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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I have made -4372 Credits in 8 hours of Slicing...


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This is with 3 companions out most of the time, 4 out sometimes, 400 level slicing, doing Rich level 41-49, The Automated Saboteur and Be Careful What You Read whenever available. As of 3 hours into this 8 hour period, The Automated Saboteur disappeared and I haven't seen it since. During this time I also got 3 purple missions and 7 blue missions. That is all.


So yes. In 8 hours of grinding Slicing, I have lost over 4k credits. This is not to mention all the crew skill time that was wasted.


Please, tell your story of slicing misery here.


I'm sure those purple missions won't net.you a profit. /sarcasm off


I'm sure you have your companions affection maxed for Max efficiency /sarcasm off


Maybe you should go out and gather some nodes with your gathering skill? Or try to sell your gathered materials? Oh wait you maxed your slicing like others and now out supply the market because a lot of players don't need augments yet. You're only operating at a loss because you're doing it wrong.

Edited by DrGHouse
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I've been keeping track of all slicing missions since the patch. Here's what I've found across 121 missions so far.


Overall Profit/Loss: +12,910 (+107 per mission)


Profit/Loss for Rich and Bountiful only: +1,409 over 57 missions (+25 per mission)


Profit/Loss for Rich & Bountiful Level 3+: +2,403 over 39 missions (+62 per mission)


This of course doesn't count mission discoveries, of which I had 18 over 121 missions.


I'm only up to level 4 missions. I'll update as I get higher.


As it stands now, Slicing doesn't seem to be overpowered in the least. If you average 107 credits per mission, that seems on par with or lower than mission skill output. I'm making more than 100 credits average per mission for all my mission skills. For the higher level skills - 3+, I can make more than 300 credits per mission.


Hrm... Slicing at level 3 nets me 109 per mission. Other mission skills can get me triple that or more.


Yah, let's nerf Slicing. That's the ticket.


Why did they do this?

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I've been keeping track of all slicing missions since the patch.

I'm only up to level 4 missions. I'll update as I get higher.


As it stands now, Slicing doesn't seem to be overpowered in the least. If you average 107 credits per mission, that seems on par with or lower than mission skill output. I'm making more than 100 credits average per mission for all my mission skills. For the higher level skills - 3+, I can make more than 300 credits per mission.


Hrm... Slicing at level 3 nets me 109 per mission. Other mission skills can get me triple that or more.


Yah, let's nerf Slicing. That's the ticket.


Why did they do this?


My dear friend the issue is that if you are sending for higher level missions that cost 2K each, you get back like 500 and not just 1-2 times but majority of times. yesterday may be 1 time I got more than what I spend on mission. that is retarded.


People forget this that Slicing is also a gathering missions but unlike other gathering missions you get inly money and few times things to sell or use so unless you are making good money from it, it is not profitable like these days.

Dont confuse slicing with Bio analysis or Diplomacy or other gathering professions because you can pretty much sell what you gather every time.


You guys defending this nerf are pathetic. Its obvious that it went too far.


Even on the best missions you barely make any profit, if at all, and most of the time you lose money.


Because they always try to be wise asses

Edited by Yummymango
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I started with 2.5k credits on my alt after moving past earning from slicing to my main ... after 3 round trips with 2 companions (couldn't afford to send 3rd :)) I still can't afford to send 3rd. Seems like I get around 15%-30% extra of what I invest. That means if I send companions on 6k worth of missions an hour I will get 1k-2k profit xD That's not good. Edited by Repefe
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