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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best story lines


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My votes:


  • Knight has the best story in terms of the actual plot and narrative.
  • Smuggler has the best characters and interactions.



I have not played the Agent (been saving it for last because I heard it is the best), but of the other three:

  • Warrior has the best plot and conflict.
  • Bounty Hunter has the best characters and interactions.

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My favorite story on pubside, and just favorite in general, is the Knight storyline. Checks all the boxes for me in terms of story arc and characters so it definitely takes the cake in my book.


Impside would probably be the Warrior. Similar deal to the Knight storyline although a little less so with the characters involved. Agent would be a close second, I really like the latter half of the Agent story and the characters are probably better than the Warrior storyline.


It's hard for me to pick favorites beyond the Knight storyline. Warrior and Agent are great, BH is good as well, and I like all of the Pub storylines so I feel bad for not mentioning them here. Only story I don't particularly care for is the Inquisitor storyline, which just reinforces my dislike of the Sith in general.

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Pub side routinely comes up as less good stories mainly because people are already used to these stories, they play out in the movies over and over again, and int he books. You also have the fact many under 30 are far larger fans of anti-heroes than actual heroes so the stories are even harder to get as rated "good".


- The knight is KOTOR all over again which is great nostalgia, and being a sassy Jedi is fun there as your master gives you it right back without batting an eye. Yes the story is a pretty predictable chosen one story without many surprises, but it is a good star wars story. Unfortunately for many the KotFE storyline pretty much is written from the JK viewpoint which is why so many other classes just feel wrong in it.

- The consular gets good after act 1...but it is definately not for everyone as if you aren't a thinking type of person you will find it incredibly boring playing diplomat and then general (yes some of your decisions can seriously hurt your army and your ending will be different for it, and not hey aren't light or dark decisions). The extremely dry lines and a story that expects it's player to be invested in the lore of star wars and truly understand deeper nuances makes this story fall flat on it's own merit as it expects you to understand various things while never giving explanations.

- The smugler is fun, assuming you go into it not expecting things to be overly serious. You get a very han solo vibe through out the run, though it starts to become incredulous later on in the story, making the smugler in charge of a fleet like an admiral is over the top and not in a good way.

- The trooper is actually a great story with some wonderful moments, but it is painfully obvious most people just aren't fans of being a 'trooper' if you go by the story popularity. Yes it is a very similar story to any soldier/military game out there, but what else do you expect from a class that is all about the military?


Imp side appeals to those who want to act with impunity and be "dark" and "edgy" so naturally it is more popular as people get to act out their impulses and be rewarded for it.


- The BH story is actually, pretty crappy to be honest. It is TOO consistent with zero surprises or even curveballs and has a companion literally force their way onto your ship and crew. I'm sorry I am a bounty hunter that kills people for a living, the grand champion, and I let someone just steamroll onto my ship? HORRIBLE story telling.

- The IA is both an amazing story, and a horrible one all at once. Keliyo should have been killed off, no matter how you play your agent, no one would trust her for long and yet she is all you get for 5 planets! The story itself has some great points, though is heavy handed with deus ex machina far more often than any other story.

- The SW is a great story, completely bland and forgetable as a pure darksider...yet such an AMAZING story as a lightside playthrough with many parallels with Luke's journey if you take the light path consistently.

- The Sorc is...over the top in many ways and offers you control of things that...don't do anything for you. At one point you get control of your own cult yet this resource is unavailable for you to use for anything till much later in your story, and it is a one off shot and the cult is never mentioned again. The 'ghost indegestion' problem is just awkwardly handled, but the final act and rise of the character is very satisfying.


My favorites? JK and SW.

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Imp side - Agent followed very closely by Warrior. I may even go with a tie with these two.

Pub side - Knight with Smuggler a close second.


I enjoyed all the stories. None I felt were bad. Just slow pacing with a few acts on most.

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  • Primary plotline carried over into SoR and KotFE expansions
  • The main plotline Republic Side
  • T7, Kira, and debatable enjoyment with Scourge and Doc depending on who is being spoken to


  • Can feel badly railroaded with some LS/DS choices being Stupid Lawful or downright Chaotic Moronic with no grey zone in a few points
  • Does have a few really good LS/DS choices
  • Voice Acting has varied audience response, some people like them, others hate them
  • Right, I forgot I had that guy *points* since he joined a few minutes before he did *points*




  • A Different Kind of Star Wars Story
  • Resolves a plotline from Knight
  • Really nice background on other characters, places, or species
  • Throwing Rocks


  • Varied audience response to the Voice Acting
  • While Act One is really good, the other two acts can (to some players like myself) feel like they don't connect well to each other
  • LS/DS choices also can feel railroaded, but they aren't as railroaded as Knight's can feel
  • I'm still trying to figure out why that person or persons wants to be on my ship in particular. I know why he's there *points* and she's there *points* but everyone else doesn't need to be on the Consular ship. Well, him *points* I guess, makes some sense, but you *points*, and you *points* can do your stuff elsewhere just as easily. Not that I don't like you, just that, why are you on my consular's ship?




