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Just wanted to say goodbye and wish you all well...


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After having a continuous subscription since the day the game launched, I'm hanging up my blasters. I've had tremendous fun with the game and met some great people along the way, but the game just doesnt hold my interest anymore. I know, who cares right? I'm sure I will get flamed for saying goodbye and giving the reason why, but I really don't care. The game has just evolved into something that doesnt interest me. I'm not a fan of the single player game that SWTOR has become. I mean, lets face it, there are only 2 things in this game you need a group for anymore and that is Operations and Flashpoints. You can solo everything else in this game now and do it with little to no difficulty. It just feels less and less like an MMO with every update and expansion, and thats not why I am here. I really did not like KOTFE and I'm going to predict that the next expansion is going to be just more of the same. Slog through meaningless mobs to get to a cut scene that you really dont interact with, and then rinse and repeat until its over. Dont get me wrong, the story was decent, they just wrapped about an hour of story inside a couple of hours of mind numbing combat. Plus, I just didnt feel like I was an actual participant in the story. With out conversation choices that made you feel like you were actively involved, I felt like nothing more than a bystander. The biggest issue for me is this........in the original game you felt like you were leading the game, and your character, in the direction you wanted it to go. Now it feels like the exact opposite. It feels like the game is leading you in the direction it wants to go. Anyway, I hope those of you who continue to play enjoy yourselves and may the force be with you.
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After having a continuous subscription since the day the game launched, I'm hanging up my blasters. I've had tremendous fun with the game and met some great people along the way, but the game just doesnt hold my interest anymore. I know, who cares right? I'm sure I will get flamed for saying goodbye and giving the reason why, but I really don't care. The game has just evolved into something that doesnt interest me. I'm not a fan of the single player game that SWTOR has become. I mean, lets face it, there are only 2 things in this game you need a group for anymore and that is Operations and Flashpoints. You can solo everything else in this game now and do it with little to no difficulty. It just feels less and less like an MMO with every update and expansion, and thats not why I am here. I really did not like KOTFE and I'm going to predict that the next expansion is going to be just more of the same. Slog through meaningless mobs to get to a cut scene that you really dont interact with, and then rinse and repeat until its over. Dont get me wrong, the story was decent, they just wrapped about an hour of story inside a couple of hours of mind numbing combat. Plus, I just didnt feel like I was an actual participant in the story. With out conversation choices that made you feel like you were actively involved, I felt like nothing more than a bystander. The biggest issue for me is this........in the original game you felt like you were leading the game, and your character, in the direction you wanted it to go. Now it feels like the exact opposite. It feels like the game is leading you in the direction it wants to go. Anyway, I hope those of you who continue to play enjoy yourselves and may the force be with you.


I agree with everything you've said.


However, maybe stick around for a couple months and see what is announced in October? The story piece will probably not change but it sounds as if meaningful group content is actually in the pipeline.


If not, I'll be right behind you. :rolleyes:

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After having a continuous subscription since the day the game launched, I'm hanging up my blasters. I've had tremendous fun with the game and met some great people along the way, but the game just doesnt hold my interest anymore. I know, who cares right? I'm sure I will get flamed for saying goodbye and giving the reason why, but I really don't care. The game has just evolved into something that doesnt interest me. I'm not a fan of the single player game that SWTOR has become. I mean, lets face it, there are only 2 things in this game you need a group for anymore and that is Operations and Flashpoints. You can solo everything else in this game now and do it with little to no difficulty. It just feels less and less like an MMO with every update and expansion, and thats not why I am here. I really did not like KOTFE and I'm going to predict that the next expansion is going to be just more of the same. Slog through meaningless mobs to get to a cut scene that you really dont interact with, and then rinse and repeat until its over. Dont get me wrong, the story was decent, they just wrapped about an hour of story inside a couple of hours of mind numbing combat. Plus, I just didnt feel like I was an actual participant in the story. With out conversation choices that made you feel like you were actively involved, I felt like nothing more than a bystander. The biggest issue for me is this........in the original game you felt like you were leading the game, and your character, in the direction you wanted it to go. Now it feels like the exact opposite. It feels like the game is leading you in the direction it wants to go. Anyway, I hope those of you who continue to play enjoy yourselves and may the force be with you.


Obligatory serious but not serious 'can I have your stuff?' despite the fact you should keep it for when you come back :)... now that's out of the way, yes KOTFE isn't epic, frelling skytrooper grind fest, frelling a loyal LS Emperor's Wrath and still getting it from Valkorian, (choices do but not as heavily) but the rest of the game still exists and people group up for a lot. I'm active in my main guild and it's not just responsibilities making me do Conquest and all the other material- if you're engaged, you're playing the group stuff.


The game's not single player unless you want it to be- and the only characters I have that are more solo don't participate by my own hand. You need people to play with to get engaged and without them, it will feel like a solo experience.

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Thanks for your feedback.


You are far from the only one not thrilled with the new direction of the game.


Be safe and hopefully the future will bring you interesting enough content to make you come back.

Edited by Deewe
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I agree with everything you've said.


However, maybe stick around for a couple months and see what is announced in October? The story piece will probably not change but it sounds as if meaningful group content is actually in the pipeline.

THIS! You've been here since the start. Logging in for an hour a month justifies the sub...so what is 2 more months really?


I understand that you want to go, it's 100% justified...but please don't get upset that some of us want to convince you to stay. :)

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