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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You've created an antisocial community


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There have been no new OPs in 3 years. There has however been both new group content and new solo content in that last year. And they repurposed much of the older group content to make it actually relevant again, yet not mandatory. Not enough of the group format in terms of brand new never before seen group encounters? yeah... for people who prefer group content over solo content, I would agree.


There also has been a lot of "repurposing" of older group content that was largely abandoned after expacs started rolling out. Heroics, actually relevant now, and can be soloed, or in a group. That is giving players more choice, which is a good thing IMO. Smart players realize a heroic is more fun, more credits, and faster if they do it in a group. FPs were in fact repurposed such that they all are HM, standard, or solo and operate within the level sync umbrella. Again.. more choices for players, which is a good thing. Even OPs got repurposed, and do require organized grouping in larger numbers.


Yeah but that's not the same as new group content. They got away in 4.0 but that can't be a long term solution. And it's not only raids - last fp we got was 3 years ago too. SF are solo, EC is solo, everything new is solo. You even can't play the story chapters with a friend.

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Yeah but that's not the same as new group content. They got away in 4.0 but that can't be a long term solution. And it's not only raids - last fp we got was 3 years ago too. SF are solo, EC is solo, everything new is solo. You even can't play the story chapters with a friend.


I agree. But I also believe they spent a lot of their resources on the retooling in 4.0, so I expect those resources will result in new group content under the new framework in the future. Time will tell of course and we need to wait and see.


But personally, I think the retooling of old content with 4.0 did perform a nice "relevancy" refresh on a lot of older group content, particularly Heroics which had largely fallen by the way side in daily player focus, IMO. Same with expanding the number of FPs with solo-modes.


OPs are a bit stickier IMO. They are labor intensive, can have some nasty bugs in them, are prime targets for players to exploit if they can find a way to do so, and honestly are only played by a minority of the total player base. Which is NOT a reason to be as lapsed in releasing new OPs IMO, but it does go to the larger issue with OPs. Also, didn't they make it clear ahead of 4.0 that they would not be doing the really hard degree of difficulty variants in OPs in the future as well? That tells me that they did not find the investment worth the effort, for whatever reason. So I expect we will see kinder/gentler OPs moving forward. I certainly hope they do not listen to the players demanding solo mode OPs... because frankly they already got that with EC.

Edited by Andryah
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I agree. But I also believe they spent a lot of their resources on the retooling in 4.0, so I expect those resources will result in new group content under the new framework in the future. Time will tell of course and we need to wait and see.


But personally, I think the retooling of old content with 4.0 did perform a nice "relevancy" refresh on a lot of older group content, particularly Heroics which had largely fallen by the way side in daily player focus, IMO. Same with expanding the number of FPs with solo-modes.


OPs are a bit stickier IMO. They are labor intensive, can have some nasty bugs in them, are prime targets for players to exploit if they can find a way to do so, and honestly are only played by a minority of the total player base. Which is NOT a reason to be as lapsed in releasing new OPs IMO, but it does go to the larger issue with OPs. Also, didn't they make it clear ahead of 4.0 that they would not be doing the really hard degree of difficulty variants in OPs in the future as well? That tells me that they did not find the investment worth the effort, for whatever reason. So I expect we will see kinder/gentler OPs moving forward. I certainly hope they do not listen to the players demanding solo mode OPs... because frankly they already got that with EC.



I just hope they come out with something big in 5.0 I mean it is 5.0 after all

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I agree. But I also believe they spent a lot of their resources on the retooling in 4.0, so I expect those resources will result in new group content under the new framework in the future. Time will tell of course and we need to wait and see.


But personally, I think the retooling of old content with 4.0 did perform a nice "relevancy" refresh on a lot of older group content, particularly Heroics which had largely fallen by the way side in daily player focus, IMO. Same with expanding the number of FPs with solo-modes.


