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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

OP's and KOTET


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Things like Dread Masters turned those who were into story against operations- Shadow of Revan was just the perfect way to handle it, a story solo mode and an operation, either working to conclude the story. If any story is relevant enough to need an arc like the whole Dread War quest chain, it needs a solo mode and it's a moot topic in terms of Bioware have come out and said it was a mistake and won't happen again. I get your point about being able to start something you can't finish and the thing they don't get is that part of people not caring about operations is because there are people who don't think it's a problem to lock story content behind it. All we need is for both groups to always defend the other's right to their chosen content, i.e. solo story mode access and an operation access.


I've OCD, pretty bad anxiety to the point I'm strongly averse to being around people- the game allows me interaction where I don't need to worry about touch. I'm not into raiding per se, but I do enjoy group stuff along with solo. I can't handle talking with a headset, so mostly I hear my guild on our team speak and type back. High pressure, mostly pushed on me by anxiety and broken routine can get to me and I have to take a break and go do solo things all by myself because I'm headed into anxiety attacks over perceived lack of capability. I'll get migraines so I'm sensitive of how I'm feeling and will avoid group stuff whenever I feel like I'm that way.


I agree with you, and I do think Shadow of Revan was the best way to handle it. That to me was a beautiful expansion. I really enjoyed the whole experience start to finish. Even now, revisiting that content brings a smile to my face. There were elements that could have been strengthened plot-wise, but I suppose there is always something that could stand improvement. The design was near perfect though...I felt like I was vital to the story, I knew what was going on, I got to play through some good fights, lots of memorable characters. There were Ops for the Opsers and as a soloer I didn't feel like I was at all diminished in the grand scheme of it. In fact I felt pretty good about it. :)


As you say, the key is supporting each other as a community, defend each other's right to chosen content. SoR was proof we can have it all. And thank you for sharing your experiences too. It really does help to know that there are others who struggle with things. :)

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I will do just that, thank you, and have done so for other things before...but it's not quite the same as experiencing it yourself with your own toon. It's never as much fun when you see an unfamiliar character going through. May not matter to some...but it matters to me.


With the godbot buddy, we should be able to have the best of both worlds...story people can see and experience the story (without rewards/prizes) and those who love OPs more than life itself, well they can do them all they like and get all the lovely rewards they've earned and deserve. I'm all for it. No reason why anyone has to go without. :)


The thing is Luna, that wouldn't be good enough for others. Actually I have no issue with them making solo OPs with no rewards, but what would happen, is the same thing that the HK thread very clearly shows. People complaining they are being "punished" for playing the OP solo, by not getting the same said rewards, and it would be an endless argument here on the forums.


Are you in a guild? I know some people are nervous about it, and you do go through some crappy guilds until you find a good one. But a good guild (like ours) would actually just run you through story, and pick up any slack that you didn't feel you could accomplish, and probably give you the set gear to boot.


It is like OPs in general, there is a good portion of "story" people that take glee in the fact that we are not getting the content WE enjoy. And try to instigate fights on the forums in regards to it.


So yes, in theory, a solo OPs would be a good idea. WITHOUT the rewards. But that will never happen because of the rancor, and protest by some people on the forums.

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Yes the DM's were one-dimensional -- kill the galaxy and all that. But the whole plot line spans 4 operations, and every planet in the galaxy (at that time) via the dreadseed quest line. The Dread Masters were content-rich, and Oricon was chock-full of things to do. It was a dark, scary, and difficult planet.

Content-rich =/= good story. Content variety IS important as this is a game rather than a movie, but in the end if the story is weak it's just weak and not even the greatest gameplay ever will salvage it. As a game, it will still be enjoyable but it will be a game with bad story.


Then we have... what?

RotHC: Makeb. need I say more?

SoR: come onnnnnn! Talk about milking KOTOR on a weak storyline. Yavin was cool at least.

KOTFE: **** off. The emperor you killed appears in uncharted space at the head of a vast empire. Then what? I woudnt know. The premise is so weak, and the fights so boring I couldn't get past the first 10 chapters. .

