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Founder doing DvL


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just done 2 toons (Imp and Rep) DvL and I think i am losing the will to live (brings my total to 25 on this server) :(. In the past i've levelled up chars as i've pleased and skipped certain stuff (I had legacy 50 and all 8 classes within a year of playing this game).

Although the DvL is a good idea for a new ish player it is very repetitive for a player who has done everything several times already.

Most stuff was not a problem, what i am finding the most repetitive out of everything is the KOTFE story line as it is so linear and frustrating as no xp is gained whatsoever and its just going through the motions as nothing is skippable or can be fast tracked.

But alas unless people do this DvL then none of the rewards will be available (So a catch 22) :(

I am glad that we now have a break so i can get some rest and hopefully the next instalment will offer more than just a linear choices do'nt matter story .....

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I'm right there with you, OP. Not a Founder, but have been here since 2013. I don't mind replaying some of the stuff but, for me, I think the DvL pack rewards are friggin' demoralizing. Just as I get somewhat excited by beating another tier, I open the packs...and I get a dozen or so Flashpoint/Warzone/Social Point/Space Mission boosters. Things I absolutely do not need. The rest is garbage. I know RNG is RNG but...it's a demoralizing letdown.


I have been cheering this game and KotFE on for well over a year (ever since the expansion pack was announced) and each month my cheers have become more and more forced. I'm to the point where I can't do it anymore. I think I'm about ready for a break from this game :(

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Currently on chapter seven..... I am more worried about gearing for HM's FP and doing the OP's I haven't done any HMs since prior RoTHC. And I am very rusty on the OPs again haven't done any since prior Hutt expansion. I have done a few EV but not many and it's been a few months. Currently my gear on my sage is 208 all auged and my saber is 220. But looking at the FP for hard mode. It says 212. Meh!


All the other stuff I either done or don't have an issue getting.

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just done 2 toons (Imp and Rep) DvL and I think i am losing the will to live (brings my total to 25 on this server) :(. In the past i've levelled up chars as i've pleased and skipped certain stuff (I had legacy 50 and all 8 classes within a year of playing this game).

Although the DvL is a good idea for a new ish player it is very repetitive for a player who has done everything several times already.

Most stuff was not a problem, what i am finding the most repetitive out of everything is the KOTFE story line as it is so linear and frustrating as no xp is gained whatsoever and its just going through the motions as nothing is skippable or can be fast tracked.

But alas unless people do this DvL then none of the rewards will be available (So a catch 22) :(

I am glad that we now have a break so i can get some rest and hopefully the next instalment will offer more than just a linear choices do'nt matter story .....


Some may feel the same way as you do. You bring up things that I think are valid regardless of person. Me...I'm done 100 percent of DvL. I didn't mind it at all. The only thing I found to be grindy was getting to light 5 and dark 5. That was a pain.

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Some may feel the same way as you do. You bring up things that I think are valid regardless of person. Me...I'm done 100 percent of DvL. I didn't mind it at all. The only thing I found to be grindy was getting to light 5 and dark 5. That was a pain.


Dark and light 5 aren't bad just do deplomecey crew skill, can be done with 5 crew pretty quickly. :)

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I'm a CE founder and I get what you are saying completely. I have 2 full legacies (Harb and RE). I got the first couple of tiers on RE and thought about giving up, I stuck with it despite not enjoying every aspect of the game and am now feeling fully burned out.

Currently to hit legendary I have to -

kill 50 gree droids

Complete eternal championship ( not skilled or geared enough,I keep wiping at 7)

all ops

all hm fp's.

all wb's


it doesn't sound like a lot but getting into a group or finding a commited ops guild on RE is hard. I really don't think I'm going to do it. It could very well be this is what causes me to jack the game in. I don't think this was very well thought out - especially the legenday requirements, the bar should be a heck of a lot lower. Maybe 5 random hm fps, 3 random wb's and losing the eternal championship entirely. They focus way too much on gear grinding and less on skill and fun. Having started again and knowing that pvp/GSF and EC are especially gear dependant puts me off for sure.

Edited by Kane_Ren
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Why did you do it so fast when you have all of september and october left?

No reason at all to burn out getting it done asap.


Aslo a founder and done everything up to legendary this point...I won't be doing legendary as that is just blah. Took me like 2 weeks to do the rest though. Know where everything is and can just speed right on through.

light 5/dark5 is easy if you just spacebar and do an entirely one sided character.


And while I love the stories, I still occassionally make new characters just to pick different decisions in the main stories...I primarily just PvP anymore.

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I'm a CE founder and I get what you are saying completely. I have 2 full legacies (Harb and RE). I got the first couple of tiers on RE and thought about giving up, I stuck with it despite not enjoying every aspect of the game and am now feeling fully burned out.


Have faith! Perhaps the will release a new op, Karrago's Mansion. He has a pointy hat.

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Currently on chapter seven..... I am more worried about gearing for HM's FP and doing the OP's I haven't done any HMs since prior RoTHC. And I am very rusty on the OPs again haven't done any since prior Hutt expansion. I have done a few EV but not many and it's been a few months. Currently my gear on my sage is 208 all auged and my saber is 220. But looking at the FP for hard mode. It says 212. Meh!


All the other stuff I either done or don't have an issue getting.


If you know your class, you should be able to heal most HM FPs with 208, especially augged, and a little EV/KP farming will get you up their ready for the harder ones. If you're on harb I may take you through a few to ease the pain for both of us. Anything for shorter queue times! I would however avoid, battle of rishi, blood hunt, assault on tython, korriban incursion, depths of Manaan, and lost island as these tend to be the harder ones.

