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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your main characters?


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What are your main characters like? What race/gender/morality do they have?


I have one primary character for each class (with extra ones for the alternate advanced classes). But i mostly stick with three as my mains.


My first main is a female cyborg sith warrior. Shes lightside. She is essentially an honorable pragmatist who only uses executions/force chokes as a means to an end. I sort of view her as character who started training on korriban as an adult, and because of that she isnt as fanatic about "sith teachings" as many of her peers.


My other main is a zabrak male bounty hunter. I mostly chose zabrak because i thought the overly dark, raspy voice suited the zabrak race more than the other races (theres just something very ****** with a redskinned, tattoed zabrak using that voice). Hes essentially a consummate bounty hunter who always kill his targets. He never betrays his employer even if some other party offers him alot more money. At the same time he avoids killing civilians. Hes not a guy who would blow up an entire house just to kill one guy. As a result hes sort neutral leaning towards darkside.


My third is a female twilek smuggler. Shes essentially very opportunistic, egoistic and greedy. She doesnt really care about the rest of the world. At the same time she does care about her own crew. And occasionally she can avoid following her egoistic urges when the person making her an offer is a complete monster. Shes not completly heartless. But shes still darkside overall.

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While I've rotated around as to who's my mains with the characters on my roster, these are the ones that are designated mains the longest.


#1 Female Sith Pureblood Warrior. She's from a out in the boonies colony of Sith Pureblood traditionalists and was raised essentially with the perspective of the galaxy is divided between two groups: Sith Purebloods and everyone else who wishes they were born Sith Purebloods and so it's her inborn duty to present herself as an example of what should be aspired to. As she was predominantly home taught with the Force, to her, all the passions should be eagerly embraced equally because to do otherwise makes one no better than the repressive Jedi in that it's still denying a part of one's emotions. Naturally her experiences on Korriban shook her to the core at seeing those calling themselves Sith acting as little more than homicidal tantrum throwers rather than the proud leaders and examples to the galaxy they're supposed to be. This has left her to feel it's her responsibility to help reform the Empire away from essentially being held hostage by those she considers pretenders to being Sith and into a glorious new era of competent and rational Sith working together with non-Sith for a greater Empire.


#2 Female Sith Pureblood Smuggler. She is one of the rare Purebloods who just aren't as gifted with the Force like most of their species is and she was smuggled into the Republic to avoid the mandatory trip to Korriban because she wouldn't've survived. She gravitated towards the criminal underworld because no one really cared where one came from and it kept her away from Jedi attention for the most part which worked for her as she was raised with all the stories Sith tell their children about Jedi stealing children from their homes and wanting to slaughter all the Purebloods as soon as look at them. Her morality is more grey with a dark inclination as she's completely all about the almighty credit and generally has a guy in every port with a trail of broken hearts behind her.


#3 Male Cyborg Trooper. He originally was quite the patriot and wholeheartedly believed in the Republic and it's ideals. He still did after he took a rocket to the face and ended up with implants to help hold his head together. Ord Mantell was his first wakeup to the realization that the Republic wasn't sticking to it's ideals which only got reinforced when going to Coruscant. He leaned pretty dark and amoral until he met a particular Imperial defector who inspired him to try to be the change within to restore the Republic to what it should be rather than what it is.

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What are your main characters like? What race/gender/morality do they have?


My main character is a Sith Pureblood Male with a dark side pragmatic morality,he sees everything from the lowest Sith Acolyte at the academy from the very force itself as a way to advance his plan to control every aspect of nature itself.


He focuses on being efficient rather than letting his emotions take control to a point of no rationality,focusing on rebuilding the Sith Empire in a more united way where even slaves had necessary roles for the pilars of society without breaking it.

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Main and only 65 - Li-Ya, Twi, Consular, 100% Light Side, follows the Jedi Code perfectly


Syrin - level 50 (cap when I played back at launch), Mira, Knight, 100% light, but sometimes will do grey things/not follow the Code exactly


Shyon - level 44, currently leveling, Zabrak, Warrior, 100% Dark Side, brutal killer


Aylessa - new level 24, currently leveling, Cyborg, Trooper, Grey with Dark leanings


Grenja - level 42, kind if fallen by the wayside while doing other chars, Human, IA, 100% light, heart of gold

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I have 18 characters . But only 4 of them are my main . And they are all Ladies :p


My real main and the one I played along time is a Sith Inquisitor DS (human , wanted a Twilek , a red one but the Hood was never fixed . She also sport a Tattoo on the left side of her face). I played her Totally Psycho wannabe Empror .


