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Your opinion on Ability Pruning


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Just your opinion.

About watchman/anni - amazing in all game modes right now.


sssssh we need more posts talking about how anni needs buffs like the first guy :cool:


Though if BW starts ability pruning i will be pissed

Edited by Nic__
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No class has more abilities than hotbars.


No class uses 30 abilities. Usually there are 3,4 that are spammed and 3,4 with a huge cd.


Yeah, lmao. On my sorc, merc and sniper, I literally have to exclude an entire ability bar to be able to make my bars seem "full". On my op, I would have to do that if not for having all my heals keybound all the time for easy respeccing. People who think we have too many abilities are... well... :rolleyes:

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Right now it's fine, but if they prune I am going back to fighting games, that will be it for me on mmorpgs. Right now like I said in the OP, swtors classes actually have as much, and some even more abilities then classes in WoW currently. I think the number of abilities are fine right now in swtor. There are other variables/aspects to PVP then just the number of a classes abilities, however we definitely do not need to lose any abilities.
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I dont like this at all, what is the fun in hitting like 5 buttons over and over again? I think some of the specs need more complexity... i think for example that Annihilation jugs and maras are perfect. then you have specs like Deception. Maul, Maul, ball lighting, discharge is about as complex as it gets.
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