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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cross-Server Group Finder


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I don't usually visit the forums, let alone post anything on them, but I believe it would be wiser to express this idea rather than limit my voice to the people I know in the server I play in.


I'm pretty sure something like this has come up. If it has, gladly direct me to the discussion in the forums. If this post doesn't belong here then my apologies and please place it where it should.


I'm an active player of SWTOR since the ends of 2011 beginning of 2012. I know my way around most flashpoints, operations and PvP warzones. Played every single storyline more than 3 times and enjoyed every cent spent in this game and the time played too.


Earlier, I was hanging out with my online friends and talking about how long it takes for the group finder queue to pop (particularly for Hard Mode Flashpoints) in The Ebon Hawk server. Let alone for Operations (Where most people go with their guilds). As a DPS Mercenary.. I was queued for Hard Mode Flashpoints for just a little more than 3 hours before it popped. Trying to complete the Dark vs Light event, Legendary status.


We were comparing other MMORPG's and noticed that it would be nice to have a Cross-Server Group Finder for PvE activities such as the Flashpoints and Operations. If a Cross-Server Group Finder for PvP Warzones would be possible then that would be fine as well.


The point is the waiting time. Cross-Server group finders just gather all the players across the entire game and group them up for a raid. Seeing as this game only needs 4 people in a group for flashpoints.. getting 4 people for a flashpoint in a cross-server system would take about... 1 Minute? 30 seconds?


I do not know how much time, effort and money does it take for a company to do this.. Please forgive my ignorance in that aspect.. But hell.. if it were for me and my ideas even the Galactic Trade Network would be cross-server. Actually the only difference between the servers would be that players from different servers would obviously not meet eachother. Players from different servers cannot whisper or contact eachother and of course, the time zones.


Just think about the utopic environment of having interlinked servers would be. Flashpoints could return to normal (requiring 1 healer, 1 tank and 2 dps to pop) because there are healers queing from all over the world, and tanks, and dps. Speaking of the difficulty in these tactical flashpoints when the entire group is DPS is another subject. The focus on this thread is Cross-Server Group Finders. If the waiting time for the group finder is one of the reasons for server merging, then merging the group finders wouldn't make it a reason anymore.


Many agree on this, others disagree for reasons I cannot comprehend. But the waiting time.. That waiting time...


I hope this catches the attention at least from a Moderator. It would feel great if this was merely looked at.. And it would be even better if it was already considered by the developers. If it's not, and it's not planned, not thought of or not even possible. Then it's a little sad. Disappointing. Either way... It's just an idea... and i'm just putting it out there.. or making noise of it again.


Thank you very much.

Edited by rafacarlos
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Agree! If cross server group finder is not going to be implemented then change group composition to 1 tank, 1 heal, and 3 dps along with the appropriate fp adjustments for the extra person. While not perfect, it will help reduce the overwhelming number of dps waiting in que.
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Agree! If cross server group finder is not going to be implemented then change group composition to 1 tank, 1 heal, and 3 dps along with the appropriate fp adjustments for the extra person. While not perfect, it will help reduce the overwhelming number of dps waiting in que.


Thank you. I'm not sure if it's only in my server... but the waiting time for Tanks and Healers is not as long as for DPS, but it still takes quite a while. Talking about 30 - 45 minutes. Some people may think even more.

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I've been hearing rumours and small chit chat about a mega server or two lol. Is that it?


No, that's a joke. Some years ago a dev told someone that they have "something better than x-server" when asked about it. We're still waiting to see what it is :D

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Cross-server anything just ain't in the cards for this game. Long story short, the technology this game is built on can't handle it. It would require a complete redesign and rebuilding of SWTOR to make this happen. Think about it this way: Freedom Tower has a feature that the people in the Empire State Building want; in order for the ESB to get it, the ESB would have to demolished and rebuilt from its foundation up.