Then I have my Sith warrior (Pure bloode , with jewelery ), who undo all the bad stuff my Sorc do :D cose she is LS .


Then on the repb I have my Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight (merilian with nice Tattoo. Also played her as a selfless Jedi wich earn you lot of dissaproval) (my JK is a blonde Miraluka body 3) . Both stories were kinda crap , but the Journey was fun . Just the ending kinda blow...


I still remember that cutscene in jedi consular main story where you meet this droid , was fun watching the Jedi consular laugh :D

Edited by SerraShar
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I’m alt crazy but I do have some “mains” that I have taken through KOTFE.


1. Female, JC, LS, Togruta, Romance: Iresso. The typical full LS JC. Is selfless and will always put the needs of others above herself. Never used Valkorion's power. Will always followed the Jedi Code with the one exception that she loves and will marry Iresso (Problem Satele? :D).


2. Male, SI, DS, Chiss, Romance: Theron. Wants everyone and everything that has anything to do with Zakuul destroyed forever. Power hungry and has been using Valkorion's power at every opportunity. Despite his rather DS demeanour he does have a soft spot when it comes to the treatment of slaves (since he was one) and wants them treated fairly. He also has a major soft spot (weakness) for his LI Theron whose starting to turn him into more of a softy than the killer he used to be in the 1-50 story.


3. Male, IA, Neutral, Chiss, Romance: Kaliyo. Doesn’t want anything to do with either Imp or Pubs and their stupid and in his opinion pointless wars, just wants to get the Zakuul situation dealt with so he can go back to being a free Agent. Loyal always and forever to the Chiss Ascendancy and Csilla.


4. Female, SW, LS, Cathar, Romance: Quinn. Firm believer in honour and will not kill the defenceless. She will only attack if she is attacked first, she’d rather avoid pointless confrontations (because she knows she'll win anyway) by playing mind games especially with Jedi. Has never used Valkorions power as she's pretty cocky and thinks she's more powerful than him anyway.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Here are a few of my favorites.


1.) Sith Warrior Juggernaut. Human male. Honorable warrior type, dark III-ish. I liked how many people in the story tried to brush him off as a dense, brutish thug and sure, while he could be, they often found they'd grossly underestimated his wit and cunning. The first (and my favorite) example is your first mission for Baras, where you manipulate your rivals into fighting one another while you, Vette, and the guards casually saunter out of the loading bay with your precious cargo, cool as cucumbers.


He respected skill and gave credit where credit was due, wasn't dark side for the sake of dark side points, but wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty, either. Wound up romancing Vette almost inadvertently. Overall I liked the archetype so much I played it 2 more times.


2.) Female Twi'lek smugger/gunslinger. Neutral to start, I think she topped out around light II, I don't remember. I heard a lot of "how 'bout a little somethin' extra for all my hard work" in my dialogue. She was a flirt, a charmer, and started out perhaps a bit naive (but not, like, Corso naive). I really feel like the smuggler experiences a lot of personal growth over the 1-50 class story. By the end of the story she was a hardened criminal who cut down those who'd betrayed her, definitely wasn't afraid to drop the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate justice, but wasn't a Rogun the Butcher or Skavak by any stretch of the imagination and had an altruistic streak.


No romance. Apparently I accidentally shut down the Corso romance by not taking advantage of him in like his 2nd convo on my ship when he was drunk. From what I understand if you tell him to sleep it off that's game over for the romance that never even started lol. Don't know if it would work between them anyway, and I enjoyed all the one-liners and shots she took at Corso.


3.) Female Rattataki bounty hunter/mercenary. Neutral. Does the job to the letter. If a contract says to kill, she kills the target. I actually got a lot of amusement over how conflicted Mako would get trying to reconcile her overly romanticized, fantasy idea of what she thought the hunter should be versus what my hunter actually was. Also got a lot of amusement

on Alderaan, bouncing another one, and one of my favorite dialogue choices in-game occurs on the same planet (


No romance on this character, she's all business. Whenever we get a suitable male Rattataki companion in-game I'll reconsider the romance thing lol.


Of these three BH has been my absolute favorite both in terms of class story and general gameplay.

