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"My Guild Needs Me" Excuse.

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Please... just stop using this blatant lie, we all know it's just a secret plot, or façade, to just leave the group hoping to absolve yourself of guilt or to sneak away from one. Anyone with half a brain knows when you wipe and someone claims, "their guild needs them," that it's complete and utter bs. It in fact infuriates me more knowing you're trying to lie your way out of a situation than just being straight up honest... Yeah... chances are ill be annoyed for you dropping, unless it's REALLY bad, but it's the lesser of two evils. Not to mention by lying you actually make others lose credibility when their actually being truthful and honest. Stop with the excuses and trying to weasel your way out, and face it likes a good Samaritan.
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For some of us, it isn't always... I sometimes have only time for one more pull because my guild needs me hence why I leave after a wipe cause I don't have time to run through another.


The reasons why I even raid (pug) if I know I'm going to be close in time to my guild raid time is cause I'm not actually. I usually give myself 2 hours or so before raid to do a gf or something else but sometimes, due to various reasons, we run over the time allotted and I end up only having one more pull left before I really need to get the group I was scheduled/asked to run with.


For some however, I'm sure it is a lie and is about as convincing as the lie that the gas line on your washer broke.. :rolleyes:

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I'm not saying that people don't use this as an excuse. All I'm saying is: You can't know if it's true or not. So I'd give people the benefit of the doubt.

I myself consider myself a pretty honest person and I've excused myself with this, when it was true. Happens mostly when I'm waiting decades for a HM to pop and don't look at the time and have to be raiding later.


And in fact, it doesn't even matter what they excuse themselves with, if at all. When they're gone, they're gone.

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Ive had to leave quite a few groups in the years I've been playing SWTOR, and quite honestly, my guild has needed me a few of those times. Typically if I get into a group that ends up cutting it closer than I'd like to my raid times and isn't blasting through everything, I try to let them know in advance. I tend to agree that the people who say it after one wipe are probably lying, but I've also seen people drop from decent groups for the same or similar reasons too.


Honestly the only time recently I've left when one would consider it to be an excuse (although oddly enough it was true) I had just finished dying for the fourth time on a Battle of Ilum tactical. That had lasted a half hour. Just after the second boss (the first one you actually have to fight). Ugh that group was a nightmare. But even so, I only left when I had something come up in real life. I'm sure they didn't believe me though haha.

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I still need to get a lot of PvP 204 armorings replaced with PvE 216s. I wait on fleet for hours and no groups. So then I just decide to log on other character and level up/do heroics/whatever. So, it's not even guild needing me. Only two of my characters are in low activity guild.
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I still need to get a lot of PvP 204 armorings replaced with PvE 216s. I wait on fleet for hours and no groups. So then I just decide to log on other character and level up/do heroics/whatever. So, it's not even guild needing me. Only two of my characters are in low activity guild.


Instead of waiting you could just spam "lfm x t,y h,z d for weekly ... " to organize the run yourself. You'd be surprised how many people actually want to do the weekly but are waiting for someone to organize it.

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If your pug is so bad that you wipe constantly during KP SM on trash, believe me, my guild needs me standing on our guild ship clucking about Rouge One news more than you need me in your OP, you wouldn't appreciate what I'd have to say if I stayed.
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Please... just stop using this blatant lie, we all know it's just a secret plot, or façade, to just leave the group hoping to absolve yourself of guilt or to sneak away from one. Anyone with half a brain knows when you wipe and someone claims, "their guild needs them," that it's complete and utter bs. It in fact infuriates me more knowing you're trying to lie your way out of a situation than just being straight up honest... Yeah... chances are ill be annoyed for you dropping, unless it's REALLY bad, but it's the lesser of two evils. Not to mention by lying you actually make others lose credibility when their actually being truthful and honest. Stop with the excuses and trying to weasel your way out, and face it likes a good Samaritan.


I will agree with you. Generally the only time I will leave an FP when I have started it is when my guild is doing and OPs I want in, and I wont do it after a wipe. I will wait till we have cleared a group and then mention it.


Generally, I will not leave with a few wipes, **** happens. Now if after a few wipes, people will not listen to the strategy, or just blatantly keep making the same mistakes, I will just say later and bail....trust me in that circumstance, I do not feel bad about it.

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Please... just stop using this blatant lie, we all know it's just a secret plot, or façade, to just leave the group hoping to absolve yourself of guilt or to sneak away from one. Anyone with half a brain knows when you wipe and someone claims, "their guild needs them," that it's complete and utter bs. It in fact infuriates me more knowing you're trying to lie your way out of a situation than just being straight up honest... Yeah... chances are ill be annoyed for you dropping, unless it's REALLY bad, but it's the lesser of two evils. Not to mention by lying you actually make others lose credibility when their actually being truthful and honest. Stop with the excuses and trying to weasel your way out, and face it likes a good Samaritan.