  • Each Act ties to the next and to later/earlier ones
  • Every line is great. "By the Stars! Republic forces have invaded our base!"
  • Best Pubside Ship design
  • Wanna sass a Sith?
  • LS/DS are not railroaded choices between Lawful Stupid and Always Chaotic Stupid
  • Companions have some slight motivation to be on your ship (got nowhere else to go, mostly)


  • Companions can be, depending on player
  • Could easily take out Star Wars and make it into a game to fit almost any other environment
  • Skavak. Just. DIE SKAVAK, DIE!
  • While you're being told you're an independent, you do spend a lot of time hanging out and making nice with the Republic's people and politics.
  • Wanna build a Force Blaster?




  • Who else wants to play Star Wars FemShep? We even have a sniper on the team!
  • A really great Act One, Acts Two and Three are not quite as great to some
  • LS/DS choices are more reasonable and not Lawful stupid or Always Chaotic Stupid
  • Uhh, well, uh... I really like it? For some reason it's one of my favorites, but it might be because I think Jedi/Sith are overrated, so I enjoy the Trooper/Smug/Agent/Hunter stories more?
  • Every companion has a reason (in-story) for why s/he/they are on your ship.


  • Take out the Star Wars and you have a generic War Video Game Story
  • Garza calling you to debrief or brief in person. In her lofty office. And then you get used to it and she wants to meet you in the hangar.
  • Acts Two and Three aren't as great as Act One, but they also don't tie back as well to Act One
  • Fourex' "HAVOC SQUAD!" and lack of personal space, otherwise he's a great guy.
  • Wanna build a Force Assault Cannon/Blaster Rifle?




  • Some great snarky lines
  • Main Imperial Plotline, it carries over pretty well into SoR and KotFE
  • SITH
  • The best conversation in the game - "I-CANNOT-BREAK-HIM!" and the three Player Choices are just great options no matter what you pick
  • A distinct variation depending on LS/DS.
  • LS/DS choices dont usually feel as railroaded as with Knight or Consular


  • Some of the companions, depending on who you ask. One companion was thrown in to fill in a spot and joins late into the game, so he doesn't feel like he has nearly as good of a motivation though it is better than some other characters' reason for joining the character's ship.
  • May not really feel like you're the master of your own destiny




  • Great snark lines
  • A slight variation on if you play LS/DS/Neutral
  • Most of the companions you have, have a good reason to be there story-wise, and aren't completely thrown in to fill in a space
  • Some Choices That Will Matter
  • [shock Him] dialogue options


  • Some companions don't join until really late in the base game storyline
  • That "Some choices" is more like "One Choice that Matters and is likely why KotFE gave us a certain other companion"
  • One kill that should have been the players' is an NPC's kill. I might be a little PO'd about that one
  • Spend a lot of time taking orders from others, but there is a feeling of trying to build up a powerbase.


Bounty Hunter


  • Snark
  • Mandalorians
  • [Kill] or [Freeze] options
  • A fun look into the stuff Imperials and other fancy people try to keep under wraps
  • LS/DS choices are as free choice as with Trooper and Smuggler
  • Did i mention Mandalorians already?
  • A great Act One, Three is pretty good too.


  • Like the Trooper, Act Two is pretty flimsy and weak
  • You're an "independent" who makes nice with a lot of Imperials, like the Smuggler
  • Could easily take the Star Wars out of the story and it would be your generic Crime Bounty Hunter Video Game
  • There is one kill that would have been nice to have, but the kill doesn't get killed
  • Tarro effing Blood. DIE DANG YOU DIE!
  • Skadge and his reason for being on your ship. His reason sucks when he's recruited to your ship.
  • Wanna build a Force Blaster?




  • With the exception of Hutta that felt a little forced, each act ties into the next one like Smuggler's story does
  • Every act is pretty great.
  • No companions thrown in just to fill in a spot, each companion has a motivation to being on your ship
  • A fun look into Imperials' lives
  • Multiple paths through the same choices, almost like Mass Effect, but not quite the same
  • The best class ship of the game.


  • Bugged Dialogue parts of missions
  • Uh, yup, pretty much just the bugged dialogues where the character is having a staring contest with another character.
  • Oh! Wanna build a Force Sniper Rifle/Blaster Rifle?

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