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I have one clear cut main character and that is my male Gunslinger. He's quite ruthless, nearly full dark side. But he isn't corrupted, he doesn't do things only for himself. I like to think he's the darker side of the Republic, Jedi have a code, soldiers have guidelines but he doesn't, the Republic calls him in to do I guess off the books type of jobs, things a Jedi or Soldier wouldn't be able to do and if they did they would likely get punished.


He meant to romance Lana (but the game glitched and didn't save that he did in chapter 9) and he already married Risha earlier, so I guess he's going to stick with Risha (Bug decided that lol).

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Main Imp Side: Female Rattataki Inquisitor- Neutral, but gets darker as I progress her through KOTFE.


She follows her own moral compass despite being Sith. Although idealistic, she realizes quickly that her new role in the Sith hierarchy demands that she make decisions that ensure her own survival. In the beginning she is able to maintain a balance between the two sides, leaning slightly to the dark. Her whole world unravels though, with the arrival of the Eternal Empire. She loses everything she managed to obtain during her rise to power: her voice, her identity, her power base, and most importantly (at least to her) her other half. His disappearance is the hardest blow of all. With him no longer there to watch her back, both mentally and physically; she begins to crack under the pressure of her new role as Commander and falls further and further to the dark side. What originally starts as a a quest for justice with vengeance as a bonus; has become a downward spiral into rage and blood lust for any who cross her path.


Main Pub Side: Female Cathar Smuggler: Neutral


She's snarky and cynical to say the least. Been through enough to fill two lifetimes, she takes advantage of every opportunity that comes her way. Refuses to let anyone get the best of her and lives " shoot first, ask questions later" as her silent mantra. Her reaction to the war with the Eternal Empire is simply roll with the punches. Since she's lived her life as if the next day may be her last, this is just another "big bump" in the hyper lanes for her. Her farm boy is out there somewhere, she knows he doesn't make a habit of breaking promises. It's a matter of when they'll see each other again, not if.


Side Note: She earns some battle wounds during the KOTFE. Loses an eye and scarring around that facial area.

Edited by Venn_Dras
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Main on the Imperial Side:

Human female Sorcerer, light-side aligned:

My main on Imperial side is kind and compassionate woman, who aims to do what`s best for the citizens of the Empire. I`ve always taken light-side options on her, they fit for her character and I love to hear Xanthe Elbrick`s voice, she sounds so kind in some of the choices. I hate it though that the KotFE turned lightside Inquisitor into wanting to rule Zakuul. In my headcanon, she doesn`t, she just wants to help those in need.


Main on Republic side:

Human male Commando, light-side aligned:

Honorable commander of Havoc Squad, who is dedicated for the Republic, its people and for its ideals, though he finds himself sometimes clashing with General Garza`s orders, some of which are morally questionnable, that he refuses to obey. (Such as killing out the civilians whom cyborg inventor Krell had putted his implants on or taking the weaponized Rakghoul-plague from Needle`s lab.)

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All my characters are female, and on the Lighside of the morality scale. Only my Jedi are fully LS- HOWEVER, they both did fall in love, and took DS points for that. But they're very committed to the Jedi way, and so their personal relationships don't impede them when it comes to them doing their duties.


My trooper and smuggler are higher on the LS scale, and that's because one is a soldier who regrettably has to do some bad things to save lives, and the other one is a criminal who tries not to be too bad a criminal when it comes to decent people. But as long as a politician isn't trying to legalize slavery, she will take a bribe if its for something minor.


My SW and BH are basically Noble Warriors. My SW knows that killing people left and right will not win her any allies, and it's easier to get things done when you don't have a reputation of needless carnage following you around. Kill/punish the double-crossers, negotiate with equals or honorable people, intimidate people who would otherwise try to control you. That's what she lives by. My BH is also like this, but for different reasons. Their childhoods are completely different, they just have similar outlooks on things.


My SI is LS because she was a slave and remembers very well what it was like to grovel at someone's feet knowing that they could literally end your life right there if they felt like it. So now she helps those who are beaten down and imprisoned, and enjoys harming people who like to hurt others because it's funny. When she goes DS, it's to teach someone a lesson, not because she gets kicks out of torturing people.


My IA is willing to get her hands dirty to succeed in her mission, but she will avoid killing indiscriminately or going out of her way to ruin people's lives if they aren't her target. My IAs are always Chiss, and I play them as deciding to serve the Empire only because it helps their home planet and people. They have no personal allegiance to the Empire outside of this, which is why they all become ghosts in their playthroughs.