Yes. The Emperor is a thinly written character who has overstayed his welcome far too long. But the difference with KOTFE is that the story is about so much more than just Vititate/Valkorion. Senya and her children, Scorio/Gemini/Gravestone/Luminous Engine, heavily altered balance of powers in the galaxy and the effects of it, Zakuul culture and society, a whole bnuch of new and returning key supporting characters & companions. There's mystery in the story, there are twists, multifaced layers, tons of characters adding to it. Everything a story should strive for to at least attempt to pull the player in.


In comparsion, the DM saga has basically nothing. No twists, no mystery, no real progress on anything. We just ship from one "monster of the day unleashed by the Dread Masters" to another.

Edited by Pietrastor
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Content-rich =/= good story. Content variety IS important as this is a game rather than a movie, but in the end if the story is weak it's just weak and not even the greatest gameplay ever will salvage it. As a game, it will still be enjoyable but it will be a game with bad story.


Yes. The Emperor is a thinly written character who has overstayed his welcome far too long. But the difference with KOTFE is that the story is about so much more than just Vititate/Valkorion. Senya and her children, Scorio/Gemini/Gravestone/Luminous Engine, heavily altered balance of powers in the galaxy and the effects of it, Zakuul culture and society, a whole bnuch of new and returning key supporting characters & companions. There's mystery in the story, there are twists, multifaced layers, tons of characters adding to it. Everything a story should strive for to at least attempt to pull the player in.


In comparsion, the DM saga has basically nothing. No twists, no mystery, no real progress on anything. We just ship from one "monster of the day unleashed by the Dread Masters" to another.


Apparently it's a good enough story for droves of people to demand they get to see the end of it. :D


I think you cannot hold this media type to the same criteria as literature. Because it's interactive. Or - at least it's supposed to be. That said, I understand there are people who may. I get it.


But your description of KotFE made me laugh. KotFE is a bloated mess drawn around the carrot on a stick of getting your companions back. After it took them away. Fans of this studio's other titles already know this story.


The mystery and intrigue? Hmmm. Let's see.


Koth stole my ship? Don't care. I'll either get it back or I won't need it.


Senya was the mom? How original.


Valkorian sounds like a late night psychic hotline infomercial. He's more annoying than the last season of Lost.


I swear, I won't be surprised if HK-58 comes waterskiing in as a shark goes by. I mean how could I be, when the droid that just fleet-jacked the main villain (who by the way apparently has only one Kryptonite - the shield carried by... oh yeah, his entire f-ing army) used to bunk in my ship.


You can name a million plot devices and yes, KotFE has a bunch of them. But I'll sit through the cutscene for Cartel Warlords 20 more times before I set foot in KotFE one more time. Because I'll get to fight them and kill them instead of watching immature family squabbles. This isn't a movie. It's a game. And if you're going to expect me to watch, rather than play - it needs to be hella better than this steaming pile.


There's no depth to this story. There's just a lot of filler. Vitiate is supposed to be pretty ******. Bad enough to seriously consider letting Yavin go supernova to stop. And how's Ziost doing? He basically ate everyone's life there for a carbo load. And now..... he hangs out in my head and does pretty much nothing while I basically run around looking for people like Kaliyo. Not for nothing, but if I'm starting a rebellion the first dude I'm hunting down is Khem. This **** would be over by now. Aric? Loser. Torian? Loser.


You can make the argument all day that gameplay doesn't count in judging story. Fine. I disagree but I see the point. But paint dripping down a wall has more depth than KotFE.

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The thing is Luna, that wouldn't be good enough for others. Actually I have no issue with them making solo OPs with no rewards, but what would happen, is the same thing that the HK thread very clearly shows. People complaining they are being "punished" for playing the OP solo, by not getting the same said rewards, and it would be an endless argument here on the forums.


Are you in a guild? I know some people are nervous about it, and you do go through some crappy guilds until you find a good one. But a good guild (like ours) would actually just run you through story, and pick up any slack that you didn't feel you could accomplish, and probably give you the set gear to boot.