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If you know your class, you should be able to heal most HM FPs with 208, especially augged, and a little EV/KP farming will get you up their ready for the harder ones. If you're on harb I may take you through a few to ease the pain for both of us. Anything for shorter queue times! I would however avoid, battle of rishi, blood hunt, assault on tython, korriban incursion, depths of Manaan, and lost island as these tend to be the harder ones.


Thanks! I have done all the flashpoints you mentioned in SM Tactical's and solo, so i know them a bit. I can play the sage well just prefer DPS to heals, I am currently just finishing chapter 10 but once the KTOFE story is done I am going to unwind a bit and do some levelling the other classes to 50 and a imp to 65. After going through all the story at once, I need to spill some blood In PvP as well, ;)

Edited by CKNORTH
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I'm also a Founder with (too) many characters.


What I've been doing to get the 8 classes done is taking some characters I, for various reasons, seldom use and re-doing them for DvL credit. I had several that were just at 50 and a few more that hadn't even reached 30 yet.


It's actually been quite fun, especially knowing what I know now about gearing and character design. Sure, getting 2 characters to 65 and doing KotFE/Ziost/etc wasn't the most fun ever but once those are out of the way and you have the full set of XP gear it really doesn't take long at all to get others up to 50.


Just remember to LOOT YOUR CHARACTERS before deleting them. Don't forget Crystals and Warzone Commendations.


It's also been great seeing and helping new players, especially in warzones, but it disgusts me how mad and abusive veterans can be in beginner warzones when it's clear there are people new to the game. Rather than understand the situation and try and help new players they'd rather throw tantrums.

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I'm also a Founder with (too) many characters.


What I've been doing to get the 8 classes done is taking some characters I, for various reasons, seldom use and re-doing them for DvL credit. I had several that were just at 50 and a few more that hadn't even reached 30 yet.


It's actually been quite fun, especially knowing what I know now about gearing and character design. Sure, getting 2 characters to 65 and doing KotFE/Ziost/etc wasn't the most fun ever but once those are out of the way and you have the full set of XP gear it really doesn't take long at all to get others up to 50.


Just remember to LOOT YOUR CHARACTERS before deleting them. Don't forget Crystals and Warzone Commendations.


It's also been great seeing and helping new players, especially in warzones, but it disgusts me how mad and abusive veterans can be in beginner warzones when it's clear there are people new to the game. Rather than understand the situation and try and help new players they'd rather throw tantrums.


Also aNfounder and ALL of the above is exactly what I was going to say lol.


I erased a few stagnant characters and just rerolled them.


If you wear the exp gear, throw up an exp buff and pick up the legacy flashpoint boosters...it's a breeze to finish the 8 level 50s. If anything grab some friends and do the heroics.


I didn't really have any female 65s so I just created a female assassin and female shadow and played them as full evil and full Lightside.

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I think the DvL pack rewards are friggin' demoralizing. Just as I get somewhat excited by beating another tier, I open the packs...and I get a dozen or so Flashpoint/Warzone/Social Point/Space Mission boosters. Things I absolutely do not need. The rest is garbage. I know RNG is RNG but...it's a demoralizing letdown.


Going all the way up to legendary tier gives you 85 force-bound DvL packs (plus obviously the armours / mounts / companion you get).


RNG is indeed RNG, I've gained the Unstable Arbiter Lightsaber and two weapon tunings (among a lot of full sets of armour overall). I was dubious about the rewards myself, however on reflection? I've done well out of those packs, you have to remember one item is a better reward, and the other is filler (such as the XP boosts).

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I managed to get myself to do up to companion level. Cause that's what I really wanted from it most. Just thought it'd be cool to have a mailed companion for my account, when leveling. Hopefully it's something I can get right away on new characters. If not, there goes my main motivation for doing it lolol.


I pretty much told myself from the start, there was no way in hell I was going for leg. Leg requirements vary from easy to idiotic. I'm not anything close to a founder and I still find many of them absurd. The rewards are not at all proportionate to the requirements, for leg. It's just a prestige thing for people who are bored and want a way to kill time.


As for the rewards I have gotten? Aside from the companion that I'll be getting later and have already talked about...


- XP armor. Love it. Just wish I didn't have to move it around and micromanage it, to make sure I'm not doing accidental deletion. Not sure why this wasn't just made an account unlock in mail or collections. Especially if it was in collections, I wouldn't have to look twice at it if I didn't want to use it on any given toon, but when I did want to, it'd be readily available, without that irksome thing of removing or changing mods when passing from one character to another.


- DvL packs. Well, I still have some 1/3 armor sets sitting on boxes on the toon that I had planned to delete when I was done with DvL. :rolleyes: They were from packs opened before the NPOE.


As for luck, I got an unstable arbiter (I think is what it's called) double-bladed, which was a nice thing. Would have been nicer to get a saber like that in single-blade, since that's what most of my toons use, but beggars can't be choosers. I enjoy it all the same.


Other than that, I got like one or two interesting mounts, the revered seer armor set, and a bunch of 1/3 armors that I will probably never finish because the other pieces cost a fortune on the GTN, even with DvL CM packs in circulation.


Not to mention the numerous XP boosts that I will have to get stupidly creative with to even find a use for (what a waste of space in those packs). I wouldn't have turned down some special +50% XP boosts, but an assortment of +25% for a variety of game modes I may never use to level a toon, ever, is pretty lame.


Overall feeling: Got some cool stuff, but... why did I do this again? Oh right, gambler's fallacy. Whoever said "effort should be rewarded proportionate to time invested" clearly wasn't the guy who made the DvL event.

Edited by Rolodome
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