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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

TFP: Difficulty


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My wife and I have been pairing up to do the flashpoints in SM difficulty for the DvL requirements; at least the non-solo-mode-available ones; and it's been a LOT easier than I expected to do. I've got an Inf 26-ish Aric set to heal, paired with my L65 Trooper tank (204 PvP gear); she's running a mid-50s gunslinger with an Inf 15 Corso (and the boss gear drops are generally upgrades).


But we've been able to basically brute-force the bosses with only a couple of exceptions where you are forced to respect the mechanics by the nature of the mechanics. And in at least one case, I've run the same FP (Mandalorian Raiders) through GF and it felt harder (same char, lower level). It feels almost like the TFPs scale (a bit) to party size.


Anyway, if you don't feel like pugging the FPs through GF, it's quite possible to run through as a pair; though I would expect that it also depends on your own classes.


The only TFPs we haven't done as a pair are the CZ-198 ones (haven't gotten around to it yet), and the FPs with story mode (we're at different places in our class stories, and we've done those together on other chars anyway. I'm probably solidly in the middle of the skills bell curve in the game, at least in PvE (in PvP I get my gluteus maximus handed to me on a regular basis).

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My wife and I have been pairing up to do the flashpoints in SM difficulty for the DvL requirements; at least the non-solo-mode-available ones; and it's been a LOT easier than I expected to do. I've got an Inf 26-ish Aric set to heal, paired with my L65 Trooper tank (204 PvP gear); she's running a mid-50s gunslinger with an Inf 15 Corso (and the boss gear drops are generally upgrades).


But we've been able to basically brute-force the bosses with only a couple of exceptions where you are forced to respect the mechanics by the nature of the mechanics. And in at least one case, I've run the same FP (Mandalorian Raiders) through GF and it felt harder (same char, lower level). It feels almost like the TFPs scale (a bit) to party size.


Anyway, if you don't feel like pugging the FPs through GF, it's quite possible to run through as a pair; though I would expect that it also depends on your own classes.


The only TFPs we haven't done as a pair are the CZ-198 ones (haven't gotten around to it yet), and the FPs with story mode (we're at different places in our class stories, and we've done those together on other chars anyway. I'm probably solidly in the middle of the skills bell curve in the game, at least in PvE (in PvP I get my gluteus maximus handed to me on a regular basis).


you can actually run them pretty quick with 2 38+ dps with level 14 comps, one set to heal, one to dps. And it is pretty painless.

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This falls under the header "sad but true". The best way to do tactical flashpoints is to do it with 1-2 companions. Some FPs are near impossible to get through in tactical mode especially if you're a group of DPS.


If you ran into a boss you couldn't kill, basically the best option is to kick a player and bring out a companion...suddenly it's a piece of cake. It's basically because companions are not affected by some of the more dangerous mechanics in certain boss fights.


You are quite right with your assessment but it's sad that doing these fp's with companions is actually much easier than doing them with a full group of players. That's just the world upside down really.

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This falls under the header "sad but true". The best way to do tactical flashpoints is to do it with 1-2 companions. Some FPs are near impossible to get through in tactical mode especially if you're a group of DPS.


And that's why you don't learn how to do them properly. I don't even know anymore how many times I've been in group where players don't know how to do desert boss in Core Meltdown. Usually it goes like this: I taunt the boss and run to green glowing generator, one dps who stands at door or middle of area taunts the boss and leads the boss to where player chooses to stand (at the door or in middle of area). Or just something very simple like clicking the koltos when whoever is tanking the boss is at low hp. Some players just don't know how to do it.


Actually fastest and easiest way to do tacticals is in group of 4 dps and everyone knows the fights. For example Athiss or Mandalorian Raiders are very easy if everyone know the boss fights. Corp Labs and Core Meltdown are easy if everyone knows the boss fights. Sure, there are boss fights that can be very difficult if some of the group members don't know the fights (Jos&Valk, desert boss in Core Meltdown, Ortuno).

