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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stronghold packs plx

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Please bring back decoration packs. I eventually want to get all the strongholds, but it's very difficult at the moment to customize them the way I want. Mainly due to the lack of interesting decorations. It feels more like a chore to get something interesting rather than a fun experience.

Another idea could be more decoration drops. I'm tired of opening cartel packs and getting color crystals I can't really use. I mean really, how many times do you need to change the color of your lightsaber and shouldn't artificers be crafting these. The other thing I get in cartel packs is mounts, lots of recolored mounts. And no I don't want a rainbow of mounts in my stronghold.

What I want is interesting furniture, personnel, lighting, computers, shelving, holocrons, sculptures, you know something to show off. Your character is someone powerful and influential, shouldn't their stronghold reflect that. Instead I have rainbows of mounts and junker lights, because the wall sconces are so rare that even if you do find one that's the only one you'll get.

This went a bit long, but I had to get that out.

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NO. You *want* Stronghold Decoration packs. You *need* air, food, water, and protection from hostile weather.

We're talking about a Star Wars MMO, not philosophy. Please don't hijack the thread. ;)


There is a surprising number of people who get the majority of their enjoyment from the game through their Strongholds. Decorating them, increasing their prestige, using them for social events, and so on. For these people, a new mission or weapon or set of armor isn't a big thrill.


With the increasing cost of packs, it is becoming more and more expensive to acquire newly released decorations. Stronghold fans have to spend a lot of money picking up items they won't use and selling them on the GTN, in order to unlock and buy the new decos. A pack of decorations would make it more financially viable and enjoyable to continue decorating strongholds.


It would be helpful if the decorations available in the Cartel Market changed sometimes. In the year that I have played, a few new items popped up temporarily for holidays, but nothing else changed. If the Market isn't going to cycle through decos, and new strongholds aren't released to increase our decorating options, new items from packs become even more important.

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We're talking about a Star Wars MMO, not philosophy. Please don't hijack the thread. ;)


It's more a semantic argument than philosophical.


Now, back on topic. I would definitely buy one such pack if there is some skill inside that automatically arranges all my available decos on all hooks. Idc how it would look but decorating 5 SH on a new server is killing me.

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We need more Direct Buy Decorations; especially the very basic items and theme items aswell. The latest packs have very few Decorations so any potential S.H. buyer is faced with another issue "How long is it ok to have (Pay) for a place that will look more like an empty warehouse then home? The afore mentioned "Personnel Packs", Other Decoration packs players can purchase as they need, Strongholds coming With decorations indicative of the planet and or the owners class if nothing else to get them over the "Empty Shell" phase and on to the enthusiasm of having (paying) for their own. I've seen all the packs and so named Essential packs however they have an extremely *Limited number of items (Keep paying to get more) and not even everything on the Ad. picture is even in that particular pack. Many, Many very good Decorations have been offered from pack in the past and most of those will never be seen again. Offer those older items in Direct purchase otherwise you'll probably never make another cent on those.
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