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Arcan fight


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I did not figure out at first that I have to use those shields to beat him. After I figured that out, it was not hard to beat Arcann. Nevertheless, it was more of a challenge than previous boss fights I have encountered.


Btw, I did it with a sage, so other classes might have more trouble without the healing abilities.

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I did it as an assassin, the giant big glowing things told me everything I had to do without figuring it out.


It was the most entertaining fight of the entire KOTFE storyline, excluding the Eternal Championship.


The big giant arrows and glows however, will kill its replay ability for me.


Unrelated, I miss the old floor vents on Torque without red circles!

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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So people really had trouble with this?


Yeah. I was shocked when I read that people found this fight difficult. Faceroll nowhere near describes how easy it was. And I thought we needed our super duper crafted weapon that we did a special quest for which is the only thing in the galaxy that can defeat him? :rolleyes:

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I think the people who died got hit back his knockback when they were not that far from the ledge.


I've done this twice and not come close to dying, but the only way I could imagine dying is by getting knocked off the ledge. He does so little damage that my Sorc and Jugg never went below 70% health.

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...is a pain in the ***...


finished the sentence :p But I can see how people may have difficulty with it. My JK was ok but my mara struggled a bit as in my health dropped down in the 60s a few times, and maybe into the 40's once. I got pounded by knockbacks repeatedly and depending on surrounding energy drains, I found the shield failed to shield...or block the drain, especially the closer I got. I just continued to move as slowly as I could and target him. I didn't realize that after I picked up the shield, somehow, he became untargeted so I'd get close but wouldn't be able to knock him back. Took me a minute to realize I didn't have him targetted. I never died though nor did my hit points get that close. If I didn't use Marr and Satele's reflect and heal effects at least a few times then I'd have died on both characters.

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I just want to add, I also find people with lower gear or companion affection when relevant struggle than a well geared toon with a high level of companion affection. Like gemini, take Senya and Scorpio at level 15 and level 10 respectively and no issues! Take them at level 3 and ouchies! Expensive repair bill.


So if someone is struggling it may be that they are lower geared or lower damage dealing like your squishy operatives...at least that's what I found.


Case in point, JK outfitted in 216 + no problemo. My SW outfitted in 200+ saw more of a hit point drain but still was fine in the end.

Edited by americanaussie
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I just want to add, I also find people with lower gear or companion affection when relevant struggle than a well geared toon with a high level of companion affection. Like gemini, take Senya and Scorpio at level 15 and level 10 respectively and no issues! Take them at level 3 and ouchies! Expensive repair bill.


So if someone is struggling it may be that they are lower geared or lower damage dealing like your squishy operatives...at least that's what I found.


Case in point, JK outfitted in 216 + no problemo. My SW outfitted in 200+ saw more of a hit point drain but still was fine in the end.


lol i played the whole game with the 190 module gear (& ofc the 200 story gear) and never i was close to die (jedi knight)

Edited by Theradonh
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It was the best solo challenge I've had since pre-3.0 Thanaton. Actually forced my mara to use cooldowns and buffs, which combined with the sword, kept me alive until I figured out what to do. I beat it first try, yeah, but not easily. Was very satisfied.
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Yeah. It's difficult enough bit definitely not impossible. I hate impossible fights. My healer operative in gemini deception vs skytrooper constructor. Ouchie ouch ouch. I respecd her but I've stopped logging with her as it was frustrating and I hate the fights on gemini. Now I know to get senya up passed level 3. (Now I don't care if you defeated it with senya lvl 1 or something. I found it impossible. )
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Yeah. It's difficult enough bit definitely not impossible. I hate impossible fights. My healer operative in gemini deception vs skytrooper constructor. Ouchie ouch ouch. I respecd her but I've stopped logging with her as it was frustrating and I hate the fights on gemini. Now I know to get senya up passed level 3. (Now I don't care if you defeated it with senya lvl 1 or something. I found it impossible. )


Maybe it depends on your class. I played with a jedi knight and a sith warrior and it was really really easy.


You could play the whole story without your companions...




But I could imagine that it's a lot harder with a healer.

Edited by Theradonh
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Yeah totally. Operatives do not deal huge amounts of damage nor do they have huge amounts of heals. They are like cockroaches in most battles...but those battles can take forever. Not sure how they are against Arcann. Probably just fine but in battles where you need to kill the boss fast before you're overwhelmed. ..they aren't much use. They don't have the speed and need to be up close and personal for knife battles which do significantly less damage than jedi or sith. They rely stuns for survivability in longer battles which bosses are immune to mostly. My operative took on the mandalorian joss and her husband in SOR by herself as my companion died within a min and I lost the Droid. Battle took me 30 or 40 or so minutes but she won. No dramas. I reckon arcann would be easy as well given that it's shield mechanics rather than my own lousy attacks. Maybe that's why they have it this way? To put healers and sentinels/marauders on even footing? The battles I struggled with on my operative, my marauder and sentinel had zero struggles all due to her low dps. Edited by americanaussie
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I understood what I was supposed to do... but fighting with the UI really wasn't one of them.