Edited by Halinalle
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Or just something very simple like clicking the koltos when whoever is tanking the boss is at low hp. Some players just don't know how to do it.


This. I've seen it so many times. I was in a pug the other day, fighting Rasmus, and 2 of the dps were ranged (sniper and merc) were both standing within clicking distance of the kolto terminal. I was on a madness sorc and was tanking. Anyone who knows this fight, knows how far away the terminals are. I had to run past the merc and sniper to get to the kolto. I ended up clicking the sniper twice, (they were that close that I had a hard time selecting the terminal until I changed my camera angle) before managing to hit the terminal just before taking a dirt-nap.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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This. I've seen it so many times. I was in a pug the other day, fighting Rasmus, and 2 of the dps were ranged (sniper and merc) were both standing within clicking distance of the kolto terminal. I was on a madness sorc and was tanking. Anyone who knows this fight, knows how far away the terminals are. I had to run past the merc and sniper to get to the kolto. I ended up clicking the sniper twice, (they were that close that I had a hard time selecting the terminal until I changed my camera angle) before managing to hit the terminal just before taking a dirt-nap.


I try and get a DPS to take "ownership" of the Kolto terminals before we start, when I'm pugging (or do it myself if I'm DPSing). Politely ask "OK, who's going to be doing the kolto station healing today?" It works a certain amount of the time

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You can 2 man many of the HMs that don't ahve mechanics requiring a 3rd or 4th player to actually do something and not stand still like companions do. Essles, Black Talon, False emperor, Kaon, Maelstrom Prison, Foundry, Tarel V, Boarding Party all come to mind as workable 2 manning with companions.
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You can 2 man many of the HMs that don't ahve mechanics requiring a 3rd or 4th player to actually do something and not stand still like companions do. Essles, Black Talon, False emperor, Kaon, Maelstrom Prison, Foundry, Tarel V, Boarding Party all come to mind as workable 2 manning with companions.


Our plan is to try them as HM next. Other than Colicoid Wargames, what HM FPs have 4-man mechanics these days? (And I note that CWG has been heavily deprecated, it's not in group finder in SM, and it's not a required FP for DvL)

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Our plan is to try them as HM next. Other than Colicoid Wargames, what HM FPs have 4-man mechanics these days? (And I note that CWG has been heavily deprecated, it's not in group finder in SM, and it's not a required FP for DvL)


Lost Island, unless you're a master at avoiding stupid and micromanaging your companions to avoid stupid as well.


Blood Hunt. Way too much stupid to avoid, and dealing with adds throughout the whole Krymala fight. There's no time to micromanage companions.


Depths of Manaan: Would require lots of companion micromanaging there as well, while avoiding, and containing stupid to limited areas (Ortuno specifically).


Battle of Rishi may be doable, but it would be very difficult. Lots of Big stupid to move out of while trying to micromanage your companion.


In fact, I don't think any of the Forged Alliances can be duo'd in HM. I may be wrong, but I don't think so. The final boss fights are totally different than solo and tactical. For example: In Tython, the collapsing ceiling is constant, so you have to be moving the entire fight.

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Lost Island, unless you're a master at avoiding stupid and micromanaging your companions to avoid stupid as well.


Blood Hunt. Way too much stupid to avoid, and dealing with adds throughout the whole Krymala fight. There's no time to micromanage companions.


Depths of Manaan: Would require lots of companion micromanaging there as well, while avoiding, and containing stupid to limited areas (Ortuno specifically).


Battle of Rishi may be doable, but it would be very difficult. Lots of Big stupid to move out of while trying to micromanage your companion.


In fact, I don't think any of the Forged Alliances can be duo'd in HM. I may be wrong, but I don't think so. The final boss fights are totally different than solo and tactical. For example: In Tython, the collapsing ceiling is constant, so you have to be moving the entire fight.