OP, look at this from this point of view:


People using "guild needs me" excuse are just polite.

They just don't want to say: You are bunch of noobs and i don't want to waste any more time with you.


Think about, before ranting about them. Maybe you should learn how to play?

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OP, look at this from this point of view:


People using "guild needs me" excuse are just polite.

They just don't want to say: You are bunch of noobs and i don't want to waste any more time with you.


Think about, before ranting about them. Maybe you should learn how to play?


you got it

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I only heard this line once during a 16 man Dread Fortress HM run. Corrupter Zero was quite a mess. At one point one of the guys quite randomly said that his guild needs him and left. No one believed him. No one blamed him either or called him out on it, because it was merely an assumption (and quite understandable if he was fed up).

Anyway, it's a running gag by now whenever we have bumpy guild runs. :p

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I've used this excuse honestly... a few times. There are times my guild needs a sub for something and frankly that's more important to me than a pug I was in.


If i'm bailing for other reasons, I will either state them or my go to excuses are my goldfish drown I need to go call his family, or my cats just started herself on fire, I need to go deal with it.


The more ya know.

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People using "guild needs me" excuse are just polite.

They just don't want to say: You are bunch of noobs and i don't want to waste any more time with you.


Close to my approach, I usually won't mention anything and just leave. It's obvious early on whether the group will make it or not. I've been here since launch and I'm not about to explain mechanics for the hundredth time. If someone wants to know, there are multiple guides out there, notably Dulfy, in which I will sometimes mention before I hit the road.


The first time I tanked SnV, shortly after it came out, my approach was simple. I did some research from two different sites, jotted down the mechanics for each boss, ran the Op, and beat it.


Regarding an excuse, the part I quoted often comes to mind when I witness mechanics failure.


Edited by Pirana
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Guild versus general grouping- guild always wins although I refuse to do any content so close to any planned guild events/runs that's not solo. This excuse isn't one I've heard doing group runs either, I've heard the 'I'm too tired' after asking to get in on a 65 heroic run at 64 and then quitting the second they hit level 65.


But frell- any guild event is more interesting than staying in that group in flashpoints who won't make it past a certain boss or keep wiping on mobs. I will quit groups that wipe on starter mobs because I've no intention of bashing my head against a brick wall until enough people leave to get people who can play, only I don't use excuses.

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I've left groups with this a couple of times (close to it anyway: "guild run incoming, my apologies") and guess what, it was always true. I'm always DPS though, so easy to replace.


But I don't get the rage against it even if it's a lie...I mean it's better than your average LOL YOU NOOBS ragequitting and the pompous "This group will never make it on [insert presumed hard boss]". I've been in a few "this group will never make it" situations and the group made it just fine once the pessimist left :D

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I thought it was a running gag, so I've said that when we wiped continually, and I am not in a guild, just to see if anyone is paying attention. Still, it doesn't happen often, just when the game puts too many of one type in an instance or something. I had to do some pretty ghetto healing on my trooper in one phase (don't have the field respec on my dvl characters, they are just one and doners).


You can't blame people for leaving when they do most of the time, and frankly, if they are the impatient type who cares if they leave or what excuse they give, I'd rather have them leave anyway. Nobody believes guild needs me, but that could also be short hand for guild is putting an op together, and this fp is taking too long, so ya, sorry, I want to go, but most people are not even that polite online, so guild needs me is shorthand for that perhaps.


In any case, if someone doesn't want to be there, chances are you don't want them there anyway.

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I have never flat out lied when I have used this reason for leaving a group in my 16 years playing MMOs.


That being said, I have used "My guild needs me" for immediate departure from a group when my guild did not need me immediately. For example: some time ago a guild mate "needed" consumables for a raid, I had plenty to spare but I was in an FP. Sure I could have said to my guild mate, "sorry I'm in a group right now," but I was not happy with the group I was in and helping a guild mate was more important to me that sticking around and wiping again. So I used the excuse of "my guild needs me."

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OP, look at this from this point of view:


People using "guild needs me" excuse are just polite.

They just don't want to say: You are bunch of noobs and i don't want to waste any more time with you.


Think about, before ranting about them. Maybe you should learn how to play?


Given the tone of the OPs initial post, I can't imagine why someone would want to make up a story to get out of there quietly. I'm usually not that gentle and just smeg off without a word, or say, "You know what, the relationship isn't working, I need to see other groups", and I swear I've had two people harass me in PM over it, so yeah. I don't blame anyone for choosing the polite lie given how utterly toxic some players can get in this game.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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