The shield is supposed to be a toggle, and yet the toggle never goes "on" even though you are using the shield. Then it just drops randomly and you have to click it again. You have to watch your character animation and cannot trust the UI. Horrible.

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This fight was annoying, not difficult. I didn't bother to equip the crafted sabers neither on my focus guardian nor my carnage marauder. The later had his HP drop to ~30% in one or two occasions but this was me not moving out of bad stuff in a timely manner.


The only challenging stuff in TOR today, outside raiding ofc, are the solo HC star fortresses and 1 or 2 fights in the eternal championship depending on the class / companion setup.

Edited by Galentor
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So people really had trouble with this?


The reason why some had trouble is because they were setup by BW to have trouble.


An entire chapter to build a weapon to use against arcann and it was worthless and useless and if you tried ot use it, things just got worse. Oh this random zakuul shield over in the corner? Thats the ticket, not this waste of time, force powerful weapon that should have been used as a door stop.


I think thats why people had trouble. They were tricked into thinking that weapon meant something and it did not.. They tried to use it and it played no real part in the encounter. Just use the shield.

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It was like impossible to die.

There are plenty of edges above very high places that you can fall off of. The first time through, I didn't know that in a certain fight in Chapter III, the foes have a big knock-back, and I got sent flying. (And yes, HK-55 is quite right when he says that meatbags can't fly.)

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The reason why some had trouble is because they were setup by BW to have trouble.


An entire chapter to build a weapon to use against arcann and it was worthless and useless and if you tried ot use it, things just got worse. Oh this random zakuul shield over in the corner? Thats the ticket, not this waste of time, force powerful weapon that should have been used as a door stop.


I think thats why people had trouble. They were tricked into thinking that weapon meant something and it did not.. They tried to use it and it played no real part in the encounter. Just use the shield.




The way this fight was staged and executed made the builded weapon and it's corresponding chapter moot and obsolete, to say the least.

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The way this fight was staged and executed made the builded weapon and it's corresponding chapter moot and obsolete, to say the least.


But but but, Satele and Marr had a bebe weapon! It has to be good, it was borne of the force. It was given unto you to care for, and watch over, it will bring balance to the force and defeat your foes in battle. Or something.




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But but but, Satele and Marr had a bebe weapon! It has to be good, it was borne of the force. It was given unto you to care for, and watch over, it will bring balance to the force and defeat your foes in battle. Or something.
I am reminded of an early-80s television show called "Wizards and Warriors" (starring the late Jeff Conaway). As an avid D&D player, it was like watching a D&D session on TV (the show was intended to be a comedy and included several "Meta" quips and observations). I recall an episode in which the Prince and his Companion visit the Wizard, who explains their quest, then offers to enchant the Prince's weapon by touching the sword with the Wizard's magic crystal. The Prince's Companion then shoves his sword forward, pleading, "Me too, me too!" I remember chuckling because that was how some of my D&D friends would react: "Hey, if you're giving out magic enchantments, can you help a brother out?"


This Super-uber-weapon-of-super-awesome-and-super-superlativeness we get in SWTOR calls to mind one of the most annoying aspects (to me) of old D&D campaigns: Disposable weapons. How many characters began life with their Sword of Consanguinity (or some other family heirloom passed down father to son for generations), only to discard their bland heredity weapon for the first shiny +1 Long Sword they found? The way things worked, it only made sense for the players to trade up as they progressed. Players remained no more committed to a particular weapon than most men remain committed to a particular significant other.


So, the Ham-Fisted Bludgeon of Arcann-Slaying may have been nice when we got it, but it's old news now. Today's upgrade is that shiny new shield thingy in the corner.

Edited by Thoronmir
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Wait the weapon I completely forgot about actually does something? Not that it was needed did it in green gear on dvl vanguard with no issues. If I ever want to drag another alt through that mess again I may have to equip it.


Seriously we couldn't have gotten a Kenobi at the start of the fight "use the weapon, insertnamehere".

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Wait the weapon I completely forgot about actually does something? Not that it was needed did it in green gear on dvl vanguard with no issues. If I ever want to drag another alt through that mess again I may have to equip it.


Seriously we couldn't have gotten a Kenobi at the start of the fight "use the weapon, insertnamehere".


Yep. The super awesome Arcann slaying vorpal holy avenger of sharpness +50 was totally irrelevant to winning the fight. It sat in my cargo bay because I totally forgot about it until after the fight was over.

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