"Soft" mechanics, then. And some of the earlier FPs have that issue as well, based on my TFP experiences.


Thanks for the advice.

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Our plan is to try them as HM next. Other than Colicoid Wargames, what HM FPs have 4-man mechanics these days? (And I note that CWG has been heavily deprecated, it's not in group finder in SM, and it's not a required FP for DvL)


You can't even get inside the colicoid FP anymore. The terminal is there but you cannot interact with it. Only those of us that did it while it was available have the achievments for it.

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You can't even get inside the colicoid FP anymore. The terminal is there but you cannot interact with it. Only those of us that did it while it was available have the achievments for it.


I interacted with it, it was Impside, but i've interacted with it. It doesn't have a Solo Mode (like Lost Island and Kaon don't have Solo modes either, I'm not sure, does Red Reaper have a Solo mode? I know it has a Tact mode, so I think it does...), however. It has Story Mode and only Story Mode

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I interacted with it, it was Impside, but i've interacted with it. It doesn't have a Solo Mode (like Lost Island and Kaon don't have Solo modes either, I'm not sure, does Red Reaper have a Solo mode? I know it has a Tact mode, so I think it does...), however. It has Story Mode and only Story Mode


The only Solo Mode FPS are Esseles/BT, Taral V/Boarding Party, Maelstrom Prison/The Foundry, Directive 7, Battle For Ilum, The False Emperor, and the SoR FPs. The two Czerka ones are (allegedly) 2+, or they were marked that way the last time I had them in my mission logs.

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The only Solo Mode FPS are Esseles/BT, Taral V/Boarding Party, Maelstrom Prison/The Foundry, Directive 7, Battle For Ilum, The False Emperor, and the SoR FPs. The two Czerka ones are (allegedly) 2+, or they were marked that way the last time I had them in my mission logs.


Huh. I thought the Athis, Hammer, Cad, and Athiss also had solo modes. Haven't bother running solo modes since DvL started, so don't count on me being too reliable.

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First of all, there's no flashpoint called Athis in this game.

Second: Hammer Station, Athiss and Cademimu don't have solo mode because there's barely any story in there.


Hammer Station tactical: easily soloable as "worst dps class in the game" (aka Sentinel) with rank 30+ healer companion

Athiss tactical: easily soloable at 65 with rank 30+ healer companion, only last part before last boss can be difficult for someone who has never done it before (only pull one champion at a time).

Cademimu tactical: again soloable even though I haven't done it yet but I just don't see any mechanics that would require more players, Xander & EN-4C fight could be a bit tricky as melee class.

Edited by Halinalle
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First of all, there's no flashpoint called Athis in this game.

Second: Hammer Station, Athiss and Cademimu don't have solo mode because there's barely any story in there.


Hammer Station tactical: easily soloable as "worst dps class in the game" (aka Sentinel) with rank 30+ healer companion

Athiss tactical: easily soloable at 65 with rank 30+ healer companion, only last part before last boss can be difficult for someone who has never done it before (only pull one champion at a time).

Cademimu tactical: again soloable even though I haven't done it yet but I just don't see any mechanics that would require more players, Xander & EN-4C fight could be a bit tricky as melee class.


Typo. But your reasoning makes sense.

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Cademimu isn't actually that difficult as Jugg dps. Few trash pulls where inexperienced player like me starts to panic easily. But those can be bypassed by using scavenging at gate (I forgot to go test the pull after the gate because I didn't use that shortcut) and then slicing on taxi after first boss. First boss isn't that difficult as melee after all. Just respect hard mode mechanics (trap EN-4C and kill it). Second boss is pain if you want to spread your DoTs. I figured out how to do it though. It should be much easier as ranged class because you can just kite the adds around while damaging the boss. Last boss is pure tank ans spank with occasional companion management.


Xander & EN-4C:


General Ortol:


Bonus 1: Panic mode engaged

Bonus 2: You stupid noob

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