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Your Choices Matter


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Um not true.



I have the gravestone still and am celebrating victory. Others get it stolen by Koth. Bye bye gravestone, sucks to be you. :p That's a not very happy ending.


Gravestone doesnt really matter, It sits in the Hangar 99% of the time anyways

Edited by RepublicDiplomat
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Gravestone doesnt really matter, It sits in the Hangar 90% of the time anyways



i disagree the one thing you needed to defeat the eternal fleet is gone for those who went dark side what you going to do now?


Edited by commanderwar
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Um not true.



I have the gravestone still and am celebrating victory. Others get it stolen by Koth. Bye bye gravestone, sucks to be you. :p That's a not very happy ending.



Who could have known that Koth had a matter transporter shoved up his *** so he can just let himself on the ship whenever he wants? The choice is "if you don't constantly acquiesce to the crybaby he'll be granted godlike powers to take away your stuff."


Rather reminds me of the sacred shark thing in KOTOR: When the entire galaxy is at risk, do you listen to the lead scientist whose plan - based upon experimentally proven work - in a worse case scenario will let you still try alternate plans, or listen to some assistant who has no support for her plan other than a hunch, a plan that, if wrong, will prevent you from trying anything else? Answer: do the second, otherwise you are following the dark side and get banished too. "Choices matter" has taught me "do the very stupid thing unless you want to be punished."


There is no nuance, there are absolutes.

There is no cunning, there is incompetence.

There is no pragmatism, there is rigidity.

There is no choice, there is only the plot force.

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Well Bioware games makes me think that everything you do in the end it does not matter you will follow your destiny with not choice to change it. But the good part is we are now the strongest individual in the galaxy.


Arcann is so tough only Darth Maul is tougher.


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I'm taking bets that Koth steals it anyways. Given that Arcann survives and Koth isn't happy about it, I'm sure at the start of Season 2 he makes off with the Gravestone if he hasn't already and that becomes canon for all.



Choices don't matter.

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