If I could only pick ONE CLASS from each faction however... it would definitely be Smuggler for Republic, and probably Sith Warrior for the Empire. I just feel like the Sith Warrior becomes such a cornerstone among her people and it's so enlightening when it comes to the innermost workings of the Emperor and the powers of the Throne itself that I can't pass it up.

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1. Male Zabrak Sith Assassin: An ancestor of Darth Maul, he possess a numerous amount of of the same traits Maul does (although its worth noting most of the ones he doesn't possess were drilled into Maul by Sidious's unique training methods) such as an occupation with vengeance, a penchant for focusing his passions (from love to hatred) onto a single entity (greatly intensifying those emotions as a result), and a borderline addiction to fighting Jedi (The only exception being Ashara). Despite this, he still manages to have some clarity in his view of the Force (credit for this too, goes largely to Ashara), realizing that the Dark Side is merely an explosive and destructive force that anihilates everything around it without the Light Side to constrain, focus, and direct it. Despite how deep in the Dark Side he is, he still manages to make decisions based on wisdom and logic rather than emotion or morality. He's far from perfect though, and if provoked only Ashara has a ghost of a chance of stopping him from utterly destroying his enemies in every conceivable way. Very few living beings have seen that side of him though, and on the outside he appears to be pragmatic visionary with a perceptive and open-minded disposition. As such, most beings he meets remain blissfully unaware of the monster that lurks just below the surface...constantly clawing to get out.


2. Male Cyborg Sith Warrior: A forceful human born to a family with a noble legacy within the Empire. As a child he lost his eyes defending his cousins from an animal attack. The cybernetic replacements work just fine, but he has always sorely missed seeing things with his own, flesh-and-blood eyes. This, along with many other things, provides him a deep wellspring of repressed rage upon which to draw. As a child he was raised on many Imperial values, but above all of them; Honor. His uncle, a Pureblood and his role model, taught him to value honor above all else, a lesson that has shaped his life as a Sith since the day he arrived on Korriban. He never lies, except in self-preservation (and even then he tries to minimize his dishonesty as much as possible i.e. with "little white lies"), he never kills an enemy that HE didn't defeat in combat, and he doesn't believe in killing innocents (of course his definition of innocent is somewhat different from most beings, but still in the general ballpark). He wears his heart on his sleeve. What you see is what you get. To him, nothing is more honorable and righteous than killing an enemy defeated in battle, and combat is a lifestyle to him. He likes nothing better than a good fight with a worthy opponent and a new challenge. Although to be fair whenever he meets a challenge he cannot initially defeat his solution is to only grow more and more enraged and vengeful until he succeeds. It works 99% of the time simply because he draws power from his rage...but not all problems can be solved by hitting or slicing things.


3. Human Female Bounty Hunter: A cousin of my Sith Warrior (one of the ones he lost his eyes defending) she lost her parents not long after the incident where my Warrior lost his eyes. Sadly, as her parents were the "black sheep" of the family, she was disowned and ended up being adopted by a rather poor but generous and kind-hearted family living in a small colony on an outer-rim planet. She grew up playing in the forests that surrounded her village, and learned how to survive the frequent pirate raids on their colony. When she was old enough she bought some armor and a blaster and set out to make a fortune as a Bounty Hunter, for two reasons:

a) As a Bounty Hunter she would often be hired to hunt down, punish, or even kill the same kind of pirate scum who raided her home village when she was a child

b) So that she could send every spare credit of her earnings back home to her village, to help them not only survive, but thrive.

She cares for her crew like family, disposition she acquired growing up in a close-knit village where everyone treated each other like family. She hates criminals who are just in it for the riches and fame, as well as stuck-up snobs and prejudiced individuals (most of the time working directly for Imperials is a trial for her because of this). She has force-sensitivity, and notably some natural talent in Force kinetics. She managed to evade being sent to Korriban by keeping her gifts a secret, even from her parents. Her joy in laying the hurt on criminals or snobs can sometimes border on sadistic, but that's because nobody knows what she's been through and seen. Frankly, its a wonder she hasn't gone full psycho herself...


