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Favorite moment/cutscene in your class story?


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With the new season coming at some point.

I was wondering, what's people's favorite moment/cutscene and with what class?


Mine is as my Sith Warrior with Vette, buying Vette's sister's freedom.

Because of the hilariously responses he has :D


Sith Lord the jokester.

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I would say:


The scene after beating Nomen Karr in SW story. His incredulity is so satisfying, plus being able to lord over him the fact that he's a hypocrite. And then on top of that, Jaesa's surprise and eventual going over to your side.


It's just such a fun culmination of your efforts thus far.


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The end of the Warrior story when...



...Baras, obviously beaten, raves at the Dark Council to aid him, demanding they obay the "Emperor's Voice". It would be a pitiful site if it weren't so utterly satisfying. Striking him down is just the icing on the cake after that.



Another one would be in the Smuggler storyline when I...



...had a slicer put out a rumor that Skavek had all kinds of nasty STDs. :D



And then there's the Inquisitor ending. Every second of that was just epic as all heck, but this scene, this one right here...





...still gives me chills.

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Two of my favorites occur early in the Sith Warrior story.



The first one is your first real task for Baras, where he sends you to retrieve his carbonite prisoner. Some rivals show up just as the crew is unloading the ship, and they intend on stealing the prisoner from you. The warrior can convince them to fight over it first and then he, vette, and the crew all walk out cool as a cucumber while your rivals are killing each other.




Another that I really liked was the end of the warrior's Balmorra arc when you confront Baras' spy. How soulcrushing for that poor republic trooper to learn he was going to die for nothing and that he'd been betrayed. I played as something more of an honorable warrior, which made the cutscene feel more epic. The spy and the warrior circle each other preparing to fight, the spy asks the warrior about his son (who the warrior killed earlier because he was a security risk), and lied to him and said his son accepted his fate like a man instead of the truth, that he wet himself and died begging and crying. It just felt like a pretty epic end to Balmorra and was so much more satisfying than the darker dialogue options I tried out.



Two more of my favorites for the bounty hunter on Alderaan.

, and when a Thul noble



And some Smuggler gems.


I also love the part of Corso's companion story arc where he unwittingly becomes a drug mule and when he finds out it's spice he was smuggling the smuggler goes "you didn't seriously think we were smuggling cough syrup, did you?"


And Corso's mildly racist line on Nar Shaddaa, talking about Drooga's blue twi'lek assistant guy. "Maybe that blue-headed fella back at Drooga's knows something." My twi'lek smuggler goes "that blue-headed fella has a name, Corso." Corso then comments on how the guy talks funny.


Or on Alderaan when you deliver the droid to the noble family and they tell you if they try the wrong code to open it it could explode. The smuggler goes "whoa!" and conspicuously steps far away from it.


Or suggesting the republic re-names the Shanjaru after you for acquiring DNA samples to save the species.


"Quicker than you can say a vrblthrs's vibroblade!" Corso tries and fails to say it.


Just about all the sarcastic dialogue with your chaperone on Voss.


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The first one is your first real task for Baras, where he sends you to retrieve his carbonite prisoner. Some rivals show up just as the crew is unloading the ship, and they intend on stealing the prisoner from you. The warrior can convince them to fight over it first and then he, vette, and the crew all walk out cool as a cucumber while your rivals are killing each other.

Omg, this is one of my favorites. I crack up every time. :D


It's great if you choose to threaten them too. The reactions are priceless.

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My favorite part of each story ?


Let see...


Sith Inquisitor :

on Balmorra . God..I dunno why I love that part . But killing that idiot sith that got locked , then his daddy go all nuts on me lol



Sith Warrior : Too many to names..


but my favorite would be :

the 1st fight on Balmorra . I took the honorable path and when you circle the guy with your blade...Ah I wish we had more like that .



Agent :

oh god..too many ..but if I have to pick one : getting brainwashed . It is so well done , I find the chapter stressing like hell . By the end....my Agent was going insane and felt like everyone was responsible ..no more loyalty..they all die . So much fun though !



Bounty Hunter :

finally getting our hand on that idiot who killed our team .



Repb side :


Jedi consular : Loved chapter 1 ..but one part I loved was on Belsavis .

There is this moment where it get funny and Jedi consular laugh . Loved that .