As for the alternative of increasing group size so that more DPS get into a group at any one time. That ain't gonna happen either. Why? Because it would require a redesign of EVERY encounter in EVERY FP be retuned.


What WOULD help with GF queues? Incentives for filling underrepresented roles. I've said it many times on these forums: encouraging players to play tanks and healers is the most efficient way to get to faster groups formed. And those incentives do not even have to be game breaking. A goodie bag for successful completion of an FP that normally have random crafting materials, or a small stack of adrenals or medpack or stims, but with a chance at some random rare items would probably be enough to get tanks and healers that do not queue to queue and to get some players of DPS to queue as tank or healer.

Edited by psandak
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If cross server group finder is not going to be implemented then change group composition to 1 tank, 1 heal, and 3 dps along with the appropriate fp adjustments for the extra person. While not perfect, it will help reduce the overwhelming number of dps waiting in que.


This might be interesting for some servers that do actually have population, but when a friend and I queue as tank+healer together and end up giving up after 30 minutes to go do something else, then I think this would only make matters worse on low population servers.


It might be good in addition to cross-server.. if that were to ever happen.

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I don't usually visit the forums, let alone post anything on them, but I believe it would be wiser to express this idea rather than limit my voice to the people I know in the server I play in.


I'm pretty sure something like this has come up. If it has, gladly direct me to the discussion in the forums. If this post doesn't belong here then my apologies and please place it where it should.


I'm an active player of SWTOR since the ends of 2011 beginning of 2012. I know my way around most flashpoints, operations and PvP warzones. Played every single storyline more than 3 times and enjoyed every cent spent in this game and the time played too.


Earlier, I was hanging out with my online friends and talking about how long it takes for the group finder queue to pop (particularly for Hard Mode Flashpoints) in The Ebon Hawk server. Let alone for Operations (Where most people go with their guilds). As a DPS Mercenary.. I was queued for Hard Mode Flashpoints for just a little more than 3 hours before it popped. Trying to complete the Dark vs Light event, Legendary status.


We were comparing other MMORPG's and noticed that it would be nice to have a Cross-Server Group Finder for PvE activities such as the Flashpoints and Operations. If a Cross-Server Group Finder for PvP Warzones would be possible then that would be fine as well.


The point is the waiting time. Cross-Server group finders just gather all the players across the entire game and group them up for a raid. Seeing as this game only needs 4 people in a group for flashpoints.. getting 4 people for a flashpoint in a cross-server system would take about... 1 Minute? 30 seconds?


I do not know how much time, effort and money does it take for a company to do this.. Please forgive my ignorance in that aspect.. But hell.. if it were for me and my ideas even the Galactic Trade Network would be cross-server. Actually the only difference between the servers would be that players from different servers would obviously not meet eachother. Players from different servers cannot whisper or contact eachother and of course, the time zones.


Just think about the utopic environment of having interlinked servers would be. Flashpoints could return to normal (requiring 1 healer, 1 tank and 2 dps to pop) because there are healers queing from all over the world, and tanks, and dps. Speaking of the difficulty in these tactical flashpoints when the entire group is DPS is another subject. The focus on this thread is Cross-Server Group Finders. If the waiting time for the group finder is one of the reasons for server merging, then merging the group finders wouldn't make it a reason anymore.


Many agree on this, others disagree for reasons I cannot comprehend. But the waiting time.. That waiting time...


I hope this catches the attention at least from a Moderator. It would feel great if this was merely looked at.. And it would be even better if it was already considered by the developers. If it's not, and it's not planned, not thought of or not even possible. Then it's a little sad. Disappointing. Either way... It's just an idea... and i'm just putting it out there.. or making noise of it again.


Thank you very much.


Sorry man, dead end. Bioware are not going to implement cross-server flashpoints, warzones and cross-faction warzones because they don't care much what players need... All they care about is Cartel Market. They have been asked for cross-server 1000 times yet - no results...

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