It is like OPs in general, there is a good portion of "story" people that take glee in the fact that we are not getting the content WE enjoy. And try to instigate fights on the forums in regards to it.


So yes, in theory, a solo OPs would be a good idea. WITHOUT the rewards. But that will never happen because of the rancor, and protest by some people on the forums.


Actually just make the gear only usable in the ops. That way soloers have it if they want to see the story again and the groupers can have rewards for their chosen activity.

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From 2014 on there won't be any new operations. KOTET is a book end to the SWTOR story.


The reason you wont see any operations or flashpoints is because of one man: George Smith

8 months ago..........


George Smith (Raid designer) Leaves SWTOR to work on Mass Effect



"I wanted to say thank you for all the effort that you put into SWTOR over the years. I have enjoyed raiding in this game so much over the last few years. Some of my favorite memories the last 3 years are of killing bosses in SWTOR with my friends and guild mates. I wish you all the best of luck on Mass Effect!"


Nobody in Austin has any clue how to make group content. Notice that they usually break things when trying to update the gear drops.

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The thing is Luna, that wouldn't be good enough for others. Actually I have no issue with them making solo OPs with no rewards, but what would happen, is the same thing that the HK thread very clearly shows. People complaining they are being "punished" for playing the OP solo, by not getting the same said rewards, and it would be an endless argument here on the forums.


Are you in a guild? I know some people are nervous about it, and you do go through some crappy guilds until you find a good one. But a good guild (like ours) would actually just run you through story, and pick up any slack that you didn't feel you could accomplish, and probably give you the set gear to boot.


It is like OPs in general, there is a good portion of "story" people that take glee in the fact that we are not getting the content WE enjoy. And try to instigate fights on the forums in regards to it.


So yes, in theory, a solo OPs would be a good idea. WITHOUT the rewards. But that will never happen because of the rancor, and protest by some people on the forums.


I don't know what other people think about it, I can only speak for myself, but it's quite possible you're right...people like rewards. I don't care personally, I love stories enough, that they're my reward...anything else is a bonus. Im in a guild of one...me and my gazillion alts...and my hubby and his gazillion alts when he elects to play, but I'll take your advice into mind, thank you.


Rest assured I'm not one of those people that take glee in Ops people not getting the content they like. I don't believe in denying anyone the sort of content they like to play.


I suppose solo ops are something that might have to be tested, to see how people respond, but I think there wouldn't be any harm in having a solo op with no rewards. If it makes anyone feel better, they could even release it a few weeks after the original release, or at a point where the OP is old enough that many people don't care about doing it anymore. It was sort of that way with Korriban Incursion and Tython, Manaan, Rakata prime etc. When they put in the battle buddy bot, those were several months old and most had done them. I had a great time with those, and then SoR that followed. I think that expansion and the solo bot are a couple of the high points in this game for me. I had the best time :D And strongholds of course :D

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Content-rich =/= good story.

Yes. The Emperor is a thinly written character who has overstayed his welcome far too long. But the difference with KOTFE is that the story is about so much more than just Vititate/Valkorion. Senya and her children, Scorio/Gemini/Gravestone/Luminous Engine, heavily altered balance of powers in the galaxy and the effects of it, Zakuul culture and society, a whole bnuch of new and returning key supporting characters & companions. There's mystery in the story, there are twists, multifaced layers, tons of characters adding to it. Everything a story should strive for to at least attempt to pull the player in.


In comparsion, the DM saga has basically nothing. No twists, no mystery, no real progress on anything. We just ship from one "monster of the day unleashed by the Dread Masters" to another.


Regarding KOTFE: After 10 chapters, I'm ambivalent about Zakuul. I don't see or understand Arcann's motives. The Gravestone tripe is a predictable Starforge-like cliche (find super powerful new weapon!). Pretty much everything is a predictable cliche. Most of the characters have about as much depth as a Dreadmaster.


At least the Dreadmasters weren't pretending to be something that they aren't. And what I loved about the story was that in the end, the Dreadmasters were happy that they could be killed.


