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Republic vs Empire


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Hello there, after almost end the expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire I started to think how I miss the endless war between Republic and Empire. I know its cool unify both to fight against one enemy, but in my opinion the Shadow of Revan was enough of this kind of history, and then, after this came KOTFE, another great reunion to defeat a bigger threat.


I'm the only one here, that prefer the old Sith and Jedi stuff, holocroms, ancient temples, the force, spying, and all of this stuff than an "Eternal Fleet" that ruins everything?


This post is not to complain about latest expansions, its just to have a heathy discution with other players, please, leve your comment too.


May the force be with you.



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Yeah, well I also do get a less and less clear SW vibe from the game. SW was always about good vs evil, all black and white and while I do like some grey tossed here and there it's not it.


There is no Force mystery here, no SW mystery at all. We are completely detached from the old Empire and Republic, we don't even know what's going on and our character is made to not care about it either. I hope the next expansion will finally make us revisit the old worlds, move a bit further than Odessen and Zakuul because it's getting really stale here.


And I sure hope at the end we will get back to good old Empire vs Republic stuff :rolleyes:

Edited by Asheris
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Yeah, well I also do get a less and less clear SW vibe from the game. SW was always about good vs evil, all black and white and while I do like some grey tossed here and there it's not it.


There is no Force mystery here, no SW mystery at all. We are completely detached from the old Empire and Republic, we don't even know what's going on and our character is made to not care about it either. I hope the next expansion will finally make us revisit the old worlds, move a bit further than Odessen and Zakuul because it's getting really stale here.


And I sure hope at the end we will get back to good old Empire vs Republic stuff :rolleyes:



Shadow of Revan still have Star Wars essence, but KOTFE looks like a generic sy-fi game.

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I think I'm the only one here who has no problem with a shift from Republic vs Empire towards an Alliance. At the risk of overindulging being a History Major, I look at the situation like this:


1) We've got something like 3000 years from the era this game's in to the movies era so quite a lot can happen during that era. Just looking at our world history as a guideline, that gives an idea of how drastic a few thousand years can make.


2) We know the Republic hasn't been a steady thing as the Old Republic is not the same entity as the Galactic Republic is later on. Same goes for the Sith Empire is a different entity than the Galactic Empire that happens later.


3) Taking those two points together, it is reasonable to conclude at some point a merging of Empire and Republic happens which eventually becomes the Galactic Republic we're familiar with in the movies. As we see with both, the Empire is highly organized but suffers due to being beholden to Sith pettiness and whims whereas the Republic is a crumbling mess that's being propped up by Jedi stability. One is strong where the other is weak and vice versa, so the possibility of a merger isn't a completely crazy idea. This is not to say it'll be a smooth or seamless occurrence, nor will it be something like it happens in one go. It could easily take decades or centuries to happen, and we can all presume there will be periods of conflict. As far as the game goes, what we're seeing with the SoR and current Alliance, these could be the earliest steps that lead to later merging attempts.


4) Granted going from what we've seen of the TOR era and the later movies era, it does come across as very little if anything changes as far as technology and the like goes. That could very well be steady stagnancy or could be we've just not seen the point of Star Wars history where things were different between the known factional governments. For all we know Zakuul's Empire does fall and merges into the Republic and Empire. As said before, a lot can happen in 3000 years.


5) Keeping everything as a steady conflict between Empire and Republic just feels like a by any means possible stay in the known confines concept rather than taking advantage of fully exploring an era not covered in the movies. It also smacks a lot of the mindset over in WoW of thinking the War part of Warcraft has to be conflict between the Horde and Alliance instead of thinking on a grander scale of conflict against something from the outside of the primary factions.


In short, a lot can happen with the time scales we're looking at and is it so horrible a thing to explore the possibilities? After all, this isn't Star Trek where no one could think past TNG/DS9/VOY when it came to writing things for the earlier setting for ENT.