4. Male Rattataki Agent: A man with a mysterious past, nobody but he knows where exactly he came from or what his story is. Some of the Watchers used to like to scare rookies by telling them that everyone who knows who and what Cipher Nine was before Imperial Intelligence is dead. Funny thing is, those same Watchers often found themselves lying awake at night, wondering if maybe they weren't so wrong... The former Cipher Nine, now known only in half-whispers as the Imperial Ghost, is a hard read. Nobody can really tell if he's just in it for the money, the perks, or the rush. Nobody knows who the Imperial Ghost really is. Is he the emotionless assassin who has carried out the executions of so many? Is he a mercenary with a fancy title who's in it for the cash? Or maybe he's a sarcastic and witty thrill-seeker who's in it for the rush of the kill and the thrill of the hunt? Or maybe he's all of those. Or even scarier, maybe all of those are just masks, and the real man behind the legend is buried so deep he's lost himself. Or maybe the real man doesn't exist at all...

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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What are your main characters like? What race/gender/morality do they have?


What an awesome thread! Thanks so much for posting this one. :D


I have two accounts, one that has a Main pub and a Main imp, a pure darkside, (Juggernaut) and a pure lightside (Sage). My second account is just a bank, crafters, slaves, etc. I also own a guild on each side and spend basically all my time focusing on these two characters and beefing up my empty guilds xD


First Character - Cayde Rendar - Bounty Hunter

This guy is probably the closest thing to a 'main' that I have. Since I'm on an RP server I have a pretty intricate storyline developed for them (though I don't do much RP, I just like writing stories).


If you've played through the Smuggler storyline, you know that you're basically an underworld high-end and infamous smuggler that makes a name for himself through his quick wit, trusty blaster, and perhaps even a bit of luck. Well, imagine if that smuggler did all those same things, except also hunted people down for money, and generally funded much of his adventures through the capture of targets, in addition to being the smuggler we all know.


That's the gist for my Bounty Hunter. Even in game, I've built him a measurement of wealth befitting a high profile smuggler crime lord and bounty hunter extraordinaire. Since the game's release I've made it a point to collect two versions of every armor set that has come out in the game via the cartel. One set I bind to my legacy, the other I keep in storage (hence the 2nd account). Additionally, I use all of the crafting producers to generate revenue and make my Bounty Smuggler rival the king of Dubrillion.


If you've ever watched the anime Outlaw Star, I take much of his character from Gene Starwind. He travels around as this Space Pirate meets Smuggler meets Bounty Hunter meets Ex-Soldier/Mercenary type. I've replaced many of his original companions with others (ironically that we now have in KOTFE!) in his story, and added some special weapons to help him handle force users. When I write about the force users, I do an extra-special job of making sure they are all just a little pompous and arrogant about the force, especially when talking to a "low-life" non-force user like my dude.


His official story is that he was the leader of the Republic Special Forces group Zero Squad; who specialized in Black Ops and Covert Strikes with the SIS. When the Havoc Squad situation occurs, Zero Squad is lost and Cayde is wounded (loses half an arm, and an eye) and as such is fitted with a cybernetic arm and advanced implants that Mako (yes I kept her) helped him discover during her search for her past. I altered their meeting slightly, in that Jewel'a Nightbringer found Cayde abandoned on the harsh environments of Sullust in a damaged escape pod, and recruited an as-of-yet unsuspecting Mako to program and initiate the Implants. Mako never saw Cayde, so their meeting later on through Braden has much more depth to it.


His choices are a mix of light and dark, typically favoring money, pragmatism, and self interest. He doesn't needlessly kill people, but doesn't tolerate betrayals. He's typically much nicer to non-force users, loyal to team mates and squad mates even if they're wrong or screw up, but has no problems casting someone away.


In KOTFE I made the pragmatic, yet clearly immoral choice of allowing Kaliyo to strike her secondary targets, which really pissed off Koth. My BH really liked Koth and OOC I put a lot of effort maxing his reputation. I had a lingering feeling the 'main characters' were not going to be as permanent, and we see examples of this with Koth and Senya. I'm waiting for when Theran and Lana bail on me.


Second Character - Trent Jaston - Trooper

Having been in the military for many years, I was drawn to this character in a lot of ways. Like my bounty hunter, I wrote a pretty extensive story line for this guy and I've tried my best to intertwine the stories of both characters, while keeping them separated in their own right. I don't want one to seem like a companion of the other, you know?


His back story is more along the game's storyline; the Havoc Squad story, except that he was in Zero Squad prior to his transfer to Havoc just prior to Zero Squad's difficulty. Following Zero Squad's supposed defeat, Trent was recruited by Havoc Squad (the unbeknownst adversary of Zero Squad). Then the process of discovering them via the Trooper storyline has a little more depth and is a little more personal.