You can keep your spoon-fed chapter nonsense. :p

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Apparently it's a good enough story for droves of people to demand they get to see the end of it. :D
Or getting tired of the poor dragging story and demanding "wrap this ish up already and move onto something better". So yeah


But your description of KotFE made me laugh.
Why? I didn't say KOTFE is good or bad, I stated FACTS what it has as a story. Having tons of important secondary characters sans main villain is a simple fact. Just as that the Dread Masters story doesn't have any important secondary characters. Having mysteries (Gravestone monument, Luminous engine etc) is a fact - Dread Masters story doesn't have mysteries.


You can name a million plot devices and yes, KotFE has a bunch of them.

Yes it does. In comparsion to the Dread Masters story which basically has zero developement, it's just a series of "Monster of the Day" episodes of Power Rangers.


Because I'll get to fight them and kill them instead of watching immature family squabbles. This isn't a movie. It's a game. And if you're going to expect me to watch, rather than play - it needs to be hella better than this steaming pile.
It's a story-driven game. So yes, gameplay is important and KOTFE fails heavily on that part. But the Dread Masters saga failed heavily on the story part and that's what has been lauded in the topic a the greatest story in the game.


There's just a lot of filler.
Which the Dread Masters saga doesn't even have, good or bad to criticize. Basically nothing happens or has any impact on anything. A story that really has almost nothing going on in it, regardless good or bad, cannot be called the greatest one in the game, it just doesn't make sense.


You can make the argument all day that gameplay doesn't count in judging story. Fine. I disagree but I see the point. But paint dripping down a wall has more depth than KotFE.
Except that I never made that argument and you're trying to project something that didn't happen, I pointed from the beginning that gameplay obviously is very important and is the main reason KOTFE is not any perfect or even very good expansion. And once again, I responded to posts that lauded Dread Masters' story as the best in the game and that's what the discussion was primarly about. If the same few people said "Dread Masters saga had much better gameplay" you would see no arguments. Edited by Pietrastor
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Well thanks for proving my point at least...


What point is that? That raiders don't raid for the challenge, but for the rewards? Raid-only gear solves the problem- raiders can use it to raid, soloers can use it to defeat their solo raid bosses, everyone wins, unless you need that gear for activities other than raiding- which is the same question leveled against anyone who suggests comparable rewards outside of the raid hamster wheel- "Why do you need raid-level gear if you don't raid?" Why do you need raid-level gear that works outside of raids to raid effectively?

Edited by CorellianWannabe
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There WAS a solo version, some what, of the last major OP. You didn't need to do temple of Sacrifice to fight Revan. They gave you a SOLO option to fight Revan with 7 companions, which, TBH, was the most thrilling fight in all of my experience in SWTOR. IT does suck if you are a TANK though as you spend 90% of the fight on your back =(.


if they did more like this so that you have the option between group/solo content I am all for it!


They should have done one for the Dread Masters as well. Different fight but you still manage to get through the story line.

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There WAS a solo version, some what, of the last major OP. You didn't need to do temple of Sacrifice to fight Revan. They gave you a SOLO option to fight Revan with 7 companions, which, TBH, was the most thrilling fight in all of my experience in SWTOR. IT does suck if you are a TANK though as you spend 90% of the fight on your back =(.


if they did more like this so that you have the option between group/solo content I am all for it!


They should have done one for the Dread Masters as well. Different fight but you still manage to get through the story line.


As was explained to me, the solo Revan fight was not a substitute for the Operation. Whether you did the Operation or not, you still had to do that solo fight. The substitute for the Operation were the "Build a Coalition" quests which eventually became the daily.


I agree they should not put Operations as the final quest of a major story arc of an expansion without it being purely optional. But the solo Revan encounter was not an alternative to the Operation.


Personally I thought the encounter was terribly designed, but whatever.


Edit: If that was the most thrilling encounter you've seen in the game you ought to try some of the more difficult group content, it is far, far more interesting, exciting and fun.

