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GSF dead


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It not dead u just need to do some reading to find out harbringers and red eclips are the best server I made char on both of them and I play all day no waits


Yeah but the problem are also the times to play, i mostly que after raids when its 11 pm and then i get no pops :(

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There is a theoretical matchmaking, but in practice it rarely happens.


Matchmaker is supposed to match up people by time played on their current toon. Meaning, it start by grouping toons with a small amount of time played, an expands out in order to find more players. The problem is that GSF has a small player pool, so it's much more common for a group to be formed of experienced and new players together - since these sre the players in queue.


So in short, you should be grouped with new players if you're new, but you'll probably end up playing with/against at least a couple of vets.

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Icy, there is no level bracket like pvp and you can gsf at level one as opposed to pvp where you can start at ten. The player pool is rather small and group queue get priority over solo queue. The people that usually group are vets so that leaves the solo pilots and new players to face premades and veterans.
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It's recommended that you join the chat channel - usually GSF

/cjoin GSF


Then if you explain that you're new, but would like to compete, then there's usually someone who will group up with you and give you the edge- since groups take precedent over solo.


Over in Europe the community is small, but most of the regulars know one another- and can usually help out anyone willing to participate- with help and advice so long as you're not in it just for the achieve. :eek:


GL OP, & I hope you come to enjoy it as much as the rest of us. :)

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