Jedi Knight :

Hum....chasing that watcher spie and putting a bullet and then get robbed cose he commit suicide..wait..I hated that part !!! lol



Smuggler : too many moment were Gold .

But one that stand out...everytime you have to deal with a terminal and smuggler start hitting it . Still make me laugh !



Trooper :

Mostly if you play an arrogant Trooper who keep bragging , it piss off Garza so much..Love it .


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Literally every moment as the Sith Warrior was epic and made you feel truly powerful but my all time favorite would probably be...




After beating Nomen Karr, exposing his dark side corruption and corrupting Jaesa to the dark side as well, having her strike down her master was awesome. The subtle musical cue of the dark side (the same one that plays during this scene in ROTS

) makes it such a chilling scene.



Truly, the Sith Warrior class felt so much more like a Sidious type character than the Inquisitor ever did.

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Omg, this is one of my favorites. I crack up every time. :D


It's great if you choose to threaten them too. The reactions are priceless.


I went with the threaten/bluff option too with my Pureblood Warrior. Her expression was wonderfully demented in full scene chewing mode which was made funnier when she went back to looking normal and admitting she was bluffing all along.

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Among my favourite scenes are:

Jedi Knight:


The final (okay maybe not so final) confrontation with the voice of the Emperor during the act 3 finale. It's just epic.


Sith Warrior:


On Tatooine as a lightsided Sith warrior there is that one quest where you enter a strange oasis and then have to fihgt and overcome your own darkness. I thought that to be really great and it's one of the reasons why Light side Sith warrior is my favourtie class.


Sith Inquisitor:


Once more a lightside only moment, when you can redeem all your force ghost through the lightside. The scene in my opinion was just really awesome, in a way that no darkside choice ever was, and heartwarming at the same time.


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Sith Inquisitor :

on Balmorra . God..I dunno why I love that part . But killing that idiot sith that got locked , then his daddy go all nuts on me lol

That one was extra sweet with sugar on top of the sugar on top for my DvL Sorc.



She goes to all that trouble to break the son out of his cell, and the ungrateful *wretch* starts mouthing off about being rescued by "alien filth"... (The said DvL Sorc is a BT1 Rattataki, the source of much epicness in Chapter X of KotFE(1), but she is by no means human.)



(1) Do I *have* to explain the epicness of these two skinny Rattataki women running around Zakuul blowing stuff up? By the blindest of coincidences, they also have the same head shape, so it's almost like a pair of identical twin sisters.


As for the theme of the thread:

JC: The *Prologue* on Tython. For me, the whole sequence, from arrival to being sent on to Coruscant, is the *best*, most epic, of all the class story prologues.


JK: almost any part of it that isn't part of Chapter 2. (Except Quesh. The Quesh sequence is during Chapter 2, but isn't really part of it.)


Smuggler: Hot rebel women, duh. (And my only finished Smuggler is a girl, too.)


Trooper: Can I nominate something on Rishi? If so, then being able to ...


tell Garza I'd be seeing her rot in jail for what she did.



SI: The Balmorra thing was good, but the Big Fight with Thanaton and its immediate aftermath has to take top spot.


SW: Tormenting Baras on Dromund Kaas while he is interrogating the prisoner.


BH: I disliked this story enough that most of it qualifies not so much as "favourite" as "least disliked". If there was an option to slaughter Skadge, I would not hesitate to nominate that moment.


IA: I'll say much the same about the IA story, although I did enjoy finding species-selection dialogue holes for Rattataki Agents. As for actual scenes, the stand-out one is reserved for female agents on Hutta.


Some dude whose name escapes me threatens to expose you as not being the Red Blade, and female agents can sleep with him to guarantee his silence. It's a winner mostly for being the earliest class-story fade-to-black - when my first agent did that sequence, back in 2.X, I think, she was level 3....


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and killing him..lol first time I made my Sith Sorc..I didn't know we could . I made a new Sorc just to KILL Him...was so worth it ! :D


The LS option is pretty satisfying in its own way too.



You, the slave he spent your entire time on Korriban looking down on, just wave your hand and he gives you and Xalek his lightsaber and wishes you both well. It's gotta be the most straight-up humiliating use of force-persuade in this game. :D


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Arguably my favorite moment out of all classes is at the end of the SI story when..



Thanaton lunges for one final strike after you've beaten him and you stop his swing (without using your own lightsaber) and use the force to make him bow to you in front of the dark council.