Unlike the Bounty Hunter, this guy is a soldier through and through. Only cares about his the mission, his team, and the Republic -- in that order. If given the choice to save someone or complete the mission, he chooses the mission unless both are possible. When given the choice between his team mates and the Republic, he chooses his team mates. Makes for interesting dynamics as he butts heads with a lot of political parties who don't understand war.


I loved reading about everyone's mains and how they play them; the vast and dynamic way people play this game is so unique. Thanks again for making this thread, it's a gem.

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my main is a sith sorcerer he is full ds and he is a darkside sith fanatic like a true inquisitor he always thinks what is the most profitable when he has to make a choice and also he has a sister my jedi consular and a brother a jedi guardian they were separated when they jedi parents were kiled and my main escaped and was found by a bountyhunter who seled him to the slevers and when they discovered that the boy is force sensitve by killing a slave master whit force lightning they send him to koriban. He belived in revans techings that one can become strong when he follows the light and the dark side he tried to be good but that was a lost hope he even fell in love whit a jedi who become his padawan ashara zavros a female togruta but when darth nox killed revan in the foundry he compleatly fell to the dark side he stoped caring about his own crew but when he met whit lana beniko he felt that feeling again when he met whit ashara but lana was difrent she was a dark side user as wel an she was more darker than ashara so he left ashara and made a new romantic relation ship whit lana in kotfe he even killed his former comanion xalek His brother and sister were found by the jedi and they lived on corusant The two jedi think that ther brother died but darth nox knows that his brother and sister are alive and are jedi scum so he hate them Edited by darhtlaci
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What are your main characters like? What race/gender/morality do they have?


I have three "mains":


Twi'lek Male Jedi Guardian - Up until KotFE he was as good as good can be. Always saw the good in others and tried to bring it out whenever possible. Loves Kira and NEVER strays, eagerly anticipates her return. He was loyal and understanding to a fault thrusting blame onto himself when things went wrong. However since his encounter with Satele and Marr he realizes the flaw in strict adherence to the Jedi code and has taken a more ruthless tack when betrayed.


Human Male Scoundrel - started out in smuggling for the money; whatever path lead to profit was the direction he took (this has upset Corso on more than one occasion). Dragged kicking and screaming into the role of a hero of the Republic he still seeks credits when the opportunity presents itself. He married Risha solely for the possibility of a big payoff later. A bit of a womanizer, he has wooed every woman he could.


Chiss Female Operative - She joined imperial intelligence at a young age and was loyal to that service until its demise. Despite her better judgment she fell in love with Vector. The Intelligence service's rebirth under the Sith gave her the willies and brought into question her choices. This is because she distrusts force users...ALL force users. Even Lana is suspect even though they share a pragmatic view of the galaxy. This distrust was further magnified by the events of KotFE. She HATES the fact that Valkorian has wended his way into her mind and staunchly refuses his "assistance". She HATES Arcann and EVERYONE under him for imprisoning her. She was glad when Koth left with his "worship" of Valkorian.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have 3 main characters so far, I have one for each class picked out but only 3 that I have focused on.


Main one is a Female Human Warrior,

She was raised in a prominent family, showing force sensitivity at an early age. She believes 100% into the darkest ideals of the empire and takes the Sith teachings to heart. She is rather cruel and sadistic and has a very high opinion of herself and her place in the world. She is Sith and others should bow to her, that is the way the world works. She isn't bothered at all by the notion of betrayal as it is the natural order of things as far as she is concerned. At times its difficult to play her at long stretches and I have to take a break because going full dark side means making a lot of choices that don't make any sense unless to subscribe to the Sith's very alien code of ethics.


My other favourite is a Female human Imperial Agent.

She is Yong and fresh out of the academy, She doesn't buy into the more depraved ways of the Sith and thinks that their megalomania and infighting are counter productive. Never the less, she is 100% commited to the Empire and thus its leadership so she would never speak against a Sith and tries to stay out of thier afairs whenever possible. Her overall theme is neutral because she only makes Dark side choices when it is the best way to accomplish the mission.


My Newest character is a Zabric Inquisitor. She was raised as a slave and has known no other life, she didn't appreciate the hardship of her life but never rebelled because it was the only life she knew.

