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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf Operatives


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There have been a few nerf this class and nerf that class threads popping up lately as we get closer to 5.0 release.


We've not seen a nerf Operatives thread in a long time and I wanted to make sure that Operatives didn't feel left out.


So Bio, please nerf them for no other reason than they are annoying and they're Operatives. :p

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Yeah volatile goes thru saber reflect. I think it should just kill the operative immediately if they apply it during saber reflect. In fact, it's high time juggs got some real cooldowns like mercs.


Yah, juggs cooldowns are pretty much useless. If someone cc's them or escapes combat their cooldown will run out and not benefit them. This also ONLY works against juggs, it's about time jugg stances include a passive regen of 1k health per second. Which of course wouldn't be enough. Mad dash should be usable twice every 10 seconds.

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Yah, juggs cooldowns are pretty much useless. If someone cc's them or escapes combat their cooldown will run out and not benefit them. This also ONLY works against juggs, it's about time jugg stances include a passive regen of 1k health per second. Which of course wouldn't be enough. Mad dash should be usable twice every 10 seconds.


And the poor rage juggs lose most of their damage if they change to soresu to use guard. That's not acceptable - guard should be usable in all stances.

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And the poor rage juggs lose most of their damage if they change to soresu to use guard. That's not acceptable - guard should be usable in all stances.


I should be able to guard guarded players. Tanks should be able to guard each other. I should be able to use inverse guard on enemies so half the dmg I take is transmitted to them.

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buff juggs :rolleyes:


Tbh swapping ravage from tank and ravage from DPS and making AoE fear to stop ticking dots will be enough.

I wonder how many people still believe dps jugg is overpowered AND someone uses skanking in dps spec. Skanking is pure idiotism that make you die faster and also kill your dmg.

Edited by DerSchneider
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It's become quite obvious to me that some players don't even play anything but juggs. I don't think they understand how other classes work in this game. I mean if someone is going to list their two mains as a Juggernaut and Guardian just further proves my point. It's pointless to argue against biased players who want juggs to be the most OP class in the game. I would rather listen to someone rant about operatives stunlocking them a billion times than hear about how weak and underpowered and the need for buffs on juggs. Edited by VixenRawR
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It's become quite obvious to me that you don't even play anything but juggs. I don't think you understand how other classes work in this game. The fact that your two mains are listed as a Juggernaut and Guardian just further proves my point. You are biased and want juggs to be the most OP class in the game. I would rather listen to someone rant about operatives stunlocking them a billion times than hear about how weak and underpowered and the need for buffs on juggs.


Anyways you are no longer worth my time to reply to. Have a good day.


Don't want to ruin your amazing theory, but I have:

Tier 1 jugg and guardian ofc

Tier 1 sorc and sage

Tier 1 mara and sent

Tier 1 scoundrel

Sniper and commando with 1500+ rating

Tryharding as deception assassin atm, a bit unlucky but feels good.


The only class I don't enter yolo is powertech dps, because l2p issue.

I don't like showing off, but since you asked... If it's not on my signature doesn't mean I'm not playing it.


The only thing I want is to make vengeance a viable spec in duels. Because for this moment I would take rage against any class except merc/powertech perhaps.

Oh, have a good day too.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Yeah volatile goes thru saber reflect. I think it should just kill the operative immediately if they apply it during saber reflect. In fact, it's high time juggs got some real cooldowns like mercs.


heh. that's a couple well played sarcastic posts recently. you're coming up aces. :rak_03:

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Don't want to ruin your amazing theory, but I have:

Tier 1 jugg and guardian ofc

Tier 1 sorc and sage

Tier 1 mara and sent

Tier 1 scoundrel

Sniper and commando with 1500+ rating

Tryharding as deception assassin atm, a bit unlucky but feels good.


The only class I don't enter yolo is powertech dps, because l2p issue.

I don't like showing off, but since you asked... If it's not on my signature doesn't mean I'm not playing it.


The only thing I want is to make vengeance a viable spec in duels. Because for this moment I would take rage against any class except merc/powertech perhaps.