Edited by gabigool
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As far as new Op's go I'm fine with more being added to the game. However, I'm not fine with an op taking 3 or 4 hours. That is ridiculous. If one is that long then it should be broken into 2 parts. Not everybody is capable of sitting at the computer that long without having to stop for one reason or another. Also, story continuance in ops is terrible. It really sucks to have to watch the story content of an op on youtube and have to rely on the choices they chose vs what you'd have said yourself. If they do put story in ops again I'd rather it be something totally optional like Ravagers was. I'd really not like to have to do an op to fight the end bad guy of a story, but would rather the solo option like what was done for Revan so you can watch the cutscenes yourself.
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As far as new Op's go I'm fine with more being added to the game. However, I'm not fine with an op taking 3 or 4 hours. That is ridiculous. If one is that long then it should be broken into 2 parts. Not everybody is capable of sitting at the computer that long without having to stop for one reason or another. Also, story continuance in ops is terrible. It really sucks to have to watch the story content of an op on youtube and have to rely on the choices they chose vs what you'd have said yourself. If they do put story in ops again I'd rather it be something totally optional like Ravagers was. I'd really not like to have to do an op to fight the end bad guy of a story, but would rather the solo option like what was done for Revan so you can watch the cutscenes yourself.


I have no idea where this came from. Most OPs are 45m-1hr. At most, if you wipe 1.5hrs.

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What point is that? That raiders don't raid for the challenge, but for the rewards? Raid-only gear solves the problem- raiders can use it to raid, soloers can use it to defeat their solo raid bosses, everyone wins, unless you need that gear for activities other than raiding- which is the same question leveled against anyone who suggests comparable rewards outside of the raid hamster wheel- "Why do you need raid-level gear if you don't raid?" Why do you need raid-level gear that works outside of raids to raid effectively?


This has been my devil's advocate de-facto response to anyone arguing for more ops and for more gear in ops. Frankly all op gear set bonuses should only wok isnide of an op, and should be like 20 il under what they are when you wear them outside the op. So that 220 piece is only a 200 outside of it.

Or we need to change itemization so op gear used a new op stat the way pvp gear has expertise. For maximum level story/fp/open world gear you should get it from that content. Op gear should be noticably weaker outside the op the way pvp gear is, I would just like to see it done more obviously.


This way the raiders get their challenging raid content. Those that don't feel like it don't miss on anything, and really the raiders don't need that gear outside of the raids anyways so no reason for them to complain about the change unless they don't REALLY like to raid unless it is for the loot to 'show off' in hubs.

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This has been my devil's advocate de-facto response to anyone arguing for more ops and for more gear in ops. Frankly all op gear set bonuses should only wok isnide of an op, and should be like 20 il under what they are when you wear them outside the op. So that 220 piece is only a 200 outside of it.

Or we need to change itemization so op gear used a new op stat the way pvp gear has expertise. For maximum level story/fp/open world gear you should get it from that content. Op gear should be noticably weaker outside the op the way pvp gear is, I would just like to see it done more obviously.


This way the raiders get their challenging raid content. Those that don't feel like it don't miss on anything, and really the raiders don't need that gear outside of the raids anyways so no reason for them to complain about the change unless they don't REALLY like to raid unless it is for the loot to 'show off' in hubs.


Yeah cause that is the only 2 resons people raid. Like I said you 2 can rail on and on about changing OP gear, it aint happening. You would have a better chance getting able to change your advanced class. But your posts, at least are good for a laugh.

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Yeah cause that is the only 2 resons people raid. Like I said you 2 can rail on and on about changing OP gear, it aint happening. You would have a better chance getting able to change your advanced class. But your posts, at least are good for a laugh.


No, the lack of new operations in (how many years again?) and the resulting proof that EA doesn't care about coddling entitled raiders is what is good for a laugh.

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Sorry guys, we had scale all the older ops to make them relavent again. This will make it easier for our ops developers to make new ops after kotfe.


There are no new ops coming. It's after kotfe, and still no word on ops, info from the source that must not be named shows only some flashpoint level stuff. Ops are a relic, that at most will be scaled with every expansion. The bright side is we are at least getting some flashpoints.

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No, the lack of new operations in (how many years again?) and the resulting proof that EA doesn't care about coddling entitled raiders is what is good for a laugh.


