.


I was married to Jorgan on my trooper and he gave me A LOT of dialogue that only female characters married to him would get. Same for Torian. I've even had the Alliance Alerts who used to belong to specific classes recognize my toon and act accordingly.


Lana and Theron and whatever class I'm on's original companions know who I was and what I was/wasn't to them.


Just because I'm called Commander by most people in my alliance doesn't mean that Lana and Theron don't know I used to be a member of the Dark Council. Or the Barsenthor, or a Master Jedi, or the Empire's Wrath. They just call me Commander because I'm supposedly in charge of my Alliance, responsible for the well-being of my people, responsible for making sure everyone is taken care of. Responsible for planning campaigns, etc. I feel more like a figure head than a true leader, but I could also be SWTOR's version of the Commander in Chief of the military/alliance.


*shrug* Makes no difference to me, I know that they know who I used to be/am.

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It is simple why they call you Outlander or Commander. This cuts down on the voice and text options needed. This is the same reason they choose gender neutral options for 99% of all references to the PC, it makes the game require less code, which requires less programming time, voice actor time, etc... all of which cost money.


You'll notice that during the original game class missions you are called jedi, trooper/soldier/insert rank here, smuggler/scoundrel/captain, sith, agent, bounty hunter, etc. All of these are gender neutral, though I do remember a few references that were not gender neutral. Once they went down the path of one story, they needed to incorporate a class neutral term as well as keeping it gender neutral so they are using the story to manufacture a title to fit that bill. The only real difference any more is force user vs not.

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I just hope, just sincerly hope, just 1 specific thing for my imperial agent, just want Lana and theron to know that imperial agent was a double agent.


Like plz Lana minister of inteligence, theron shan from the SIS, both are like close friends more than allies, LI for some ppl (more than the old companions, i feel), like like like it would make for a pretttty damn good scene. Like pls its so obvious they'll do something like that but but butt ... can't wait ;_;


I'll wait many years if iI have to but I swear i dont want to die before seeing this (yes I have a sad life trolololz)

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You want system that they read Your nickname good + with dubbing? Its impossible :)

That's why we're Outlander.


The problem is it is not just the VA "expense" There is also animation to consider (which btw would be the more costly investment)...unless you are OK with an NPC mouthing one thing and saying something else...THAT is immersion breaking (for me; I dislike dubbed movies too)


Bull crap, they did it in the previous expansions and have no acceptable excuse not to do it in this one to. TOR's big selling point (besides being a Star Wars game) as an MMO was that it was heavily story driven. But now they can't even be bothered to throw in more then a scant handful of references to who are characters were before they became 'the Outlander', let alone actually make the story meaningfully different based on it. Granted they stopped giving any meaningful differences after Rise of the Hutt Cartel (and even then the differences were faction based not character based). Then Shadow of Revan gave you the same story with a bit of window dressing in that sometimes you had different reasons for doing something (like Republic characters going after the Emperor's guard because they didn't think the Empire would share information after capturing them while the Empire was doing it because it was an internal matter) and a single character unique side quest on Rishi for each class. But now you don't even get that window dressing, everyone does the same thing for the same reason and precious little dialogue even acknowledging who you used to be and the closest you get to unique side quests is sometimes being allowed to skip a side quest when recruiting someone that used to be your companion anyway.

Edited by dcaleb
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That is game development- and it didn't pay dividends with divergent paths as they advertised choosing your destiny with KOTFE and what we've seen wasn't an improvement. They had the same doing ROTHC and SOR, they were smart and used what they needed to sparingly and managed to do it while giving everybody what they wanted, while avoiding any 'Outlander' tag. Sometimes, the best thing is just to get spoken to personally without using any name.


It's using things like the opening scrawl and in-game emails to add that class stuff that requires no VAs but as a story/RPG player who dabbles, I'm having a hard time not listening to complaints and adding my own. If focusing on group content for a bit brings back the caliber where I had my own little class story in SOR and the final showdown aftermath addressed me personally- bring it on. Because the exclusive focus is doing more harm than good, like trying is making it worse.


Agreed. I'd Rather play without my character being called the Outlander or Commander. Being in the mindset of Darth Imperious then be jarred from that experience by being called commander by that ONE IMPERIAL ADMIRAL pisses me off. Makes me feel like the character i've stuck with throughout the years is forgotten. . Also the point about the mail. YES. those tiny additions that remind you of who your character was before this whole Zakuul thing is so important.

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I don't mind being called Commander (or Outlander until you become Alliance leader), but not exclusively, especially by close companions. KotFE looks at your moral alignment and Force sensitivy, but there is no (or barely any) class-specific dialogue or content. I miss being called Master Jedi or Wrath or Hunter. BioWare should throw in some class-specific stuff too.


Yeah. The reason i play the game was because i bonded with the character that grew through their trials to become larger than life heroes. As simple thing as our titles being said is a massive step in the right directions. class specific content would be amazing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't mind outlander or commander. What I do mind is I jumped my JK to 60, went back and did as much of the earlier stuff as I could(should of been allowed to do the Revan Arc but whatever) and I Romanced Lana.


Get past chapter 9 and nothing from her. Just treated like the commmander, not egen a "careful love" or anything. Really annoying.

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Don't mind outlander or commander. What I do mind is I jumped my JK to 60, went back and did as much of the earlier stuff as I could(should of been allowed to do the Revan Arc but whatever) and I Romanced Lana.


Get past chapter 9 and nothing from her. Just treated like the commmander, not egen a "careful love" or anything. Really annoying.


If you're in a romance with Lana, you get a [flirt] option just before shipping out for the main part of Ch.16. IIRC there's a couple of other "romance nods" earlier, but that one sticks in my mind because Lana is so adorably awkward in that romance scene (and, in general, in the previous romance scenes). Some of the "story emails" have a romance-tinged aspect to them as well.


At that, the KotFE romance options have more effect after "consummation" than the OG romances, where you get 3-4 emails and that's about it after the Kiss To Black.

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