Oh, have a good day too.


lol ownd.


if flop were still stalking the forums, you'd get quite an earful about how yolo ranked doesn't prove anything. you're prolly just a cheater. so on and so forth. so...let this reply fill the void. :p

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lol ownd.


if flop were still stalking the forums, you'd get quite an earful about how yolo ranked doesn't prove anything. you're prolly just a cheater. so on and so forth. so...let this reply fill the void. :p


Yolo doesn't mean anything since it's full of evil queue manipulators, hackers and wintraders. Yep.

But on the other hand, if we don't count yolo as legit pvp then mercs are pretty strong class atm. And snipers. And sorc healers aren't a huge problem anymore :)

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Don't want to ruin your amazing theory, but I have:

Tier 1 jugg and guardian ofc

Tier 1 sorc and sage

Tier 1 mara and sent

Tier 1 scoundrel

Sniper and commando with 1500+ rating

Tryharding as deception assassin atm, a bit unlucky but feels good.


The only class I don't enter yolo is powertech dps, because l2p issue.

I don't like showing off, but since you asked... If it's not on my signature doesn't mean I'm not playing it.


The only thing I want is to make vengeance a viable spec in duels. Because for this moment I would take rage against any class except merc/powertech perhaps.

Oh, have a good day too.


Many people put stock in yolo's and many people don't. But good job on getting the rating either way. I also watched your duels in snaves event. Im just surprised. I'm sure you are a decent player, but it's hard to reconcile some of the things you have said in your posts to a ranked all-star. Some of it kind of reminded me a little (not nearly as bad mind you) of the rage evolixe had over arsenal getting that decoy buff. At that point it was just ridiculous to complain about something like that. Just absurd.


I, as well as many others, also think it's ridiculous to compare Merc defenses to jugg defenses with the premise that juggs have weak defenses. That is how many of your other recent posts came off. And so it just left me wondering.... Don't get me wrong...mercs shouldn't have a juggs level of defenses, but to even put them on anywhere near the same level is pretty absurd. Mercs main survivability comes from team support and really knowing how to kite well and self heal when you have the opportunity. Juggs have very good cooldowns. Not as good as maras in my opinion, but still very good. Way better than something like a powertech too.


So, I think that's where this whole argument is stemming from...your rating states that you are most likely a decent player, but some of your recent posts make it seem like you are either heavily biased or misunderstanding something about pvp. Most of us really are heavily biased. For example, I'd still hate and complain about sorcs even if all of their attacks were put on a 10 second cast subject to 80% additional pushback. But that's just the bias talking. So take that for what it's worth....

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and self heal when you have the opportunity.


nothing to do with the point of your post (a theme of mine today!), but it's not even about "opportunity" it's about dumping your rail buff into your self heal. I'll do it after just one tracer tbh. but it really smarts when you have to do it after 3. :(


then again, mercs still have a lot of the old 1.x design to them where they require trinity. juggs were one of the first of the "new breed" of disciplines that didn't require tanks to dps. that said, he's right about ED. ED was the first WTH? dcd, but it's nothing compared to PW, lolroll, barrier + bastion

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nothing to do with the point of your post (a theme of mine today!), but it's not even about "opportunity" it's about dumping your rail buff into your self heal. I'll do it after just one tracer tbh. but it really smarts when you have to do it after 3. :(


then again, mercs still have a lot of the old 1.x design to them where they require trinity. juggs were one of the first of the "new breed" of disciplines that didn't require tanks to dps. that said, he's right about ED. ED was the first WTH? dcd, but it's nothing compared to PW, lolroll, barrier + bastion


Yeah the tracer buffs do help get some good heals in for arsenal. Maybe opportunity cost is better wording. Do you really want a nice heal or do you want to get a 17k rail shot. Choice choices...

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Biggest things people complain about ops: concealment roll, heals, and cc.


Remove immunity from roll. Remove self heals. Remove evasion and shield probe. Make flashbang single target or only last 6 seconds. Give them marauder-like defensive cooldowns. Heck even replace cloaking screen with something like camo. You can even top it off by removing sleep dart. Buff their damage moderately or don't buff (QQ level would be the same either way I bet).


They would have strong cooldowns that aren't gimmicky. All those globals used on rolls and heals would be replaced with damage. I bet the QQ would never end. There would be just as much QQ as their currently is. People would complain because ops would actually be able to survive while dealing damage. They wouldn't have the longevity they have now, but they would be much more dangerous.


I would be interested to see what the community's reaction would be.

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