Everything changed when she showed aptitude for the Force, Her experiences on Koriban stoked her anger and her training there reinforced the idea that anger and hatred were useful tools but not having been indoctrinated into the Sith way from birth, she sees little need to lash out aimlessly. She will give a fair chance to most unless there is no other way. For example, one of her first tests in the academy was to help free a Jedi and use him as bait, she had the opportunity to warn him and after much consideration she ultimately let him blunder into the trap. She had nothing against him but she knew she was being watched and tested and in the end she put her own well being over his rather then deceiving him out of loyalty to the Sith. She has just arrived on Dromund Kaas and it is a bit of a surreal experience for her, Standing in the middle of the bustling City, watching everyone move around her, for the first time free to go where she wants and wear clothes and eat food she never dreamed of, she looks forward to serving Zash as she seems to be very fair for a Sith and she looks forward to making her mark on the world with such a benevolent patron :)


All my other characters are sitting on the opening screen, waiting for their adventures to start.

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My JK and SI are both human females, actually they are (not identical) twins, one of them lost during a slave transport and ended up in Republic hands, eventually growing up in Castle Alde with the servants until the Jedi took her. Just as all my main, they are Light V, but Darth Imperius has had her dark moments, but she's a strong belief in the Light Sith direction. My JK only wishes to protect people, but the longer she fights, the more she believes she should be in charge for others' sake. My SI on the other hand wants to rule the galaxy and become immortal like any other Sith, but with different morals. She protects her own and has mercy - one time for everyone. She mourned Marr. My JK has a crush on Vaylin (some people find her interesting, yes) while Imperius got together with Lana, hoping to turn her.

My JC is a female Miraluka who was saved by the Order at early age and stayed with them. She is very strict in following the Jedi Code, much more then the JK. She relies a little too much on diplomacy and peaceful negotiations, even though she has more potential than the rest of the Council, always uses her power as last resource.

My SW is a male pureblood noble, but he was always curious about his enemies' teachings. He refused the Jedi Code and started his own path, eventually becoming a Light Sith. But he's rather a rival to Imperius, because he refuses her idea that they should rule the galaxy, he rather focuses on making himself immortal through the legends they will tell about his great adventures. Of course he's not a stupid loner and finds that defending the Sith Empire (rather ruled by Imperius than others, though he may not admit it to her) and its' people is the way to eternal glory. He also married Vette.

My BH is a male human, who was always fascinated by Mandalorians, so he leaped at the opportunity when he heard about the Great Hunt. He follows the Mandalorian Code strictly, fights with honour, doesn't betray anyone for wealth, but also won't help the needy, since they are weak. He became a bounty hunter to constantly improve himself and become the ultimate warrior, one day to challenge Mandalore himself (herself by now). He married Mako.

My trooper is a male human, grown up on Corellia, but never was interested in starships. First he wanted to join the police but when his parents were killed in an imperial intelligence missions gone wrong, he decided it to be more important to stop the Empire's threat once and for all. He somewhat envies the Force-sensitives, but also believes they are not doing everything possible because of their own stupid rules, so he feels he needs to stand up instead of them. He married Elara.

My smuggler is a male Mirialan, though he never was on Mirial. He grew up in the dark slums of Coruscant, learning many tricks there as child. He never really cared for traditional Mirialan religion, only focused on his survival and wealth. His main belief is: "If they pay well for being a hero, why not be one?", but he doesn't care that much about others' well-being, except for his few close friends. He flirted a lot with Risha but never grew too close.

My agent is a female Chiss, descendant of the great House Csapla. She joined the Intelligence because she believed the Empire would lead the Ascendancy in glory. She got disgusted of the Sith influence with record speed, that's why she chose to walk her own path and help build and Empire without the Sith.

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Ive started to use a new character as my republic main. Shes a female cathar trooper named Raiyani Rhakhasi. Since the mandalorians are friendly with the empire, she has an ibtense hatred for her enemy. Shes alot like my bounty hunter in a sense. She ALWAYS follows General Garzas orders/directives no matter what. At the same time, she can be very heroic and altruistic when the decisions is up to her. Shes essentially a pragmatic antihero who isnt afriad to get her hands dirty. Shes one of my few characters that ended up with a "neutral" alignment when class story ended. She also is a perfect match for aric jorgan. Theyre essentially made for each other.
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If the DS choices on offer were more pragmatic than outright "MuhuhaHaHA!" I'd have far more DS and neutral characters. In fact my only two DS characters are played as psychopaths.