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My favorite is with the bounty hunter:



On Alderaan where a noble is acting high and mighty, too big to deal with us, so we beat him up until he gives up. So satisfying to put snobbish nobility in its place. Plus the noble who hired you didn't even mind. It seems that particular noble is an annoyance, even to other nobles.


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I went with the threaten/bluff option too with my Pureblood Warrior. Her expression was wonderfully demented in full scene chewing mode which was made funnier when she went back to looking normal and admitting she was bluffing all along.

Haha, I love it.

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Sith Inquisitor. I just love annoying Harkun. Harkun is the real mvp of swtor.


oh absolutely! One, I love the fact that you start as a freed slave as its a nice departure from the Warrior's background. And for sure there is no end to the snug joy of showing Harkun up at every turn, I would say my favourite line from that would be when he sends you out to your second tomb run and you get to reply " yes I get it already, you send me into a tomb to do the impossible, hoping I die and I come back and prove you wrong" It works especially well with the female Inquisitor, the actress is amazing.


My other favourite inquisitor line is:

Harkun: Slave what took you so long?

Inquisitor: well Lord Zash stopped me in the hall to tell me how amazing I am, and then we got to talking and I guess I lost track of time.

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Tweaking Baras every chance I get. "RAAAAAAAAGH! Apprentice *why* do you task me so?!?" Never gets old. I didn't intend to run through the story again but I've gotten caught up in it again on my DvL Jugg :D


My hands down favorite cutscene is from the Smuggler storyline.



My male Smuggler is an inveterate flirt, especially with Corso as his wingman. Every time he hits on a woman "Corso approves" except when it's Corso's cousin.


While that one ranks up there my fav. is on Tatooine when you're teamed up with that female Jedi. The flirts get more outrageous yet. she. just. doesn't. take. the. hint. I seem to remember the final flirt was pretty blunt and *whoooooosh* right over her head. The smug's look was just priceless.




gah... now I want to play the smuggler story again.

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Egging Barras on is a great source of joy but I am finding even more joy in the Inquisitor line, I think it will quickly become my favourite. Not just for the player responses but there are some great lines from the NPCs too.


Lord Zash: I had come to see the hopefuls off on their trial ... where is whats his name.... mm the red one.


I had to cancel the scene just to play it over, wish I had been recording that.

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The LS option is pretty satisfying in its own way too.



You, the slave he spent your entire time on Korriban looking down on, just wave your hand and he gives you and Xalek his lightsaber and wishes you both well. It's gotta be the most straight-up humiliating use of force-persuade in this game. :D


I never done LS SIth Sorc , because to me it beg for a DS playtrough .


so wait , you use force persuade on him ? Wow...



But doesn't he get back at you ? since he is Thanathon lackey ? that's why I wanted to his corpse kissing the floor . He was Thanathon lackey . and also , to get ride of him from the academy . He got so many slaves killed .


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oh absolutely! One, I love the fact that you start as a freed slave as its a nice departure from the Warrior's background. And for sure there is no end to the snug joy of showing Harkun up at every turn, I would say my favourite line from that would be when he sends you out to your second tomb run and you get to reply " yes I get it already, you send me into a tomb to do the impossible, hoping I die and I come back and prove you wrong" It works especially well with the female Inquisitor, the actress is amazing.


My other favourite inquisitor line is:

Harkun: Slave what took you so long?

Inquisitor: well Lord Zash stopped me in the hall to tell me how amazing I am, and then we got to talking and I guess I lost track of time.


Or when you say something like : was just smelling the blood :D


and he goes : you are just digging your grave slave


and I go : *stick tongue out*

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Egging Barras on is a great source of joy but I am finding even more joy in the Inquisitor line, I think it will quickly become my favourite. Not just for the player responses but there are some great lines from the NPCs too.


Lord Zash: I had come to see the hopefuls off on their trial ... where is whats his name.... mm the red one.


I had to cancel the scene just to play it over, wish I had been recording that.


Sorc: eat them both Khem !


Fon: *Start shaking like a leaf*


Sorc: *Droole* make sure you finish your plate khem ! :D

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The final duel with Thanaton both on Corellia and Korriban,at Corellia you can correct him and remind him of the last line of the sith code,and Korriban you prove your worth to the entire Council playing with Thanaton's body like a rag doll(also as somebody else commented it the scene with ROTJ music and you glowing with ghostly power was very well done).
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