For whatever it may be worth (I'm not here arguing how big a segment raiders make of the population, or what they contribute. Those things are all debateable and not the purpose of this post):


A good many communities in the game have been built around the operations content this game has provided. Lots of friendships have been formed. What will happen if an operation doesn't drop with Kotet is that these communities will be destroyed. While some of the relationships formed will last and transcend games, many will die by the way side as people who don't want to put forth the effort of re-leveling and regearing to do the content they just passed through all over again leave. So call us raiders entitled. Call us whiners. Call us whatever you may like to. But, don't ignore the fact that raiding has created long lasting communities of people who've become close, and these communities are now in jeapardy. Whether you or people who think as you do consider the loss of whole communities ok is your choice and your opinion. I personally think it's a tragedy of epic proportions considering they don't need to undergo such destruction. Shadow of Revan was a superb expansion when you think of it structurally. Everyone got what they wanted. Maybe not pvpers, but story got story. PVE got their due. Things seemed really good. Even the balance sheet showed dramatic improvement. Why alienate when its not needed?


I'm sure there's a lot of people who play this game because of the solo story aspect. Totally fine. I just get really tired of hearing the same insult over and over again about how raiders are sooooo entitled (especially when those spewing the insults literally have no clue about the motivations regarding the segment their attempting to insult). Not too long ago story people were the ones crying. Not long before that pvpers were crying. So don't forget your feet have been in our shoes before.

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...I just get really tired of hearing the same insult over and over again about how raiders are sooooo entitled (especially when those spewing the insults literally have no clue about the motivations regarding the segment their attempting to insult). Not too long ago story people were the ones crying. Not long before that pvpers were crying. So don't forget your feet have been in our shoes before.



Great post.


And...not to mention that you don't ever hear from or even see most serious Nim raiders. We're far to busy working on content to expend free time on forums or fleet chat....or even pugs.


But, in my one raid group:


One guy has developed a gearing chart that is perceived to be the current penultimate guide to gearing. He spent countless hours creating it, updating it, and offering friendly advice to anyone who asked in his thread.


Another guy wrote a guide for his class that is now both on Dulfy and here. He also spent countless hours creating it and offering advice to anyone who would ask...not to mention those who whisper him constantly for advice.


Another guy (who seemed somewhat surly to me at first) turned out to be someone who has been helping out literally hundreds of players on these forums...in a most respectful manner.


The rest of us are a mixed lot, but not one of us is an "entitled, whiny jerk." You simply don''t hear from us or ever see us. We have jobs, families, lives...and the only free time we spend is with our friends here.


That's my personal experience. And, the news today is potentially devastating to all of us. We all love this game. We all want to continue doing the thing we love...while being decent, good people. Sadly, if the news is true, it may be somewhere else...because we can't do it here anymore.


Entitled? Whiny? That couldn't be farther from the truth. It seems to me that anyone who would laugh at our group's pain might be misinformed...or just plain cruel.

Edited by UberSamoyed
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Actually I didn't whine or cry, I left. I came back to see what all the buzz about Fallen Empire was about, saw that IMO it wasn't worth the time and money spent on it, and cancelled my subscription again.


I simply find it fascinating that so many of these 'nice, social, do it for the challenge' raiders can't seem to even entertain the remote possibility of their gear only being usable in their precious raids. The raids won't change and the gear clearly isn't needed in other aspects of the game, so why does it need to function anywhere else? It's a reward for raiding, it shouldn't be a golden ticket to crafting or gear to steamroll content even faster.


I also am surprised at how much time and resources has been spent on raids in various MMOs when the population that experiences them seems to be so small. If raids are meant to be the ultimate MMO experience then why do so few seem to actually want to experience them? Perhaps that is why EA has decided to stop creating them.

Edited by CorellianWannabe
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Gear might be needed in KOTET in other places :D


Mission difficulty scaling is in, looks like possibly up to the level of an HM flashpoint for normal missions.



I look forward to the 5th with more info. So far, what I see in the teaser on reddit is nothing concrete, and all left open to interpretation, with the potential to be really amazing.


As long as by release I hear the words "operation release" I will be happy.

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