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you havent read any of the books that takes place in between the old republic area and the time in the movies have you? in any ways weather we like it or not we are only going to get more alience stuff, because splitting the story up in two would be twice as expensive with no benefit to the devs. gotta think with that wallet after all
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I think I'm the only one here who has no problem with a shift from Republic vs Empire towards an Alliance. At the risk of overindulging being a History Major, I look at the situation like this:


1) We've got something like 3000 years from the era this game's in to the movies era so quite a lot can happen during that era. Just looking at our world history as a guideline, that gives an idea of how drastic a few thousand years can make.


2) We know the Republic hasn't been a steady thing as the Old Republic is not the same entity as the Galactic Republic is later on. Same goes for the Sith Empire is a different entity than the Galactic Empire that happens later.


3) Taking those two points together, it is reasonable to conclude at some point a merging of Empire and Republic happens which eventually becomes the Galactic Republic we're familiar with in the movies. As we see with both, the Empire is highly organized but suffers due to being beholden to Sith pettiness and whims whereas the Republic is a crumbling mess that's being propped up by Jedi stability. One is strong where the other is weak and vice versa, so the possibility of a merger isn't a completely crazy idea. This is not to say it'll be a smooth or seamless occurrence, nor will it be something like it happens in one go. It could easily take decades or centuries to happen, and we can all presume there will be periods of conflict. As far as the game goes, what we're seeing with the SoR and current Alliance, these could be the earliest steps that lead to later merging attempts.


4) Granted going from what we've seen of the TOR era and the later movies era, it does come across as very little if anything changes as far as technology and the like goes. That could very well be steady stagnancy or could be we've just not seen the point of Star Wars history where things were different between the known factional governments. For all we know Zakuul's Empire does fall and merges into the Republic and Empire. As said before, a lot can happen in 3000 years.


5) Keeping everything as a steady conflict between Empire and Republic just feels like a by any means possible stay in the known confines concept rather than taking advantage of fully exploring an era not covered in the movies. It also smacks a lot of the mindset over in WoW of thinking the War part of Warcraft has to be conflict between the Horde and Alliance instead of thinking on a grander scale of conflict against something from the outside of the primary factions.


In short, a lot can happen with the time scales we're looking at and is it so horrible a thing to explore the possibilities? After all, this isn't Star Trek where no one could think past TNG/DS9/VOY when it came to writing things for the earlier setting for ENT.


Correction about some centuries at max i've taken a look at the LEGENDS timeline which SWTOR is a part of and there is nothing there until 3000 BBY,But yes a lot can happen in a few centuries.

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Honestly, I think that KotFE is a refreshing break from the normal Star Wars good vs evil bit that comes standard with every SW game ever. KotFE is nothing compared to vanilla, but the story needed a twist, and this just happened to be it.


There isn't much direction the game could have gone anyways. Even before SoR, the Republic was on the verge of crushing the Empire. Judging solely by planet quests, Alderaan and Voss are neutral, Corellia and Balmorra are safely in the Republic, and the Hutts are in an alliance with the Republic, effectively giving them access to Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, and Makeb. Even with the Empire possessing the Isotope-5 ships and the Silencers, the Empire still had to face the Republic, the Hutt Cartel, and the Dread Masters. The writers already gave the Empire a "We're almost dead but now we can keep fighting" item, so I doubt they'd get another one. Take into account Ziost and the Empire is looking for a white flag.

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Bioware is destroying the Light / Dark . Even the Gus alliance alert pushed gray over a side. Were introduced to a Super Powerful Grey Force User (Isaac) and even our Voss Force advisor (who is training Jedi and Sith together) says that Gus and Isaac have found a new way. It's blatantly obvious that they want to remove the distinction in the endgame
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Bioware is destroying the Light / Dark . Even the Gus alliance alert pushed gray over a side. Were introduced to a Super Powerful Grey Force User (Isaac) and even our Voss Force advisor (who is training Jedi and Sith together) says that Gus and Isaac have found a new way. It's blatantly obvious that they want to remove the distinction in the endgame


Having a Dark v. Light event and continuing to reward players who achieve Light V or Dark V suggests otherwise, but yeah, there is still a degree of truth to this.

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