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male SW voice different


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He didn't. His voice actor just dropped (almost) the British accent he used for Keeper. Actually, in the consular's class quest on Rishi, the consular meets another Jedi, with a perfectly unremarkable voice - that's actually Keeper's voice actor, too. Minus the accent.


...wait. Whoops. Which "Keeper" did you mean?


Watcher Two gets promoted to Keeper, and the original Keeper goes to Minister of Intelligence. I just always refer to them as Watcher Two and Keeper, respectively. If you're talking about Watcher Two-Keeper, then I have no idea if her voice actress was changed or not.


Yeah, I meant the original Keeper.

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I still refer to them as Watcher Two and Keeper myself, and assume others do as well. It'd be interesting to see if other people refer to them otherwise.


She'll always be Watcher Two to my heartbroken agent... Even if I know her actual name!

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Yeah, but this wasn't close, it was exact. I main BH. I know the voice. It's growly and irritating and laconic. The trooper is always ra-ra-ra, let's do this! The incident I'm talking about, it was the male BH voice coming from the male trooper mouth, in and out of the voice-modulated helmet. I've run flashpoints since with male troopers (even the same guy on the same toon). Problem hasn't cropped up again. Haven't run Manaan again though. It might only be tied to that one fp. Maybe it was a one-off miscue and will never happen again. Still amusing though.


Hmmm...well, in that case, maybe that's what happened. All I know is, that in the start of Shadow of Revan (the Tython and Korriban flashpoints), the male trooper's voice goes from "raspy" to "gravel and nail and sharp volcanic stone-filled" in two seconds flat. Oddly, that extremely rasping voice evens out just a little near Ziost and Fallen Empire.

Heck, I actually wrote a story trying to explain the abrupt change in my trooper's voice. :p My explanation: permanent lung and voice-box damage due to smoke inhalation in a huge fire. Medically accurate? Who knows. Because eh, this is Star Wars, who cares about logic!


As for Watcher Two...

My female agent went from "Oh, hurray, an ally!" to "I literally do not care if you live or die; I'll just act like I care" to Watcher Two as the story went on. (She managed to find SOME humanity - or Chissmanity? - during Shadow of Revan's quest, though. D'aww.)

My male agent went from "Oh, an all--whooooaaaaa she's so pretty... [lovesick puppy-dog expression every time Watcher Two so much as breathes in his general direction]" to...um. "Act II just happened." By the end of his class story, he was planning how to ruthlessly hunt down and murder Imperial Intelligence. e_e He...kinda went insane from that whole ordeal. Poor Watcher Two. :c

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The female trooper is the same actress who plays Satele Shan, and you can really tell it when you take female trooper to KOTFE. I think somebody got confused as to which character was supposed to be talking.


Could be interestng if Theron and Zenith ever meet, since they're the same person too..


Some companions sound older in KOTFE. Which I guess they should since its been 5 years.

Edited by RameiArashi
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Between the pebble-throwing animations, and that voice actor, the consular story is almost unplayable.

Then it's not just me. I can't stand his voice, sounds like he's always bored to tears. I only leveled one male JC because of Nadia (and even their romance dialogue sounds awkward because of his voice).

it takes serene to 11 and goes right into "I was given too much Xanax and cannot express emotion at all"


So it's not just the female Consular who sounds terminally flat and robotic. Must be the voice direction.

Edited by Tamyn
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