OPs are a bit stickier IMO. They are labor intensive, can have some nasty bugs in them, are prime targets for players to exploit if they can find a way to do so, and honestly are only played by a minority of the total player base. Which is NOT a reason to be as lapsed in releasing new OPs IMO, but it does go to the larger issue with OPs. Also, didn't they make it clear ahead of 4.0 that they would not be doing the really hard degree of difficulty variants in OPs in the future as well? That tells me that they did not find the investment worth the effort, for whatever reason. So I expect we will see kinder/gentler OPs moving forward. I certainly hope they do not listen to the players demanding solo mode OPs... because frankly they already got that with EC.


Agreed with all of that - with the sole exception of hoping they don't end up a solo storyline in a set of ops, the way Oricon did; or if it does, you can bypass the ops, the way Yavin did

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It does sound contradicting but its not. People who don't like to chat and want to just level fast just join a guild for the xp and nothing more thats why xp bonus in guilds is bad.


So you want a game to somehow force people to talk to you? That's not being social, that's coercion. If I want to talk, I'll visit with friends or failing that join a guild of like minded people. But if I don't want to talk, there's absolutely nothing you can do to make me. I'll turn the game off before I do something I don't want to do.

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So you want a game to somehow force people to talk to you? That's not being social, that's coercion. If I want to talk, I'll visit with friends or failing that join a guild of like minded people. But if I don't want to talk, there's absolutely nothing you can do to make me. I'll turn the game off before I do something I don't want to do.


why so hostile? and putting words in my mouth?

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why so hostile? and putting words in my mouth?


I'm not being hostile, I'm just replying to your multiple threads worth of rants. That is what a message board is for after all. See how that works, those that want to reply to you will and those that don't want to reply won't say anything.


Working as intended, nothing to see here, move along.

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I think the bigoted, "spacebar!"-shouting, arrogant, insufferable, deceitful, impatient, hate-filled, homophobic slur-throwing, greedy, asinine monsters in human skin-suits managed to do that long before these came along, they have just allowed players who would rather not be exposed to this cesspool of subhumans a way to keep playing as opposed to just quitting SWTOR outright.


I want to frame this post and hang it up in my stronghold.

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I want to frame this post and hang it up in my stronghold.


Believe it or not, I received a warning over that. The only thing I can conclude is that monsters felt the comparison I was making was unfair to them, they have standards and would not stoop to such behavior.

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Believe it or not, I received a warning over that. The only thing I can conclude is that monsters felt the comparison I was making was unfair to them, they have standards and would not stoop to such behavior.


I suppose that's what happens if you fight fire with fire.

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I suppose that's what happens if you fight fire with fire.


What fighting? I mentioned the fact that such people exist, what I thought of them, and why those people make people not want to group. It's no different than saying "There are people who commit murder, and as controversial a statement as this is, I think they're just terrible people. Murderers are real jerks."

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I personally think they should find a way to retool KotFE content to work in a group setting, at least in a way so that other players can get proper credit when running the content together.


There are a few ways I think this could be done. One would be a perspective conversion, so that all group members see a different cut scene and end result. In this case, it might mean that different NPCs and/or comps are present on a players screen than another in the group.


The other way could be where group members are "ride-alongs", that are given a conversation choice during the encounter, similar to how current group content is drafted. Exactly how that would spell out as far as choices and available companions may need some tweaking.


Either way, I feel it is important to provide a way that players can play the content in KotFE together, and I personally feel it was an oversight to design it in a way that seemed to discourage grouping.


Moving forward, I think it is important to make sure that ALL of this new episodic content is group capable.

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What fighting? I mentioned the fact that such people exist, what I thought of them, and why those people make people not want to group. It's no different than saying "There are people who commit murder, and as controversial a statement as this is, I think they're just terrible people. Murderers are real jerks."


"Fighting fire with fire" is an expression. It doesn't mean literally fighting. But when you are calling people a cesspool of subhumans or somethin like that, then you are in fact insulting them. It's doesn't matter whether or not that's true, but the forum rules basically prohibit insulting people and so it makes sense they warned you.


Your example of saying that there are people who commit murder is a far cry from saying people belong to a cesspool of subhumans. Just because they behave inappropriately doesn't suddenly make it ok for others to do so as well. Such are the forum rules.


I suspect you didn't get any infraction points, so it's just a message to tone it down just a notch. Nothing more.

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