My DS inquisitor (male human) is somewhat tempered by his romance with Ashara but still managed to get to DS4. My DS SW (male human) only just got DS Jaesa. Will probably pick that story back up after the DvL event is over.


My Juggernaut (human, female, LS4) reveled in poking Baras every chance she got. Vette is her BFF and she married Quinn.


My Sage (human, female, LS4) is an idealist with the power and influence to back it up. She and Theron are spending some quality time together whenever their busy schedules synchronize. While she and Lana don't see eye-to-eye on many things (Lana after a less than pragmatic LS choice: Are you serious?!) they get along famously.


An older toon of note: My BT3 male Ratataki Mercenary. I have him kitted out with the BBA pistols. Thanks to the body type scaling they're freakin' hand cannons. Of course he and Mako are a thing.

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If the DS choices on offer were more pragmatic than outright "MuhuhaHaHA!" I'd have far more DS and neutral characters. In fact my only two DS characters are played as psychopaths.


My DS inquisitor (male human) is somewhat tempered by his romance with Ashara but still managed to get to DS4. My DS SW (male human) only just got DS Jaesa. Will probably pick that story back up after the DvL event is over.


My Juggernaut (human, female, LS4) reveled in poking Baras every chance she got. Vette is her BFF and she married Quinn.


My Sage (human, female, LS4) is an idealist with the power and influence to back it up. She and Theron are spending some quality time together whenever their busy schedules synchronize. While she and Lana don't see eye-to-eye on many things (Lana after a less than pragmatic LS choice: Are you serious?!) they get along famously.


An older toon of note: My BT3 male Ratataki Mercenary. I have him kitted out with the BBA pistols. Thanks to the body type scaling they're freakin' hand cannons. Of course he and Mako are a thing.


Thats why i like classes like bounty hunter, smuggler, trooper and agent. Most of the ds choices in those class stories seem more pragmatic/selfserving rather than "moahaha im evil". Sith warrior is also pretty neat because you can tweak your morality choices alot (like sparing enemies only to order your subordinates to torture them fir information afterwarfs). The jedi classes is pretty terrible in this regard. Same with sith inquisitor. I didnt even get why ashara zavros "liked" my ds inquisitor. My inq was pretty much a sadistic psychopath that gave ramsay bolton a run for his money.

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I guess I have two 'mains' one on each side.


Empire: Nathrrya Therin, Sith Juggernaut. She's about as Light Side as it can be possible to be but she has been known to cut people down in cold blood when needed. *cough* Skedge *cough* she took great delight in mocking Baras every chance she got, loves Vette and Jaesa like sisters and even married Quinn but after his betrayal their relationship was never quite the same.


Republic: Casavir Therin, Jedi Guardian. He's also about as Light Side as you can be but has been known to take a darker path when needed. He's not too good at following the Jedi Code, well the part about attachments at least as he and Kira are happily married. His cousin, Nathrrya has teased him mercilessly about it. She takes great delight in pointing out that technically he fell in love with and married a Sith. :D Something that endlessly amuses Nathrrya.

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My Zabrak Jedi Knight / Sentinel Goen-Tog Etya is a pure light sided paragon of virtue and is married to the Jedi Order. He even wears shades of white and brown on his armors. The galaxy, the Jedi Order, and the Old Republic he loved no longer exists. He even feels lonely enough that he may even retire and settle down with a wife and family if the galaxy ever catches its breath.


My Zabrak Sith Inquisitor / Sorcerer Krushya Wyn-Ike Etya is purely dark sided. WYN-IKE is his birth name and KRUSHYA is his honorific name. He craves power and knowledge and seeks to rule. He believes in the Sith Empire that began several millennia ago and feels completely out of his element in the state galaxy is in. He wants to rule the galaxy if he can find an opportunity to make it happen. His color schemes range the spectrum from black, purples, and reds, but prefers the darkness of black.


My JK and SI inquisitor are half brothers on opposite sides of the galactic conflict. They are the sons of my Zabrak Sith Warrior / Marauder Tarar-Beese Etya, a womanizing wretch of a warmonger who has had as many children as women. The war might have become personal if it were not for the fact they are related. Instead they keep a respectful distance. Also because I cannot physically make them fight each other (lol).

Edited by Darth_Krushya
spelling, more info
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